Chapter 14

The Amber Alert* was implemented as soon as the police and Crimes Against Persons supervisors were sure Madison met the criteria: (1)she was under the age of fifteen years old and (2) the police believe that the child is in danger of serious bodily harm or death.

The police faxed two radio stations including the local Emergency Alert System radio station. That station, in turn alerted other radio stations and television stations. Stations interrupted their broadcasts every fifteen minutes for the first two hours after the alert was issued. In all, there were forty-two police agencies in North Texas and thirty-two radio stations plus local and now national television coverage…everyone broadcasting Madison's description.

However, secretly the police and FBI held out little hope that the Amber Alert would help. Too many hours had passed before anyone even realized that little Madison had been abducted. Still, they couldn't leave one stone unturned. Statistics showed that ninety-eight percent of people in automobiles listen to the radio. Now, every radio station was broadcasting the alert for Madison. Hopefully, leads would start coming in soon…

* * *

Lupe Rodriguez had worked for Jeanie for years. She often felt like her surrogate mother. When Madison was born it was as if Lupe had her first grandchild.

It was a little after two in the morning when she woke up. She'd apparently fallen asleep watching the award show. The television and all the lights were still on. After she made sure everything was locked up and the lights turned off, she went to check on Madison one last time before going to bed.

Madison was gone…

Lupe was alarmed, but still did not immediately make the connection. Possibly Madi was sleeping with Jessie. She went to Jessie's room, but her bed was still made. That's when she remembered that Jessie was at Rachel's.

Puzzled, Lupe stood in the hall for a moment. She felt out of it and groggy…she tried to think logically. There had to be a logical explanation. She quickly made her way up to Jeanie and Kevin's room…perhaps Mr. Richardson came home unexpectedly and Madi was with him. All she found was another empty bed.

Panic began to shoot through her…

She ran back down to Tiffany's room, frantically screaming Madison's name…Lupe banged wildly on Tiffany's door. There was no answer…it was also locked. She raced to the kitchen…spare keys…spare keys…

Lupe was ransacking drawers when she remembered that the keys were in the desk in Jeanie and Kevin's room. Finally, she retrieved them. Hands shaking uncontrollably, she tried key after key until she finally unlocked Tiffany's door.

Tiffany was gone… her clothes were gone. On her bed was a note:

I'm sorry ~
I had to take Madi. Make the police leave me alone okay? I don't want to hurt her. I won't hurt her unless I have to. Just let me alone…
If anything happens to Madi, it will be your fault, not mine.

* * *

It had been a long night. It was pushing four o'clock in the morning when Kevin finally stripped off and slipped into bed. Draping his arm over his eyes, he tried to relax and come down enough to go to sleep. Jeanie called from backstage and said that they'd be going to the after-show award party. Half way through her call, her cell phone battery began cutting out on her. She said a quick, "I love you," and hung up. Kevin wished he'd gone with her. He knew he had no one to blame, but himself…

He had no idea how long he'd been asleep when his phone started ringing. It was Lupe…then the police…then the FBI. It was Brian and A.J. It was his brother…

"Somebody call Nick…" "Somebody call my mother…" "A flight" "The Firm… a private plane…" "Jive…" "where's my wife? Fuck it… somebody find Jeanie…"

Reporters…cameras…people he didn't even know…sunglasses…body guards…

"I've got to get home…" "Where the hell is Jeanie?"

"Where's my daughter…"

* * *

Hunter had a plan. He and Jeanie made their mandatory appearance at the after-award party. Two drinks, two pictures…a lot of hand-shaking and gratuitous smiling. At about eleven-thirty he pulled Jeanie to one side. "We're gonna be late."

She looked up at him. "Late? For what?"

"You'll see…it's a surprise…come on…"

* * *

"Hunter! You're insane!" she giggled as the limo rolled to a stop at the heliport.

"Yup, let's go pretty woman…" He helped her from the limo and up into the helicopter. "You ever see Vegas from up here at night? You're in for a treat…"

The city lights tour was breathtaking. Jeanie couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. She appreciated Hunter doing this, but this was something she wished she could have shared with Kevin…not a total stranger. To her surprise, instead of returning to the heliport, the `copter sat down on the heli-pad atop one of the classiest and most expensive hotels in Vegas.

"What's going on?"

"You'll see…"

"You keep saying that! You're starting to scare me…" Jeanie tried to keep smiling.

Once inside, they walked hand in hand. Jeanie was still puzzled…perhaps they were taking in late show in the cabaret or showroom. Instead, Hunter stopped outside one of the suites. Her heart began to race.

As if he read her mind, he softly reassured her, "It's okay. It's not what you think."

She forced a tiny smile as he opened the door. It was gorgeous. The windows and terrace offered a stunning panoramic view of the city and ocean of neon lights. On the terrace, a table for two had been set up. There were candles, champagne and soft music. Uniformed waiters stood like sentries at their assigned posts.

It may not have been what she thought, but it sure seemed like a romantic dinner for two. They could've eaten dinner anywhere…they didn't need a hotel room for dinner. Hotel rooms had beds…She wasn't comfortable at all with what was happening. In an effort to get a grip, she tried reminding herself, "It's just dinner…it's not like we're alone.

"Whose room is this, Hunter? I-I thought you were staying in the same hotel I'm staying in."

"This is Plan B. The "hey, we won song-of-the-year-award plan. You know, IF we won. Hey, Tex, we WON! Hey, lady…we won!"

"Yeah, we did," she smiled.

They spent the next two hours enjoying a late-night supper and quiet conversation on the terrace. They learned about each other's personal lives. Jeanie decided that Hunter Maguire was not only a "man's man," but he was a gentleman. Whatever fear or reservations she had, soon fell away. Hunter decided that Jeanie Kirkpatrick was a woman in love…with her husband. No doubt about it…she worshipped Kevin Richardson.

She finally begged off and they returned to their hotel around four a.m., still early for Vegas. However, they both thought it was unusual that there were so many reporters and paparazzi waiting as the limo pulled to a stop outside their hotel. After all, it was only one, silly CMA award. There were a lot of winners that night.

Hunter, his arm firmly around her slender shoulders, tried to navigate through the throngs of people mobbing them. "What the hell is going on?" he grumbled.

That's when they began to actually take notice of what it was reporters were shouting. "Why aren't you in Dallas?" "Is there anything you can tell us about your daughter's disappearance?" "Do you think her abduction has anything to do with the fact that your husband is one of The Backstreet Boys?"

Jeanie felt faint from the crush of people. Madison? Abduction?

Suddenly, they were surrounded by uniformed Las Vegas Police and hotel security.

"Mrs. Richardson? We need to talk…"

* * * * *

*The Amber Plan was formulated after the 1996 disappearance of 9-year old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas. She and her younger brother were playing on their bicycles behind a vacant grocery store when she was abducted. Only nine short minutes passed before her family placed the first 911 call. Four days after her abduction, Amber's body was found a few miles from where she'd been taken. There have been over 7,000 leads investigated by the police. To date, Amber's killer has not been found.

< Edges Of Your Heart >