Chapter 16

“Hey…can I come in?” Nick said softly. “Fuck me…” He looked around the bedroom. Well-meaning friends had tried to restore some type of order to the room, but it was still in shambles. Everything broken lay in a pile in the corner - lamps, pictures, mirrors. Jeanie held an 8x10 picture taken on their wedding day. The glass was now missing and the glossy finish on the photograph stained from where a bottle of perfume had shattered against it. Jeanie looked exhausted.

He sat down next to her. “Do you need something to eat or drink?”

“I’m not hungry, thanks.”

“When’s the last time you slept? You look like you’re about to fall over.”

“I dunno… I guess before I left for Vegas. I can’t remember.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “Oh, Nick…”

“I know…” He put his arm around her. “He’s hurtin’. Man, you don’t know how much he loves you and Madi.” It was killing Nick to say it, but she needed to hear it. She had to hear it from someone…

“What will we do without Madi? I can’t even fathom life without her…I can’t…” Her voice quivered as she shook. “I’m so cold…”

Nick jumped up and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. “It’s probably nerves. You can’t imagine life without her because it’s not gonna happen. She’s gonna be here…”

“But Tiffany…”

“Tiffany won’t hurt her…” Nick wanted to tell her the real truth. She deserved the truth, but he was scared. “I’m tryin really hard to think about where she woulda gone. This is what I told the cops…” Nick told her the same story he’d told Kevin and the police. That she’d telephoned him during rehearsal saying that she’d stolen money. That he’d offered to buy her an airline ticket if she’d just leave and that she must have panicked, thinking he was going to turn her in.

“Why would she steal from us? If she needed money that bad, I’d have given it to her. Anything…just leave Madi out of it!” Jeanie cried.

“Shhh, I know…I know…” Nick began to cry. “I’m sorry. This is my fault.”

“NO! Don’t you say that Nickolas Gene Carter! NO!” Jeanie sobbed. “You’ve been here for Madi and I when no one else was. You loved me when I didn’t feel I deserved anyone’s love. Don’t say that, Nick…please don’t say it. Madi loves you so much...ick…” she sniffled.

Hearing that, Nick broke down. He’d forgotten that Madi had started calling him “ick.”

Through her tears, Jeanie tried to smile. “You know h-how she d-drops the first letter?” Nick, his face buried in her shoulder, couldn’t look up. He just shook his head. “Jessie is “essie” and Daddy is “addy.” And y-you’re “ick.”

He laughed a little. “Yeah…there’s “Upe” and “Rian” and “J” and “Indswee."

Jeanie giggled, wiping her face, “and poor Howie … she calls him “owie!”

Nick grinned, “And Mac…”ack.” I always think she’s choking when she says that!”

Placing her hands on his damp cheeks, Jeanie kissed one cheek then the other. “Nick…ick…I love you. Madi loves you. Don’t ever forget that.”

* * *

Tiffany handed Madi another french fry. Madi had ketchup in her hair. Great…another damn bath. Madi took a bite then held it out for Tiffany to take a bite. She was sharing…

Tiffany began to cry. Tears filled Madi’s green eyes. The last thing Tiff needed was a crying baby. Tiffany handed her the rest of her shake. That snapped Madi out of it. No one ever let her have a big cup before…

Madi’s picture was everywhere. So was the description of the car as well as Tiffany’s picture. She thought she was being smart by driving north. She’d planned on driving to Lubbock then flying out of Lubbock. She knew if she’d flown out of Dallas that her flight could have been easily traced. Lubbock wasn’t that far, or at least it didn’t look that far on the map.

She drove until she couldn’t see straight from exhaustion. A small motel in a small town…safe enough or so she thought. Now, she was trapped here. There was precious little traffic in these small towns. She’d be easily spotted by the local sheriff, the Texas Rangers, or the DPS. She needed to figure something out, but what?

Madi turned the large cup straight up trying to get a drink and squealed as a blob of chocolate malt plopped down, hitting her squarely between the eyes. Tiffany’s first urge was to slap her. God, she was such a friggin pig. When she finally pried the cup out of her tiny fingers, Tiff burst into laughter. Madi’s whole face was covered in chocolate malt. Madison kept blinking and batting her eyelashes thickly coated in ice cream.

“God…didn’t anyone ever teach you to feed yourself?” she muttered as she grabbed for a towel.

To her surprise, Madi answered. “Momma.” It was the only name she ever said right.

* * *

The FBI had installed wiretaps on their phones. Megan ran interference and answered questions from reporters. Everyone found a place to sleep and Lupe kept cooking… Nick tucked Jeanie into bed, despite her protests that she couldn’t sleep…not now…not ever again. Kevin remained locked in his office.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Kevin finally came out. He spoke briefly with the officers on duty…no news. No ransom calls. Nothing. Nick and Brian were playing video games. Leighanne was asleep in Jessie’s room. Kevin almost laughed…he could only imagine the righteous indignation on Jessie’s face when they broke that little bit of news to her. First Leighanne “stole her man” and then she “stole her bed.”

He made his way upstairs half-expecting Jeanie to have locked him out of their room. He could tell by her breathing that she was asleep. He undressed and slipped into bed next to her. Kevin pulled her toward him and she willingly let him surround her with not only his strong arms, but his love.

She nuzzled, kissed, and burrowed into his chest. Kevin closed his eyes, stroking her silky hair. He’d forgotten how much he loved holding her. His world was always right when he held Jeanie. His voice was a throaty whisper, all that was left after hours and hours of crying. “I’m so scared…”

She lazily opened her eyes. Tears broke free again and inched their way down his cheeks. Using her thumbs, she wiped them away. “Me, too…”

“I always take it out on you. When I’m scared or mad or hurt. I love you so much. I don’t know why I do that,” he apologized.

Jeanie scooted up and cradled his head against her breast. She stroked his hair and tenderly kissed his forehead as he wept.

“I’m sorry, baby. I always take it out on you…” he repeated.

“Shh. It’s okay…”

“No. It’s not okay. You just keep loving me…”

“Kevin…honey. Listen to me,” she sat up and forced him to look at her, his emerald eyes searching for forgiveness. “I’m your wife. Baby, if you can’t let it out around me…what’s the point? I’m here for you, Kevin. I’ve always been here if you’ll just let me…I love you…” She began to cover his face with tiny kisses. “I love you…I love you…I love you…” she murmured over and over alternating “I love you’s” with delicate love-laced kisses. She ran her fingertip down the bridge of his nose and to his lips. Then lightly traced his lips with her fingers followed by her tongue, ever-so-lightly brushing his top lip, and then his bottom lip. “…love…you…” she moaned once more.

The only light in the room was from the full moon. As Jeanie pulled her teddy over her head, her skin seemed almost like porcelain bathed in the moonlight. She pulled him to her and Kevin buried his face into the base of her neck. She smelled so good. Only in his imagination did he know what angels must smell like...for Kevin, they smelled like Jeanie. She smelled innocent yet seductive. His lips played against the sensitive skin on the sides of her neck leaving a trail of tiny kisses up and down and up again. Tiny waves of pleasure began washing over her as he kissed her, slipping his tongue inside her mouth.

“Make love to me…” she whimpered.

Soft loving kisses gave way to crushing, lust-filled hungry kisses as his lips captured hers over and over. Her hands slid down his torso as she cupped him in her tiny hands eliciting a guttural groan. Kevin broke their kiss, his mouth finding her tender breasts…suckling first one then the other. She writhed with pleasure under him, her back arching to raise her tiny hips up to him.

“Baby…” he moaned as he knelt between her legs spreading her with his fingers then swirling his tongue over her clit then sucking her hard. Jeanie’s hips rose up to meet him once again as his tongue plunged into her. She began to grind into him as his fingers and tongue drove her into the outer limits of ecstasy. She could feel her orgasm building, tiny uncontrolled tremors…here and there.

“Kev…don’t…stop…” she moaned, her fingers entwined in his dark hair. The gentle rocking of her hips gave way to uncontrolled bucking.

Kevin looked up at her from between her legs. Her face was flushed, tiny beads of perspiration dotted her face…she was the most beautiful, sensuous woman he’d ever known. She was HIS woman…

He slowly slipped inside her. She was warm and wet and he gulped for air as he felt her take in his entire length. Her strong muscles seemed to envelop him and coddle him, slowly and gently at first, then she began to push him. He groaned and pulled her up. Jeanie opened her eyes for a moment as she snaked her legs around his waist and ground her hips down and around. He seemed to fill every inch of her yet she needed more and moved seductively back and forth trying to take in as much of him as she could.

Eyes closed, they sat and nuzzled each other…perspiration mixed with tears…tiny “I love you’s”…slowly and gently they moved in rhythm with each other. Kevin’s large hands holding her tiny waist as she let herself fall back just a little…letting him take over…take her over the edge again. He was thrusting harder now, his breathing jagged. Never breaking free, he pushed her back onto the bed.

His buried his face into her the soft of her shoulder as his scream shattered the quiet of the night. An orgasm so powerful he felt as if he would never stop and he thrust harder and harder, trying to give her everything he could.

When they were spent, they lay softly entwined in a lover’s embrace and wept. They wept for Madi…they wept for time lost. They wept as they each silently thanked God for giving them one more chance to love each other.

This was not the end for Jeanie and Kevin. This was the beginning.

This was the first day of the rest of their life…together.

< Edges Of Your Heart >