Chapter 2

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Jeanie hugged Linds again. Secretly, after her conversation with Kevin, Jeanie half-expected that she’d hear from Lindsay, but was surprised when she showed up on her doorstep.

Lindsay grinned. It felt good to be “home”… her second home. She looked around the media room. It looked a lot different than when she lived here. Baby toys and pacifiers were scattered everywhere.

“Jeanie, do you and Kevin own stock in baby gates?” she giggled. “It’s like a damn obstacle course trying to walk through your house!”

Jeanie hugged her again. “I wish we did! Lindsay, I know for a fact, I was never like Madison. I was so laid back. I can’t imagine Kevin being like that either. She’s so fast. It’s like she’s on baby-speed or something!” Jeanie giggled. “You’ll see…she reminds me of the cartoon roadrunner. It scares me because she’s already trying to pull up on stuff, once she starts walking…my God…”

Lindsay retrieved a soda from the bar. “Where’s the lady who helps you out?”

“Off. I thought Kevin was coming home this weekend. I’m so screwed up on my days.” Jeanie began toss Fisher Price toys into a Madi's playpen. When Lindsay didn’t answer, she glanced back at her young friend. Lindsay was crying.

“Linds! Baby…” Jeanie rushed to the bar and put her arms around her. “What’s going on? Did you and A.J. have a fight?”

“No…” That was an honest answer. They didn't fight.

Before Jeanie could pin her down, Jess started screaming from the hall. “Look out! Here she comes! If it aint edible pick it up! Quick!”

Madison, buck-naked and crawling, came tearing into the room. She never looked up.

Lindsay was shocked. She thought Jeanie was kidding…she burst out laughing.

“Jessica! Where are her clothes?” Jeanie yelled.

Jessie trotted into the room. She looked more like Jeanie’s daughter than Madison did. She was blonde with hazel eyes, but much shorter than Jeanie. Seeing Lindsay, her “big sister” she started shrieking. “Oh my God!”

Lindsay laughed. “What are you doing home? I thought you’d be out on date.”

Jessie rolled her eyes. “Grounded.”


“Cause my aunt is mean.” Her voice was heavy with sarcasm.

“Go on, tell her Jess…tell her why I’m so mean.” Jeanie walked to the French doors leading outside, picked up Madison and turned her around. Like a wind-up toy, she took off in a new direction.

“Okay, so my new boyfriend is a little older…okay, so like maybe he’s twenty-one,” she groaned.

“Are you crazy, you dumb ass!” Lindsay slapped her on the arm.

“Hey, I’m having emotional issues because of stupid Brian, okay? You guys don’t understand. There aint no hurt, like Backstreet Boy hurt.” Jess flopped down in an overstuffed chair.

Jeanie and Lindsay looked at each other. That was definitely something they understood. “Do me a favor, get Madi’s pajamas on, okay?” Madison was taking a break and chewing on a plastic CD case.

Jess picked her up and tucked Madison under her arm like a football and off they went, Madi's tiny little naked bottom bouncing up and down.

“You’ve got your hands full, Jeanie…” Lindsay giggled. “You know why Madi’s like that, don’t you?” she said softly. “Think about when you were pregnant. You flew all over the world trying to keep up with Kevin. The kid has a built-in need for speed!”

Jeanie laughed, then looked like she would almost cry. “I know…I’m so tired, Linds. I wish Kevin was here.” She closed her eyes and leaned back on the couch.

Seeing Jeanie trying to juggle a baby, a teenager, a career, a life and still loving Kevin, hit Linds hard. She knew she didn’t have the heart to tell Jeanie about what he’d done.

Tomorrow, she would tell her about A.J., and maybe together they could figure it out. Lindsay slipped her arms around her. The two women sat quietly on the sofa; no words were spoken.

The nice thing about real friendship is that you don’t have to talk. Silence speaks volumes. A real friend will always hear you loud and clear.

Jeanie instinctively knew that Lindsay’s heart was broken. Loud and clear.

< Broken Promises & Lies >