Chapter 1

Lindsay Connings was one of Jeanie’s best friends. She was a talented recording artist and also the better half of A.J. McLean for almost a year now.

“No…why? She’s in Florida with A.J., right?”

Kevin had a funny feeling Lindsay was no longer in Florida. He also had a feeling she would never be with A.J. again. Not after last night.

Lindsay Connings was twenty-one years old and she was a star. She had no idea it would be this hard. She didn’t mind the hours or work. It was all the crap that hung heavy like dense fog, day in and day out that bothered Lindsay. It was press. It was being homesick. It was traveling and traveling and traveling.

She sat in the front seat of the rental car parked outside Jeanie and Kevin’s. She been there for almost thirty-minutes, sitting in the dark and wondering if she should go in, go home, or go back to A.J.

Any other time, any other problem and Lindsay would have beaten a path to Jeanie’s door. Jeanie was her pseudo-mom and big sister, confidante and teacher. She couldn’t imagine life without her. She loved her and she knew without a shadow of a doubt, that Jeanie Kirkpatrick-Richardson loved her back.

This wasn’t just Lindsay’s problem. She couldn’t confide in her friend what had happened because Jeanie would want to know everything…and everything included Kevin.

Lindsay had been on a video shoot in New York. The shoot was scheduled for Thursday and Friday and Lindsay planned on spending the weekend with her parents and family. A.J. said he understood…he’d pick her up at the airport when got home on Sunday night.

She didn’t realize that her parents weren’t in New York. They were on vacation in The Bahamas. So she visited with friends on Friday night and Saturday, then opted for an earlier flight home and left for Orlando early Saturday evening. She tried to call A.J. before she left, but the answering service picked up.

Lindsay took a cab from the airport. By the time she got home, A.J. was there. So was Kevin. In fact, there were several automobiles parked in the circular drive. Apparently, he was giving a party because music could be heard all the way outside.

She paid the cab driver and told him to keep the change and wrestled with her two suitcases. “Screw this!” she muttered, and left them on the front porch vowing to send one of the guys back for them.

When she unlocked door and walked into the foyer, she realized she was right. A.J. was having a party. What shocked her were the guests: no men…only women. She quietly walked to the patio and pool… two women were skinny-dipping in the pool, but no A.J. and no Kevin.

Lindsay didn’t say a word. She took the stairs three at a time and burst through the bedroom door. She knew what she would find before she ever walked in, but had to look anyway.

A.J. was there as was Kevin. They were in the company of two very well endowed naked women.

“So, this is what a foursome looks like…” she muttered and she stormed from the room.

A.J. and Kevin couldn’t catch her and even if they did, they never would have stopped her. Not tonight after what she had just seen.

They were both standing in the driveway screaming for her to stop as peeled down the drive and out onto the quiet street.

Lindsay left A.J.’s car at the airport. In fact, she’d left her bags sitting on the front porch. She had no luggage. All she had was credit cards and broken heart.

She didn’t know where to go or what to do. All she could think of was coming “home” to Texas. Now that she was here, she couldn’t make herself go in.

Her cell phone rang again. She looked digital display. It was A.J. She turned off the phone.

Lindsay leaned her head back on the leather seat and closed her eyes. For so long, she’d worshipped the ground A.J. McLean walked on. He was first lover…he’d been her only lover. She knew A.J. had been with other women, but she trusted that once they’d moved in together all that was over.

She was wrong. And Kevin...

For years, Lindsay angrily watched as he lived and loved his away around the world and Jeanie Kirkpatrick blindly trusted him. Jeanie loved him that much. There was a time when Lindsay admired that kind of devotion. It was true love and blind faith and somehow, in the end, it was happily ever after. Jeanie got the guy of her dreams and they had a beautiful baby daughter as proof of their love and devotion to each other.


Kevin was with another woman.

Tears welled in Lindsay’s dark eyes as the reality hit her. There is no such thing as a happy ending. If Jeanie, who loved Kevin more than life itself, couldn’t hold on to him and make it work, how in the hell would Lindsay ever hold on to what she A.J. shared?

All Lindsay had ever wanted was A.J. She didn’t need the fame, she was famous in her own right. She didn’t want his money, she had plenty of money. The only thing she’d ever wanted from him was love. She wanted his love…

She wiped her smudged mascara with a tissue she found in the bottom of purse. Taking a deep breath she started the car and pulled slowly toward the ranch.

Hopefully, the baby was already down for the night. Hopefully, Jess was on a date or out with her friends. Hopefully, Lindsay beat Kevin home.

Wasted love, wasted time, and wasted energy. A.J. didn’t want her…

If losing A.J. wasn’t bad enough, now she had to tell her best friend that the man she worshipped wasn’t any better than A.J.

Lindsay knew her love for A.J. wasn’t strong enough to endure this kind of pain.

After everything Jeanie had been through, would she still love Kevin?

For the first time, Lindsay had her doubts….

< Broken Promises & Lies >