Chapter 2

“Jess, take Madi in your room…”

“No way, Kev. She destroys stuff. It’s off li…”

“DO IT!”

Jess rolled her eyes and scooped Madi up. “Don’t get used to this short stuff…” she grumbled as she picked up Madison. “What the hell’s his problem?” she asked as she passed Jeanie in the hall.

“I don’t know…” Jeanie pulled her robe a little tighter and went into the breakfast room. “Kevin?” she whispered. He sat staring out the bay windows. He could barely make out the horses in the distance. “Honey?” She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

Kevin wouldn’t answer her. He wasn’t sure what to say.

“Thanks, Lupe.” Jeanie smiled as Lupe brought in a tray laden with coffee, juice and an assortment of vitamins. “Honey, you want a cup of coffee or juice?”

Kevin, staring out the window, quietly replied, “What I want is for you to tell me the truth.”

Jeanie sat the carafe down. Her mind was racing. What had she done? “Okay. The truth about what?” She pulled a chair close to Kevin. He was speaking so softly, she could barely hear him.

His tone of voice was guarded and hushed. She couldn’t tell if he was fighting tears or fighting anger. “Did you have an abortion?”

All she could do was sit there. How did anyone find out? She wanted to lie, but she couldn’t lie to him. He deserved the truth. Sooner or later, she would’ve told him. “Yes,” she whispered.

His shoulders seemed to drop a little. “So, when were you going to drop this little bomb on me?” he said sarcastically.


“Shut up!” Jeanie was shocked. He’d never spoken to her like that. Kevin spun around and in his fury grabbed the first thing he saw, a cup of hot coffee, and flung it across the room, the cup shattering against the counter.


“I told you to shut up,” he leveled his green eyes toward her. “Did you tell Nick?”

Her chin began to quiver as she fought back tears. She stared into her lap.


“Y-yes…” She braced herself for the worst. Surprisingly, Kevin seemed to calm down a little.

“And that’s okay with him? Was it his idea you have the abortion?”

“What?” She wasn’t trying to antagonize Kevin, but she wasn’t following what he was saying.

“You’re not stupid, Jeanie. You heard me. Did you and Nick decide TOGETHER to abort his child?”

“I’m sorry, not following you…”

“Let me make this simple, since you're memory is suddenly bad. Did you sleep with Nick?” Kevin already knew the answer, but if she needed to be reminded he was more than willing to drag every sordid little bit out. Jeanie was crying now. Good. She should be crying…


“And you got pregnant?”

“NO!” She jerked her head up. “NO! Who told you I got pregnant?”

“You just said you had an abortion, were you lying to me?”

“No…I mean… Yes, I got pregnant and yes, I told Nick…” She broke down into tears again. “…b-but…I didn’t tell him until after it happened.”

“Oh, this just keeps getting better…” Kevin shook his head.

“Stop it, Kevin!” she said angrily. “How do you think I feel? Do you think I’m proud?”

“I think you and Nick deserve each other…”

“Stop. I didn’t tell you because you CHOSE to fuck around on me! I went through being pregnant once all alone thanks to you. I’d be damned if I was going to go through it again.”

Kevin sat stone-faced. He didn’t answer right away. It was as if he had to really think about what she’d just said. “Wait a minute. You aborted our child? You were pregnant and decided all by yourself without ever asking or consulting me, to abort MY child?” Jeanie sat heartbroken and stared at him. She couldn’t make herself admit what she’d done. “You did, didn’t you?” Kevin was almost speechless.

Finally, he got up and went to the door. “Lupe!” he yelled. She came running. Mr. Richardson never yelled. “Pack Madi a couple of suitcases. Put everything she needs in there. Enough for at least two weeks.”

“Should I get Miss Jeanie’s stuff out, too?”

“No. Just Madi and I will be leaving.”

Jeanie felt like she was hyperventilating. This couldn’t be happening. “What are doing?” she finally croaked.

“I’m taking my daughter to Mom’s until I figure this out.”

“No…” Jeanie could hardly breathe much less speak. “No…” she shook her head is disbelief. “You can’t take Madi away from me…”

“Oh yes I can. You killed one of my children…do you think I’m leaving my daughter with you?”

“Kevin, please…this isn’t fair. Let’s calm down and talk about it,” she begged.

He strode over to where she remained sitting. “Maybe you should’ve thought about talking before you had the abortion.”

< Edges Of Your Heart >