Chapter 10

Only the bathroom light remained on, a tiny beacon shining through the slightly opened door. Jeanie lay on her back and Nick on his side. The radio softly serenaded them. They were acutely aware of their breathing, shallow and rapid, partly from fear, but mostly from lustful anticipation.

This was insane. Nick was almost ten years her junior…closer to Jessie’s age than Jeanie’s age. Nick was one of Kevin’s best friends. Nick was like family.

“Forget all that stuff, Tex,” he murmured and bit gently down on her shoulder.

“What stuff?”

“I know what you’re thinking. Look…” he propped himself up on one elbow. “We’re a long way from home, nobody ever has to know about this. I won’t tell. We can stop right now, but I don’t think you really want to. I think you want it as much as I do. I just think you’ve got a lot of garbage you’re dragging into this. Don’t. Let go, baby… just let go.”

Cheek to cheek, he began to nuzzle her. Nick was wearing cologne or possibly after shave. She remembered a press conference where he denied wearing anything except deodorant. Jeanie couldn’t help but smile, wondering if he’d worn it for her benefit. “You smell good,” she murmured.

Nick continued to cuddle her cheek, kissing her tenderly here or there. Her fingertips traced his new tattoo and she felt him shudder slightly under her gentle touch then groan as he impatiently pressed his throbbing erection against her bare skin.

Nick’s youthful clumsiness was slightly reminiscent of an awkward first date or passionate lovemaking in the back seat of a parked car. Only this time, there was no curfew or risk of being busted by an amused police officer shining his flashlight on two half-dressed teenagers.

Jeanie had nothing to lose, not really. Kevin didn’t want her. He wanted other women and consciously made the choice to carry out his fantasies. He told her he’d made wrong choices. However, instead of trying to work through it, he sealed his decisions by buying an expensive new home and bedding every dancer and super model he could get his hands on. Jeanie had nothing lose.

If she was going to do this, she would make it a night Nick Carter would never forget. She would guide him and teach him and pleasure him probably in ways he’d never experienced before. She was a woman who learned from the best…Kevin Richardson. And now…she would pass her expertise on to his young friend.

Cupping his face in her soft hands, she slowly traced his full lips with her tongue and then plunged her tongue deep into his hungry mouth. Tiny beads of salty perspiration clung just above his upper lip. She could feel his rock-hard erection dancing and twitching against her stomach. “He’s never gonna make it,” she thought to herself. Then she remembered that at Nick’s age, he could not only make it, but also make several comebacks.

She mischievously pinched and massaged his sensitive nipples and methodically worked her way down, slipping her hand around the base of his thick shaft, stroking and squeezing him. Gently at first, then harder. A tiny dribble of precum oozed onto his stomach eliciting a guttural moan as he fought to stave off sweet orgasm. Jeanie flashed him a tiny smile and a little wink as she playfully licked his sticky stomach.

“Oh God,” he muttered as she teased the tip of his penis with her velvety tongue. “Oh God.” Nick was almost whimpering as she bathed his length and then continued to tickle and tease alternating with playful nips. She carefully cupped his testicles and began to massage them and held his erection with her other hand, slowly and carefully taking him into her warm mouth. He writhed, shivering and grabbing for a pillow.

She eased off of him and put her own finger into her mouth.

“Keep going, don’t stop…” he begged, transfixed by her every provocative movement. He was bewitched by her beauty and hypnotized by her seduction. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“I don’t plan on stopping, baby…” she replied in a throaty whisper. Taking her time, she forced her moistened finger up into him, pausing to let his tight sphincter muscles relax and give way, until he was ready to accept more of her slender fingers. He began to grind into her hand, around and around. Arching his back, his hips jerked a little and Nick frantically tangled his hands in her blonde hair, Her fingers still deep inside him, Jeanie gently guided and pulled him up to her mouth and growled, “Come to momma, Nick…”

< Broken Promises & Lies >