Chapter 6

When Nick woke up, he was alone in bed. He tried to make out the time, it looked like it was around ten o’clock in the morning. He stumbled into the bathroom then pulled his pants on. He thought he could hear voices.

Shirtless with his hair going in every direction, he slowly made his way toward the media room. The closer he got, the more voices he heard. He swung through the kitchen where Lupe was doing breakfast dishes.

“You want juice, Mr. Nick?” She opened the refrigerator.

“Yeah, thanks…” He took a large glass of orange juice out of hand.


“It’s okay, Lupe. I’ll get somethin’ later.” He took a couple of gulps. “Jeanie in there?”

“Now? Yes, sir. She was working with Duke earlier…the new horse. She’s too tiny to break horses, I swear to Jesus…she’s gonna get crushed…” Lupe shook her head.

“Whose in there?” He jerked his head in the direction of the media room.

“Mr. AJ and Miss Lindsay. The guys from some band and Hunter…Hunter Maguire I think.” She handed Nick a handful of vitamins. “You take these. You don’t look good,” she scolded him.

“Gee, thanks,” he grinned and downed the caplets. “You take good care of us, huh, Lupe?”

She reached up and ruffled his hair. “Somebody gotta take care of you guys. I swear to Jesus…you worry me so much…” She wandered off…then stopped at the door. “Mr. Nick…I know it’s none of my business, but is Madi coming home?”

Nick looked away. “I dunno. Hope so…”

“I swear to Jesus…”

* * *

“You’re leaving?” Nick sat on the end of the bed and watched Jeanie pack a suitcase.

“Yeah. This has been in the works a while. It’s business.” She rifled through her lingerie drawer and pulled out several pairs of panties.

“Since when do you write country?”

“Since forever….you just never paid any attention.” She held up an outfit. “Whatcha think?”

“I think you’re looking to get laid,” he teased. “You okay? You’re so… I dunno…”

“I’m fine. I’m not falling apart, is that what you mean?” Nick nodded sheepishly. Jeanie sat down on the bed next to him. “I can’t Nick. I slip much further, I’m not sure I can crawl back out. I have to work. I have a career. I’ll get Madi back. I may not get Kevin back, but I’ll get Madi back.” She kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Have I told you I love you today?” he said softly.

“No…but you don’t have to tell me. You’re here. I know you love me.”

“I wish you wouldn’t go traipsin’ off with some hick…”



“For your information…first, I’m not ‘traipsing off.' You make it sound like I’m running away with one of the Beverly Hillbillies. Geez!” she giggled. “I’m going to Nashville. You go there all the time! In fact, we’ll be at the Vanderbilt Plaza for a few days then…” her voice trailed off.


“We’re going to do some “power writing,” if there is such a thing. You know, lock ourselves up and knock it out sort of thing…”

“Who is WE?”

“Me and Hunter…”

“Kevin was okay was this?” Nick couldn’t believe that one.

“We just decided this morning. Kevin’s not around…is he?” She got back up, but Nick caught her hand.

“Jeanie…don’t do something stupid…”

“I’m working, Nick. That’s it. We have a few changes to make on “Can We Ever Get Back to I Love You…”

“There’s a yee-haw song…”

“Yep…oh, while I’m gone, make sure Lupe dusts off MY GRAMMYS and the two OSCARS…” Jeanie tweaked the end of Nick’s nose.

“You are cold…dayum…” Nick grinned.

“Hey…I’ll see ya’ at the Grammy’s Backstreet Boy…”

“Threat or promise?”


Suddenly they became aware of A.J. and Lindsay yelling. “What the hell?” Nick started for the bedroom door. “Stay here!” he ordered.

He didn’t even make it out of the room before Kevin came bursting through the door, his rage clearly out of control. A.J. and Lindsay were holding onto to him as if their lives depended on it. Kevin was dragging them along for the ride.

Kevin and Nick stood eye to eye glaring at each other. Nick knew what was coming. Kevin was about to beat the shit out of him. Kevin shoved him hard and Nick stumbled backward.

“You wanna be a man? You think you’re fuckin’ man enough to steal my wife?” Kevin shoved him again.

Jeanie grabbed Kevin’s other arm and held on, trying desperately to keep him from hitting Nick.

“Knock it off, Kev. I’ll fight back. I swear…” Nick warned.

“Do I look scared of you?” Kevin lunged for him dragging A.J., Linds, and Jeanie with him.

Jeanie pleaded with him to stop. Kevin shook her off his arm as if she weighed nothing. She fell over Nick and landed on her hands and knees on the floor.

When Nick saw Jeanie fall, he went ballistic and charged Kevin. Kevin took two steps back and managed to dodge Nick. He’d had enough…he drew his fist back. This fight was years in the making and he was more than ready.

No one was quite sure how it happened. One minute Jeanie was on her hands and knees…the next minute Kevin and Nick were beating the daylights out of each other. The two men were trampling Jeanie, who was still at their feet. She finally managed to pull herself up just as Kevin landed a hard left…unfortunately, it missed Nick and he hit her square in face sending her flying across the bedroom.

Everyone stopped. Jeanie lay lifeless on the floor. Lindsay screeched as she rushed to her side. Not only was Jeanie unconscious, but now blood was gushing from her nose and mouth. “Oh God, somebody call an ambulance…”

< Edges Of Your Heart >