Chapter 8

“It’s electronic ticketing, right? Just show I.D.?” Kevin paced the huge bedroom. He needed furniture. He knew a decorator, but he didn’t have the time or the commitment to start furnishing his new house. It was a mansion by all definitions, but it wasn’t home. Home was music blaring from Jessie’s room, Lupe arguing with the gardeners, Jeanie barefoot and in cut-offs, and everyone watching their step as Madison roared through the house underfoot. It was the smell of damp hay early in the morning as they saddled up the horses at sunrise. It was waking in the middle of the night to Jeanie’s delicately scented arm outstretched over his back or chest as they slept.

There had been so many times lately that he ached to feel her, but she wasn’t there. Their lives were always too busy or they were always too tired. She wasn’t in a position to travel with him. Not with Jessie and certainly not with Madison. She had a career that she would never relinquish. Besides, he would never ask her to give up what she loved. He wouldn’t give up his career, how could ask her to?

He loved his wife. Life was never better than when he made love to Jeanie. The problem was time and distance and too many lonely nights. She made it better than he did. Madi and Jessie kept her so busy that she hardly missed him. Kevin didn’t do as well.

So, he looked elsewhere. It was more than easy to find women who would accommodate his desires. He knew it wasn’t right, but somewhere deep inside he justified it. With the skill of a surgeon, he could analytically dissect it and separate it from his love for his family and home life. That was, until he got caught.

Cell phone in hand, he roamed room to room. The new house was massive and sterile and hauntingly quiet. He eventually ended up in his recording studio. Sheet music was spread out, as were cassette tapes of demos for the new album. He picked up a tape, glancing at the J-card…song title, songwriter, publishing info… how many of these had Jeanie and Mike submitted over the years? Thousands. He smiled…those two were prolific when it came to their craft.

Kevin closed his eyes for a moment, letting his head fall back a little. Frustrated, he angrily slung the tape across the studio, watching the plastic case pop and shatter as it hit the wall.

He needed to pack. His reservations were for very early the next morning. His destination: New Providence Island, Bahamas.


A.J. sat quietly by pool. It was the middle of night. Nick and Jeanie had finally convinced him to leave the club. Call it a day. As Jeanie put it, “Pull your wagons in a circle, cowboy, regroup and think about a plan of attack.” He was so drunk when she said it that he had no idea what she was talking about. Now, as he sat alone and tried to figure out what do next, he understood.

Lindsay watched A.J. from the gate. At first, she thought he might have fallen asleep because he was so still. She should already be in bed. Sean cautioned her, no drinking and to get a good nights sleep or the camera would only chronicle her hangover. The latch on the fence squeaked a little as she entered the pool area. A.J., lost in thought, never heard her as she quietly approached him from behind.

She loved him so much.

She reached out one hand and gently lay it on his shoulder. She wasn’t sure what to say. She wasn’t sure she could even look at him and not have vivid flashbacks of that terrible night. However, she was sure that she loved him.

He sat for a moment. He didn't even have to look. He could tell by her touch that it was Lindsay. Pulling himself together, he whispered, “Linds…” She silenced him, holding her index finger to his lips. A.J.’s pain was more than obvious as she looked at him. He’d suffered as much as she had. “We need to talk.”

“Not tonight…” She lovingly picked up his hand and began to kiss his fingers. He couldn’t help but notice that she was trembling. He offered her a small, cautious kiss. Lindsay eagerly accepted anxious to feel his mouth soft upon hers, lips gently parted, his fingers entwined in her long hair.

Without warning, she withdrew from him. “I can’t do this yet…”

“It’s okay…” He wrapped his arms her. “It’s okay…”

“A.J. if I spend the night here, will you hold me? Tomorrow, we’ll talk. I need to get some sleep, but I want to feel you next me. I want to wake up in your arms.”

A small tear of relief broke free and inched its way down his cheek. “I want you in my arms, Linds. I want you in my arms tomorrow and every day after that…I love you.”

< Broken Promises & Lies >