Chapter 18

Tiffany wanted to scream and cry and run. She was scared to death. Madi, sensing something wasn't right, was fidgety and crying. The phone kept ringing and ringing…why couldn't they just leave her alone? She looked at the knife she'd taken from Lupe's kitchen. She swore she'd kill Madi and kill herself before she'd go to prison.

The truth was she wanted to kill Madi. She was sick of this kid. In Tiffany's dementia, Madi was the sole cause for all her problems. She'd never had taken a dime if she hadn't felt so used because of Madi. Precious little Madi. Everyone loved Madi…Nick loved Madi…

She was tired of feeding her, listening to her babble. She was tired of her crying and wanting Momma. Madi, sitting on the bed watching cartoons, was oblivious to what was happening. Tiffany walked over and rested the razor-sharp pointed knife blade against her little back. She murmured,"It would be so easy…"pop" no more Madi…it would be bye bye, Madison!"

Madi looked up and grinned, "Bye bye."

Tiffany stroked her silky, dark hair. "You wanna go bye bye Madi? I would LOVE to make you go bye bye."

Madison giggled.

The phone rang again. Hands trembling she picked up the receiver.

"Tiffany? Hi, it's Dan. How are you and Madi doing? Are you sure you're not hungry? I could send something up there for you."

"Right. How stupid do you think I am?" she screamed and slammed the phone down. The FBI had been calling every thirty minutes. She looked outside once after "Dan" told her that she might as well hand Madison over. There was no way out. Tiffany informed him that there was always a way out…to back off.

The phone rang again. "Tiffany. Dan again. Don't hang up, okay? You're getting yourself all worked up and you don't need to. All we want is to talk to you. We aren't going to hurt you…" He paused for a moment as he watched an unmarked van pulling up. Madi's parents emerged along with several Dallas agents.

Jeanie had no idea how she would be able to stand much less walk under her own power. Her baby was only a few hundred feet away. Kevin kept both arms tightly around her to keep her from collapsing. Nick nervously paced back and forth, vacillating between near tears and hyperventilation.

They watched as members of the SWAT team positioned themselves.

"This can't be happening…" Jeanie mumbled. They were getting ready to storm the motel…Madi could be hurt…

"God, Kevin they're gonna get her killed!" Jeanie cried. He tried to calm her down, but the same thoughts were racing through his mind.

Suddenly, Nick bolted. It took everyone by surprise. There was chaos and yelling, but he kept running. He ran straight for the motel. "Stop him! Stop him!" Jeanie, crying and hysterical, tried desperately to get away from Kevin and go after him. Before they could mobilize to intercept him, he was almost at the door. The police and agents signaled each other to stand back…watch…wait…hold…hold…

Nick was terrified, but he had to do this. It was his fault…this was all his fault. He'd damn near ruined Jeanie and Kevin's life and now, because of him, Madison's life was in danger. If anything happened to Madi, he wouldn't be able to go on living anyway. He had no choice...he had to do this…

He stopped momentarily and said softly, "God, I never meant to hurt anyone. Please believe me..."

He rapped on the door. "Tiff. It's me, Nick… lemme in."

He could hear muffled sounds coming from the other side and what sounded like cartoons and Madi singing? Tiffany answered, "Nick?"

", Tiffy…I came to help you but ya gotta let me in quick. Hurry, before they stop me!"

"I don't believe you…"

"Damn it, Tiffany! Open the door!" he ordered.

She unfastened the safety chain. Standing where so she couldn't be seen from the street, she barely opened the heavy door. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the handle of knife. She was more than ready to attack if she had to. Nick pushed one arm in...then slipped into the shabby room, shutting the door behind him. When Madi saw Nick come in she half-rolled and half-lunged for him. "ick! ick!" she chortled. He burst into tears and snatched her up off the bed, hugging her.

"Hey, girlfriend!" he whispered kissing her as she shrieked.

Tiffany stood stone-faced watching. "I thought you came to help me…" she said dryly.

"I-I did..."

"Sure…right…you fuckin' liar." She pointed the knife at him.

"Tiff…look. Me and you can run and maybe get away. It aint gonna happen with Madi here. Lemme get her outa here and then…"

"Let me make it easy…" She held the knife up to Madi's throat. "This will just take a second…hold her."

Nick was horrified. He spun around trying to put himself between Madi and Tiffany. The blade on the knife was so sharp, he didn't even realize that Tiffany had stabbed him until he felt something wet running down his back…his own blood. He had to get Madi out…

Holding her tightly, he made a break for the door and somehow managed to get it open.

Madi, began to cry. Nick almost fell as he tripped over the door jam. He'd taken three or four steps out, Madison holding on to his neck for dear life, when he began to stumble. Tiffany chased after him, wielding the butcher knife over her head. She struck him again, slicing into him, and his knees began to buckle…

"NOW…GO GO GO…" agents screamed.

Kevin and Jeanie watched in horror as Nick, now covered in blood, fought to keep standing…he...had …to…save…Madison…

< Edges Of Your Heart >