
Jeanie settled into a comfortable routine back in Dallas. She had strict orders from her physician: no more flying. Secretly, she was relieved. Her phone seemed to ring constantly; she was buried under with cards and email from people all wishing her the best. She was amazed at how many people knew she was pregnant and how many people cared.

A.J. helped Lindsay find a good manager taking a big load off Jeanie. She was delighted when, after their tour ended in December, A.J. spent a long weekend at the ranch with them. Jessie was like a kid with a new bike, bringing every friend she had over to show off A.J. He took it all in stride, charming as usual and affectionately referred to Jessie as "Blondie."

Kevin called almost daily and came to Dallas when he could. He never would commit to Jeanie and she never again brought up his other love.

On January 4th, Grammy nominations were announced. Jeanie gave a small party. Guests included the 3-Ms (Mac, Mike and Megan), Lindsay and A.J., Jessie and her friends, studio people from Dallas, as well as Dek Allen.

The room broke into mass hysteria when the nominations included Lindsay Connings in the category of Best Pop Female Artist as well as Best New Artist. A.J. almost knocked over a table swinging her around. Jeanie cried when the nominations for Song of the Year included "Edges of Your Heart."

The winners would be announced on February 23, 2000.


For the first time in her life Jeanie really did WANT to go to The Grammys. She was certain Lindsay would win. Lindsay's honesty, sincerity and wide-eyed innocence were like a breath of fresh air. Everyone loved Lindsay and A.J. was at the top of the list.

Megan temporarily moved her office and base of operation to Dallas for the month of February because she knew that's when the baby was due. She wouldn't depend on Kevin being there when the time came. Jeanie didn't depend on him, why should she?

A little after nine in the morning on February 23rd, Megan went to check on Jeanie. She should've been up by now. She tiptoed into the darkened room.

"It's okay, I'm awake," Jeanie mumbled. "I've been up all night." She fought to sit up.

Megan laughed and pulled her into a sitting position. "I hope to hell you haven't been laying there all this time waiting for someone to lift you up!"

"Megs, can you read my mind?" Jeanie tried to smile.

Megan grinned. "Yeah, you're thinking...go to hell, Megan. Right?"

Jeanie giggled, "Something like that. You know what?" Megan sat down on the edge of the bed. "My back hurts so bad..." Tears rolled down Jeanie's cheeks.

Megan hugged her. "Hey, hey...that's just pregnant fat-lady hormones talking." Then she thought about it. "Wait...do you need to go to the hospital?"

Wiping her tears, Jeanie nodded. "It's time, Megs."


Lindsay sat in the auditorium between Mike and Dek. Record company executives, her manager and her parents sat next to and behind them. She wished she could have sat with A.J., but the Backstreet Boys were sitting front row center. All the boys, except A.J., sat with girlfriends...including Kevin.

Mike must have read her mind. "Yo'," he laid on his thickest New York accent, "You wan I should bust his kneecaps?"

Lindsay laughed, "Would you?" She wished she would hear something. Megan called earlier from the hospital and said Jeanie was in labor. Still, there was no word.

Kevin had no idea he was about to become a father.


The birthing suite at Baylor was warm and comfortable with soft lights and soothing music.

"I'm tired...I don't want to be pregnant," Jeanie groaned as she felt another contraction coming. It was almost five o'clock. She'd been in labor all day.

"I know," Megan squeezed her hand. Mac, standing on the opposite side of the bed, looked worse than Jeanie right now. He grabbed Jeanie's other hand as she cried out from the pain.


"ME, TOO!" Megan screamed.

"ME, TOO! MEN ARE PIGS!" Mac screamed.

With that, the doctor, nurses and everyone within earshot burst out laughing. Jeanie wanted to laugh, but she couldn't...now...

The doctor, still smiling, sat down on a stool at the foot of the bed. "Okay, kids...let's have a baby..."

6 lb. 3oz. Madison Kirkpatrick was born at 5:34 p.m.


Mike's pager, set on vibration, went off around seven o'clock. He pressed the message button. The display screen glowed softly and read: IT'S A GIRL.

He passed the beeper to Lindsay who held her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. They continued to pass the beeper from person-to-person up and down the rows. People were quietly smiling and patting each other on the back.

Eventually, the beeper found its way to the front row. A.J. saw it first, spinning around to look at Lindsay. She nodded and grinned. He passed it to Nick...from there it went to Howie, Brian and then, finally, Kevin. It seemed the whole auditorium was watching as Brian wrapped his arm around his cousin's shoulders and Kevin hung his head and cried.

Kevin's date, reading the beeper, stood and walked out.


This was Lindsay's night. She won in both of her nominated categories. Jeanie was heartbroken that she missed her acceptance speech. Megan turned on the television just after ten o'clock. The show was still going on, apparently running over.

Jeanie her hair in a ponytail and wearing a pink gown was propped up in bed. Megan and Mac were propped up in bed with her, vowing they never wanted to have another baby. Little Madison had been sleeping blissfully in her crib nearby. When she stirred, Mac jumped to pick her up. "God almighty, this kid has hair!" he laughed as he gingerly placed the infant into Jeanie's loving arms. Madison was a mass of pink wrinkles and long, dark hair...she had Kevin's hair.

She kissed her tiny head. "I love you so much," she whispered. With that, Mac started crying.

"Shush you two," Megan pretended to scold. The final nominations were being read for Song of the Year. They held their breath.

"The Grammy for Song of the Year goes to: "Edges of Your Heart," Jeanie Kirkpatrick and Mike Levine, Songwriters; Dek Allen, Producer; Lindsay Connings, Artist."

The auditorium exploded, the audience jumping to their feet. A.J., unable to restrain himself any longer, rushed to Lindsay as she sat in her seat crying. Mike, Dek and A.J. pulled her to her feet and they made the slow walk toward the stage. Every step they took, they were being hugged and grabbed and congratulated.

In Dallas, the quiet hospital room also erupted. Nurses who had filled the room were hugging and kissing each other. Megan, Mike and Jeanie couldn't believe it. Tiny little Madison, not appreciating all the commotion around her, opened her sleepy eyes, trying to focus.

Jeanie felt like her heart would explode with pride as Mike, Lindsay and Dek walked across the stage and accepted their statues. The guys stepped back to give Lindsay first shot at the thank you. Just as she began to speak, a tall and very handsome man in the front row stood up. He looked briefly at Brian and A.J. and smiled. They could read it in his eyes. Kevin had finally made the decision they'd all prayed he would make. He slowly made his way toward the stage.

The auditorium fell silent.

Jeanie cried as she watched Kevin brush a tear from his cheek as he made his way to the podium. "Madison, look! That's your Daddy," she whispered.

Lindsay stepped back and handed Kevin Jeanie's Grammy. He leaned close to the microphone, clearing his throat. "My-my fiancee, Jeanie Kirkpatrick, can't be here tonight. As most of you already know, she was a little busy having our baby this afternoon..."

The audience laughed a little and then applauded.

Kevin looked into the television camera. "Jeanie, baby, I know you're watching. I just wanted to say that...I love you," Kevin looked toward the Boys in the front row and returned their smiles. He held up her Grammy and continued, "Jeanie...I'm coming home."


The End


Want more?  Read the next part in the trilogy, “Broken Promises & Lies


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