Chapter 3

The room was dark. Jeanie had been sitting for hours and hours in the rocking chair in Madi’s room holding “Boo” bear…Kevin had given Madi, “Boo.” Boo looked pretty bad, but only because she loved him so much. One of his eyes was gone and he was dirty, but it didn't matter to Madison. Boo and Madi were inseparable...until now.

“Jeanie?” Lindsay and A.J. slowly opened the door. A.J. looked as if he would cry as he saw her sitting alone in the dark holding the rag-tag bear. They had received a frantic telephone call from Jess. All she knew was that Kevin left and took Madi with him. Jeanie was hysterical and crying and begging him to please leave her baby. Madi was crying because Mommy was crying. Jess didn’t know if she should call the police or what to do, so she called Lindsay. She and AJ took the next flight out.

“Hey, Boss lady,” Lindsay whispered as she and A.J. knelt down in front of the rocker. Jeanie seemed to be in shock; she didn't even know they were there. A.J. held his hand up to her cheek.


Jeanie’s chin trembled. “Kevin forgot Boo…” she whispered. “He forgot…” she broke down into grief-stricken tears, falling into A.J.’s arms.

“Come on, Tex…” A.J. tried to get her up and walking, but she balked, shaking her head.

“No. Don’t make me leave…this is all I have…” she cried.

“Shh…Jeanie…come on. The room isn’t going anywhere. I’m gonna run a hot bath for you. Maybe you'll feel better after a bath. We’ll eat and talk. Okay?” Lindsay helped A.J. steer her toward the bedroom door. “You can come back in her later, okay? Sweetie?”

“He took Madi…what am I going to do? My baby...”

“We know, come on.” They gently led her toward the door.

“It’s my fault…Oh God…”

A.J. and Lindsay shot each other a “what the fuck is going on?” look. One way or another, they’d find out.

“He forgot Boo…Madi has to have Boo...”

* * *

Given Jeanie's state of mind, Lindsay was afraid to leave Jeanie alone in the bathroom. She’d never ever seen her like this. Never.

A.J. went to talk to Jessie. She wouldn’t come out of her room. If there was one thing he knew about Jess, she loved spying on all of the BSBs. When she refused to come out and spy on him, that was a pretty good indication how upset she really was.

Jeanie leaned back against the side of the tub. Her eyes were closed and she was quiet. She suddenly opened her eyes and spotted one of Madi’s bath toys on the edge of the tub. She picked it up and started sobbing again.

Lindsay ran to take it from her. “Let me have it…” she tried to pry it away from her. “Come on…” Eventually Jeanie let go and Lindsay sat the toy on the vanity. “Okay, what the hell’s going on? This isn’t like you and Kevin. You guys adore each other. What happened, Jeanie?” Lindsay whispered.

“I-I can’t tell you. Then you and A.J. will hate me, too.”

“Sweetie, we’re not going to hate you. Besides, you know Kevin’s gonna tell A.J. Don’t you want us to know your side, too?”

Jeanie knew she was right. Kevin would eventually tell the guys. Hell, Brian probably already knew through his family since Kevin showed up on his mother’s doorstep with Madison. Jeanie began to slowly tell Lindsay about every thing. She could tell by Lindsay’s expression that she was shocked.

“I can’t believe you didn’t even tell me…”

“Linds, I’m sorry. After everything I put you and my other friends through when I was pregnant with Madi, I just couldn’t do that to you again.”

“Are you sure that’s the reason?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look, Jeanie, I love you. But ya know what? It looks like you had the abortion to get even with Kevin…”

“NO! How can you think that?”

“I didn’t say I thought that…I said that’s how it looks. That’s probably how it looks to Kevin, too.” Lindsay felt terrible saying that to her, but it was the truth. It looked really bad.

Jeanie sat silent. Finally, she said, “Maybe you and A.J. should leave.”

“What?” Lindsay couldn’t believe it.

“I lost the two people I love more than life itself today…I thought you knew me better, Linds. If you and A.J. think I’m that awful, just leave.”

“Jeanie…” Lindsay, exasperated, stormed from the room.

* * *

“He’s not answering, Lindsay…” A.J. was fresh out of ideas. He tried to call Kevin, but reached Ann instead. She said Kevin wasn’t there and Madi was asleep. She also demanded to know what was going on. Apparently, Kevin wouldn't even tell his mother. A.J. lied and told her he didn’t know. Then he called Brian who said that he’d heard that Kevin had Madi, but didn’t know much else. He called Nick, but Nick wasn’t home. Neither Nick nor Kevin answered their cell phone.

"I dunno Linds, I don't think we should leave her. She's just upset…she didn't mean what she said." AJ rubbed his face with his hands. "I feel bad for Jess. She doesn't know what to do. Jess needs Jeanie right now. Is Jeanie asleep?"

Lindsay shook her head. "She's back in Madi's room, crying. I'm gonna go check on Jess." She headed off down the hall. A.J. went to the bar and got another beer. This couldn't get any worse..

He'd never been so wrong in his life. It was about to get a lot worse. A.J. didn't realize it, but Brian had talked to Nick. Now, Nick was not only in Texas, but within five miles of Jeanie and Kevin's ranch.

One more time, he'd be there for her. Only this time, he wouldn't step aside for Kevin or for anyone. They loved each other and that's all that mattered…

< Edges Of Your Heart >