All He Needed

By:  Foxy Lady


His mother always used to tell him the grass was always greener on the other side. He never really understood what she meant by it, but she always said it. Why was it greener he would ask her, and she would just smile all motherly like and told him he would know what she meant someday. As he grew older he still didn't understand what she meant, but by then he couldn't spend so much time thinking about it. He had things to do. Businesses to run. Concerts to perform in. He had no time to sleep, much less time to try and figure out what his mother had told him so many years before.


When he wasn't busy, he was out partying. Getting drunk or laid by girl after girl or both, but even that got old after awhile. He finally got tired of it all, and showed up on JC's doorstep one night after taping that kids show he was doing. Carrying a bag of Chinese take out and another with a six-pack of beer. When JC opened the door, he looked tired and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail, but he let him in anyway, walking back and over to the couch silently. He looked over at JC silently, noting his unshaven tired appearance with a bit of concern. When he had seen the MTV footage the other day of JC in the studio, he had looked happy and healthy. What had happened in the short amount of time since that had been taped?


Clearing his throat he opened his mouth to speak, "C, you okay, man? You're looking kinda ... I don't know ... tired or something.


JC sighed as he pulled his hair out of the pony tail, running his fingers through it before shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah ... fine. Nothing I can't handle."


Chewing on his bottom lip, he nodded. "You sure, C? I mean you know you can always talk to me right. About anything."


"Yeah ... I know. It's just something. I don't know if you could help with this though."


Tilting his head, he bit his bottom lip as he reached out and wrapped an arm around JC's shoulder, pulling him closer. JC sighed softly as he laid his head on his shoulder. "Josh ... you don't have to tell me you know, but if you want to I'm here."


The two of them sat like that in silence for quite a long time, just listening to each other breath. It got so quiet that he thought that JC was asleep. He could always fall asleep so easily.  It didn't matter where JC was. If he could just have five minutes of silence and the ability to close his eyes, he was out like a light. Reaching up, he ran his fingers through JC's long hair, smiling a little when he felt JC lean into his touch. Looking down, he saw his friend's eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady, indicating that he was indeed asleep. He had always enjoyed these times with JC. These little quiet moments when it was just the two of them. They had become more infrequent in the past year since the hiatus had begun, but he was hoping that would change now. It looked like JC needed him now, and of course he wanted to be their if that was the case.


In the past it had always been J that was there for him. Supporting him n everything that he wanted to do. It was JC that had went to Houston over the summer and to the premiere for On the Line. Helping Joey record the song for the soundtrack. All the little things that JC had done over the years. Feeling JC turn his head, he bit his lip as he felt JC nuzzle his neck in his sleep causing a slight shiver go down his spine. He started to pull away, but he only succeeded in waking JC up. Looking down he saw JC look up at him through half open sleepy eyes.


A small smile crossed JC lips before he closed his eyes again, nuzzling his neck before pressing a soft kiss there. "Thanks, Lance."


Holding JC closer, he closed his own eyes as he leaned back against the couch. He thought he could finally see what his mother meant. Maybe the grass was greener on the other side. Or maybe it was just JC. He still couldn't explain it really, but he wasn't going to over analyze this like everything else in his life. All he knew was right now he was enjoying the peace and the quiet and the man now cuddled up against his side. Right now he had all he needed.


The End


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