Chapter 10

Kevin couldn’t believe he was nervous. It was no big deal. It wasn’t as if he’d never done it before. He sat on the end of the bed and watched as Courtney, Cory…hell, he didn’t even know this woman’s name, slowly and seductively unbuttoned her shirt. Her breasts were huge…

Standing in front of him, she let her silk blouse slip back off her shoulders…next, her bra. Kevin buried his face between her ample breasts, then finding one nipple took it into his warm, hungry mouth. Her back arched a little as he firmly grabbed her tight ass and bit down on her breast.

She tore at his shirt then pushed him back on the bed. Stradling him, she began to free him of his pants. Kevin closed his eyes.

Just a one night stand…fuck, just a one hour stand. Nothing personal. Just sex…just sex…

Kevin opened his eyes momentarily and their gazes locked. She kissed him on the mouth and whispered, “I know what you need,” and began to work her way down bathing him with her tongue. “Poor Kevvy…all tensed up…” she cooed.

The room seemed stifling hot. He groaned as she took him into her mouth and teased him with her tongue, scraping her teeth along his length. Her nails were long and she used them like talons, clawing at him. It was painful, but at the same time erotic.

I just want to get it over with. She continued to taunt and tease him, demanding he beg for release. He would be right on the edge and she would deliberately stop. He had a feeling that she wasn’t a random fan who would do anything to be with a Backstreet Boy. She was proving that theory right.

Grabbing a handful of hair, she jerked his head back. “I said beg…”

“Please…” he moaned.

A sly smile crossed her ruby lips. With her other hand, she pinched his nipple hard enough that he winced from the pain then lowered her voice to a throaty whisper, “Baby, you need a wife who knows how to please you…”

Possibly it was the stifling Miami humidity…possibly it was the shabby hotel room or her cheap perfume, but when she said that Kevin felt sick…sick with guilt. He rolled away from her.

“What’s wrong baby? Did I hit a nerve there? Wifey-pooh holding out on you?”

“I-I love my wife…” Kevin was shaking.

This is wrong…

“Sweet. Remember that when you shoot your wad down my throat…”

Kevin crawled from her, searching the floor for his clothes.

“What’s your problem?” she said sarcastically. “This was your idea, remember?”

“I don’t have a problem. I love my wife…that’s all.”

“Sure you do…what’s her name? Oh yeah, Jeanie something. Big-time songwriter, huh? Well, she may be good at that, but she aint worth shit keeping you satisfied…is she?"

Kevin pulled his pants on, he was shaking so hard he could barely button them.

"If she's so damn good, how come you're jerking off looking at me? You couldn't wait to fuck me... Well, I don't care! Tell your screaming hard-on how much you love your wife cause Kevin, I don’t give a fuck.”

Kevin wanted to cry. He was ashamed and he was scared, but more than anything he felt guilty. After he’d finishing dressing, he walked back over to her. Leaning down, he spat “Don’t you ever, and I mean EVER, talk about my wife. She’s a lady…I’m sure you don’t know what that is, but Jeanie Kirkpatrick is a lady. She's my wife and I love her!” With that, he stormed from the room slamming the door behind him.

Once outside, he felt certain he would fall apart. Instead, he felt pure elation. “My wife…” Kevin smiled. “I love MY WIFE...” He sat for a minute before he started the car. Finally, resting his folded arms across the steering wheel, he buried his face and wept. “God…I DO love my wife…I love her so much…”

* * *

Jeanie sat by the pool and thumbed through resumes. She hated looking for an assistant. Lindsay was the only person she’d ever trusted. Now that the Boys’ were putting the finishing touches on the new album, and in rehearsals for the upcoming tour, she knew she would once again have to assume both “mommy” and “daddy” roles for Madi. She also knew that couldn’t do it all. She needed a helper. Jeanie didn’t want a professional secretary. Lindsay had been perfect. She typed well enough to handle correspondence, but also had no problem with changing a diaper or picking up dry cleaning. She rolled with the punches and was cool with Jeanie and Kevin’s crazy lifestyle. She also got along with Jess and adored Madi. Filling Lindsay’s shoes would be hard.

“Too old…too scary…too settled…” She leaned back in the patio chair and looked across the pool and wondered what Kevin was doing. She missed him so much.

“Miss Jeanie? This is Tiffany…”

* * *

Jeanie studied her resume. “You know Nick?”

Tiffany smiled. “Yes, ma’m. My family lived two doors down from his family in Florida. I don’t see him much anymore. You know…”

Jeanie smiled. “Sweetie, I know. I’m married to a Backstreet Boy and I don’t seem them much…” She paused for a minute, “Two years of college? What next?”

“I-I don’t know. I thought I’d take off a year or so and try and figure it out. Nick and I were talking on the phone and he said you were looking for an assistant. So, I thought…you know…why not?”

“You realize that you’d have to live here? Travel some? Babysit occasionally?” Tiffany shook her head in agreement. Tiffany also realized that by working here she could feed Nick any and all the information he needed. Nick didn’t know it, but Tiff worshipped him and she’d do anything to stay in his life…even if it meant breaking up Kevin and Jeanie. The only thing better than living with Jeanie and Kevin would be living with Jeanie and Nick…

“I’ll do a good job for you…”

“I’m sure you will. Tiffany…if I called Nick right now and asked him about you…what do you think he would tell me. What does Nick think about Tiffany?” Jeanie lowered her eyes and made direct eye contact with Tiff. The young girl seemed a little nervous. It wasn’t a question she was prepared for.

“I-I think he would tell you that…he’s known me a long time and that…I’m a faithful friend.”

“Define faithful…”

“I would do anything for Nick Carter…”

< Edges Of Your Heart >