Chapter 5

It was worse than Nick ever imagined. Jeanie literally hadn’t spoken to him or anyone. She was devastated.

“Come on,” he lovingly tucked her into bed. It was as if she had no fight or spirit left. She passively followed instructions seemingly unaware of what was actually going on around her.

He sat with her in Madi’s room for at least thirty minutes. By the time he went to talk to A.J. and Lindsay, they’d already gone to bed. He wanted to find out if Kevin called, where the hell he was, what the hell happened. Jeanie sure wasn’t talking…Nick sure as hell didn’t want a confrontation with Kevin right now.

Nick sat in his boxers on the side of the bed…Kevin’s bed. Part of him wanted to run away. He’d done stupid things before, but never with consequences like this. He wasn’t trying to hurt Jeanie. Of course, no one would believe that now. He was just in love…

He slipped into bed, boxers on, and reached for her. She folded into his embrace, willingly letting him comfort her. He pulled her up until her face was buried into the soft of his neck. Every time she wiggled or nuzzled him the slightest bit, he could feel a stirring inside. Even now, he wanted her. “May I kiss you?” he whispered. “Just once?”

Jeanie pulled back a little to look at him. He was her same sweet Nick…she planted a small delicate kiss on his bottom lip then paused. She knew Nick well and could tell by his breathing that he wanted more. She kissed him again, this time full on the mouth. It was a kiss that lingered a little too long and she knew it.

She pulled away and he followed, gently pushing her onto her back. Lying on his side, he lightly brushed his lips and nose across her cheek until he found her mouth once again. He nibbled and traced his tongue over the sensuous lines of her tiny mouth. “I’ve missed you…” he murmured. Jeanie wasn’t really responding, but she also wasn’t stopping him. Finally, when his large hand grazed her breasts and he began to slowly and deliberately massage the flat of her belly she groaned, “Nick, no…”

He immediately stopped. He would never force himself on her. “Shhh, okay, okay.” He rolled onto his back, painful growing erection and all. “Come here, at least let me hold you…” He reigned her to him once again. She was perfectly content to be comforted, but wanted no part of sex. He understood. Nick held her tightly and rocked her back and forth, not only for her benefit, but for his benefit as well. She had no idea how scared he was right now. If she ever found out what he’d done, he’d lose her. If Kevin ever found out what he’d done, Kevin would kill him. This wasn’t supposed to happen… Back and forth…back and forth…until they both slipped into peaceful sleep.

* * *

It was sometime around one in the morning Dallas time when Kevin called. He deliberately stayed out until almost three in the morning to insure that his mother was asleep when he returned home. He wasn’t trying to avoid her. He just didn’t want to talk tonight. Maybe after he got a good night’s sleep he could explain it to her.

He nervously dialed the private line in his bedroom at home. The same number that “Tiffany” had called. It was still a mystery to him how a fan found out that information…and a bigger mystery how she got that phone number. Until he and Jeanie married, fewer than ten people had that unlisted number. The only “new” people who had it were the Boys and Kevin’s family and he trusted them with his life. They would never give it out.

To his dismay, no one answered. Kevin began to panic. What if something happened to Jeanie? Just before he and Madi left she’d been crying so hard that she got a nosebleed… What if…

He quickly dialed Jessie’s number. She answered right away.

“Jess? It’s Kev. You still up?”

“Duh? Yeah…”

Kevin tried to overlook her flip attitude. “I called the line in the bedroom, but Jeanie didn’t answer. She okay?”

“Peachy keen jelly bean…”


“Oh for real? Dude…didn’t know you really cared. Lemme see…is she okay,” Jessie paused. She’d probably be grounded for life after this. Oh well, she only had a couple more years of high school. As long as he didn’t take away her computer or her CD player, she could survive. Besides, he deserved it.

“Knock it off, Jess.” Kevin lowered his voice. He wasn’t in the mood for her smart mouth.

“Yes sir,” she snapped back sarcastically.

“It she there?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Will you go wake her up and tell her I need to talk to her?” He heard her lay the receiver down and could hear faint, muffled strains of “I’ll Never Break Your Heart,” in the background. She was gone for only a minute or so.

When she returned to her room, she paused before getting back on line with Kevin, nervously chewing at the cuticles around her nails on her right hand. “Ass hole deserves it…” she grumbled to herself as she took a deep breath and picked the receiver back up.

“Kevin…she’s asleep. Call back tomorrow.”

“Jess, wake her up okay. I think she’d want to talk…” Kevin's tone of voice had gone from parental to resigned and almost pleading. He didn’t want to fight with anyone anymore. He loved Jess…

“Ummm…seriously, Kev. Let her sleep, okay?”

“Why? Is she okay? She didn’t take sleeping pills or anything, did she? Is anyone else there? Jess?”

“Yeah, yeah. Umm, Linds and Bone are here. Have been all night, but they’re sleeping now. Um, Lupe’s here, too. No, she didn’t take nothin’. You know her, she’s so damn straight she’d break if she tried to bend.”

“Then let me talk to her, baby. I’m not gonna yell at her…”

“Umm…I-I can’t.”


“I-I tried.”


“I-I tried to umm…you know…see if she could come to the phone.”

“Jess, put A.J. on right now. It’s too late for these games. I’m not mad at you. Just get A.J.”

“Look…I can, but he’s gonna tell ya the same thing.”

“And that is…” He waited for what seemed like an eternity before Jess finally answered.

“Nick won’t wake her up.”


“I umm knocked and umm, Nick umm, answered the door. I umm, said that Jeanie had a phone call and umm, he said, umm…no…umm”

“Jess quit stalling! Quit saying ‘umm’…”

“Umm…okay. Umm, he umm said she couldn’t take anymore crap. Let her sleep.”

Kevin closed his eyes. If he ever thought that he couldn’t possibly have another ounce of rage built up inside, this proved him wrong.

“You listen to me, young lady. Are you telling me the truth?”

“Shit…yes!” Jessie suddenly remembered why she’s scribbled all over Kevin’s pictures. For a minute, she almost felt sorry for him.

“You’re telling me, Nick is there. Nick is in my bedroom…with my wife. Is he sleeping in my bed?”

“I dunno…”

“What did he have on? Did he look like you woke him up?”

“Umm, ummm…boxers. ummm, yeah. I woke him up.”

“Thank you.” Kevin closed his eyes and tried to get a grip. “Jess?”

“Yes, sir?”

“I love you, baby…”

“I love you, too, Kev. So does Jeanie…”

She anxiously waited for a response. Finally, Kevin murmured, “Yeah…right.”

< Edges Of Your Heart >