Edges Of Your Heart

By:  DJ

© 2000

Chapter 1

Sleeping with Kevin was like “going home.” It was always comfortable and right and easy. It brought back good feelings…the warm and fuzzies we all have when we remember the best times of our lives.

Their wedding was small and limited to less than twenty-five people. When they exchanged vows, they did so with Kevin holding Madi in his arms between them. Except for when she slipped one of her tiny fingers up Kevin’s nostril during the ceremony, Madi did really well. Jeanie prayed the photographer managed to catch Madi’s irreverence…it was little times like that Jeanie wanted remember forever.

All of the Boys were invited. Jeanie was disappointed when Nick didn’t come. Everyone was talking about Nick. He was acting different. He’d always been a “hermit,” but since Jeanie and Kevin got back together, he had little to do with anyone. It was his job to be a Backstreet Boy, but he did his best to disassociate himself from the guys on a personal level. After all, Brian had Leighanne, A.J. had Lindsay...and Kevin got Jeanie back. Jeanie thought about trying to talk to him, but Kevin asked her not to. “Let him work through it…” Kevin was trying to understand, they all were.

Jeanie buried her face into Kev’s bare back and moaned a little.

“Hey, pretty lady. I feel you back there…” he mumbled, his voice heavy and thick with sleep, not quite awake yet.


“Watcha thinkin…”


“I know…you’re thinking…I’m laying here naked next to Kevin Richardson…how lucky am I?” Kevin teased. “That IS what you’re thinkin’, right Mrs. Richardson?”

Kevin pulled away as she gently nipped at his back. “Mmm, no. I think that’s what YOU and your ego are thinking. I was thinking if you were a good husband, you’d go get me a cup of coffee.”

Kevin grinned and rolled over to face her. “You love bustin’ my balls, don’t ya’?”

“Yup. By the way, nice balls…”

“Gosh, thanks…” Kevin smiled and gave her a tiny soft kiss. “I love you…”

“I love you, too.” She kissed him back and groaned when the phone started ringing.

“It’s only seven o’clock…damn it.” Kevin rolled over and answered the private line. “Yeah?” he barked into the receiver. Jeanie snuggled up next to him and began rubbing her legs up against his thigh. He winked at her. “Yeah, this is Kevin.”

Jeanie propped herself up on one elbow. They rarely got phone calls on this line because hardly anyone had this number; just family and a few very, very close friends like The Boys and Lindsay. She could tell by the changing expression on Kevin's face that something was wrong.

“Kevin, you don’t know me, but my name is Tiffany.”

Kevin was furious. He loved his fans, but this was ridiculous. “How did you get this number, Tiffany?” It was a question, but sounded more like a demand. Kevin tried to control his anger, but he wasn’t doing too well. Fan or not, this was an invasion of their privacy.

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t talk long. I promise. I just thought you’d like to know something.”


“It’s about Jeanie Kirkpatrick,” Tiffany took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure she had the nerve to go through with this.

Kevin shot a quick glance at Jeanie. “Look. Tiffany. Please don’t call…”

Tiffany cut him off mid-sentence. “Did you know she had an abortion?”

Kevin wasn’t sure what to say. He was stunned. He knew this was probably just an obsessed fan trying to “get back” at Jeanie. Still…

“Look…Tiffany? Is that your name? I don’t appreciate this.” Kevin was sitting up on the side of the bed now. He was upset. When Kevin got upset, he didn’t hide it very well.

“Kevin, you don’t have to believe me. It’s the truth. It was after you and Jeanie broke up. You don’t believe me, ask Nick.”


“Nick knows all about it. She was sleeping with him.” Tiffany hung up. She was shaking…

“Kev? Baby? Is everything okay?” Jeanie was sitting up and nervously rubbing his back. “Is your family okay? Did something happen?”

Kevin couldn’t look at her. She was pregnant with Nick’s kid and had an abortion? Suddenly, Nick’s behavior made sense.

“Kevin? You’re scaring me…” Jeanie said softly as he got up out of bed and reached for a pair of sweat pants. “What’s wrong?”

Still ignoring her, he stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him leaving Jeanie sitting in bed, alone.

* * *


“I did it.” Tiffany was shaking. She felt terrible because she knew she shouldn’t have done it. She would do anything for Nick. Like he said, technically, she didn’t lie. Jeanie Kirkpatrick did have an abortion. She also had an affair with Nick. However, she knew she was wrong to phrase her little bombshell the way she did. She implied that the abortion was a result of Jeanie and Nick’s relationship. It wasn’t.

“I feel terrible,” she mumbled.

Nick wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Don’t. Thank you for doing that for me.”

“But, Nick…Kevin’s gonna kill her!”

“No…he won’t. He’ll get pissed and leave. That’s okay. He’d probably fuck around on her sooner or later anyway. Tiff, I had to do something. You understand?”

Tiffany had known Nick for a long time. He was peculiar at times, but inside he was a good guy. She knew one thing for certain. He was in love with Jeanie Kirkpatrick. “Yeah, I think I do. You just love her, huh?”

“I’d do anything for her. I’ll do anything to get her back…”


Nick’s jaw tensed up. He couldn’t bear the thought of her making love to Kevin, touching him…comforting him…


                                                                                                                                              Edges Of Your Heart >