Chapter 5

The first thing thirty-five year old Sean Davies noticed about Jeanie was her child-like vulnerability. Whether she knew it or not, she wore it like a badge of honor. Megan Woods had given him a thumbnail sketch of Jeanie. She was almost thirty, one-half of the very successful song writing team of Kirkpatrick/Levine. She juggled a career and being a single mother and was still reeling from the catastrophic break-up with the love of her life. He wasn’t sure what to expect…he’d seen a few pictures of her, but not many. It always amazed him when he met “stars” in person. They weren’t larger than life at all. Jeanie was a perfect example. She timid, shy and refused to make eye contact with him.

He had his work cut out for him with Jeanie. She had no idea that Megan had arranged this photo shoot. It was Sean’s reputation that landed him this opportunity. It was his reputation that made him one of THE most sought-after photographers in Los Angeles. Sean had a way of photographing your soul. He never took a bad photograph.

The first thing Jeanie noticed about Sean was that he was a dead-ringer for Kevin. At first glance, she thought he WAS Kevin. Sean was a little older, a tiny bit shorter, and had crystal blue eyes…everything else seemed to be the same. It was unnerving to her…she couldn’t look at him.

“Tex, this is Sean Davies. THE Sean Davies,” Megan let go of Jeanie’s hand and slipped her arm around her waist. She was scared she’d leave. Until today, Megan hadn’t really noticed the resemblance. Even Megan found it unnerving.

Jeanie smiled and extended her hand. “I’m so glad you’re doing Lindsay’s shoot, I’ve heard such good things about you.”

“Well, Lindsay’s going to make my job very easy,” he grinned. Lindsay blushed, but Jeanie could tell she was terribly flattered. “This is what we have planned…”

Sean outlined his “vision” for Lindsay’s photographs. She was on cloud nine. Watching her honest reaction to fame gave Jeanie immense pleasure. She was almost glad that she’d come. Lindsay still suffered the effects of losing A.J., but she was light years ahead of Jeanie when it came to bouncing back. Right now, despite A.J. McLean, her life was good. She had a “date” with Mark, a new record moving up Billboard, the premier of her latest video would be on MTV this week and now, she was being photographed by Sean Davies. Sean’s clients included everyone from movie stars like Bruce Willis and Lauren Bacall to musicians. He’d photographed Streisand and Mariah. He’d even photographed the President. Now, he was going to photograph her…and Jeanie. Only Jeanie didn’t know it yet.

“Do you ladies have plans tonight?” Sean took a small sip of his drink. “I’d like to spend a little time with you before the shoot…Lindsay.” It was important that he “know” his clients…just a bit.

“Lindsay does!” Jeanie teased. Lindsay blushed and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t either, not really. We’re going to meet up in the club in the hotel. That’s all. Come with us, Sean!”

“Sounds fun. What time?” He watched Jeanie’s reaction. She seemed to slip back into her cocoon.

“Mmm, I don’t know. How about ten?” Lindsay glanced nervously across the table. “That okay, Jeanie? After dinner?”

“Tell you what, let me take you three out for dinner. Then we’ll stop back by the club. How’s that?” Sean covered Jeanie’s hand with his, trying to offer her a little reassurance. “I don’t bite, Tex,” he gently teased.

“Oh,” she seemed embarrassed. “No, no. Um, I’m just tired I guess.”

“Then we’ll get you to bed early. I promise.” He stood up and offered Jeanie his hand. “I’ll pick you up around seven tonight. Okay?”

“Okay…” she said quietly.

The three women watched as he made his way from the outdoor patio. Megan and Lindsay looked at Jeanie and simultaneously said, “Wahooo! You got a date…”

< Broken Promises & Lies >