
Jeanie waited for Kevin, but he did not come home. They talked on the phone about Madi and Jessie, the new album, the new tour. Kevin never mentioned Nick, but did mention the article and thanked her for not dredging up their break-up.

To Mac’s delight, Madi’s ability to walk with conviction and speed was enabling him to pick up more women than he ever imagined. Jeanie just laughed about it because she knew that the “can I use your kid” line was simply an excuse for Uncle Mac to spend time with his favorite girl, Madison.

Jeanie hadn’t seen Nick since his last visit to Texas and didn’t talk to him on the telephone. It wasn’t because of hard feelings, but because they both knew they weren’t strong enough to walk away if tempted. As A.J. so eloquently put it, Nick loved her enough to let her love Kevin. Unfortunately, it meant never looking back. It was the only way his young heart could deal with the pain.


By fall, the U.S. leg of their new tour was underway. Kevin would be spending his birthday, October 3rd, on stage as he had for so many years. Lindsay begged her to go the concert, but Jeanie was afraid. With her luck, Kevin would have a date waiting and she couldn’t…she WOULDN’T put herself through that again.

Her love for Kevin was as strong as ever, but she felt helpless. Everyone reassured her that Kevin had changed, he wanted to come home, but that he was as afraid as Jeanie was. They were two star-crossed lovers whose lives and destinies appeared to be on yet another collision course. They were both alone and desperate to be together, but terrified of the possibility of rejection.

The week before his birthday, Jeanie’s phone rang non-stop. Lindsay called probably five times a day, begging Jeanie to meet her at the concert. A.J. called, Brian called…everyone called. Even Nick.

“Are you coming?” his voice was throaty and hoarse. He didn’t even say “hello.”

“I’m so scared, Nick…”

“Don’t be afraid. It’s time, Jeanie. For once in your life, go for it. Trust me…please?” If there was one thing that Jeanie could not deny, it was that she trusted Nick. He’d never gone back on his word. Nick was the only person Jeanie had confided in about the abortion and he’d kept her secret and kept on loving her.

“I’ll see you Tuesday. Kiss Madi for me…”


Linds and A.J. assured Jeanie that Kevin had no idea she was coming. Jeanie and Linds, with Madison in tow, flew to New York for the concert at Madison Square Garden. It was Madi’s first plane trip and Jeanie was terrified she would cry. She wasn’t sure her nerves could take a crying baby for two hours. To her surprise, Madi loved it. Like Lindsay said, the kid had a built-in need for speed.

The girls did not get to the Garden early. Even though A.J. and Nick knew they would be there, they kept it secret from Kevin. There were small posters sprinkled throughout the audience wishing Kevin a happy birthday. When the concert was well underway, the girls sneaked backstage and watched from there.

Everyone loved Madi. She did look adorable, dressed in little denim overalls with a blue tee shirt underneath, high-top plaid sneakers and a baby-size BSB cap worn backwards. Jeanie had sewn a Backstreet Boys embroidered patch as well as custom-made patch on the seat of Madi's overalls. From the front she read: “BSBs Rulez” and from the back she read: “Kevin’s Kid.”

“Lindsay, I’m scared I can’t do this…” tears welled in Jeanie’s green eyes.

Linds took her hand and kissed it. “Nick told you it’s time…it is. Kevin does love you, he just doesn’t know how to get back. Come on.”

Using a safety pin, Jeanie pinned a tiny note to Madi’s overalls and then reached for the red balloon that read, “Happy Birthday, Daddy.” They made their way toward the stage.

This tour, as it had been on the last tour, was in the round. Even though they were promoting the new album, as always, they tried to sing as many old songs as they could fit in and that included “Back To Your Heart.” There was no piano this tour, the song was merely part of a montage of songs from the Millennium album. Not too many people noticed the girls as the guards led them close to the stage. A.J. and Nick caught sight of them, probably because they were looking for them.

Kevin was on the opposite side as Jeanie carefully hoisted Madi up to the stage. The girls in the audience that saw what was happening started laughing and screeching. She was so tiny. Madi was afraid and stood perfectly still, the red balloon tied around her little wrist. The first person she spotted was Nick and she made a beeline for him.

Jeanie’s heart momentarily sank. Nick smiled, but kept singing. He bent down and kissed Madi's forehead then took her tiny hand.

By then, almost the entire arena was either laughing or crying. Kevin had no idea what the hell was going on. Why were people reacting like this to his song? As A.J. soulfully belted out, "no one on this earth, loves you like I do...tell me..." Kevin turned around…

Nick let go of Madi’s hand. She stood paralyzed momentarily. The lights and the noise…the band and music was loud. Nick whispered, “Go to Daddy…go on.”

Kevin let his hand drop to his side as he watched a precious, tiny little bundle of denim looking at him. She had emerald green eyes and wisps of dark, fine hair tickled her face from beneath a little cap. It was Madison…his baby girl. It had been a year since he'd held her. A year since he'd rocked her and vowed that he couldn't live without her or Mommy. He had never even seen her walk. He burst into tears as she toddled toward him, smiling and jerking a balloon around.

He scooped her up and the music stopped. His love for his daughter brought Madison Square Garden to a standstill, there wasn’t one dry eye in the house as Kevin wept and hugged Madi.

Lindsay held Jeanie’s shaking hand and squeezed it tightly as Kevin fumbled to unpin the note from Madi’s overalls. Finally, Brian had to do it for him and held Madi while Kevin read.

The note was short and sweet, written by a woman who loved him more than life itself: Jeanie Kirkpatrick. It simply read: “Will you marry me?”

The End

Want more?  Read the next part in the trilogy, “Edges Of Your Heart


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