Chapter 9

Using the tip of her index finger, Jeanie playfully traced the dark edges of Kevin's nipple watching with satisfaction as it hardened under her light touch.

"You're not asleep are you?" she drawled. Kevin, trying to fool her, didn't answer. "Okay, hmmm..." her tongue replaced her finger playing lightly over his chest. "Looky both of your little nipples are hard, Mr. Richardson," she giggled. Kevin stifled a grin. He was wide-awake, but kept his eyes closed.

"Oh, man! I hate this...I'm all sexed up and you're sound asleep," she pretended to pout. "Well, IF you were awake...which you're not...I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I helped myself." Jeanie straddled him. Kevin took a deep breath. Her hair was still wet and it was cold against his skin. She began to massage his broad shoulders, kneading away any tension whatsoever. He moaned a little. "Shhh, you'll wake yourself up," she teased.

She worked her way down, first one arm and then the next, to his large hands. She massaged every finger, kissing his fingertips. Next was his chest. However, she skipped a very vital part of his mid-section and moved to his muscular legs, first the right leg and then the left leg. Kevin felt like he'd died and gone to heaven as she forced every single muscle to relax under her hands. Eventually, she worked back up from his feet to his groin. Unable to control it, he had a full erection.

"Why, Mr. Richardson!" she purred, "Your soldier is saluting me..."

With that, Kevin burst out laughing. They both did. He rolled onto his side pulling her over with him. "God, I love you," he said. They quit laughing. That was a pretty intense statement to make on their first night together.

Jeanie knew immediately from his expression that he'd made a mistake, so she gave him an out. "I know...I love it when people give me back rubs." She could tell he was relieved.

"Roll over, gorgeous," Kevin whispered. Jeanie did as she was told, laying face down, her arms up underneath her damp pillow. In turn, Kevin began rubbing her back. His hands were strong. She relaxed and closed her eyes.

Kevin admired the gentle, sexy curves of her back as he massaged her. Using his finger, he traced her spine down to the very small of her back and then down over her buttocks. He leaned down and kissed her on her fanny. The pillow muffled her giggle. "Like that?" he said softly. She nodded. "Then you're gonna love this..."

Placing his hands on her hips, he turned her over, nuzzling her crotch. As his tongue separated her moist folds of skin, she grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her face. Kevin smiled. He pushed her legs up and looked at her. She was so pink and flushed. Using the very tip of his tongue, he tickled her. Judging by the moaning coming from beneath the pillow, he was doing a good job. He continued to lick her, almost softly caressing her with his tongue and the next minute increasing the intensity until she could hardly control her building orgasm.

He slipped his tongue into her, drinking her juices that flowed so freely. She lifted her hips up off the bed. Kevin was beginning to have a hard time holding on to her. He pulled her back down and slipped his tongue deep inside her again, making tiny circles.

"OH MY GOD!" she screamed as she exploded into a violent, forceful orgasm. With that, she bounced right off his face and right out of his hands. Kevin started laughing. She sat a good foot away now, her face flushed and looking dazed as if she wasn't quite sure what happened or how she got there.

"Quit laughing at me," she giggled.

"I'm sorry," he turned his head, but broke into laughter again. "I've never exactly had a woman umm, leave like that..." Jeanie smacked him with a bed pillow.

"Tell ya' what, pretty lady," Kevin reigned her back over to him. " lay here. I'll get on top, that way you can't bounce off and hurt yourself!"

"HA HA," she snuggled beneath his broad chest. "So, Mr. Richardson, you think you're man enough to stop me and my mighty orgasms?"

Kevin rubbed his nose against hers and kissed her mouth. "I don't want to stop them...I just want be part of them."


Kevin and Jeanie made love until the wee hours of the next morning, then slept until noon. It was the inevitable continuation of an affair of the heart they'd started years before. They weren't sure how long it would last, but they were certain it was destiny.

They were two people each on a separate road bound for greatness whose lives crossed when they least expected it.

Kevin was a man of determination. He was handsome and smart and would stop at nothing to succeed.

Jeanie was a woman of determination. A woman who had lost sight of what was important to her, but somehow managed to find herself again. There would be no stopping her now.

Whether or not they would continue their journey together or choose to take separate paths, remained to be seen. However, they knew that after this night, their lives were forever changed.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >