Chapter 11

Now that he was here, Kevin was scared to death. His attorneys advised him against handling this in person, but he felt he had to. He couldn’t turn this over to a total stranger.

Mac had given him Jeanie’s hotel and room number. He unfolded the papers. There were yellow sticky notes, sign here or sign there. Pages upon pages of legal mumbo-jumbo. Even HE didn't understand it, but was assured by his attorneys that it was fair.

He would simply tell her that he loved her. He was sorry that he’d let her and Madi down, give her the divorce papers and leave.

Neither one of them could ever get on with life until they quit living for each other. He needed to cut her loose. She deserved a life and deserved happiness. He owed Jeanie that much.


It was the first night in a long, long time that Jeanie actually slept. There were no nightmares of Kevin or the baby, just peaceful, much-needed sleep. Perhaps it was because Nick held her all night and she felt safe or perhaps it was because for the first time since Kevin left she opened her heart and actually talked about what had happened.

It was sometime in the early predawn hours. Nick was half-dozing and Jeanie was affectionately stroking his hair as he slept.

“Nick…about tonight…”

His eyes fluttered and he mumbled, “What? Nothing happened, right?” He rolled over to face her. “Jeanie… Look…you want to forget this happened, I understand. You want to tell the world…I’d understand. What I won’t do, is go back on my word to you. I told you I wouldn’t tell anyone and I won’t. So don’t worry about that. Okay?” He wrapped his arms around her.

“Thank you,” she whispered as he reigned her in.

“Can I ask you a question though?”

“I may not answer, but you can ask…” she gently teased as she burrowed into his strong embrace.

“You still love Kev?” He could feel her immediately tense up. She was silent for so long, he was beginning to think she wasn’t kidding. Eventually, she did answer him and when she did it was in the form of anguished, embittered tears.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized as she tried to regain control. “Nick…” Her voice was pensive and despondent. “I hurt so bad, sometimes I think the pain will kill me. It’s Kevin…it’s the baby…it’s everything,” she broke down again.

“The baby? Madi?”

“No…” she wept.

“Are you pregnant?”

“No, not anymore…” He pulled back to look at her. She was absolutely grief-stricken, crying almost inconsolably.

“Kevin doesn’t know?” Nick drew her tightly against him. “Shh, it’s gonna be okay…somehow.” Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure how.

“How could I tell him? If I did and he came home, I would always wonder if he was there because of pity. What was I supposed to do? Nick, nobody and I mean nobody knows the heartache I went through when I was alone and pregnant with Madi. Even after he KNEW I was pregnant, he wouldn’t commit to us.”

“Jeanie…I’m sorry.” Nick’s blue eyes welled with tears.

“Me too, Nick. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to love him. I want to be mad. I’m hurt. I’m humiliated. He waltzed into my life, turned it upside down and walked out and left me alone to straighten it all out…” Despite all the pent-up emotion and grief, no anger registered in her voice…just lonely despair. Nick felt like his heart was breaking just holding her.

“You know, you never answered me…” he kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

“Nick, I have all this love…for him,” she had to stop for a moment, “…I am so full of love for Kevin that I don't even know what to do with it all…”

Nick and the other guys had been furious with Kevin before, but now Nick wanted to kick his ass around the block. He knew he wouldn’t and couldn’t, but he wished he could.

Eventually, Jeanie cried herself to sleep. He wouldn’t let her escape his embrace. It’s all he knew to do…


It was sometime around eleven when the phone rang. Nick finally had to let her up to answer the phone.

“What? Are you serious,” Jeanie fought desperately to wake up. Nick groaned and pulled a pillow tightly over his head. “Okay…let me get a shower. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

She sat stunned, holding the receiver in her hand, she wasn’t even aware that Nick was massaging her lower back and talking to her.

“Is everything okay?” He sat up and kissed her shoulder.

“Yeah. We need to get over to the bungalow.” She headed toward the bathroom.

“Did something happen?”

“It’s A.J. and Lindsay…they’re getting married tonight.”


Kevin stood just outside in the hall. He was about to knock when Nick opened the door. The two men stood silent for a minute.

“What are you doing here?” Kevin asked quietly.

Nick was stunned. The last person he expected to run into was Kevin. He wouldn't break his promise to Jeanie...

“Nothing. Lindsay asked me to check on her, that’s all. She overslept and everybody got worried.” Before he could ask Kevin what HE was doing there, Jeanie came to the door.

No words were exchanged as Kevin and Jeanie’s soulful gazes met. Finally, Kevin broke their silence. “I need to give this to you. You…” he had to look away for moment to get the courage to continue. “Um, you don’t have to sign this right now, just read it and let Karen look at it.”

As soon as Kevin mentioned her attorney, Karen, Jeanie panicked, terrified he was going to try and take Madison from her. She tore open the envelope. Nick, visibly uncomfortable, walked away, trying desperately to give them privacy.

She quickly scanned the first page then the next…then began flipping through the large document. “These are divorce papers?” Jeanie couldn’t believe what she was reading.

“I’m sorry. I…” Kevin forgot his rehearsed speech. He didn’t know what to say as the harsh reality of what he was doing washed over them both.

That strength or “inner fire” as Mac put it, was never more apparent than that foggy Saturday morning. With as much quiet dignity as she could muster, Jeanie walked to the desk and sat down. She calmly began signing and initialing. Nick’s jaw dropped, he couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Tears inched down Kevin’s cheeks.

When she was finished, she folded the papers back up and walked to where Kevin remained standing just inside the door.

“Don’t you want to read this first…” he whispered.

Jeanie looked at him. She studied his facial features. Even at his worst, he was handsome. She’d often wondered how they would age…together.

For their all-too-short time together, there had been good times. Most of them were tiny treasures disguised as simple everyday activities. Stupid little things that were now precious memories like chasing Kevin through the house with one of Madi’s dirty diapers…silly, silly memories.

She held her hand to his cheek and brushed his tears away. “I don’t need to read it…” she whispered. “I trust you…I’ve always trusted you.”

< Broken Promises & Lies >