Chapter 3

The house was quiet. Madi had finally crawled herself into infant exhaustion. Thankfully, when she did sleep she usually slept straight through until morning. Jess was in her room, no doubt on the phone.

Jeanie tried to call Kevin before going to sleep, maybe he could tell her what was going on. Unfortunately, he didn’t answer either of his phones. After a hot shower, she went straight to bed and was almost asleep when Lindsay knocked on her bedroom door.

“Hey…this sounds stupid, but can I sleep in here with you tonight?” She sat down on the end of the bed, her long dark hair falling down over one shoulder.

“You know you can,” Jeanie pulled the covers back and Lindsay gratefully climbed in. After she’d settled in, Jeanie got her courage up. “Babe, you want to tell me what’s wrong? I can’t imagine A.J. doing anything this bad. Not really…” she rolled onto her side to face her friend. “Not unless he was with another woman…”

Lindsay remained silent.

“Oh, no Lindsay…he didn’t?” Jeanie whispered and reigned Lindsay into her loving arms. “Oh, baby…”

When Lindsay finally broke down and cried, she cried for hours. All Jeanie knew to do was hold her and stroke her hair as Lindsay came to terms with her pain. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep in Jeanie's embrace.


Lindsay never had to break the news to Jeanie about Kevin. By noon on Monday, her phone was ringing nonstop. Mac called. Megan, her publicist, called. Mike called. Reporters called, friends called. The story was spreading like wildfire. Apparently, some of the boys’ guests were angry when they were asked to leave after the incident with Lindsay. They were selling their story to anyone and everyone. Jeanie could only imagine the damage control going on.

Megan was running interference for Jeanie as much as possible. To everyone’s shock, Jeanie kept smiling. She seemed tired and a little reserved. She never mentioned Kevin and acted like nothing had happened.

Lindsay refused to talk to him, but A.J. did call over and over. Kevin did not call.

The nanny was there to help with the baby. Jess was a perfect child…she knew better than act up right now.

Jeanie kept smiling. Everyone was worried about her. While Linds had spent all day in bed crying, Jeanie worked quietly in her office. She answered fan mail. Paid bills. Worked on a new song.

Lupe cooked enough food for an army. It was the only way she knew to make things better. She made every single thing she knew the girls liked, including chocolate chip cookies and chewy brownies.

After dinner, Jeanie quietly retreated back to the sanctuary of her office and shut the door. She looked around the softly lit, comfortable room. Her safe room. No children allowed...ever. Awards and plaques were grouped together and hung on the wall behind her credenza. Trade magazines were stacked near the sofa. Pictures...lots of pictures to document her career, her life and her family. Wedding pictures, baby pictures.

She had to stay calm for the kids’ sake, but she didn’t how much longer she could keep it up.

Because she knew Kevin would be here any minute. This time, he would come…


A little after nine o’clock there was tap on her office door and Kevin opened it a few inches. She felt as if her heart was going to explode.

The first thing she noticed was how tired he looked. He sat down on the sofa. She could feel his stare on her back as she worked. She liked this new song. It was good…she felt good about it. She was anxious to talk to Mike.

“Jeanie…look at me.” Kevin could speak annoyingly slow when he was trying to make a point. His accent thickened as his cadence slowed. His voice was soft and barely audible. He ached to hold her. To pick her up and carry her to their bed and make love to her. To prove to her that he was sorry and that he loved her. If he could just touch her, she'd know...

Instead, she ignored him.

“Baby, please say something. Yell, something, but don’t shut me out…” Kevin walked to her and lay his hand on her shoulder. She pulled away from him. In desperation, he grabbed both of her shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

“Let go," she quietly demanded. He would not release his grip.

“Not until you talk to me." He was almost begging now.

“What am I supposed to say?” It felt as if every single syllable had to be forced from her very soul. She was choking on rancid, bittersweet memories and from pain she felt so deeply that she could barely speak.

“Tell me I don’t deserve you. Tell me to go to hell. Just please don’t do this…this isn’t you, Jeanie. You don’t hide behind walls.” Tears welled in his green eyes.

Jeanie closed her eyes and tried to get control. “I have never loved a man the" Her chin quivered. "But right now...I hate you. I hate that you thought so little of my love and our life that you...” Jeanie couldn't even say the words. Kevin released his grip.

She leveled her green eyes at him. Her voice was restrained and choppy as she delivered a blow to Kevin he would never forget.“What about our precious little baby…how do I explain this to her? Because someday…” Jeanie shook uncontrollably now. The small, restrained trickle of pain had turned into a raging river of rampant emotions. There would be no stopping this flood of heartache.

“Someday she’s going to want to know why she doesn’t have a Daddy…why her famous Daddy isn’t here. Shall I tell her the truth? What shall I tell her, Kevin?”

“I made a mistake, but I would never leave. I love you, both. You know that Jeanie. I love Madi...I love you...” Tears broke free and inched down his cheeks.

“I don’t know anything about you, Kevin. I don't know you at all.”

“Jeanie, I love you…I’m sorry…” he begged. “I’ll be always be here for Madi and for you…”

“No you won’t.” She turned her back on him. “Get out, Kevin.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Get out. Get the fuck out of my house. Get the fuck out of my life and out of Madi’s life. You get your shit together, then you call my attorney and she’ll work out visitation.”

“Baby, don’t…you don’t mean this…”

“Do you remember me telling you in New Orleans to never mistake my kindness or my love for stupidity? I was serious then and I’m serious now...get out, Kevin.”

When he'd left the room, Jeanie sank to the floor, holding both hands tightly over her mouth to stifle her screams. She wanted to run after him and tell him that she loved him...she didn't mean it...beg him to stay, but she wouldn't.

Broken promises and lies this time will finally set you free
Broken promises were all you gave to me...


Kevin stood in the nursery. He loved this room, especially at night. He closed the door and walked to Madi's crib. She was still awake. Her gently lifted her up. “Shhhh…” Kevin kissed her on the top of her sweet-smelling head.

Sitting down in the rocking chair, he slowly rocked her back and forth. A revolving lantern-type lamp with star cutouts on the sides slowly turned on the dresser giving off the images of a hundred twinkling stars on the dark ceiling.

Madi watched his every move, occasionally kicking and holding her feet…anything to stave off the sandman. The gentle motion of the rocker and her Daddy's soft voice eventually lulled her into angelic slumbar still holding fast to her Daddy’s hand. Kevin tried desperately to fill his senses with the beauty of this child. She had Daddy’s dark hair and Mommy’s tiny little rosebud mouth. He kissed her little hand as she maintained her grip on his finger.

As Madi slept, he softly serenaded her. “It’s not that I can’t live without you, it’s just that I don’t even want to try…” Those lyrics had never been more true than tonight.

“Madi, I love your mom,” he cried. "I can't lose you, I can't lose Mommy."

< Broken Promises & Lies >