Chapter 15

“Oh Megs, I’m not sure about this…” Before Sean returned to Los Angeles, he did get his pictures. Even Jeanie, as self-conscious and shy as she was, had to admit they were good.

The photos of Madi’s first steps were personal and Jeanie would not grant permission for those pictures to be used for publicity.

The shot Meg and Sean agreed to release to the magazine was simple. The photo was in black and white. Jeanie was leaning against the rough wood of the old barn out back wearing a white shirt that was barely buttoned up, worn Levis, unzipped to reveal her small tattoo, and a pair of scuffed cowboy boots. The article began: “Jeanie Kirkpatrick…She stepped right off the edge Kevin Richardson’s heart and miraculously landed on both feet. How do you survive loving and losing a Backstreet Boy? This tiny Texan, with two more Grammy nominations in the bag as well as an Oscar nomination for her collaborative efforts with songwriter Mike Levine, is not only holding her own, but as they say in The Lonestar State…she’s kickin’ ass.”

Jeanie agreed to do the article as long as it was understood that she would not discuss Kevin. She’d answer questions about her career and some about her life, but nothing about him. Because “Broken Promises,” was recorded by the BSBs and on their upcoming album, she did consent to talk a little about the song. The reporter was agreeable to her conditions. Generally speaking, the article was fine. It was the introduction…the hook that worried Jeanie. It never occurred her to worry about the pictures.

Meg furnished the magazine with four photographs. The one at the barn, one at a party with Linds, A.J. and Nick, one with Jeanie and Mike, and the last photograph, Meg’s personal favorite. Sean photographed Jeanie at home sitting on the floor. Nick was lying on the floor on his back behind her with his knees up. Madi was sitting on his chest and both Nick and Madi were laughing. They made the perfect backdrop for Jeanie, who sat in front of Nick and leaned back against his legs. The photograph literally screamed, “I’m okay…” Megan loved it.

Kevin had his suspicions about Nick and Jeanie, but never really had any proof. Every chance Nick had, he’d “disappear” to Texas. Kevin would casually inquire to his whereabouts and be politely told by the guys that Nick was big boy.

It was when Kevin saw the magazine that he no longer had any doubt. Nick was having an affair with his wife and playing daddy to his daughter…Kevin was so angry, he was afraid he would kill him.


They were in rehearsal for the new tour. Kevin was late. That was unusual… everyone milled around, went over a few vocals and tried to reach him by cell phone, but he didn’t answer.

When he hit the door, they knew something was terribly wrong. There was no hesitation and no warning as he strode up to Nick and forcefully shoved him backward and to the stage floor.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Everyone scrambled to grab him as he dove toward Nick. Kevin was a man possessed. Nick rolled and scrambled away from him and tried to put some distance between the two men. He had a feeling he knew what was wrong.

Kevin pulled the folded magazine from his back pocket and flung it across the stage. “This…is what’s wrong with me!”

Brian picked it up. Several members of the band held Kevin back as he continued to try and break free and get to Nick. They all looked at the article. Collectively, they looked at Kevin in disbelief. “So?”

“Are you seeing my wife?” Kevin could hardly speak he was shaking so hard.

Nick dusted his pants off and pulled his cap farther down over his eyes. He stood eye to eye with Kevin and answered defiantly, “I’m seeing Jeanie Kirkpatrick. She aint your wife, remember?” His voice was sarcastic and his speech well prepared. He always knew that one day Kevin would confront him. He took a defensive step back as Kevin made another lunge. “You divorced her. You left her. You left your kid. Don’t crawl my ass because you fucked up.” Nick turned his back and walked off.

Kevin could hardly hold back the angry tears. Nick’s words were like acid being thrown on him. He clenched his teeth and tried to get control.

Brian did his best to calm him down, but it seemed to only anger him more. Finally, A.J. had seen enough. “Kevin, what exactly is pissing you off, man? Are you mad at Nick or at yourself? Or are you just pissed off because you can’t deal with the guilt? Or maybe you’re embarrassed. Maybe it’s got nothing to do with Nick or Jeanie, but that your holier-than-thou image is tarnished. Get over it, Kevin. You’ve gotten everything you asked for, so knock this shit off.”

They were all stunned after A.J.’s tirade. They were even more stunned that despite his anger, A.J. not only conveyed all of their opinions but also made sense. Nick sat in a chair near the door, his face red, trying to get control. He didn’t want to fight with Kevin, but he wouldn’t back down either.

A.J. knew he was in Kevin’s personal space and both men were clearly uncomfortable, but it was A.J. and Kevin that started this whole nightmare, and by God, Kevin better listen to him.

“Man, I don’t know what you want to hear, but this is what I know. Jeanie has never, ever said a bad thing about you or what you did. Her story has always been the same. She loves you. She’s told every single one of us that…including Nick.”

A.J. jerked his thumb in Nick’s direction, “And you know what? Nick loves her enough that he lets her keep on loving you. Think about that! Would you do that? I couldn’t and I don’t think you could. Nick does. You oughta be thanking him for being there when she had nobody!”

Kevin took a deep breath. He could barely speak, “I want her back…I just want her back…”

A.J. looked at Nick then back at Kevin. “Then you better get to work and pray it’s not too late.”

< Broken Promises & Lies >