Chapter 11

Nick was shocked when Jeanie and Kevin asked him about Tiffany. He’d mentioned the job opening to her, but just in passing. He had no idea she would actually act on it. Kevin actually apologized to Nick for asking so many questions about Tiffany, but explained to Nick that it was a girl named “Tiffany” who had somehow managed to find out the phone number for their private line. He and Jeanie’s relationship, even though it was better, was still tenuous at best. Kevin didn’t want to take any chances of something or someone else upsetting the apple cart.

It was hard to get used to Tiffany in the house. She was a beautiful girl with dark eyes and medium build and somewhat shy. Madi seemed to like her okay. However, Kevin and Jeanie both noticed that Madi had a real problem sharing when Tiffany was around and had become quite adept at the popping off with “No!” or even worse, “No, mine!” She’d always been a pretty easy-going kid. Jeanie blamed a lot of it on the “stress” fallout she picked up on because of her and Kevin. Jess seemed somewhat guarded around Tiffany…the total opposite of how she was with Lindsay. Then again, the circumstances were different. Jeanie and Linds were friends first, before she moved in. Madi and Jess were probably just not used to Tiffany, a stranger, in the house.

She did her job well and never seemed to mind the tasks she was assigned, no matter how menial. In time, Jeanie was certain it would all work out.

* * *

“I can’t believe you actually did it,” Nick was almost whispering. He had no idea why because he was home alone.

“Why? I told you I would!” Tiffany giggled.

“Still, Tiff…you moved half-way across the country and stuff…” Nick wasn’t happy. He’d known her a long time, but never really considered her a friend just a neighbor. She was always hanging around his parent’s house because of his sisters. He also wasn’t too happy knowing that if and when he ever made a move on Jeanie again…Tiffany would be there watching his every move.

“I needed a job and this is perfect…the kid bothers me a little, but oh well…” She laid on her best Valley girl accent.

“Which kid? Madi? Jess?”

“Actually, both. Jess is a little bitch and Madi is cry-baby…”

Nick bit his bottom lip. “Hey…Jess is cool. Madi IS a baby.”

“Jess is a bitch. Trust me, I live here. Madi is a spoiled baby. Pulease… No offense, Nick, cause I know you are so in LOVE with Jeanie, but she’s right up there on freakin’ bitch list. No wonder her kids are like that…”

That did it. “Look Tiff. Maybe that’s not the job for you. If hate them so much…”

“I didn’t say I hate them. I just call it like it is… Oh, got some dirt on your girlfriend…”

“Jeanie’s not my girlfriend,” Nick nervously ran his hand through his hair.

“Whateva…looks like she’s keepin those legs together and whatever else she can do keep Madi from having a baby sister or baby bro.”

“What? How do you know?”

“Cause I go through her trash and I screen her calls. I also overheard her talking to her hubby. He wants kids and she’s like ‘talk to the hand’… oh, haha, that’s funny. Hand…get it? Hand job?”

Nick’s stomach was doing flips. Maybe he should call Kevin, but then what? If Kevin fired her, she would tell them that he put her up to calling about the abortion.

“Crap, hold on…” Tiffany laid the phone down. Nick could hear Jeanie talking in the background and Madi’s voice.

“Nick, I got to go. Jeanie’s on a long distance call, Lupe and Jess went to the store and precious here is hungry. I swear… I ought feed her something to make her sick or give her the poops…ugh…just joking…later!”

“Tiff…” The receiver went dead.

* * *

The night air was thick and heavy. Lightening flashed incessantly and the low rumblings of thunder echoed for miles and miles. Another storm was moving across the plains of west Texas and barreling into the Metroplex. There would be little sleep tonight…children afraid of the sounds of summer storms, adults anxiously watching weather crawlers at the bottom of their television screens…”tornado watch in effect,” “high winds with possible flash flooding,” “golf-ball size hail,” and everyone listening… Always listening…for tornado sirens…for the deadly “vacuum” or eerie silence that supposedly takes place just before a tornado drops down. Warnings everyone who lives in Texas is familiar with, yet they are warnings that no one ever gets used to.

There were no lights in the bedroom, yet the room was illuminated from the lightening popping and flashing across the midnight sky. From time to time the whole house would shake from the thunder.

“Oh God, Nick…” Jeanie gasped as his tongue worked furiously against her. She grabbed for the sheet as he slipped a third finger into her, his tongue playing, nipping harder and harder until she couldn’t hold on. This orgasm was his favorite Jeanie-orgasm…not the frenzied, powerful, throw-you-off-the bed orgasm…the gentle, powerful rolling orgasm that seemed to last forever. Her contractions almost seem to match the rolling thunder as she rocked against his hand, now wet from her as he continued to nuzzle her thighs.

And just when she began to come down, he turned her over and started again…and so it went for hours.

“I love you…God, help me me…I love you…” Nick whimpered over and over.

Suddenly, he sat up. He was dripping wet from his own perspiration. He was also alone in his own bed in Florida. He lay back down and pulled the damp pillow to his chest. It was just a dream…another haunting dream. Another painful memory of loving another man’s wife and it was driving him insane. He knew he had to stop, but he didn’t know how. He was frantic because he knew that Tiffany was trouble…he was heartbroken because every single day spent without Jeanie seemed to further concrete or seal her relationship with Kevin. He was beginning to get desperate. He’d never felt so alone in his life…

“Please God…please…help me. I love her…”

< Edges Of Your Heart >