Boys Night Out

By: Foxy Lady


It had taken a lot of work on his part, and with some help from Chris, but here they were. At the Hustler Club. Beautiful women and men everywhere. Dancing around. Half-dressed, and here they were, three fifths of the hottest boyband around. JC was already drunk, and Chris was well on his way there.


Lance leaned against the wall with a glass in his hand with Chris next to him. They watched as JC danced around the room with the girls in there with them. JC danced up to one of the girls and wrapped his arms around her waist as he grinded his hips against her. Lance could see his lips moving, and knew he was singing to her under his breath. JC was always singing or humming or doing some shit like that.


As he continued to watch JC, he could feel himself get hard. He wanted to be the one that JC was grinding against. He took another sip of his drink, and turned towards Chris who was also staring at the show JC was putting on. "He's fucking hot, ain't he?"


"Yeah, he is. Those hips of his are pretty lethal."


"That they are."


Chris shook his head wiping his hand over his face. "Sorry about that, Lance. I forgot what I was I saying."


Lance waved his hand. "Don't worry about Chris. He is hot, and I know all about those hips. Trust me."


Chris laughed softly. "You know what they call those hips of his online?"


Lance shook his head as he took another sip.


"Diva hips."


Lance lowered his drink raising his eye brow. "That is interesting." Lance turned back to watch his boyfriend on the floor. "They are like liquid the way he moves them."


Chris nodded his head lifting his bottle to his lips. "Are they like that in bed? Hmm, wait. Don't answer that."


"It's okay, man." He motioned towards the dance floor. "You think he is hot out there. That is nothing compared to what he is in bed. Nothing."


Chris lowered his bottle from his lips. He looked over at Lance muttering, "Damn. That would be something to see."


Chris turned back towards to the dance floor watching as JC moved away from the girl, and back towards them. He leaned against the wall next to Lance and lowered his head to Lance's shoulder with a giggle. "How you doing, baby?"


"I'm good. I'm having fun." JC giggled again.


"How many drinks have you had?"


JC tilted his head away from Lance raising his hand counting off his fingers.  He looked confused for a second, and then dropped his hand. "I don't remember."


Lance sighed. "Babe, I wanted to ask you something."


JC giggled again. "Sure, you can ask me anything, you know that, babe."


Lance motioned towards Chris. "I want you to give him a lapdance."


JC's head jerked back as he looked over at Chris before looking at Lance. "What?"


"I want you to give Chris here a lapdance. Show him how you move those hips of yours. Grind up against him. Make him hard. Make him cum, baby."


JC shook his head as he reached for Lance's drink. He took a drink, and then looked over at Chris again. He stood silent looking back before between Chris and Lance. JC ran his head down Lance's chest as he licked his lips. "Will you give me a $1000 dollars to do it?"


"No, but if you do a good job with Chris here, you can have me after." Lance took back his drink finishing it.


JC moved around Lance, and moved up to Chris close enough to whisper in his ear. "So do you want me Chris? Do you want me to dance for you?"


Lance watched as Chris nodded his head not able to speak. He lifted his bottle to his lips draining his contents before turning to Lance. "Man, you okay with this?"


"It's my idea, Chris, so just shut up and enjoy. This is a one night offer."




Lance moved away from the wall putting his hand on the small of JC's back. "Let's go back to the hotel. We can't do anything here."


In the limo on the way to the hotel, JC draped himself across Lance's lap wrapping his arms around his neck. "Babe, you sure you want me to do this. We don't have to. We can just go back to the room and I can give you your own private show."


Lance kissed JC softly before pulling back."It's just a dance, baby. Nothing else. You're all mine afterwards."


JC nodded his head before burying his face in Lance's neck. When they pulled up to the hotel, Lance ran his fingers through JC's hair before lowering his head to whisper, "Baby, we're here."


JC nodded as he lifted his head. He opened his eyes slowly, and Lance could tell that his boyfriend was beginning to sober up after his quick nap. JC slid off Lance's lap, and stepped out of the car followed by Lance and Chris. They made their way through the lobby, and onto an elevator. None of them spoke. When they reached their floor, Lance led them down the hall to the suite he and JC were sharing. He unlocked the door, and turned on the light. Taking off his jacket, he threw it onto the couch.


He walked into the bedroom stopping to look back at Chris and JC behind him. "Well, come on you two. Let's get this party started." He waited for the other two to join him before walking over to the chair. He beckoned towards Chris patting the back of the chair. "You sit here." He waited for Chris to sit down before making his way back to JC. He ran his hand up JC's arm, as he moved closer to him. "Now there a few rules for this little adventure," he said as he looked over his shoulder. "You knew there had to be."


Chris licked his lips. "What are they, Lance?"


"The first one is you keep your hands off. The only place your allowed to touch is the hips. Everything else is off limits. The second one is no kissing. I'm the only one allowed to do that," he said before claiming JC's lips in a passionate kiss. Turning back towards Chris, he asked, "Got it?"


"I got it."


"Then let the fun begin." Lance walked over to the small stereo over on the dresser, and began to go through the CD's they had. He selected one and slipped it into the CD player. Before pushing play, he turned back towards Chris. "One more rule. Clothes stay on."


"Got it."


"Good." Lance pushed play on the stereo, and Madonna's Justify my Love began to play.  Lance moved away from the stereo and walked over to the wall by the door. Leaning against it he watched as JC walked towards Chris letting his hands run up and down his chest pulling his shirt up slightly to run his fingers along the waistband on his jeans. Stopping in front of Chris, he lowered himself to his knees placing his hands on Chris's knees pushing them apart and moving between them. He stood up slowly almost touching his chest to Chris' but not quite. Lance shifted as he watched JC bend over and lick Chris' neck before taking his earlobe between his teeth. Lance bit his lip trying to hold in the groan he wanted to let out as he watched JC moved to straddle Chris' hips.


JC placed his hands on either side of Chris' head holding onto the back of the chair as he began to grind his ass against his crotch. He leaned closer pressing his lips to Chris' ear to whisper, "You're so hard, baby. Is that for me?"


Chris groaned as he reached up and grabbed onto JC's hips. JC continued to grind against Chris in time with the music moving one hand to rub against Chris' chest teasing his nipples through the shirt he was wearing.


Lance continued to watch as his lover gave his best friend the best performance of his life. He could feel his own dick straining against the confines of his jeans, but he stood still, leaning against the wall. He watched as JC's hips kept moving wanting to move closer and join in the little show before him, but again he remained still. This was for Chris. He watched Chris' hands start to move up from JC's hips. "Naughty naughty, Chris. On the hips."


JC stood up turning towards Lance. Lance nodded his head answering the unasked question in JC's eyes. JC grinned and moved back onto Chris' lap, but this time he was facing Lance. He licked his lips, as he began to grind against Chris. Chris' hands returned to hips, pulling JC so that he was flush against his chest. JC leaned his head on Chris' shoulder turning his head to nuzzle his neck. He motioned to Lance with his hand, calling him closer, but Lance shook his head.


JC lifted his head motioning again. Lance licked his lips, and without realizing he was doing it he moved away from the wall and walked towards JC. He stopped in front of the chair looking over JC's shoulder at Chris. "You mind if I join in, Chris?"


Chris shook his head no before closing his eyes.


Lance buried his fingers in JC's hair before leaning over and claiming his lips taking JC's soft moan as his opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He let his free hand to travel beneath JC's shirt. JC continued to move against Chris, and when Chris opened his eyes to find JC and Lance kissing just inches from him, he lost it. His fingers clenched on JC's hips, and he let out a long moan.


Lance broke the kiss with JC as he heard Chris panting. He looked up at him with a grin. "So didn't I tell you how hot he was. Was I right?"


Chris nodded his head, not knowing exactly what to say.


Lance pulled JC off of Chris kissing him quickly. "You are so fucking hot, babe. I want you so bad right now. I wanted it to be me in that chair."


"We can do that next time, babe.When it is just you and me. Right now I'm going to have my way with you. You said I could if I was good with Chris, and I was very good, so now you're all mine."


Chris finallly found his voice. "Guys, maybe I should..."


JC turned towards Chris as he fingered the hem of Lance's shirt. "Chris, just shut up and enjoy the show. Like Lance said this is a one night offer."


Chris closed his mouth, and sat back.


JC turned back to Lance with a soft laugh. "Now where were we?"


"I don't know, JC. Why don't you tell me?"


JC looked down at Lance fingering the hem of his shirt. "I'm thinking we need to take these clothes off of you." JC lifted the shirt up Lance's body and over his head in one smooth motion throwing it to the other side of the room. He let his hand make his way down the center of Lance's chest before reaching for the button of Lance's jeans. He flicked it open, and lowered the zipper. He let his hand snake inside Lance's pants as he rubbed it against his cock. He heard Lance's moan feeling Lance lean his head against his shoulder. "Do you want me, baby?"


"Always," Lance mumbled before licking the hollow of JC's throat right by the mediallion he wore. "There hasn't ever been a time I haven't wanted you since the day we met."


"Same here, baby," JC removed his hand, and Lance whimpered at the loss. "Just need to take these pants off of you," JC whispered pushing Lance's jeans off his hips, and down his legs. He bent down and slipped off Lance's shoes, so Lance could kick off his jeans.


JC stood up and reached up to pull Lance closer to him, but Lance shook his head. "You're still dressed."


"I know. I'll take care of that in a sec." JC reached out for Lance again, and Lance moved closer burying his face in JC's neck. "Did that little show I put on with Chris turn you on?" Lance nodded his head. "Did you like telling me what to do?"


"Hell yes."


"Good. Now it's my turn." JC took a step back from Lance. "I want you to lay on the bed, baby."


Lance looked up at JC for a sec before moving towards the bed. He lay in the middle looking at Chris watching him. He closed his eyes, but JC made a noise. "Open up your eyes, baby. You'll miss the show."


Lance reopened his eyes, and looked over at JC just in time to see him lifting his shirt slowly exposing one inch at a time. He licked his lips as he watched JC lift the shirt over his head, and throw it aside.


JC trailed his hands down his chest moaning softly as his fingers moved over his nipples. His hands moved lower and and reached for the button to his jeans. He flicked it open and reached for the zipper pulling it down slowly. He slid his pants down his legs toeing off his shoes. Once his clothes were off, he walked towards the bed crawling on it towards Lance. He covered Lance's body with his own kissing him passionately thrusting his tongue into Lance's mouth, as he began to grind his hips.


Lance let out a small moan reaching up his hands, but JC pushed his hands down on either side of his head. Sitting up, JC straddled Lance's hips. "What do you want me to do now, Lance?"


Lance licked his lips before speaking. "I want you, Jayce."


"You want me how, Lance? Do you want me to fuck you?" Lance moaned as JC once again began to grind his hips. "Is that what you want?"




JC leaned down kissing Lance, as he reached over to the dresser next to the bed. He pulled something from the top drawer never breaking the kiss he had with Lance. As they continued to kiss, he pressed now slick fingers against Lance's opening thrusting them in one at a time until Lance was whimpering against his mouth. Removing his fingers, he slid in between Lance's legs, and rubbed his cock against Lance's opening. "You ready for me, baby?" Lance nodded, and JC thrust inside his lover slowly. He waited a few moments before moving again waiting for Lance to adjust. Lance kissed him, and JC groaned thrusting into Lance deep. "You always feel so good baby."


"You, too."


As JC continued to move, he could hear Chris in the background, and the thought of someone watching him and Lance turned him on more if that was possible. He let go of Lance's hands, and moved his own down to hold onto Lance's hips. He began to thrust within Lance wildly, but Lance met him each time. Lance came first crying out JC's name. JC followed soon after collapsing onto Lance.


After a few minutes, JC lifted his head, and looked over at Chris. With a smile, he said, "So did you enjoy the show?"


The End


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