
By:  Foxy Lady


Chapter 1

Justin looked at the building that housed his home for the next year. Miller Hall. It looked like a nice enough dorm. Of course, he couldn't really tell because he hadn't really lived in a dorm before. Much less on his own. He was starting college on a basketball scholarship. Thank God for athletic scholarships or else he would never be able to afford school.

Hearing his mother sigh, he turned towards her. "I'll be okay, mom. I have to grow up sometime right, and think of it this way. We are only two hours from each other. I can come home and visit on weekends every once in awhile."

Sighing again, the woman placed her hands in her lap. "I just can't believe my baby boy is all grown up and leaving home. I am going to miss you."

"Aww, mom. I am not a baby. I turned eighteen six months ago." Justin turned to open the car door not wanting to see his mother tear up. He hated when she got like this. He was not a baby. He was an adult starting college. Maybe now that he had left the house he would see that. Walking to the back of the car he opened up the trunk and took out his suitcase.

His mother finally got out wiping the few stray tears that streamed down her face. She opened the back door and took out one of the boxes. "Mom. I get it all. Just stay here with the stuff and I'll take it up a little at a time."

"But I want to see your room," she said leaning against the door.

"You will, mom. Geez." Justin walked toward the steps of the building carrying his suitcase and pillow. Stopping in the front lobby, he looked up at wall for his room assignment. "Timberlake/Bass 222," he mumbled heading for the stairs to the upper floor. "Where is an elevator when you need one?"

A deep voice behind him spoke. "Down that hall."

Justin turned and smiled. "Thanks, man. That will help with all the boxes in my mom's car." Putting down his suitcase, he reached out his hand. "Justin Timberlake."

"Oh, you're Timberlake? I was wondering. I'm Lance Bass, your roommate." Lance shook his hand before picking up the suitcase Justin had put down. "Our room is up here."

Justin followed the older boy. Wondering what year in school he was. Certainly not a freshman. He was dressed comfortably in a grey tank top and khaki cargo shorts. When they reached 222, Lance put down the suitcase to retrieve his keys from his pocket. Opening the door, he turned and smiled. "Welcome home."

Justin walked inside the room and looked around. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small enough that they would be on top of each other all of the time. Two twin beds and two desks furnished the room. He noticed that Lance had already claimed his side of the room near the window. He went to the other side and sat on the bed. "Not too bad."

"Nope. It is weird at first. Sharing a room with a stranger, but at least I don't snore. Not loud anyway."

Justin chuckled. "Thank god for that. I don't snore either. Will warn you I seem to have a habit of talking in my sleep. Whole entire conversations I will never remember. Other than that, I am pretty good."

Lance laughed out loud. "Whole conversations?"

"Yep. Well, mom is waiting so I better go get the rest of my stuff." Justin stood up and walked over to the door.

Lance followed him out the door. "I'll help you."

Justin turned to smile at him once again. "Thanks, dude. Hey, where do I pick up my key?"

"At the front desk. I'll show you later."

The two of them walked down to the car where his mother stood tapping her foot as she waited. "Justin, what took you so long?"

Justin sighed. "Sorry, mom. Met up with my roommate. Lance, meet my mom, Lynn."

Lance reached out his hand and shook the one the woman offered. "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

Lynn smiled at the slight accent she heard in his voice. "Where you from, Lance?"

"Mississippi, ma'am."

Nodding, Lynn turned to the boxes on the sidewalk. "There it is, Justin. I need to start heading back to the house. I have an early shift tomorrow."

Justin nodded sighing again. "I know, mom." He picked up a box and handed it to Lance. He then bent over to pick up a box of his own. His mother picked up a bag, and three of them walked into the dorm and up the stairs. Once they reached the room, Justin's mother took in his new home. It was a dorm. she couldn't expect much. At least he had a nice roommate it seemed. Putting down the bag, she turned to her son. Reaching out, she took him in her arms.

"Mom, come on. Two hours remember?" Justin pulled back from his mother's embrace embarrassed she was acting this way in front of Lance. He turned towards the other boy, and he got a sympathetic look.

"Okay," she said stifling a sob. "I'll be fine. You'll be fine. Study hard. Eat well." She reached up and hugged him again before turning to Lance. "It was nice meeting you. Don't let him get into too much trouble."

"I won't ma'am."

Sighing, she took a step towards the door preparing to leave. "Call me anytime, Justin.'

"I will." Justin walked towards the door and opened it anxious to see his mother leave to stop this embarrassing display. When she exited the door, he sighed closing it. "That was fun."

Lance chuckled. "You think your mom was bad. Mine was ten times worse. She had to stay and help me decorate my room."

"Oh, man. That is bad." Justin threw himself on the bed. "Freedom finally."

Chapter 2

Later that night, Lance lay in bed listening to Justin mumble in his sleep. That would take getting used to, he thought. It was kinda cute though. Heck, Justin was kind of cute period. Lance had no idea why he hadn't told Justin about him earlier that day. Oh yeah during the talk about snoring and talking in his sleep just blurt out, "Oh yeah, by the way, I'm gay."

Nope that wouldn't have worked. Justin probably would have gone back downstairs to his mother and driven away from the dorm as fast as he could. Not looking back. Then again, Justin might have been cool with it. He wouldn't know unless he told Justin.

Sighing, Lance turned on his side facing Justin. In his slumber, Justin's covers had ended up at the bottom of the bed. Justin's only clothing was a tank top and boxer briefs. The moonlight filtering through the window blinds outlined his perfect six pack.

Lance groaned as he flopped back on to his back. He would not do this. Just tonight at dinner, Justin was talking about his girl back home. What was her name again? Oh right, Britney. Apparently they had known each other forever and had plans to get married someday. So stop this. Justin is straight.He isn't gay. Get over it, Bass. Lance sighed as he turned towards the wall finally letting sleep take over him.

The next night Lance and Justin sat in the main lounge waiting for the director of the hall to hold a dorm meeting. Basically a "Hi I'm your boss here. Here are your rules. Don't mess up" type of meeting. Lance was used to those things. From what he had heard of this guy, he was pretty good. Funny people had told him when he asked. Chris was his name. They said just don't interrupt him while he is playing video games. If you cause him to lose he gets mad.

He looked over at Justin. He looked bored. "Hey, man. This won't take too long. Then you could go shoot some hoops or something."

Justin perked up at the mention of basketball. "Cool, dude. You want to go play a game with me?"

Lance laughed. "I wouldn't last two seconds. I suck at basketball." Lance could hear the snickers around him. Turning he looked around, but everyone stopped before he could catch anyone. "Aren't you going to be on the team?"

Justin nodded. "Yeah. that is how I got to come here. Otherwise I'd be back home with Josh at the community college."

"Scholarships are good. So who's Josh?"

"He's been my best friend since like grade school. He wanted to come here too, but money is kind of tight, so he got a job and plans to transfer here when he can afford it." Justin moved a little closer. "Hey, do you mind if he comes up some weekend and hangs out. He wouldn't mind the floor."

"Nope. Just let me know when."

"Cool, man. Thanks."

Just then a youngish looking dark haired man walked in and stood in front of the room. "Hello, everyone. Can everyone pipe down, so we can get on with it and over with." There was a few scattered groans from the group gathered in the lounge before they were silent. "Thanks, guys. I'm Chris. Your director here at Miller Hall. I'm pretty cool. Not too many rules. Just you know common sense stuff. Don't drink if you shouldn't. Drugs are a no-no. Try to be considerate with the noise level after 11pm during the week. Basic stuff. I'm here if you ever need to talk. Day or night. That's it. Any questions?"

Someone raised their hand in back.


"Is their a rule about guests?"

Chris chuckled. "Well, technically you have to clear any over night guests by me, but if you don't that's okay as long as I don't see anything. If I see it, I'll have to say something. You know the rule the university has right? As long as you aren't sleeping, you can have her in your room. Anything else?"

No one said anything, so Chris took a step back. "Well if that is it, then I need to get back to Tomb Raider. Meeting same time next week."

After Chris left the lounge, people began to stand up and prepare to return to their rooms for the night. Justin ran up the stairs to his room followed by Lance. "Come on down to the courts with me. You can watch me shoot hoops if you don't want to actually play. I can probably pick up a game there."

Lance looked at the book he had been reading lying on his bed. Read a boring book or watch Justin play basketball. Getting all sweaty and... Lance mentally slapped his head. Don't start that again, Bass. "Yeah, I'll go down their with you. Just give me a sec."

"All right, I'll be down in the lounge." Justin left the room bouncing his basketball on the ground.

Lance quickly changed into a pair of shorts and tank top cause he figured Justin would end up getting him to play somehow. Sighing, he left the room locking the door behind him.

Chapter 3

Lance followed Justin around the courts trying to find one the was empty. All of them were taken. Justin sighed because now he really wanted to play a game. Bouncing his basketball on the pavement, he looked at the courts. On the far one, he saw someone by themselves shooting baskets. "Lance, come on."

Walking over to the court, he stood underneath the basket watching the guy shoot hoops. He took the guys appearance in quickly. He was on the big side and from the looks of it was Italian. When the ball went through the hoop and landed next to him, Justin picked it up and threw it back to the guy.

"Thanks, man." The Italian walked over and stuck out his hand. "I'm Joey."

Shaking the offered hand, "Justin, and this is my roommate Lance."

Joey nodded. Motioning to the ball, he continued, "You play?"

"Yep. Actually I am going to be on the team this year."

Joey looked confused for a second before breaking into a huge smile. "Oh, wait. I know you. You're that freshman we've got coming on. Timberlake, right?"

Justin nodded bouncing the ball. "That would be me."

Joey grabbed the basketball from Justin. "So let's see what you got."

For the next half-hour, Lance sat next to the court watching Justin and Joey play basketball. They tried to get him on the court a couple of times, but he was like no way. He wouldn't stand a chance against either of the basketball players. He was content staying right where he was watching Justin move back and forth across the court gracefully. He really was a great basketball player.

Another thirty minutes passed before Justin finally collapsed to the ground next to Lance. "Hand me that towel, man."

Lance reached over and grabbed the towel from Justin's sports bag. "Here ya go."

Justin sat back and tore off his shirt. Lance averted his gaze so he wouldn't be caught staring. Justin wrapped the towel around his shoulders. "You're pretty good, Joey."

Joey laughed. "Thanks, but I am not as good as you. You will be a real asset to our team, Timberlake."

Justin stood up and walked over to his bag bending over to take out a fresh shirt. Lance inwardly groaned. Damn, this boy would kill him if he kept doing this to him. Of course, Justin wasn't aware of what he was doing which made the little actions even more sexier if possible. Justin without a shirt on was a sight.

Justin turned to face him. "Hey, Lance. Joey asked us to go to his frat. They are having a party tonight. You up for it?"

Lance knew what frat parties entailed. Booze. Drugs. Girls. Definitely not his scene, but he knew if he didn't go Justin would get in way over his head. He remembered his first party on campus. "Sure. Yeah. We'll meet him there in an hour or so."

Justin ran back to Joey and talked to him for a few minutes while Lance waited. Lance watched as Justin laughed and smiled. He could definitely fall in love with that smile. As Justin ran back towards him, he shook his head sighing. "So we set?"

"Yep. He said that we could show up anytime after nine." Justin picked up his bag shoving in his towel and ball. "Let's go."

Chapter 4

Lance could hear the music playing from the frat house the minute they turned the corner of frat row. Following the loud music, he stopped in front of the house. Beer bottles littered the front lawn. Apparently the party was already well under way.

Justin walked up the pathway to the front door and walked inside. Lance ran to catch up with him. Once inside, Lance lost Justin in the crowd of people and smoke. Sniffing he smelled the familiar stench of marijuana. Boy how he hated these kinds of parties. Wanting to stay close to Justin, he walked through the lower level of the house looking for his younger roommate. He found him about ten minutes later in the kitchen drinking a beer with Joey.

When he walked up, Joey reached out and pulled him into a hug. "Hey, man. Glad you could make it. Want a beer?"

Lance knew he had to accept at least one to make it look good so he nodded taking the beer that was offered to him. "Thanks."

"Hey. no problem, dude. I was just telling Justin here about this hot chick I have been trying to get all summer. She is supposed to be here tonight, so tonight might be the night I finally score." Joey looked over Lance's head into the next room. "Shit, she's here already. Check out the blonde, Justin."

Justin looked towards the next room and whistled. "Yep, she's hot, man. So what are you doing here talking to me and Lance?"

Joey nodded grabbing two beers out of the tub. "Yep, you're right. Later, dudes." Joey walked into the next room and over to the girl.

Justin finished his beer and got a second one. "Let's go see what other hot chicks we can find here, Lance. Of course I got one already at home. We need to find one for you though."

Lance almost wanted to groan out loud. Justin trying to find him a girl was almost too much. He followed Justin out of the kitchen.

"So what do you like?" Justin asked looking around the room at the various girls available. "Blonde, brunette, redhead."

Tall with blonde
curly hair"" and a body to die for. "I don't know, Justin."

"Oh, come on, Lance. You haven't mentioned a girl once since I got here. So man, start of a new year, time to get you a new woman." Justin motioned to the back of the room, "how about her?"

Lance looked and sighed. "Justin, just don't all right. I can find my own dates. Thank you very much." Lance walked out of the room leaving Justin to watch him go. Justin shrugged and joined the party going over to the girl he had picked out for Lance and dancing with her.

An hour later, Justin was on his fifth beer. He was talking way too much and laughing at all the jokes even the ones that weren't remotely funny. Lance found him back in the kitchen with Joey talking about the basketball team and the various players. At least they were trying to talk. The girl Justin had tried to set him up with was draped against him giggling at everything Justin said.

Lance knew this was going to happen. At these parties, there was nothing to do but drink and smoke pot. Lance hoped that Justin didn't do that too. "Hey, man, we should get going back to the dorm."

Justin turned towards Lance with a pout on his face. "Aww, Lance. I don't want to go back yet. I'm having fun here with ...." Justin looked down at the girl.. "Umm."


"Yeah, that's right, Mandy."

Lance looked down at the ground shaking his head. "Justin, come on, man. It's late and we need to go. You can call Mandy tomorrow."

Justin sighed. "All right. We'll go." Turning towards Joey, he reached out his hand. "Thanks for the invite, man. I had a lot of fun."

"Yeah, will glad you two could come over. We''ll play hoops again sometime soon. You're in Miller right?"

"Yep," Justin turned towards Keri. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mandy." Justin walked towards Lance stumbling slightly. "Let's go."

Wonderful, Lance thought. "Let's hope we get by Chris."

As they walked down the street back to their dorm, Justin stumbled onto Lance almost knocking him down to the ground. "Justin, damn, how many beers did you have, man?"

Justin raised his hand counting on his fingers. Holding up his hand when he was done, he laughed, "This many."

"Shit, Justin. Five?" Lance reached around Justin's waist holding him so he wouldn't stumble again. They eventually made it back to their dorm. "Now Justin try and be quiet because if Chris sees you drunk he will get you in trouble."

"Okay, I'll be quiet, Lance," Justin said a little bit too loudly.


Lance didn't think Justin could manage the stairs in this state, so he walked him down the hall towards the elevator. Just as the elevator door opened, Lance saw Chris walking down the hall towards his room. Pushing Justin into the elevator, he scrambled inside and pushed the button for their floor.

When they reached their room, Lance dumped Justin on his bed. "You're not going to get sick or anything right Justin?"

Justin shook his head.

"Well that's good cause I'm not going to take care of you if you do. You'll be sorry in the morning." Lance watched Justin as he lay back on his bed already starting to fall asleep. "Justin, you can't fall asleep like that, man." Justin mumbled in his sleep, but made no motion to get up and undress for bed. Lance reached down and pulled Justin's shoes off.

Lance looked down at the sleeping figure of the young man. He should leave him dressed, but those jeans he was wearing looked uncomfortable. Sighing, he reached down and unbuttoned the button of the jeans. He pulled them down quickly and threw them on the floor. "Night, Justin."

Turning over onto his side, Justin mumbled, "Night, Lance."

Chapter 5

Classes began and a month passed. With each passing day, Lance fell more in love with his roommate. He tried everything he could to stop the growing feelings but it was unavoidable. He liked everything about Justin. Even the fact he talked in his sleep. To help himself forget his feelings, he threw himself into his classes. Whenever he was in their room with Justin, he buried his head in a textbook.

Joey was around a lot too. Justin and him would go play one-on-one down at the rec center every night after dinner. Sometimes, they dragged Lance along and onto to the court, but once they saw how bad he truly was at the game they stopped.

Tonight Lance lay on his bed with his notebook and textbook in front of him studying for the test he had the next day. After the test, the rest of the weekend was his. Justin had invited his friend Josh to come and visit him, and Lance was looking forward to meeting Justin's friend after hearing so much about him and talking to him once or twice briefly on the phone.

Lance looked up as Justin walked in carrying his gym bag and ball on one arm. "Still studying, man?"

"Yep. Big test tomorrow." Lance turned a page in his notebook and looked down at it briefly. With Justin back for the night, it would be hard to study. Lance watched as Justin threw himself on his bed.

"I can't wait until tomorrow. It'll be nice to have Josh around for a couple of days."

"Yeah. It'll be good to meet him. He seems like a nice guy." Lance closed his textbook. He knew when Justin was hyper like this he didn't stop talking. He thought an hour on the basketball court would have calmed him down, but he could plainly see that wasn't the case. "Don't you have some studying to do, J?"

Justin shook his head. "All done. My test isn't til next week, so I can start after Josh leaves Sunday."

"Oh, well, I need to get back to my stuff then." Lance picked up his books and walked over to his desk just as the telephone rang. Lance picked it and after a few moments handed it to Justin. "It's Britney."

Justin smiled as he jumped off the bed and grabbed the phone from Lance's hand. "Hi, baby."

Lance wanted to groan, but didn't. He hated to listen in on these calls between Justin and his girl. It only reminded him of the fact that Justin was straight and would never want him like he wanted him to. Lance sighed as he listened to Justin's side of the conversation. When Justin raised his voice, Lance turned to look at him.

"Britney, what the hell are you talking about? Nick Carter? That.. that.... jerk! I've only been gone a month and you've already started seeing someone else."

Lance looked back at his books when Justin turned towards him. He didn't want to be so obvious about his eavesdropping.

"You could have at least at the decency to tell me in person you know.... Yeah, well Josh wouldn't do your dirty work, huh?.. whatever" Justin hung up the phone quickly.

Lance turned back to look at him. "Sorry, J."

Justin turned to look at him, but didn't say anything. Lance could see he was obviously upset. Justin reached down for his basketball and began to walk out the door.

"Justin, wait up. Want company?" Lance looked down at the books. He should get back to studying, but if Justin was upset, he wanted to be there for him even if it was just to be there silent.

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "Thought you had to study for your test tomorrow."

"I do, but I can study more later on or in the morning. The class isn't until noon." Lance pulled off his long sleeved shirt and reached for a tank top thrown on the back of his chair. "Let's go. I might even play you a game."

At that, Justin smiled and laughed. "Yep, that is the way to cheer me up, Bass. Let me kick your ass all over the court."

Lance groaned. "Whatever, Justin. Let's just go before it gets any more dark outside."

As they walked down to the basketball courts, Justin actually seemed quite content with his new single status. As he bounced the ball on the ground, he turned towards Lance. "See next time we go to one of Joey's parties, I don't have to be good. I can find me a girl and have some fun. This time I am finding you one too, you know."

Lance wanted to tell him that he would be wasting his time. None of the girls interested, and right now the only boy that interested was so not available to him. He had started to tell Justin so many times over the past month that he was gay, but he never could find the words. It shouldn't be that difficult really. The only thing stopping him was the fear that once Justin knew the truth, Justin would not want to be his friend or worst yet his roommate. He would have to tell him eventually before something happened and Justin found out on his own.

When they reached the basketball court, Justin stripped off his shirt and started shooting hoops while Lance watched. Justin stopped and threw the ball at him. "Come on Bass. You said you would play with me."

Lance threw the ball back at him missing him by a clear distance. "I'll just sit here and watch" And enjoy the view.

Justin laughed. "Fine, Bass. I'll kick your ass another day."

Chapter 6

The next afternoon after his test Lance walked back to the dorm. Josh was supposed to arrive around noon, and Lance was anxious to meet his roommate’s best friend. Justin talked about him so much Lance felt like he already knew him.

When he reached the room, Lance could hear Justin inside laughing. Opening the door, he walked in and threw his backpack on the bed before turning to look at the young man seated on the floor next to the bed.

“Lance, how was the test, man?” Justin looking up from his spot laying on the bed.

“All right.” Walking over to the other person in the room, he reached out his hand. “You must be, Josh. I’m Lance.”

Josh took the offered hand shaking it briefly. “It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. Justin is always talking about you. I’m glad he made a friend here so quickly. We were all worried about him and his transition.”

Justin reached over and punched his friend in the arm. “Talking to my mom again, huh?”

Josh lowered his head blushing. “Man, you know your mom. She called last night with her list of things to make sure I check on before coming back home.”

“Dude, my mom needs to let me grow up. I’m doing fine, here. Right, Lance?”

Lance looked over his shoulder from his seat at his desk. “Yep, he’s doing real good. I told his mom I wouldn’t let him get into trouble. Well, at least not too much anyway,” he said laughing.

Josh looked back at Justin. “Do I even want to know?”

Justin sighed. “Went to a couple of parties over at my friend Joey’s. We had some fun.” Pointing over in Lance’s direction, he continued, “I keep trying to set up Lance with some good looking chick, and he never lets me.”

Lance quickly turned back to his desk opening up a random textbook lying on his desk. Josh looked at him for a second before turning back towards Justin. “So did Brit call you?”

“Don’t even get me started on Brit,” Justin stood up and walked over to the bedroom door. “I’m going down to get a soda. Want anything?”

Josh shook his head. Lance didn’t even turn around until Justin had left the room. His eyes following Justin out the door. They sat silent for a few moments before Josh spoke. “So, you’re gay, huh?”

Lance turned around in his chair with a look of shock plastered on his face. “What?”

“Oh, come on, Lance. I figured it out by just talking to you on the phone, man. The question of the moment is if you have told Justin about it yet?”

“No, I haven’t, Josh. I was afraid if I told him I was gay he wouldn’t like me anymore.”

Josh laughed. “Justin is far from homophobic. If he was, he wouldn’t still be friends with me.”

“You’re gay.”

Josh nodded his head. “And Justin is cool about it. You being gay is definitely not going to be an issue with him, man.”

“Lance’s gay?” Justin stood in the doorway of the room holding two cans of soda.

Lance lowered his head. He definitely had not wanted this to be the way for his roommate to find out. Lance stood up and without saying a word left the room.

Chapter 7

Justin watched Lance practically run down the hall and around the corner to the stairs. Turning towards Josh, he looked confused for a second. Walking over to the desk he put down the sodas, he was carrying. "Well that explains a lot I guess."

"What do you mean, J?"

Justin just shrugged his shoulders. "He never would talk about girls with Joey and I. And whenever I mentioned setting up with someone, he would change the subject."

"Does it bother you that he is gay, J?" Josh asked reaching over for one of the sodas.

Justin grabbed the other soda and sat down on his bed with his legs under him. "No, you know that doesn't bother me, Josh. The thing that bothers me is he didn't tell me sooner. I wouldn't have cared. He is my best friend here. We're roommates. He should have told me."

Josh sighed. "But he didn't, Justin. Maybe he had a good reason for not telling you right away."

Justin leaned against the wall lowering his head. "Maybe. Josh, can you give me like ten minutes to myself. I know you just got here, but I need a few minutes to think."

Josh stood up. "Sure, J. It's not a problem. I'll just go down to the lounge or something and be back in a little bit." Josh left the room after stopping to ruffle Justin's curls. He could hear Justin mumbling about his hair as he closed the door behind him.

Josh walked down the hall and down the stairs to the first floor. He knew their was a lounge and game room here because Justin had told him about it. He found the room easily and walked over to the video games he found in the corner. Reaching down into his pocket, he noticed someone out of the corner of his eye. Turning around, he recognized Lance sitting on the couch with his head on his knees.

"Lance? You okay?" Josh walked over and put a hand on his back.

Lance looked up with the remnants of tears in his eyes. Wiping his cheeks, he sniffled. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Josh sighed as he sat down. "No, you're not. Want to talk about it?"

Lance began to shake his head, but changed his mind. "I just didn't want him to find out about me. And if he did, I didn't want it to happen the way it did. I wanted to tell him."

Josh looked down at the young man next him when a sudden realization came to him. "Oh my god. I figured it out."

Lance looked up at Josh confused at what he meant. "Figured out what?"

Josh stood up and walked over to the window before turning back towards Lance. "The reason why you hadn't told Justin you were gay."

Lance stood up and walked over to Josh. He hoped the knowing look in the other man's eyes didn't mean he knew that Lance loved Justin. If that is what he had figured, this was bad. Very bad. Josh would want to go tell Justin that the person he lived with had the hots for him and if Justin was okay with him being gay then that would change once he learned how Lance really felt about him.

Lance nervously picked at the hem of his shirt trying to avoid the other man's eyes. Josh watched him quietly for a few moments before finally speaking. "You're in love him aren't you?"

Lance's head shot up at the quiet question. Before he could respond, josh waved him off. "That just told me your answer. That explains it then."

"Yeah," Lance said before looking down once again. "So are you going to tell him?"

"No," Josh said. "You should be the one to tell him that."

"He is going to hate me, Josh," Lance said sighing.

Josh laughed. "No, he won't, Lance. It might throw him for a little bit, but he will think about it and once he does he will be fine."

"No, he won't. His roommate is gay and has the hots for him. That is going to bother him. Hell it would bother me if I was straight."

Josh began to open his mouth to say something but stopped himself. Instead, he walked back over to the video game and put in a quarter. "Just talk to him, man. I am telling you he will be fine with it. I have known him for a long time now, and this will not be a problem."

Lance walked over and leaned against the side of the machine. "This sucks. I love having him as friend and I am afraid to lose that too. No matter what I want him as a friend."

"Well, tell him that too. You're worrying too much, man. Things will be fine. Josh cursed as he died on the game screen. "I'm going back to the room. Justin should be done thinking now."

Lance reached over and gave josh a brief hug. thanks for talking to me, josh."

"Anytime, Lance."

Chapter 8

Josh walked back up to the room to find Justin laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Okay to come in now, J." Justin didn't say anything. Just made a motion with his hand. Josh walked in closing the door behind him. "I was talking to Lance downstairs."

Justin sat up in bed looking at his friend. "What did he say?"

Josh sat next to his friend and looked down at his hands. "Not much really." Shrugging, he continued, "He just didn't want you to find out that way. He wanted to be the one to tell you."

Justin threw his hands up in the air. "Then why didn't he? It wouldn't have made a difference. I would have still been his friend. Hell, I'm your friend, and I don't like you all that much." Justin broke into a smile before getting up and running out of the room.

It took Josh a second to realize what Justin had said, but when he did he got up and ran after him. The two young men flew down the stairs not even watching where they were going until Justin flew head on with Chris.

Chris got himself off the floor before looking at the two young men nervously watch him waiting for what he would say. Instead of speaking, he just started laughing. Brushing off his pants, he motioned Justin aside. His laughter immediately stopped, and his face took on serious expression. "Is everything all right with Lance?"

"Yeah. Why, Chris?"

Chris motioned towards the game room. "I just saw him in there and it looked he had been crying. Just wondered why?"

Justin sighed. "I have an idea what the problem is, but I can't really talk to you about. It'll be okay though. I just need to go talk to Lance."

Chris nodded. "Okay. Remember I'm here if either of you need to talk. It's my job to keep you bozos in line."

Justin laughed. "I'll remember that. Thanks, Chris."

Walking away, Chris turned back. "Anytime." He turned back around and continued on to his apartment.

Justin looked towards the game room before turning back towards his friend. He wanted to go in and talk to Lance. He hated to hear that he had been crying. Josh hadn't mentioned that when he had told him he had talked to Lance. If he had... What would he have done if Josh had told him Lance was crying? Crying because he was upset about him finding out he was gay.

Lance didn't know him very well if he thought that would be a problem. Well, it was true that Lance didn't know everything about him. There was some things only a few people knew about him. One of those people being Josh. Maybe if he opened up to Lance and told him about himself Lance would feel better.

"Justin, go and talk to him." Josh said as he leaned against the wall.

Justin sighed and walked towards the game room. When he walked inside, he began to search the room for Lance, but found no sign of him. Walking back out, he went over To Josh and shrugged his shoulders. "Not in there."

"Let's go back up to the room. He might have gone back up there."

"Good idea." Justin walked over to the elevator, and pushed the button. Tapping his foot, he waited for it to arrive on the first floor. When it did, he jumped inside, and hit the button for the second floor. Once there, he walked off and went straight to his room. The door was closed and locked. Frowning, he reached into his pocket for the key.

Once inside, he looked around the room. He noticed that Lance's backpack was gone. Along with a few of his books. He noticed a slip of paper laying on his pillow and reached over to grab it.

Dear Justin:

I decided to go home for the weekend. Need to think some things out, too. Tell josh he can have my bed while he is here. I'll be back sometime Sunday, and then we can talk about this.


Justin handed the note to Josh. "This fucking sucks, Josh." Justin flung himself on his bed face down. "Him being gay is not an issue. Why does he think it would be?"

Josh just sat next down his friend not saying anything. He had told Lance he wouldn't tell Justin about his feelings, and he would keep that promise. "I don't know, Justin. You guys need to talk when he gets back. Until then, let's go have some fun. Go meet this guy Joey you told me about. It's Friday. Maybe they are having a party at his frat."

Justin nodded. "They are. he told Lance and I to bring you to it."

Josh reached down and pulled his friend up. "Then what are we waiting for man. Let's go PAR-TAY!"

justin laughed and got got off the bed. "All right. Can't do anything right now about Lance, so might as well. First thing on Sunday though we are going to have a long talk."

Chapter 9

Justin waited all of Sunday for Lance to get home from wherever he had run off to. Josh had even left early in the day so that when Lance did arrive he and Justin could talk things out uninterrupted. By nightfall, Justin was beginning to wonder where Lance was. He wanted to see his roommate and talk to him about what had occurred two days prior.

Justin tried everything to try and stay awake, but by the time his alarm clock rolled over to midnight his eyes were drooping shut and he was soon asleep.

Shortly after one o'clock, Lance opened the door to the room and tiptoed inside. He wasn't ready to face Justin. He had almost not come back to the dorm at all. How do you tell your roommate and your best friend that you were in love with him. Lance put his backpack on the floor and stopped to look towards Justin's bed.

Justin was still fully clothed laying on top of the blankets. He had tried waiting up for me. Lance walked over to his dresser and pulled out clean clothes to sleep in. He quickly changed and went over to his bed pulling back the sheets. Just as he laid down, Justin sat up in bed.

Justin looked over at the other bed and reached over to turn on the light. "You're back."

Lance covered his face with his arm. "Just go to sleep, Justin. It's too late to talk right now."

After turning the light back off, Justin threw himself back down on his bed. "Fine. First thing tomorrow we need to talk. There are some things we need to discuss."

Lance could almost see Justin pout in the darkness of the room. He almost reached over himself to turn the light back on. If talking tonight would erase that pout. He watched as Justin turned on his side facing him. He could see Justin watching him in the darkness.


Lance sighed before responding. "What Justin?"

"It doesn't bother me," Justin said before turning away. Lance watched his roommate until his eyes began to close. Maybe things would be okay for them even if they were only friends. Although he wish they could be more.

In the morning, Justin woke up first. He knew that Lance's first class wasn't until the afternoon, so he ran over to the little market in the student union and picked them both up breakfast. When he got back to the room, Lance was finishing getting dressed.

Justin put down a bag on Lance's desk before walking over to his bed with his own bag. "I got you that coffee you like and a couple of donuts."

Lance reached into the bag and pulled out the small breakfast. "Thanks, J." Sitting down at his desk, he took a bite off one of the donuts and took a sip of coffee. When he looked up, he found Justin just sitting there watching him. "What?"

"You're gay?"

Lance looked down nodding his head. "Listen, I will understand if you no longer want to be my roommate."

Justin shook his head. "I meant what I said last night Lance. This is not a problem for me." He laughed before continuing. "Josh always told me my gaydar sucked."

Lance couldn't help but laugh along with Justin. "Josh said he had me pegged on the phone."

Justin walked over and threw his now empty coffee container in the trash. "Josh was always was good at stuff like that. He always knew he was gay, and he got pretty good at figuring out if others were gay or bi or whatever." Justin walked over to the window and looked out. "Lance, I haven't been completely honest with you either."

Lance waited as Justin stood silent looking out the window. He knew whatever Justin was about to tell him was huge. "Whatever it is Justin just tell me. I'll still be your friend."

Justin stood still for another moment. "Back about a year ago, Josh and I tried dating. He liked me. I thought I liked him, but it didn't work. We knew each other too well. It was like kissing my brother. Then I got with Britney, and we just went back to being friends."

Lance took a moment to digest what Justin had just told him. "So are you gay too?'

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Sometimes I think I am. Sometimes not." Justin walked over and sat back down on his bed. "It's confusing as hell, Lance."

Chapter 10

Lance wanted to walk over and console the confused young man sitting across from him, but stayed in his chair. He remembered all too well what it felt like to wonder about who you liked "that" way. It had taken him a long time himself to finally admit he was gay, so he could understand where Justin was at right now. Lance looked up at the clock over his desk. When he saw it was already noon, he silently cursed. He had to go to class, but he didn't want to leave Justin now when he needed him. Lance sighed and looked back at Justin. He was still standing by the window looking out at all the people walking back their dorm. "You all right, Justin?"

Justin turned towards Lance with a blank look on his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to think things out again."

Lance remembered Josh telling him that Justin liked to things through, so instead of pushing Justin to talk, he grabbed his backpack and got ready for class. Before leaving the room, he turned back towards Justin. "Justin if you ever need to talk about stuff I'm here. I've been where you are. I know what it is like."

Without waiting for a response, Lance left the room. Justin watched as the door closed and watched Lance as he walked in front of the building before running over to the phone and dialing a familiar number. When the phone was answered on the third ring, he didn't even both with hello. "Josh, I talked to Lance."

"Well, hello to you too, Justin."

Justin flopped on his bed. "Fine, hello, happy?"

Josh laughed. "Yeah, so what did you two talk about? Did you tell him everything?"

Justin sighed. "I told him something, but no not everything."

"Damn it, Justin. how much did you tell him?"

"Well, I told him about us, and then Brit, and that I was confused."

"But you didn't tell him..."

Justin sat up. "No Josh I didn't tell him I thought he was hot. I didn't tell him that I was glad Britney and I broke up. How do you tell someone that?"

"You just do it."

"But, Josh, I can't be gay. It goes against everything I was ever raised to believe. Plus, how many gay basketball players do you know?"

"Justin, okay. First off, yes you were raised knowing that being gay was a sin. But so was I, and if I remember correctly so was Lance. Lance and I are both okay with it. You have to do what you want to do with your life, and not let another person's beliefs dictate how you live your life. If being with a guy makes you happy, then do that. As far as the basketball thing goes, don't worry about it. I am pretty sure that there are gays in every sport played out there. They just don't wear a t-shirt "Hey, I'm gay!" Just do what makes you happy, Justin."

"Thanks, Josh. I guess I have a lot to think about."

"One more thing, Justin, I think you and Lance would make a cute couple."

"Josh, stop. Just because Lance is gay does not mean we could end up as a couple. I'm his friend and roommate. That is all he sees me as."

"Justin, if that is all he saw you as, why didn't he tell you he was gay from day one. Just think on that. I'm here if you need me."

"Okay. Listen I'm going to go now. Lance should be back from class soon."

"Just tell him. Things will be fine if you do. Trust me."

"Yeah, we'll see." Justin turned towards the window just in time to see Lance come into view. Justin watched Lance as he walked with his head down. He could tell from the look on his face Lance was deep in thought. He wondered what Lance was thinking about. Lance looked up towards their window for a brief moment before continuing on. Was Lance thinking about him? Could Josh be right? Could there could be an "us" for Lance and I?

I should just tell him what I think of him. That I love his green eyes and his spiky hair is sexy. What is the worse he could do? As Lance disappeared into the building, Justin sighed and lay back on his bed. Maybe I will tell him. I just hope he doesn't laugh at me.

Chapter 11

When Lance entered his dorm room, he noticed Justin laying on his bed. It looked like he was asleep, but he couldn't tell for sure. Lance sat on his own bed and watched the young man across the room. He wondered what Justin was thinking about? Moving further back on his bed, Lance picked his feet off the floor and rested his head on his knees.

Why did he have to be Justin's roommate? No a better question would be why was Justin so damn beautiful? He could handle Justin as a roommate if he didn't look the way he did, but instead he looked this way and Lance had fallen and hard too. Sighing, Lance picked up a textbook and opened it up trying to read.

On the other side of the room, Justin lay silent. He wanted to know what made Lance sigh so sadly. Since that first day he had met Lance, he had liked him. He loved having Lance as a friend. Without him being there the past few weeks, Justin knew he would never had made it through all of the new things college had brought. He hadn't even knew what a syllabus was until Lance had told him after laughing at him.

He wanted to tell Lance how he felt, but he was scared. Pure and simple. What would Lance say? Would he laugh at him? Would he say he didn't feel the same? Or would he say he liked Justin too? Justin didn't even know what he would do if that was to happen.

It would probably be awkward with them being roommates and all. Then again that might make things easier. Damn it, Timberlake! Just sit up and tell him. He is right there. Only 5 feet across the room from you. How hard is it to tell him that you like him?

Maybe it isn't telling him that is making this so hard. Maybe it is if you admit that you like him. That you actually say the words to him, then just maybe you are gay. And if you are gay, you will be going against everything you were raised to believe. Josh said I should just live my life how I wanted to. Make myself happy, and not live my life the way others say I should.

To hell with this. Justin opened his eyes and turned his head to look across the room. He caught Lance as he lowered his head back to look at the book on his lap. Had Lance been looking at him? Stop this, Timberlake. "What you reading?"

"Stuff for English class." Lance closed his textbook and lowered it to the bed. "You okay, J?"

Justin nodded. "I'm fine." Sighing, Justin sat up in his bed. "Can I ask you something, Lance?"

"Sure. I said I would be here for you." Lance got up and pulled his chair up next to Justin's bed. He sat on it backwards so he could rest his arms on the chair back. "So, what's up?"

Justin sighed as he lay back down. "How did you figure out you were gay?"

It was Lance's turn to sigh. "I don't know. I guess it was when I started looking at the guys instead of the girls like I was supposed to. I fought it Justin. In my house, we were very religious. Church every Sunday. Being gay just didn't fit into that, so I hid it until I left for college. I met this guy here on campus. We dated, and I slowly got over the whole religion gay thing. I had to be happy with who I was, and as long as I hid who I was from everyone I wasn't happy."

"That is what Josh told me today. I called him while you were at class."

"That's good. He is a good friend to you."

"See, but so are you, Lance. I am so glad I met you here. You have helped me out so much the last few weeks."

Lance shrugged his shoulders. "It was nothing, Justin. I was glad to help."

"Well, thanks, anyway." Timberlake, stop being a wimp and tell him everything. Here is your chance."Lance, there is one more thing..."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Justin inwardly cursed as Lance stood up to open the door. what lousy timing. Or perhaps he was saved by the bell.

"Timberlake, we have class, and then we have that meeting with the coach, so let's go," Joey said from the door.

Justin looked at Lance quickly before standing up. As he picked up his gym bag, he wanted to say screw class and talk to Lance. But Joey was here. He could see him telling Joey, 'Yeah, Joey go ahead without me, I need to tell Lance I think he is hot.' Yeah that would go over real well. "See ya later, Lance."

"Yeah, we can talk more then." Lance picked up his textbook and walked over to his desk. what had been that one more thing Justin wanted to talk about?

Chapter 12

By the time Justin returned back to the dorm, it was late. After class, the meeting with the basketball coach had taken longer than originally planned and then had turned into an impromptu scrimmage. By the time, Joey and he had left the practice arena it was dark out and when looked down at his sports watch he noticed it was nearing eleven o'clock.

He noticed that the lights were out in his and Lance's room as he walked by the front of the building on the way inside. He had hoped to talk to Lance tonight before he lost his nerve, but with everything running so late he knew he had missed this opportunity.

As he walked into the dark room, he saw Lance asleep in his bed. Usually Lance would still be up at this hour, but he had an early morning lab so he always went to bed early on Monday nights. Science was one of Lance's favorite subjects so he always enjoyed class and getting up at six o'clock every Tuesday did not bother him.

Justin reached for a pair of fresh clothes to sleep in and walked down the hall to the shower room. Once he was showered and dressed in the new clothes, he walked back to his room. Why couldn't he just tell Lance he liked him? It shouldn't be that hard to do.

When he walked into the room, he was as quiet as he could be. He really didn't want to wake Lance. Well, he did, because then they could talk, but no, he wasn't going to wake Lance up. Instead he lay on his bed staring at the ceiling above his bed until he fell asleep.

A few hours later, Lance picked his head up from his pillow groaning. He glanced over at his clock and saw it was only three o'clock in the morning. What the hell? Something had to wake him up at this time of the night. He turned his head towards the other side of the room and looked at Justin. He watched him for a few minutes until his eyes grew tired. Yawning, he turned back towards the wall. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard Justin call out to him.

Damn, he's talking in his sleep again. Turning back around, he looked across the room to the other bed. "Yeah, J?"

"I had something to tell you earlier, but damn Joey had to show up."

What could Justin have to tell him that he had to talk in his sleep? Justin only talked in his sleep when something was stressing him out or bothering him. What could be bothering him? Maybe he had decided that he wasn't okay with Lance being gay after all. Maybe he didn't want to be his friend anymore. "What did you want to tell me Justin? I got to get up in three hours for lab."

Justin lay silent for a few moments. Lance almost thought he had fallen back asleep and was about to do the same when Justin turned to face him with his eyes open. Was Justin awake? "You know Josh said we would make a cute couple."

Lance opened his eyes in shock. Had Josh told Justin how he felt about him? He had promised him that he wouldn't, but maybe he had. Josh was his best friend and had knew him forever. Why would he keep Lance's confidence? He had only know him a short time.

Justin yawned as he began to turn away from Lance. Lance thought that Justin was done with his night time rambling, but before Justin finished turning around he mumbled one more time, "I think he's right."

Lance sat up in bed looking over at Justin's back. Did he just say what he thought he had? Could Justin like him too? Is that what Josh had meant when he told him that Justin wouldn't mind that he liked him? Lance threw himself back on his bed. All thoughts of sleep flew from his head as his mind flew with thoughts about what Justin had said. Justin was asleep. He never remembered what he had said in his sleep, and sometimes he said some pretty weird stuff. Justin could not like him. It just wasn't possible.

Before Lance knew it, his alarm was going off, and he had to get ready for his lab. Justin and he would have to talk. He wouldn't let any more interruptions come up. Today he would find out what Justin wanted to tell him and he would make sure Justin was awake when he found out.

Chapter 13

As soon as Justin heard Lance leave for his lab, he got up and out of bed. He couldn't believe he had done something so impulsive as tell Lance that way. He knew Lance had thought he was asleep. Justin also knew that once he had said what he had did, Lance hadn't gone back to sleep.

Why couldn't he just tell him outright how he felt? Well, how did he feel? for one, he thought Lance was hot. He wasn't that gorgeous supermodel kind of hot, but he was still hot. With those eyes and damn that voice. Okay, so we have established I find him attractive, but what else is there. He considered Lance a friend. A good friend. In fact, he thought he was just as close to him as he was to Josh and he had known Josh for years now. So we established the friend thing that is necessary for any relationship to work, but did he like Lance as more than a friend.

Justin sat at his desk playing with his notebook. After a few moments of thinking, he whispered, "Hell, yeah."

As Lance went through his day, he kept thinking back on what happened the night before. Had Justin been asleep or awake? Why had he said what he had? With his mind so focused on Justin, he barely paid attention in any of his classes. By the time his last class ended, he was ready to sit down and talk everything out with Justin.

When he returned back to the dorm, he went straight up to there room, but Justin was nowhere to be found. Lance threw his backpack on the bed, and sat at his desk. He would wait there all night if he had to, but Justin and he would talk.

Lance didn't have to wait long. About half an hour after he got home, Justin walked into the room bouncing his basketball. When he saw Lance sitting at his desk, he stopped bouncing the ball and walked over to his bed sitting down.

There was a few awkward moments of silence before both of them spoke at the same. Justin motioned for Lance to go first. "Justin, I think we need to talk."

Justin nodded. "Yeah, I think we do."

Lance got up and walked over to Justin sitting next to him on the bed. He thought the direct approach would be the best way to handle the situation. "Last night you were talking in your sleep again, and you said something."

Justin looked down at the ball that he still held in his hands. Maybe he should just tell Lance he hadn't been talking in his sleep. No.. Yes... Damn it.. just tell him...."Lance, about that..."

"What about it?" When Justin didn't continue speaking focusing on his basketball Lance grabbed it from him and put it on the floor. "Justin, just tell me. Whatever it is I won't get mad or not be your friend anymore."

Justin sighed looking up at Lance before whispering, "I wasn't asleep last night when I talked to you." Justin stood up and walked over to the door. "I like you, Lance. Even though everything I have ever been taught says liking you is wrong. I still like you. I have from that first day."

Lance got up from Justin's bed and walked over to the younger man. He couldn't believe that Justin like him too. He wanted to reach out and take Justin in his arms, but he could see that Justin was still bothered by his feelings. He remembered experiencing the same confusion when he first discovered he was gay. He would be here for Justin. He knew he could wait forever for this man to be with him.

Reaching out, Lance touched Justin's cheek. "I like you, too, Justin. Have from day one. Never thought in a million years you would feel the same. I thought you were straight. Thought you had Britney."

Justin shook his head. "Britney was.. I don't know what that was. Ask Josh. We never understood that. We sort of grew up together. Everyone sort of expected us to be together, so that is what we did."

Lance nodded. "I can see that. What about you and Josh?"

Justin sighed as he moved away from Lance. "That.. that.. was weird, Lance. We have known each other for half our lives. I think we knew each other too well. We kissed once, and I swear to you it felt like I was kissing my brother. That was it. We decided to just be friends."

Lance wondered what kissing Justin would be like. If Justin would feel the same about kissing him. Just as he was about to walk over to Justin and find out there was a knock on the door. 'Damn it,' Lance inwardly cursed.

He walked over to the door and opened it to find Chris. "Dorm meeting, guys. Coming to it?"

Lance turned to Justin who shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, we'll be down in a minute. " Closing the door, he turned back to Justin but he knew the moment was broken.


Chapter 14

After the two of them confessed their feelings for each other, things came to a stand still. Neither one of them really talked about what had been said. Lance knew Justin was still bothered by the whole being gay thing, so when he decided to go home for the weekend he said nothing. He knew Justin would be back on Sunday and then they could see where they went from there. He wanted Justin to make the first move. Lance just hoped he did something soon.

When Justin returned home on Sunday, Lance wasn't in their room. He dropped his duffle bag and backpack on the bed. He was glad he had gone home for the weekend. He had seen his mom and his little brothers. Talked things out with Josh, and even had seen Britney. They had talked and they had decided to be friends again. When he told her he was gay, she had looked at him with a knowing expression and then said DUH. They laughed, and things were better.

As he began to put away his things, he wondered where Lance was. He had missed him while he was away, and had hoped to see him when he got back first thing. As he was finishing putting his clothes away, he heard a key in the lock.

Justin put the down the shirt he was holding and looked towards the door just as Lance walked in. When Lance looked up and saw Justin standing there, he smiled happily. "You're back early. I thought I wouldn't see you until later on tonight."

Justin shrugged. "Yeah, well, I wanted to come back here. Saw everyone I needed to see. Talked to Josh. Talked to Brit. Played around with my little brothers, so I'm back."

Lance walked over and sat on Justin's bed leaning against the wall. "So things okay now with you and Britney?"

Justin laughed. "Yeah, we're cool now. I told her I was gay, and you know what she said."

Shocked momentarily that Justin had told someone other than Josh, Lance asked, "what?"

'Wait, need to do the face." Justin turned around and quickly turned back around. "DUH!"

Lance began to crack up because even though he didn't know Britney, he knew Justin had done a good job of impersonating her. Lance stopped laughing when Justin's expression turn serious. "What, J?"

Justin shrugged sitting down on the bed next to Lance. "I guess I am just glad to be home. It was weird being back to my old house. Seeing all my friends was great, but my mom is always weird, and I guess I just missed being here and hanging out with you."

Lance froze for a second when he felt Justin lay his head on his shoulder. "I missed you too Justin. It wasn't the same around here without you. Even Joey missed you on Friday for their party."

Justin raised his head and looked up at Lance. Lance looked down, and wanted so bad to kiss Justin right then, but he had promised himself he would let Justin make the first move. Lance looked at Justin's pouting red lips and wanted to move closer, but didn't move.

Justin sat and watched Lance. He wondered why Lance didn't just kiss him already. He could see that he wanted to, but something stopped him. 'Heck with this,' he thought. Leaning closer, Justin touched his lips to Lance's. Leaning back, he smiled.

Lance opened his eyes and returned the smile. "I'd been waiting for you to do that."

"Yeah. Why?" Justin leaned his forehead against Lance's waiting for him to speak.

Lance sighed. "I know this isn't easy for you. I wanted you to be sure. I wanted you to make the first move." Lance took a shaky breath. "So I guess that was it then."

Justin nodded. "Yep. Guess so."

Both of them were silent for a few moments before Lance began to open his mouth to speak again, but stopped himself. Instead he leaned closer and kissed Justin. The kiss was soft at first, but when he felt Justin's lips part slightly beneath his. Lance takes that as an invitation to slowly let his tongue enter Justin's mouth. His hands traveled over Justin's face until his fingers found their way into his soft curls. Lance heard Justin moan, and broke the kiss. After taking a few gasping breaths, Lance spoke, "So was that like kissing your brother?"

Justin opened his mouth, but couldn't find the words, so he simply shook his head.

Lance smiled. "Good."

Chapter 15

Over the next month, Lance and Justin became closer. They hadn't shared more than a kisses and touches, and Lance wanted more. He had promised himself that he would once again wait for Justin to make the first move. He knew that Justin was still worried about what others would say if he told them he was gay. Justin knew his mother would throw a fit. She sends him off to college, and by Halloween he is gay. Justin was also worried about the basketball team. He loved playing basketball, and if he came out and the guys treated him differently it would hurt him.

A week before Halloween, Justin came home late from basketball practice. The second the door shut behind him, he slumped against and looked over to Lance. Sighing, he said, "Tell me again why I play basketball?"

Lance laughed. "Because you love it, and you are a damn good at it."

Justin smiled as he put down his gym bag. "I am, aren't I?"

Laughing again, Lance put down the book he was reading. "Yes, you are." Lance was enjoying the way Justin looked fresh from practice. He thought he looked all sexy when he was sweaty.

Justin walked over to where Lance was lying on the bed and sat down. "Coach worked us hard today. He had us do drills for almost two hours then a mini-scrimmage. My body feels like jello."

"Sorry, babe," Lance whispered.

"I'll be fine. Just need a good night's sleep." Justin went to stand up, but Lance reached up to stop him. Justin looked at him and grinned. "What?"

Lance motioned for Justin to lay down. "Come here."

Justin laughed. "I'm all sweaty."

Lance shrugged. "It's okay."

Justin lay his head on Lance's lap, and closed his eyes. "I'm so tired., Lance. These long practices are going to kill me." Justin felt Lance's fingers work into his curls and massage his scalp.

"You'll be fine, baby. You love playing basketball."

Justin turned so he could look up into Lance's face. "I know. It's just sometimes I wonder if it everything. I love playing it, but I don't know if I want it to be my whole life." Justin closed his eyes and sighed. "I was thinking of talking to Joey. You know about us."

Lance's fingers stilled for a moment. "Really?"

"Yeah. He is one of my best friend's on the team, and a real great guy. He knows us both, and he is friends with us both, so I think he should be cool with it, you know."

Lance lowered his head and kissed Justin softly. "Whatever you want. I'll tell him with you if you want."

Justin shook his head. "No. I can do this on my own. I just hope he takes it well."

"He will, and if not, then we will figure out what to do then," Lance said as he leaned his forehead against Justin's.

"Yeah, it'll be okay." Justin closed his eyes thinking 'At least I hope it is.'

Chapter 16

On Halloween, Justin and Lance went to Joey's frat for a costume party. Lance was a cowboy from head to toe. On his head he wore a black Stetson slung low over his cat like jade eyes. On his feet, he wore black cowboy boots. Tight blue jeans completed the ensemble. Justin walked in behind Lance dressed as a vampire. His long black cape fell to just above his ankles. Underneath it he wore a tight white t-shirt that showed off his six-pack abs perfectly. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black leather pants.

The pair walked through the house looking for their friend. They finally found him in the kitchen dressed as a cop by the keg which as they had come to know was Joey's usual spot at parties unless he was otherwise occupied. Joey motioned them over with his free hand and reached down for cups of beer.

"Hey, guys. Nice costumes."

Justin lifted his cape up to his face and in his best vampire voice said, "Well, thank you very much."

Lance laughed and pushed Justin's arm down. "You silly, that's Elvis' line." He took a sip of his beer, and leaned against the wall next to Joey. "Great party, man."

"Yeah, but look at some of the costumes. Some of the guys look so damn gay. I mean look at that one over at that one. He's wearing freaking tights. What is up with that?"

Joey continued to talk about the various costumes, but Lance tuned him out. Glancing over at Justin, he saw the sad look on his face. Justin had planned on telling Joey about them tonight, but now he knew he couldn't. The way Joey laughing and carrying on about the flamers as he put it shot any chance of him being the understanding friend. When Joey finally walked away to dance with a girl he had met, Lance reached for Justin's hand and pulled him out the back door.

When it was shut securely behind them, Lance pulled Justin into a corner of the building away from view and wrapped his arms around Justin. "Damn it," Justin whispered choking back a sob.

Lance rubbed his back whispering in his hear, "It's okay."

Justin looked up. "No, it's not. I wanted to tell Joey. He is my best friend on the team. What if all the guys on the team think like him. I will never be accepted if I come out to them. I knew this was going to happen." Justin stepped back. "I need to go, Lance."

Lance moved closer but Justin put out his hand. "I just need to go by myself." Justin turned and walked back into the house.

Lance waited a few moments before walking back into the kitchen. He grabbed a fresh cup of beer and went to find Joey. He found him grinding on the makeshift dance floor with another girl. When Joey saw him, he stepped away from the girl and walked over to Lance.

"Why did Justin leave?"

"Wasn't in the partying mood I guess. I'm going to head out to. Go check on Justin." Lance drained his cup and put it on the table. "Talk to you tomorrow."

Justin made his way back to his dorm, but he didn't really want to go back to his room alone. He had hoped that tonight he could tell Joey, have him be cool, and then come back with Lance to their room and... But no, he left the party and his beautiful cowboy. Damn, those jeans he had worn tonight had hugged him in all the right places. They were too damn tight to be legal, but he knew that is why Lance had worn them. what was he doing? He had left that behind?

Lance always said they would figure things out together. He understood how confusing it was for him. Justin turned to go back to the house, but saw Lance just turning the corner. Justin stepped back into the shadows of a tree lining the road and watched him approaching. When Lance walked past him, he took a silent moment to watch him as he walked away, the tight jeans giving him a perfect view of what lie underneath.

Justin walked up behind Lance and reached out to tap his shoulder. Lance looked down and could see the shadow from Justin's cape on the ground. He felt Justin reach his arms around his waist and pull him up against him. "Hi, Justin."

"Darn, how did you know it was me?" Justin moved closer and put his chin on Lance's shoulder.

"If it wasn't you, I would be worried. You know it is dark out. Deserted street. Some vampire might be out to suck my blood." Lance could feel Justin's breath on his neck.

"Now there is an idea." Justin turned his head and place his lips on the side of Lance's neck nibbling softly. Lance moaned softly and pressed himself closer to Justin. Lance wanted to lose himself in Justin's soft kisses, but realized there was outside where they could be seen. "Justin, baby, we can't do this here."

Justin looked up pouting, but knew Lance was right. Placing one last soft kiss on Lance's neck, he stepped back. "Let's go."

Chapter 17

Justin followed Lance into their room. When Lance reached over to turn on one of the lights, Justin reached out and covered Lance's hand with his. "Leave it off."

Lance pulled his hand away from the switch and turned towards Justin. The moonlight shown through their window giving him sufficient light to see Justin's eyes glitter in the darkness. Lance reached up and touched Justin's cheek wanting to pull him closer, but not letting himself. When Justin turned and lightly kissed the palm of his hand he sighed. Justin turned back to look at him and sighed, "I'm sorry, Lance."

"What for?" Lance finally let himself take a step closer, and wrapped one arm around Justin's waist.

"For leaving you at the party. I shouldn't have just walked out on you like that. It's just that..."

Lance's hand raised and he put a finger against Justin's lips. "It's okay, baby. I'm not mad. I understand why you ran, but let's not talk about that right now."

Justin smiled. "What should we talk about then?"

Lance shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know."

Justin laughed softly. "Oh, I know," he said taking a step closer to Lance. "Where was I before you stopped me earlier?" Justin touched his lips to Lance's neck. "Here?" Justin mumbled against him making Lance moan softly. Justin trailed soft kisses up Lance's jaw until he reached his lips. He pressed his lips to Lance's gently moaning when he felt Lance's tongue flicker against his lips softly. Justin parted his lips allowing Lance's tongue entrance into his mouth.

Lance walked backwards until he felt the bed hit the back of his knees. He feel back to the bed pulling Justin down on top of him never breaking the kiss. He buried his hands in Justin's curls pulling him closer as he devoured his mouth.

Justin broke the kiss and raised his head to look down at Lance. Lance took a few gasping breaths and ran his fingers through Justin's curls. "You are so sexy, baby."

Justin felt goose bumps rise at the sound of Lance's deepened lust filled voice.Lowering his head, he kissed Lance again. As their tongues dueled passionately, Lance's free hand made its way under Justin's t-shirt rubbing circles on his abs before inching up higher.

As fingertips glided over his nipples, Justin lifted his head gasping Lance's name. Lance looked up at the beautiful boy above him and smiled. He still couldn't believe that this sexy angel was his. How did he get so lucky to have Justin come to this college and move into this dorm?

Justin opened his eyes and looked down at Lance. "Lance?"

"Yeah, baby?" Lance let his hand travel down Justin's chest and around his waist.

"What you thinking about?" Justin asked lowering his head to Lance's shoulder.

Lance sighed kissing Justin's temple. "About how lucky I am to have found you."

Justin lifted his head shaking it. "No, that is where you are wrong. I'm the lucky one, Lance." Justin pressed his lips to a spot right above Lance's collarbone. Laying his head on Lance's shoulder, he closed his eyes.

Sighing, Lance ran his fingers through Justin's hair until he felt his breathing slow into a sleep pattern. "I love you, baby."

Chapter 18

Weeks passed from the Halloween night. School continued, and basketball season approached. Since that night, neither of them had brought up Justin telling Joey. After his words at the party, neither one of them thought it would be good for Joe to find out.

Something else Justin didn't talk about with Lance was his overhearing Lance the night when he had said he loved him. He still couldn't believe it. They hadn't been together for very long. How could Lance love him?

Justin looked up smiling as he heard the key in the door. Lance walked into the room throwing his backpack on the bed. Walking to stand behind Justin, he put his hands on his shoulders and bent over so his head was next to Justin's. "Hey, babe. What you doing?"

Justin sighed. "English. Need to get this paper started, and I have practice an hour. First game of the season is in two days, so I know we will run practice late the next couple of days."

Lance stepped back and pulled Justin out of his chair and into his arms. "I know you are worried about the game. Don't be. You are an awesome basketball player. As for the paper, if you need help with it, you know I am here."

Justin sighed. "You're always here for me, Lance. I don't know what I would have done the last couple of months if you hadn't been."

Lance pulled back and kisses Justin. "I'm here for you Justin, and I always will be cause I love you, baby." Justin opened his mouth to speak, but Lance shook his head. "You don't have to say anything, Justin. Just know that I love you."

Justin smiled before claiming Lance's lips with his own. He lowered himself back to the chair at his desk and pulled Lance down so he was straddling him. The kisses between the two of them grew more and more passionate until Justin pulled back gasping for air. "Damn."

Lance chuckled as he lowered his lips to nibble on Justin's neck. "What, baby?"

Justin groaned pulling away from Lance. "You are just evil, you now that. You know I have to go to practice in like...," he looked at the clock on his desk "shit.. ten minutes. Now I am going to have very obvious problem."

"And what is that, Justin?" Lance asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb."

Lance stood up glancing at the younger man's crotch. "Oops.Did I do that?"

Justin groaned throwing a t-shirt at Lance. "Very cute. Yes, you did that."

Just then their was a knock on the door. "Come on, Timberlake. Let's move it."

Justin looked at the door briefly before cursing under his breath. "It's Joe. He can't see me like this, Lance."

Lance thought for a second. "Think parents having sex."

Justin made a face. "Eww, gross, Lance. Not a picture I enjoy."

Lance laughed. "Did it work?"

Justin sighed. "Yeah, but only use that one in dire emergencies. I think I am scarred for life."

Joey pounded on the door again as Justin opened it. "We're going to be late, man. You know how coach gets when we are late."

"I know. I know. Let's go." Justin glanced briefly back at Lance smiling before he shut the door behind him.

Chapter 19

The night before the basketball game Justin was unable to sleep because he was so anxious about the game. Finally, around two o'clock in the morning, Justin gave up. Looking over at the bed across the room, he got out of bed and made his way quietly to it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached over and ran his hand down Lance's arm.

Lance opened his eyes sleepily smiling at the boy leaning over him. "Justin, what time is it?"

Justin looked at the clock by the bed. "2:30."

Lance reached up and caressed Justin's cheek softly. "What's the matter, baby?"

"I can't sleep. I'm too nervous," Justin sighed, pouting.

Lance moved over and patted the bed next to him. "Lay here, baby." Justin moved onto the bed laying his head on Lance's bare shoulder. Lance ran his fingers through Justin's short curls. "Tomorrow will be fine, baby. You have an awesome team."

"Yeah, I guess. It's just like everything else. It's college. This isn't high school. These past few months so many changes have occurred. It's kind of scary."

Lance kissed softly right above his temple. "Do you ever regret any of those changes?"

Justin raised his head shaking it. "No, Lance. I don't regret them, because then I wouldn't have found you." Justin lowered his head back to Lance's shoulder closing his eyes. "Love you, Lance."

"Love you, too, baby," Lance whispered as he wrapped his arms around Justin pulling him close. Soon both of them were sound asleep.

The next morning Lance woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. He looked down at Justin still peacefully sleeping and slid quietly to the foot of the bed and over to the door rubbing his eyes as he opened the door. Yawning, he smiled at the site before him. Motioning for the visitors to be quiet, he let them in.

"Aww, is my little Juju sleeping?"

Lance laughed softly. "Yeah, he had trouble falling asleep last night. Nervous about the big game." Holding out his hand, he smiled. "I'm Lance. You must be Britney."

"Yep. Heard a lot about you from Justin." Britney turned towards the other person in the room. "Hey, Josh. Should I do it?"

Josh nodded. Grabbing Lance by the arm he pulled him back. "Better move back. Justin is going to have a fit."

"What is she going to do?"

Before Josh could respond, Britney launched herself onto the screaming, "Up and at them, Juju. Rise and shine, and all that jazz."

Britney was rewarded by a pillow to the face. "Damn you, woman. That shit ain't funny no more."

Britney jumped off the giggling. "Love you, too, Justin."

Justin sat up in bed and looked over at Josh. "Hey, Josh. You both made it for the game. Great. How about my mom?"

"She is working, but said to wish you luck and to give you a big kiss." Josh said taking a step closer.

Justin put up his hand. "Been there. Done that. Stay back."

Lance finally burst out laughing. "You three are too cute together you know that." Lance sat back and watched the three friends talk and joke around. Just happy that Justin finally seemed happy too.

Chapter 20

Justin spent the day with Josh and Britney. As the time for the game grew closer, he got more and more nervous. Lance had decided to let the friends hang out on their own. When he finally showed up at the arena where the game was taking place, Josh looked worried.

"What's wrong, Josh?" Lance asked sitting down next to him.

"Justin is freaked out. Worried about screwing up on the court. Britney is with him right now, but he told me to tell you to find them when you got here."

Lance stood up from his seat on the bleachers. "Save us seats. I'll be right back."

Josh nodded. "I think they were outside the locker room. Brit can't go in there, so try there first."

Lance nodded running down the bleachers. It didn't take him long to find the pair.They were right where Josh said they would be. Justin was sitting down on the ground with his head on his knees. Britney stepped away from him when she saw Lance walk up.

Lance slid down to the ground, putting his hand on Justin's back. "Justin, you'll do fine."

Justin looked up. "This is so big though. I can't screw up. If I get kicked off the team, I lose my scholarship."

"You won't get kicked off the team." Lance wrapped his arm around Justin's back and pulled him close. "You will do fine, baby.

Justin lay his head on Lance's chest as Lance kissed him on the top of his head. Neither one of them noticed as Joey walked up."Hey, guys."

Justin's head shot up immediately. "Hey, Joe."

"Ready for the game, J?" Joey said walking to the locker room door.

"Yeah," Justin standing up. Brushing off his shorts, he turned towards Lance with a worried expression on his face. Lance shrugged his shoulders as he stood up and walked over to Britney.

"Go get 'em, Juju." Britney said as he walked into the locker room. "Was that Joey?"

Lance nodded. "Yeah, that's him."

"Damn." Britney said as she turned to walk back to the bleachers.

Justin followed Joey into the locker room. He wondered how much Joey had seen before talking. Had he seen Justin and Lance together? He didn't have to wait too long to find out. As he walked past the bathroom, Joey pushed him inside. "So what was that out there?"

Justin looked up at his friend standing in front of him. "What are you talking about?"

Joey moved closer. "You and Lance. Are you two like together or something?" Justin wanted to open his mouth and deny it, but instead stood there silent. "So are you?"

"Joey, come on," Justin said finally.

"Well, that is just wonderful. Our team star is a pretty boy. Just wonderful," Joey said walking away slamming one of the lockers shut as he walked by.

Justin waited until Joey was out of sight before leaving the bathroom to go to his own locker. Unfortunately his locker was across from Joeys'. Justin avoided his friend's angry gaze as he got ready for the game.

Chapter 21

Justin quickly changed into uniform. He could feel Joey's hateful gaze on his back. Closing his locker, he moved down the aisle practically running to the door that led into the arena. Stepping out into the crowded arena, he looked for any sign of his friends. He wanted to see Lance. That would make him feel somewhat better. He knew that Joey finding out about the two of them wouldn't be a good thing.

Britney was the first to spot Justin standing beside the court as he scanned the crowd. She nudged Lance in the ribs, and he turned away from his conversation with Josh. She pointed down at the court at Justin. "He doesn't look too good, Lance."

Both and Josh and Lance looked down at the court. Josh sighed as Lance stood up in order to make his way down to the court, but Justin shook his head, and pointed at Britney. He motioned for her to come down courtside. Lance sat back down with a sad expression on his face.

Justin tried to smile, but it turned into a frown when he heard the door behind him open. He turned just in time to see Joey as he ran by him pushing him slightly out of the way. "Oops, so sorry, Timberlake." Joey ran over to the bench sitting down.

Justin turned around when he felt Britney tap him on the shoulder. "Juju, you okay?"

He shrugged his shoulder and shook his head as he looked up and caught Lance's gaze briefly. "Joey knows, and he isn't taken it very well."

Britney glanced over at the Italian sitting on the bench. giving him a dirty look. She returned her gaze to her friend before her. "I saw that, Justin. Is he going to be trouble?"

"Don't know yet. " Justin saw the team's coach exit the locker room, and he reached down and hugged Britney.

"It'll be okay, Justin.," she whispered. Stepping back, she looked up at Lance over her shoulder. "Because I can tell he loves you, and that is all that matters, right?"

"Yeah. Look I gotta go." Justin took off running towards the bench sitting as far from Joey as he could.

Britney made her way back up the bleachers and over to Lance and Josh. Before she could even sit down, they were both firing questions off at her. She raised her hand for them to stop and pointed at Lance.

"What happened with Joey? We saw him push by Justin."

"He knows, Lance, and he isn't happy."

The whistle blew and the three friends turned their attention back down to the court. Justin and Joey were both starters. It was obvious Joey was ignoring Justin on the court. Even when he was wide open, Joey wouldn't pass the ball to him. By the time halftime rolled around, Justin was frustrated and the coach was pissed. "Fatone! Timberlake! I don't know what your problem is, but keep it off the court. We are down by ten, and we wouldn't be if not for you two." Both boys looked down at the ground mumbling sorry. The second half was somewhat better, but the team still do not play as good as the had during practices. They barely pulled out a win.

As the last whistle blew, Justin made his way to the locker room so that he could shower and change quickly. After his shower, he walked back to his locker and grabbed his clothes. Joey was across the way tying his shoes. Without a word Joey stood up, and left the aisle.

Justin sighed. He put on his shorts and a tank top shoving his other things into his gym bag. Running his fingers through his wet curls, he put a cap over his unruly curls. Shutting his locker, he grabbed his bad and walked out of the locker room.

As he walked away, he heard someone call out, "Hey, Timberlake, good game."

Turning around, he saw Lance leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. "It could have been better if not Joey."

Lance walked over to Justin, and put his arm around his waist. "You know I love you. We will get through this, Justin. Together."

Justin nodded. Glancing behind Lance, he noticed Joey standing by the locker room watching them.

Chapter 22

Lance turned around when he saw Justin's gaze lock on something behind him. He stepped back from Justin, but kept his arm around his waist. "Hey, Joe."

Joe took a step closer looking between the two men before him. "You know I would have figured Lance here to be a pretty boy, but you surprised me."

"Don't call him that, Joe. He's just like you and just like me. A guy." Justin said taking a step closer to Joey.

Joey jabbed a finger at Justin's chest. "What are you going to do about it, Timberlake?"

Lance reached out and grabbed Justin's arm pulling him back. "Come on, Justin. Just let it go."

"Fine. Go ahead and run, boys, but let me say something first." Justin stopped and turned to look at Joey once again waiting for him to speak. "On the court, we will play basketball. We will not repeat tonight's game. Off the court, you don't exist. I don't want to see you. Talk to you. Even know you are in the room. That goes for you too, Bass. I don't associate with your type. Is that clear?"

Lance was the first to speak because Justin was just standing there in shock. This was the same person that had been his friend since the day he had arrived. "We got it, Fatone. We don't need friends like you anyway." Pulling on Justin's arm, he began to walk away. He wrapped his arm protectively around Justin's shoulders leading him away from the arena.

They found Josh and Britney sitting outside their dorm. Justin mumbled a quick hello before running up the stairs. Lance sighed. "Joey is an asshole. He confronted Justin and I outside the locker room."

Britney stood up. "Damn, stupid male." Balling her tiny hands into fists, she turned and ran up the stairs going after Justin. She returned after a few minutes shaking her head. "He won't talk to me."

Lance stood up and made his way up the stairs. When he reached the room, he found the door unlocked. Pushing it open, he peeked inside finding Justin curled up on his bed. "Hey, Justin, you okay?" In the low light coming through the window, Lance could see Justin shake his head. Walking over, he sat down next to him running his hand over Justin's curls. "I'm sorry, baby. I know you didn't want this to happen."

Justin flopped onto his back. "We knew it would though. Things can never stay perfect for very long."

Lance laid down next to Justin. The size of the bed made it a tight squeeze, so Lance moved so that he was on his side leaning over Justin. "Nothing is ever perfect, Justin. They can be real good, but never perfect."

"You're perfect, Lance," Justin whispered.

Lance laughed. "No, I am not, and neither are you, Justin. That is what makes who you are though."

Justin wrapped his arm around Lance's waist pressing himself closer. "Well, you are as close to perfect as you can get," he whispered, as he touched his lips gently to Lance's. "I love you so much, Lance."

"Love you, too, baby. Always," Lance whispered, as his lips once again covered Justin's. As they continued to kiss, Lance moved to lay partially on top of Justin letting his fingers slowly trail to the hem of the t-shirt he was wearing.

Justin moaned into Lance's mouth as he felt fingers touch the skin of his stomach slowly making their way up to his chest. Justin reached out tentatively, and let his hand travel under Lance's shirt caressing up and down his back.

Lance pressed Justin into the mattress, as his thumb grazed Justin's nipple causing him to gasp. He wanted his boy so much, but he knew that the time wasn't right for them to go any further. He wanted that night to be as near to perfect that it could get.

Lifting his head, he smiled down at the boy beneath him. "Things will be okay Justin. As long as we have each other, we will be fine," Lance whispered.

Justin returned the smile with one of his own. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sleeping here tonight, you know."

Lance chuckled. "Oh, really? Do I get a say in that?"

Justin shook his head. "Nope. Last night was the best night's sleep I have had in awhile. Might even just sleep here with you every night."

"Fine with me," Lance said as he stood and pulled off his jeans. Laying back down, he wrapped his boy in his arms waiting until he heard his breathing slow to fall asleep himself.

Chapter 23

In the morning, Justin was the first to wake up. He looked over at the other side of the room and smiled at his two friends. He had totally forgotten about them in the mess with Joey. Luckily, Lance had left the door unlocked for them. Britney was sound asleep on his bed, and Josh had crashed on the floor. He had missed hanging out with his friends. It would be nice to spend some time with over the next week. He missed his family and his brothers too. Thanksgiving would be nice.

The only bad thing was that he would have to be away from Lance for the whole week. He looked down at the sleeping boy next to him. In his slumber, Lance looked so peaceful. He hated the thought of being away from his boyfriend for seven days, but he knew that going home would be nice too.

A noise from the other bed made him glance up. Britney was smiling at him with sleepy eyes. "You okay, Juju?"

Not wanting to wake up Lance he nodded.

Britney sat up in bed pulling her up into a messy bun. "You know as soon as Josh gets up, we need to go. Are you packed?"

Justin lay back down mumbling, "Yeah."

Britney got up from the bed pulling out fresh clothes from her over night bad and walked towards the door. "I'm going to go freshen up and change."

When he heard the door shut, he closed his eyes laying his head on Lance's shoulder. At the movement, Lance opened his eyes slowly smiling when he saw Justin's curly head laying on him. Reaching up his hand fingers ean through the soft curls, and Justin raised his head. "Morning."

"Morning," Lance said ahs he lowered his head to brush his lips again Justin's forehead. Justin sighed as he hugged Lance closer to him. "I'm going to miss you, baby."

"Me, too, but it will be fun hanging out with Brit and Josh and my little brothers all week. I only wish I could see you too."

"Morning, guys," a half asleep Josh said from his make-shift bed on the floor. "You doing better, Justin?"

For a second, Justin had almost forgotten about what had happened the night before, but the memories returned fresh in his mind at his friend's question. "I guess. It'll be nice to not see Joey this week." Justin moved to get up from the bed, but Lance held onto him. Justin turned to look at Lance smiling briefly before disentangling himself.

The next hour was spent getting ready to leave for the trip home. Josh and Britney were ready quicker than Justin cause now that the time had come to leave, he didn't want to.

"Justin, come on. Let's go. You'll see Lance in a week.," Josh said as he slung his backpack onto his back.

Britney pulled on Josh's arm. "Let's go outside. Nice meeting you, Lance."

The second the door was closed behind his friends Justin wrapped his arms around Lance in a tight hug. He pressed his lips to Lance's briefly before stepping back. "I need to go, or I won't."

Lance nodded. "I'll call you."

Justin laughed as he reached the door. "You better." Glancing back one last time, Justin closed the door behind him, and looked towards his friends standing in the hall waiting for him. "Let's go."

Britney wrapped an arm around his waist as he led him away. "We'll have fun, Justin."

"Yeah, we'll do all the things we couldn't do on your weekend home."

As they walked back the front of the dorm, Justin looked up and smiled as he saw Lance wave to him from their room. 'It was just a week.'

Chapter 24

By Sunday night, Lance was miserable. He never realized how much of his life as of late had surrounded Justin. With him gone, Lance was all alone. He had gone down to the gym to work out, but the minute he walked inside, he noticed Joey over at weights. He tried to turn before Joey could see him, but it was too late.

Joey stood up putting down the weight he was curling, and walked over by Lance pushing him slightly. He didn't say a word, and neither did Lance. Once Joey was out of sight, Lance decided to leave. The urge to work out now gone.

The next day, Lance waited by the phone. He had missed Justin's call the night before, and he didn't want to miss it again. When the phone rang, he jumped from his bed and answered it.

"Hey, Lance."

"Hey, baby. Sorry about missing your call."

"It's okay. How you been doing?"

"Good. Bumped into Joey though, and I mean that literally."

"Damn it. Listen I hate that you have to spend the week there alone. I wish I could have you come up here with me, but..."

"I know, Justin. You haven't told your mom yet. And with the way my parents reacted when I told them, I understand why not."

"I'm sorry about your parents, Lance."

"I'm fine now. Haven't had them in my life in awhile. The only way I know they are still around is cause dad still foots the bill for college every semester."

"Listen I have to go. Jon wants to play basketball. I... damn Jon... one sec... you know what I want to say. I just can't."

"I love you, too, baby."

By the next night, Lance was depressed. He actually was almost tempted to drive up to Justin's and surprise him, but he resisted the urge to do so. When the phone rang just passed eleven o'clock, he looked at the phone confused. Justin had already called earlier that night. He decided to let the answering machine get it.

"Lance, you there?"

The second he heard Justin's voice, he picked up the phone. "Hey, baby, you okay?"

"Can't sleep."

"Why? What's bothering you?" Lance asked as he lay down on his bed.

"Nothing. It's stupid really."

"No, it isn't. Not if it is keeping you up. Tell me."

"It's just this whole Thanksgiving thing. My whole family is going to be there, and they are all going to be asking me about school and stuff. Then they will ask if I am seeing someone new since I am no longer with Britney, and I can't tell them anything. Can't say yes I am seeing the greatest guy because then all hell would break loose. All I want is to share you with them. This way it seems wrong."

"I know, but telling all your family you are gay and seeing someone is too much to spring on them on a family get together. You need to start small. Maybe tell your mom first, but not on Thanksgiving."

"Yeah, you're right. You know I miss you. All I want right now is to climb into bed with you and fall asleep in your arms."

"Only a few more days, and then we will do just that." An idea was beginning to form in Lance's mind. "Justin when do you leave tomorrow?"

"After mom gets home from work and Jon from school. Why?"

"Just so I know what time to call you tomorrow."

"Oh, we should be here until about 5:30 or so. Josh and Brit are helping out with their families, so I will be all by myself tomorrow."

"Sorry, baby. Wish I could be there."

"Yeah, me too," Justin said in a small voice that made Lance picture him pouting. "Call me tomorrow during the day, okay?"

"Sure. Talk to you then."

"Night, Lance. Love you."

"Night, baby."

Hanging up the phone was always hard for Justin. He could lay in bed and talk to Lance all night, but he knew he couldn't. Lance did help make him feel better. He was right. He should tell his mom first. Shutting off the light, he was finally able to fall asleep.

The next morning, Justin woke up around nine. the house was quiet. Jon was already in school, and his mother had gone in at eight. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, as he padded in stockinged feet down to the kitchen. Pouring himself some cereal, he went into the living room and started to watch television. At around ten, there was a knock on the door.

"Who the hell could that be?" Justin asked the empty room. Getting up, he walked over to the door looking out the peekhole, but all he saw was someone standing there in a jacket and baseball cap facing away from the door. Opening the door slowly, he opened his mouth to speak, but instead he let out a gasp as the person turned around.


Chapter 25

Justin stood in the doorway to his house in shock. He couldn't believe the person he saw before him was really there.

"You going to let me in, Justin or just let me stand here all day?" Lance pulled off his baseball cap and quickly ran his fingers through his hair.

Wordlessly, Justin stepped aside letting his boyfriend in. Lance walked into the living room looking around before settling his gaze on Justin. Justin still hadn't spoke, and it worried him. Maybe he had made a mistake by driving up here. "Justin," he whispered taking a step back.

Justin finally smiled. Walking the few short steps to Lance, he wrapped his arms around the smaller man. "I missed you, Lance."

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. "You're not mad that I came here?"

"Why would I be mad? I've been wanting to see you since I talked to you last night." Justin pulled away and looked down at Lance . "Come on, let me show you around the house." Justin stepped back and began to walk away leaving Lance no other choice but to follow.

Justin led him through the downstairs showing him the various rooms and pictures on the wall. Lance laughed when he saw a picture of Justin in a cowboy hat. "You are too cute, you know that."

Justin rolled his eyes as he made his way towards the stairs. "Yeah, whatever."

Lance followed Justin up the stairs. Justin walked by an open door. "This is my mom's room. That is Jon's down the hall, and my room is over here," he said opening the first door at the top of the stairs. Justin walked over and sat on his bed. He watched as Lance walked around the room stopping to look at things on the wall or on shelves. He stopped in front of a trophy picking it up.

"That was for All-State MVP last year."

Lance put the trophy back down and walked over to the bed sitting next to Justin. "See you're a great basketball player. Why were you worried about the game?"

Justin shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he whispered as he lay his head on Lance's shoulder."I'm glad your here."

Lance sighed. "Me, too. I was worried about you last night. I wanted to crawl through the phone and give you a big hug."

Justin laughed raising his head. "Is that all you wanted to do, Lance?"

Lance lowered his head as a blush came across his face.

Justin gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now that is cute."

After a few silent moments, Lance looked back up at Justin who was still watching him. "So when does everyone get home?"

"Jon gets in around 3. Mom later than that. Why?"

"So I can be gone long before they get back. I don't want them to think anything is up. No reason for me to be here, you know?" Lance pulled Justin closer, so that their foreheads touched. "Plus I wanted to know if I decided to kiss you right now if we would get an audience."

Justin shook his head slightly. "Nope, no audience. Just you and me here."

"Good," Lance whispered as he touched his lips to Justin's softly. He pulled his head and licked his lips savoring the taste of Justin before kissing his boy again more passionately. As their kisses continued, Lance fell back to the bed pulling Justin so that he lay on top of him. Lance raised his hips brushing his erection against Justin's making the younger boy moan.

Justin let his fingers trail under Lance's t-shirt and make their way up his chest. As his thumb flicked across Lance's nipple, Lance let out a tiny gasp.Justin chuckled softly at the reaction. He still couldn't believe how Lance reacted to tiniest thing he did. Lowering his head, he placed tiny kisses along Lance's jaw making his way down his neck to suck briefly at his adam's apple.

Lance groaned as his fisted his hands in Justin's curls. When he felt Justin begin to lift his shirt, he reached down to stop him. "We can't do that here, Justin. If someone was to come back early and caught us how would you explain it."

"I would have to tell my mom, I guess." Sighing, he moved back to sitting position.

"You're not ready to do that yet," Lance pulled Justin back so that he could lay his head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, baby. Maybe coming up here was a mistake."

"No, Lance. I needed to see you. I'm glad you are here. I missed my new pillow," Justin said giggling softly.

"Is that all I am now? A pillow?" Lance said as he tickled Justin's side.

"No, you're more than that, Lance," Justin said through his laughter. "Let's go downstairs. This room is too tempting."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go."

The two boys made their way downstairs and sat watching the television in between kisses until Lance decided it was time to go. Justin hated to see him leave again, but he knew he would see him first thing Saturday morning, so he let him through the door happier than he had been when he had first woken up that morning.

Chapter 26

By the time Saturday rolled around, Justin was ready to come back to school. Thanksgiving had been horrible. All his family kept asking him who he was seeing. He got tired of keeping up the lie, and almost blurted it out at the dinner table. When his mom dropped him off at the dorm, he was so excited to be back and seeing Lance, that he had to try and calm himself so his mother wouldn't notice anything.

As his mother drove away, he waved before turning to run up the stairs and up to his room. When he walked into his room, he expected to find Lance waiting for him, but he was nowhere to be found. He quickly unpacked, and decided to take a nap as he waited for Lance to come back from wherever he had went to.

He laid on Lance's bed letting the scent that was Lance to flow over him. He had just seen him days before, but it felt much longer. He closed his eyes as he sighed falling into a light sleep.

About half an hour later, Lance walked into the room. The first thing he noticed was Justin sound asleep on his bed. He had hoped to be back before Justin got home, but the events of the morning had prevented that. He reached up and touched his eye gingerly. He knew once Justin saw him, he would freak.

Taking his jacket off, he walked over to the bed and lightly touched Justin's back rubbing it softly. Justin smiled still alseep. As Lance continued to run his fingers up and down Justin's spine, the younger boy slowly opened his eyes. Smiling he turned onto his back, but the smile quickly faded as he got a good look at Lance's face. Reaching up , he touched his check moving Lance's head slightly so he could get a better look. "What the hell happened to your eye?"

Lance sighed. "I got into a little fight with someone."

Justin sat up in bed and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. "Who?"

Lance looked dow not wanting to say, but knew Justin wouldn't let up. "Joey," he whispered.

Justin pulled back from Lance and got up from the bed. Beginning to pace, he cursed under his breath softly looking back at Lance every few seconds. "Why the hell did he hit you?"

Lance stood up and stopped in front of Justin putting his hands out so that Justin would stop pacing. "Justin, I confronted him."

Justin looked shocked. "What? Why?"

"I knew he was a good friend to you the first couple of months. I thought if I could talk to him maybe he eould change his mind about you and us. I was wrong. It's seems his beliefs about gay people run very deep."

Justin reached out and touched the skin next to Lance's eye gingerly. "Still doesn't explain why he hit you."

Lance sighed. "I'm stubborn, that's why. I wouldn't give up. Finally pissed him off, and he went off and punched me."

Justin turned towards the window and looked out for a few minutes silent. When he turned backs toward Lance, he frowned. "Damn him. I'm going to kick his ass."

Justin began to walk toward the room door, but Lance reached out and stopped him. "Don't baby. I'm fine. You going after him will only make this whole thing worse."

"But, Lance," Justin said with a small pout.

"Justin, just leave it okay," he said pulling Justin closer to him so he could wrap his arms around his waist. "I'm glad you're back."

"Me, too. I missed you. I know I just saw you on Wednesday, but it felt like a month." Justin lowered his head into the crook of Lance's neck.

"Same here, baby, but now your back until Christmas break."

Justin sighed. "Don't remind me about that. How am I going to be away from you for three weeks?"

"I don't know how we'll do it, but it shouldn't be too bad. I'll come up and visit again," Lance said pressing his lips to Justin's neck.

"You better. I think I will tell my mom over break."

Lance looked up. "You're sure you want to do that?"

"Yeah, I think I should," Justin said nodding slightly.

"Want me to be there with you?"

"No. I don't want to throw it all at her at once."

Lance laughed. "Good idea."

"Christmas should be interesting," Justin said laughing as he pulled Lance down to the bed.

Changes 27

The Christmas break was fast approaching. with each passing day, Justin grew more and nervous. It wasn't only being away from Lance for so long that was bothering him, but also he had made a decision about what he would do while he was home. He would tell his mother he was gay. He hoped she took it well, but he had a feeling she wouldn't. His mother wasn't homophobic. Just very religious, and being gay was against everything she had been taught and everything she had taught him growing up.

The little comments and pushes by Joey didn't help either. He couldn't believe he was the same person he had met on the basketball court just a few short months before. The second he had found out Justin and Lance were gay, he had changed into someone hateful.It was almost as if he were two different people. On the basketball court, you could almost see the old Joey, but off of it the new Joey reigned supreme.

During Finals week, the two boys pulled several all night study sessions. They each had several exams, and both needed good scores to keep up their grades. If Justin didn't do well, he would lose his scholarship, so he was especially concerned.

The night before the last exam, Justin and Lance were both studying. Lance was spread out on the floor with all his text books and notes for his science class, and Justin was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall re-reading one of the books for his English class. sighing, he slammed the book shut and threw it across the room letting it sail above Lance's head. Rubbing his eyes, he said, "No more. I can't read one more word." He moved to lay on his bed, and closed his eyes.

Lance looked at the book lying on the floor next to him before turning towards the bed. Justin had been studying so hard. Lying on his bed, he looked so tired. Lance stood up and went over to the bed. Pulling Justin's shoes off, he bent over and pressed a light kiss to his lips. "Go to sleep. You'll do fine on your test." Justin mumbled something already falling alseep.

A few hours later, Justin woke up to find Lance still studying over on his bed. "Lance, you need sleep to, you know."

"In a little bit. Just one more chapter." Lance looked up from his book a couple of minutes, and noticed Justin was watching him. "Justin, go back to sleep."

"No, not until you do."

"Fine," Lance said as he closed the textbook. Reaching over, he shut off the light and lay down in bed. A few moments later, he felt the covers lift, and Justin slide under them. "When do you leave for your sister's place?"

"Tomorrow night," Lance whispered.

"I'm glad you are not spending the break here. I would feel so bad knowing I was home, and you were stuck here," Justin said as he wrapped his arm around Lance's waist.

"Stacey is cool. I haven't seen her in awhile."

"Do your parents know you're spending the holidays with her?"

"I guess."

Justin grew silent, and Lance began to fall asleep, but the silence was broken by a soft whisper. "I'm telling my mom, you know."

Lance opened his eyes wide, and turned in Justin's arms. "You sure?"

"Yeah. Night, Lance. Love you." Justin closed his eyes.

Lance sighed. Laying his head on Justin's chest he closed his eyes. He hoped that his mother took it better than his own had.

The next day, Justin and Lance each took their exams, and returned to the dorm in the afternoon in order to finish packing. Both were excited to be going home, but both also weren't happy that by going home they would be apart.

Lance zipped his suitcase, and bounced on his bed watching Justin. "All done."

Justin turned and smiled at his boyfriend. "I see that. I'm just about done here too," he said as he putt a pile of shirts into the suitcase. Closing the top, he zipped his own bag. "Done. Looking over at the clock, he smiled. "It looks like we have about forty-five minutes before you have to leave."

Lance smiled. "Whatever will we do to fill that time?"

Justin walked and leaned over Lance. "I can think of something." Justin began to lower his head, but there was a knock on the door. "Damn it. Who's that?" He stepped back, and went to answer the door.

"Hey, lovebirds," Josh said as he walked in.

"Josh, you're early," Justin said folding his arms over his chest.

"Oops, sorry. I interrupted the last romp," Josh moved to sit on his bed, but Justin stopped him.

"Let's go since you're here," Justin said looking over at Lance.

"I'll leave you two alone," Josh said, as he left the room.

Justin walked over to Lance and pulled him into a standing position. Wrapping his arms around Lance's waist, he gave Lance a gentle kiss on his lips. "I'll miss you. Call me every day." sighing, he stepped back. "I'm going to go now. I love you." He walked over and picked up his suitcase quickly leaving the room not wanting Lance to see the tears forming in his eyes.

Chapter 28

Justin spent the few days at home resting. Finals and basketball had tired him out. When he wasn't alseep or on the phone with Lance, he was out with Josh or Britney. They went and did the things they normally did together. Go to the mall, the movies, hang out at the basketball court. When he told Josh he was planning on telling his mom about him and maybe even about Lance too, Josh offered to come and be with him, but Justin told him no. If anyone was going to be with him during that discussion it was going to be Lance.

He wish Lance could be here when this all went down, but this was for the best. He needed to tell his mom on his own, and he knew the perfect time too. Jon would be gone at his dad's house, and his mom and him would be alone. He could tell her everything. He just hoped she took it well. If she didn't, then he had Josh and Lance and Britney. He would be fine.

The night Jon left, Justin waited for his mom to come home from work. He had decided to go ahead and cook dinner, so she would be in a better mood not having to cook. As they ate their meal quietly, Justin tried to figure out a way to bring up the topic. Should he just blurt it out? Should he let his mom figure it out with some well placed hints? He had a feeling her reaction wasn't going to be good, but he had to tell her. He took a sip of his soda, and glanced down at his plate shifting the food around on it.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Lynn asked as she put her wine glass down.

Justin pushed his plate away, and took a deep breath. "Mom, we need to talk about something."

Lynn watched her son before pushing her own plate aside."This sounds important. Is it school? Your scholarship?"

Justin shook his head. "No, nothing like that."

Lynn looked confused. "Then what is it?"

Justin took a steadying breath before whispering, "I'm gay."

Lynn continued to look confused not really thinking she had heard what she just had. "What was that, Justin?"

Justin took another breath before looking up and speaking louder. "I'm gay."

Lynn shook her head. That is what she had thought she heard, but there had to be a mistake. "Justin, what are you talking about? You've been dating Britney forever. I know you broke up, but that doesn't mean you are gay."

"Mom, I've always been gay. I just finally realized that is what it was." Lynn stood up from the table and began to pace. "This is all Josh's fault, isn't it? I know I should have kept you away from him when I found out he was gay."

"No, I am not this way because of Josh."

Stopping in front of Justin's chair, Lynn yelled, "Then who? Cause when you went to college you weren't gay. Now you come home for Christmas, and you are. You better have some kind of explanation."

"Mom, there is nothing to explain. I'm just gay," Justin said standing up.

"Well, it is wrong, and no son of mine is going to be gay. I won't have it."

"Mom, there is nothing wrong with me. I'm gay, and I'm the happiest I have ever been."

"Are you with someone?" Lynn said as she sat back in her chair.

Justin had wanted to keep his relationship out of this, but he couldn't lie to her. She had asked a direct question, and would want a direct answer. "Yes, I am seeing someone. He is really a great guy. Helped me so much with school and stuff." Justin hoped she wouldn't ask him who.

"Well, who is this person? Who decided to corrupt you?"

"Mom, he didn't corrupt me." Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly. "It's Lance."

A look of pure rage crossed his face. "Lance as in your roommate. Lance, that boy I met that first day." Lowering her head, she mumbled, "I should have seen it."

"Mom, he is wonderful. You just have to give this a chance. I am not going to change," Justin cried.

"You're not? Even though everything I have everything I taught you about being gay being wrong. Against the bible."

"Mom, I love Lance, and I am not going to change."

"Then, fine. You are no longer my son. I want you out of here. Take your things and go back to your lover boy. I want you out of here first thing tomorrow." Lynn stood up and walked out of the room without a backward glance.

Justin slumped in his chair burying his head in his hands letting the sobs he had been holding back while talking to his mother finally escape him. He loved his mom, but he also loved Lance. He couldn't choose between them, but it looked like his mother had made the choice for him.

Justin sat there for a good hour until he couldn't cry anymore. He looked up at the clock and saw it was nearing eight o'clock. He could have sworn it was later than that. He needed to get out of this place. Josh had known of Justin's plans, so he was waiting at home in case things went bad, and boy had they. Standing up, he left the plates on the table, and walked up the stairs to his room. His mother's door was closed, so he didn't even try to go in to talk to her.

Instead, he entered his room, and began to repack his things. He pulled another bag from his closet, and began to pack some other things he didn't want to leave behind. It took him all of thirty minutes to pack up the most important parts of his life. Reaching over, he grabbed his phone and quickly dialed.

On the second ring, a familiar voice answered. "Hello."

"Josh, come get me."

"Justin, what happened?"

Justin could feel himself getting choked up. Not able to get the words out. Wiping away at the tears angrily, he finally was able to say, "Don't, Josh."

"Okay. I'm on my way.'

Justin hung up the phone, and picked up his bags. He would wait for Josh on the porch. Taking one final look at his room, he sighed as fresh tears began to fall.

Chapter 29

As Justin waited for Josh to pull up, he sat on the porch steps. A light rain had begun to fall, and Justin hugged himself to keep warm letting his tears get lost in the falling rain. He couldn't believe his mother had taken his admission so badly. He knew she wouldn't be happy, but to throw him out of the house was one thing he never expected happening.

When Josh pulled up, he grabbed his bags and walked down the walkway stopping to take one final look. The house was now dark. Sighing, he opened the passenger door, and threw his bags in the back seat. Slumping down in the front seat, he closed his eyes.

Josh reached out and touched his arm, but he pulled it back. Josh sighed as he started the car. The drive back to Josh's house didn't take long, but the silence in the car made it feel longer. Josh kept looking back towards Justin,but Justin had curled himself in a ball on the seat crying silently.

When he pulled into his driveway, he stopped the car, and reached into the backseat for Justin's things. Justin opened his eyes, and the sadness they held made Josh want to cry for his friend. Whatever Lynn had said had hurt Justin terribly. Justin got out of the car, and walked into the house without saying a word. By the time, Josh had locked up the car, and made his own way into the house, Justin was nowhere to be found.

A few minutes later, he found him laying on the guest room bed. Placing his bags on the floor, he shut the door behind him and made his way to his room.He knew what he had to do, so he walked over to the phone. Luckily, Justin had given him Lance's phone number at his sister's house.

He listened to the phone ring, hoping that Lance was home. On the fourth ring, the line was picked up. "Hello?"

Josh didn't recognize the voice who answered. Must be his sister."Hi. Can I talk to Lance?"

"Can I ask who is calling?"

Josh sighed as he sat on the bed playing with the phone cord. "It's Josh."

"Okay. One second."

Josh listened to the phone being placed down. Laying back on the bed, he waited the few minutes it took for Lance to get on the phone. "Hey, Josh," Lance said laughing as he got on the phone. "What's up?"

"Lance, it's Justin."

Lance could tell from the tone of Josh's voice that something was wrong. "What's wrong? Is he okay?"

"Far from it. I don't know exactly what happened."

"Then how do you know something is wrong?"

"He's here. He won't talk to me. I know he was doing something tonight though."

"What?" Lance began to pace back and forth trying to let out the anxiety that was building in him. What had Justin done? Oh, no. "He talked to his mom, didn't he?"

"Yeah. I don't think it went well, Lance. He won't even talk to me."

Lance walked towards the stairs.Taking them two at a time, he entered his room grabbing his bags from the closet. "I'll be there as soon as I can, Josh." Without even saying good-bye, he threw the cordless phone on the bed, and began to quickly pack his bags.

He needed to get to his boy. Had to be there with him now. Had to hold Justin in his arms, and let him know he hadn't lost everything. He knew how badly his parents had taken his admission to them all these years ago. He had never thought that Justin's mother would have a similar reaction, but apparently he was wrong. After explaining to his sister what was happening, he threw his bags in the trunk of his car, and began three hour drive to Josh's.

Chapter 30

Lance made the three hour drive from his sister's house to Josh's in record time. During the drive, he kept thinking about Justin. He had hoped Lynn would be one of those mothers that loved their child no matter what. Justin loved his mom more than anything in the world. He was always saying how much he hated how she always babied him, but that didn't mean he still didn't love her.

Lance hoped that his mother's reaction didn't cause Justin to want to leave him. He didn't honestly know what he would do if Justin didn't want to be with him anymore. Whenever he looked at Justin, he saw the rest of his life. If she had ruined that, he would make sure she knew about it.

Two and a half hours after he hung up the phone with Josh, he was pulling into his driveway. Parking the car, he practically jumped out of the driver's door letting it slam closed behind him Running up to the front door, he knocked. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he waited for Josh to open the door.

A few minutes later, Josh opened the door with a worried expression on his face. "He's upstairs," he said, moving aside to let Lance in.

"How is he?" Lance asked as he walked to the stairs.

"Hasn't talked yet. He won't stop crying."

Lance took the stairs two at a time with Josh following closely behind him. Josh pointed out the guest room to Lance before entering his own room across the hall. Lance sighed as he pushed open the door.

The room was dark. He could barely make out the shadow of Justin's form on the bed. Justin's sobs could be heard the second he opened the door. His heart broke at the sight of his boy crying in the darkness. In that second, he hated Justin's mother for doing this to him.

Walking into the room, he made his way over to the bed and sat down by Justin's legs. Reaching out, he put a gentle hand on Justin's back. Lance felt Justin flinch away from the slight touch, so he took his hand back.

"Josh, just leave me alone."

Lance lowered his head and whispered in Justin's ear, "It isn't Josh, baby." Lance saw Justin's eyes open wide with recognition.

Turning his head, Justin whispered shakily, "Lance?"

Lance reached out and ran his hand across Justin's cheek. "Yes, baby. I'm here."

Justin shook his head. "But how?"

"Josh called me, and told me you were here." Lance moved so that he was laying next to Justin on the small bed. "I'm sorry."

Justin eyes filled with fresh tears with Lance's whispered apology. Moving closer, Justin buried his head in Lance's chest as he continued to cry. Lance rubbed his back gently until Justin's sobs finally subsided. The two boys lay in silence until Justin whispered, "She hates me, Lance."

Lance sighed as he pressed his cheek to the top of Justin's head. "She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't understand."

"She wanted me to change. Thought you had corrupted me.When I told her I wasn't going to change because I was happy, she told me that I wasn't her son, and to leave by the morning."

At Justin's words, Lance had mixed emotions come over him. He was happy that he hadn't lost Justin, but he hated the fact that because Justin loved him, he had lost his mother. "Justin, you know I love you, and no matter what happens I will always love you."

Justin nodded his head. "That's the reason why I said what I did, Lance. I know that you and I are meant to be. I want my mom to be a part of my life, but if she doesn't want to be that is her choice. I'm not going back to lying to myself because I shouldn't be gay. I am gay, and I love you."

Lance closed his eyes as he felt Justin's lips press against.his.lips firmly. He felt Justin's lips part slightly, and his tongue lick against Lance's top lip begging for entrance which Lance quickly allowed. They continued to kiss until Lance broke away. "Baby, we can't do anything here."

Justin looked down pouting but then sighed. "Yeah, I know."

"We should get some sleep. Tomorrow we can go back to my sister's, or to the college."


Lance smiled. "Want me all to yourself, huh?"

Justin laughed as a blush crept across his face. 'Well, yeah... I mean..,"

"It's okay, baby. I like being alone with you." Lance pulled Justin down for a quick passionate kiss before Justin lowered his head to Lance's chest. "Go to sleep, baby boy. Tomorrow is another day."

Chapter 31

The next morning Justin woke up alone. He almost thought that he had dreamt Lance's visit the night before, but he pushed that thought aside when he saw a folded piece of paper laying on the pillow next to him. Picking it up, he read,


I needed to do something before we left this morning. I won't be gone long. See you soon.

Love, Lance

Justin sat up in bed wondering what Lance had needed to do. The realization came to him suddenly. 'Oh no, he didn't.' Jumping out of bed, he ran across the hall to Josh's room. Without even knocking, he walked over to Josh's bed and shook him awake. "Josh, where did Lance go?"

Josh shook his head sleepily sitting up. "I don't know, Justin."

Justin ran back into the guest room, throwing on some clothes. Within minutes, he was out the front door.

Lance stood on Justin's front porch. It wasn't even 7:30 yet, so Lynn should still be home. Sighing, he knocked on the door, and waited for her to answer. When the door opened, Lance was rewarded with a deep scowl of recognition.

"I said everything I had to say to Justin last night," she said as she began to close the door in his face.

Lance reached out, and pushed the door back open. "I have something to say to you, though, and you will listen."
Lyn didn't say anything. Just stood in the doorway with a look of hate and disgust on her face. "What you did to your son last night is despicable. Do you realize how much you hurt him? He cried himself to sleep. Do you realize how much Justin loves you? And yet you decided to not accept him for what he is, and as his mother love him anyway. I had hoped that you wouldn't react like my own parents had. That Justin wouldn't lose his mother to hate. I had come here today to try and talk to you. Try and reason with you, but I can see just by the look on your face that I am wasting my time."

"Yes, you are, Lance." She began to close the door, but stopped herself. "You know this is all your fault. When I dropped him off at the dorm back in August he wasn't gay, but now look at him. You did this, and I know God will punish you both.

"Mama, don't talk to him like that." During Lynn's speech, Lance had lowered his head looking down at the ground, but when he heard Justin's voice, his head whipped up to look at him. He had obviously ran from Josh's house to his own. Out of breath and sweating, he stood at the foot of the steps. "This isn't his fault. This isn't my fault. This isn't your fault. It just is." Justin reached up and took Lance's hand pulling him down the stairs. "I love Lance, and that isn't going to change, mama."

Lance smiled as he wrapped his arm around Justin's waist. "Let's go, baby."

Justin nodded as he leaned against Lance. "Bye, mama." He watched as she slammed the door before turning towards Lance's car. "Thank you, Lance."

"For what, baby?"

Justin sighed. "For trying."

Chapter 32

On the drive back to the dorm, the boys were silent. Each lost in their own thoughts. Justin's thoughts kept going back to his mother and her reaction to his coming out. He had never thought she would act that way. She knew all about Josh, and that had never seemed to bother her, but the minute he had told her, the person he had known as his mother had changed. Then there was Lance going to his house to talk to his mom. With that one action, Lance had gained every ounce of the love. He couldn't believe how lucky he truly was to have found Lance.

Up til now, he had held himself back. Letting his worries about the others around him prevent him from showing Lance how much he truly cared for him. Now he would stop doing that. He would live his life how he wanted to. He wouldn't let anyone get in the way of his feelings for Lance. Not his mother. Not Joey. No one.

He felt Lance grab his hand gently, and Justin turned his head away from the window, and looked towards Lance. "We're almost there, baby."

"Good. I'm tired," Justin said leaning against the headrest.

"What were you thinking about just now? You seemed like you were far far away."

Justin sighed. "Just stuff. My mom. Joey. Us."

Lance held onto Justin's hand tighter. He was still worried that he might lose Justin. It seemed like everyone was against them. He hoped that didn't cause Justin to turn tail and run. They road the rest of the way to the college in silence. When Lance pulled into his parking spot next to the dorm, he looked over and saw Justin had fallen asleep. Reaching out he touched his cheek softly. "We're here, Justin. Wake up."

Justin slowly opened his eyes smiling at the face in front of him. How could being in love with this wonderful person be wrong? Glancing away, his smile grew bigger when he recognized the familiar building they were parked next to. "We're home?"

Slightly surprised at Justin's choice of words, Lance turned away, and pushed open the door. "Yeah, we're here."

Justin reached in back for his bags, and jumped out of his side of the car. "I'm going on up."

Lance nodded as he retrieved his own bags. "I'll be there in a second. I need to tell Chris we're here."

Taking the steps two at a time, Justin ran into the building. Lance laughed. He was happy that Justin was happy. After locking his car door, he walked into the building and over to Chris' apartment. Knocking on the door, he waited until Chris came to the door. "Hey, Lance.What you doing back?"

"Long story. Just wanted to let you know both Justin and I are here."

"Okay, man. I'm here if you need anything." Chris started to close his door, but stopped and looked at Lance. "I have been meaning to ask you two something. You don't have to answer, but I just wanted to ask."

Lance looked confused, and held onto the strap of his backpack a little tighter. "Um, yeah, okay. What is it?"

"You and Justin. Are you"

Lance didn't know how to answer that. Poor Chris looked so embarassed even asking him, though, so he smiled. "Yeah, we are."

Chris smiled back. "Okay. That's cool."

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know if Justin could have taken another bad reaction. "I'm going to go on up now. Justin has had a rough couple of days."

"Sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"His mom freaked."

"Oh, well you go on then. I'm here if either of you need to talk. I'm familiar with this stuff."


"Yeah, but that story is for another time." Chris pushed away from the door and began to close it.

Lance waited for the door to close before walking up the stairs to his room. He had to tell Justin about Chris. It might make him feel better.

Chapter 33

Lance walked into the dark dorm to find Justin sound asleep on his bed. Dropping his own backpack on Justin's bed where Justin had placed his own bags, Lance moved over to the bed and lay beside Justin. He softly ran his fingers through Justin's curls. The slight movement did not go unnoticed by Justin as he turned in his slumber towards Lance putting his arm around his waist. Lance lowered his head so that it was laying on top of Justin's head. Both boys were soon fast asleep.

A few hours later, Justin woke up. He smiled when he opened his eyes to find Lance asleep next to him. He let his fingers travel slowly under the hem of Lance's t-shirt tickling along his ribs and up higher to graze against a nipple. Lance moaned in his sleep, and Justin smiled again. He and Lance hadn't done more than kiss and a few random touches. The times where more could have happened, someone had interrupted them or Lance had stopped them. Lance was worried that Justin was still confused about what he was and what he wanted.

Until today, Justin had been confused.He didn't know if he had done the right thing telling his mom about himself and then Lance. In that one action, he had lost his mother's love, but then he had seen Lance standing on his mother's porch trying to heal that rift that had been built between he and his mother. In that moment, all his confusion had faded away, and he knew that this was his life. To be with Lance was all he wanted.

Justin pressed soft kisses along Lance's jawline and lower down to the spot just below his ear.Moving down to his neck, he felt Lance's moan vibrate against his lips. Looking up, he chuckled lightly, when he saw Lance's eyes flutter open. "Hey, baby."

Lance smiled. Justin had never called him that before, but he could definitely get used to it. Reaching up, he let his fingers trace Justin's jawline to the back of neck where he pulled him down so there lips could meet. Justin moved so that he lay on top of Lance reaching down and lifting Lance's shirt.

Lance broke the kiss and still Justin's hands. "Baby, what are you doing?"

Justin didn't speak. Just shrugged his shoulders, and moved his hands away. He moved to sit up whispering, "I'm sorry."

Lance grabbed his hand and pulled him back down onto the bed, but Justin turned away from Lance. He felt the tears come to his eyes, but brushed them away quickly. He had thought Lance would be happy.

"Justin, you have nothing to be sorry about. I was just surprised is all.'

Justin sighed as he turned back towards Lance, but he still couldn't look him in the eye. "I understand if you don't want me Lance. My mom doesn't want me anymore either."

Lance reached out and pulled Justin into his arms. "Justin, why wouldn't I want you anymore? I love you, and that isn't going to change at all." Lance sighed as he let his hand move down Justin's back. "I just don't want to rush things between us. We've only been together a short time, and before then you didn't even know you were gay. I'm afraid one day you'll wake up and realize you aren't."

Justin moved back from Lance shaking his head. "Lance that isn't going to happen. I love you, and what you did tried to do today with my mom I will always remember."

"I had to try. I thought she would be different, but I could see she was just as bad as my own parents.I wanted to save you from that kind of pain, but I couldn't. I hate that I am the cause of it to. Maybe if you hadn't of met me, things would be different for you right now."

Justin sighed. "Yeah, they would be. I'd be miserable. I would still be lying to myself, and I wouldn't have you, Lance. So I'm here, and I am not going anywhere."

Chapter 34

Lance and Justin spent of the rest of their Christmas break at the dorm together. Justin would spend his mornings down at the gym shooting baskets with Lance sometimes joining him. The nights they would find something to do off campus cause the dorms and the campus would be so quiet they needed to get out.

Even though Justin told Lance he wasn't going to change his mind. That he loved him, and would continue to love him, Lance still kept his distance to some extent. the two of them still slept together in the same bed and kissed, but it didn't go past that.

New Year's Eve arrived, and Lance surprised Justin by taking him out to a fancy restaurant. Once they were back in their room, Lance pulled out something from his closet. He held it behind his back as he walked back towards the bed. Justin tried to peek around him, but Lance kept moving whatever he held in his hand. "Now, I got us a little something to celebrate New Year's with, but we have to be quiet because if Chris found out we would get in trouble. So you promise to behave?"

Justin moved to the edge of the bed reaching out and running a finger down Lance's chest. "I don't know about that."

Lance sighed. "Justin, baby, will you be good?"

Justin popped a shirt button open. "I'll be good. I promise, Lance."

Lance swatted Justin's hand away, as he brought a bottle out from behind his back. "Justin, stop that." Justin moved back on the bed sitting with his back against the wall. A pout quite visable on his face. Lance sighed as he poured them two glasses of the wine he had bought. "Baby, I'm sorry."

Justin continued to pout as he looked up at Lance. "What is it, Lance? Don't you want me? I mean all we have ever really done is kiss. You always stop us before we go any further."

Handing Justin a glass, Lance sat down next to him. "I still worry that one day you will figure out you don't want this."

Justin moved off the bed taking a sip of his wine. He placed it on the desk as he began to pace. After a few moments, he stopped facing Lance. "I give up. How can I make you see that I want you, only you, and I'm not going anywhere. I lost my mom for you. She will never speak to me again, and it was because I'm in love with you." Justin sat back on the bed. Reaching out, he touched Lance's cheek. "Lance, I love you. I want to be with you, but if you don't want to be with me then I give up." Justin dropped his hand and moved off the bed. He retrieved his wine glass draining it.

Lance sat silent watching Justin lay down on his own bed. It wasn't that he didn't want Justin. He just worried that maybe Justin's mom had been right. It was his fault that Justin had become gay. He heard Justin sigh, and he looked over at the clock. Thirty minutes until midnight, and here he was fighting with his boyfriend. "Justin," he whispered.

Justin moved onto his back with a sigh. "What?"

"Come over here, baby."

"No, Lance. I meant it. If you want me, you need to come over here. I'm comfortable now."

Lance took another sip of wine as he watched Justin across the room. He glanced at the clock one more time making up his mind. Lance got off the bed walking across the room. He knew it was the wine that was leading him to this decision, but he loved Justin, and he didn't want to lose him. He sat on the edge of the bed next to Justin. He watched as Justin pretended he was sleeping. Lance knew he wasn't. Lance reached up running his hand through Justin's curls. He moved so that he was laying next to Justin on his side. He continued to run his fingers through Justin's curls until Justin opened his eyes. "Justin, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing, and start doing something about it." Justin rolled onto his side facing Lance. "I love you, Lance. That isn't going to change. Everything else around us might, but my love for you will remain constant." Justin moved his body closer moving his hand up Lance's chest, but this time Lance didn't push Justin's hand away. "Lance," Justin whispered, "kiss me."

:Lance didn't wait long before pressing his lips to Justin's. He felt Justin's hands make their way up his back stopping to rest at the back of his neck. As they continued to kiss, Lance rolled onto Justin. Upon hearing Justin's soft moan, Lance broke the kiss, and lifted his head. He ran his finger over Justin's bottom lip. "Justin," he whispered, "are you sure about this?"

Justin didn't speak just nodded his head briefly before pulling Lance down to him kissing him softly. Lance raised his head again and watched as Justin licked his lips. He continued to watch as Justin reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. Lance let his fingers reach under Justin's shirt tracing patterns around Justin's stomach. When Justin pushed his shirt off his shoulders, Lance reached for the hem of Justin's shirt and began to pull it up, but Justin stopped him pulling the shirt out of his grasp and over his head in one quick motion.

Lance looked down at Justin's tight stomach remembering the first time he had seen him that day on the basketball court. He wondered if Justin had known what he was doing that day. Maybe without knowing Lance was gay, he had known somewhere in his mind.

"What are you smiling about, Lance?"

Running his finger down the middle of Justin's chest, he lowered his mouth to suck at Justin's neck. Moving his mouth upward, he nibbled on Justin's earlobe. "I was just remembering that first day we met. I think I fell in love with you that first day." Lance's hand caressed Justin's chest as he listened to Justin's tiny moans. When he flicked his thumb over Justin's nipple, Justin gasped turning towards Lance. "I've been wanting to do this since that day on the basketball court. You remember when you pulled your shirt off right in front of me. You're lucky I didn't throw you down on the basketball court."

Justin pushed Lance onto his back straddling him. He kissed him briefly before rasing his head. "You remember that night of the halloween party, with you in your tight jeans and your cowboy hat. Do you how badly I wanted to rip your clothes off of you the minute I saw you."

Feeling Justin's fingers work on the button of his pants, Lance laid on his back silent wondering where this side of Justin had hidden itself. Justin had always let him lead things, but now it was Justin taking control of the situation. He lifted his hips slightly, so Justin could pull his pants down continuing to watch Justin above him. "Justin, baby, what has gotten into you?"

Justin didn't answer. Instead he lowered his head with a blush on his cheeks. Lance smiled for a brief moment as he saw the boy he had fell in love with make an appearance, but the smile soon faded when Justin flopped onto his back mumbling sorry.

"Justin, no. Don't be sorry. I just haven't seen that side of you much. That doesn't mean that I don't like it. I want you to want me as much as I want you," he whispered just before he kissed Justin. After a few moments, Lance let his tongue lick at Justin's lips asking for access that Justin quickly granted. As they continued to kiss, Lance reached down and rubbed Justin's erection through his pants causing Justin to moan into their kisses. Lance broke the kiss panting. "Baby, you have on way too many clothes here."

Lance watched as Justin bit his lip. The tiniest glimmer of fear appearing in his eyes. Lance sighed, as he let his other hand run through Justin's curls. "Baby, we don't have to do anything. We could stop right now, and it would be alright."

Justin shook his head. "No, Lance. I want to."

"You sure, Justin?"

"I want you."

Lance groaned at Justin's whispered words lowering his mouth to Justin's, kissing him hungrily. As they continued to kiss, Lance undid the button and zipper to Justin's pants. As his lips left Justin's mouth, they made their way across Justin's jaw and down his chest stopping to lick and suck briefly at each nipple before continuing downward.

When Lance reached the waist band of Justin's pants, he stopped catching Justin's gaze as he pulled down Justin's pants stopping only for Justin to lift his hips off the bed so he could complete the task. Dropping the clothes on the floor at the foot of the bed, Lance got up and walked across the room. He opened one of desk drawers pulling something out glancing over his shoulder at Justin lying on the bed.

"Lance," Justin whispered.

Lance moved back to the bed lying down next to Justin. "Right here, baby."


Lance let his gaze travel down Justin's body. He licked his lips at the beauty before him. Letting his lips and hands join in the exploration of Justin's body, he moved lower. When he reached Justin's waist, he paused looking up. "Justin, I love you," he whispered before taking Justin's cock into his mouth. He felt Justin lift his hips off the bed as a loud gasp escaped his lips, but he held Justin's hips down. As his mouth continued to work over Justin, Lance pressed one slick finger against his entrance.

He held still waiting for any sign from Justin to stop. When he saw none, he moved his finger in slowly. Lifting his head, he watched Justin before adding a second finger.

"Damn, Lance, please."

"Please what, baby?"

"I want you now, Lance."

Lance moved up Justin's body covering it with his own. As he moved in between Justin's legs, he grazed Justin's mouth with his own. He ran his hand over Justin's curls, as he entered him slowly. As a tear appeared at the corner of Justin's eye he stopped. "Baby.."

"I'm okay, Lance. Don't stop."

Lance nodded as he brushed the tear on Justin's cheek aside. He continued to move stopping when he was all the way inside. He kissed Justin softly brushing another stray tear with his thumb. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you, too, Lance."

Lance smiled down at Justin as he began to move inside of him. He kept his movements slow burying his face in Justin's neck. When Justin began to meet his thrusts, he began to speed up his own reaching down between them to stroke Justin's erection.

Justin moaned as he moved to lift Lance's head. He kissed him hungrily as he wrapped his arms around Lance's neck. Lance was the first to break the kiss as his orgasm overtook him triggering Justin's.

The boys lay in each other’s arms silent catching their breath.

"Wow," Justin whispered.

"Yeah. You okay, baby?"

Justin nodded his head as he licked his now dry lips. He glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. Smiling, he kissed Lance's forehead. "Happy New Year."

Lance chuckled softly returning the kiss. "Happy New Year to you too."

After that night the two of them were inseparable. To all that saw them, it was clear that the two boys were in love. When school started back up, so did basketball practice which bothered Justin. At the first practice, Justin was throwing baskets when the coach blew the whistle to begin. Justin looked all over the gym, but saw no sign of Joey. He breathed a sigh of relief as the coach explained that Joey was no longer a part of the team due to academic problems. Justin was so happy that Joey was gone from the team, he practically bounced into the room he and Lance shared smothering him with kisses.

JC had joined Justin at the University, but lived off campus coming over often to visit his friends. One night as Lance and Justin returned they caught JC leaving Chris' room, but they didn't say anything. As for Justin's mom, nothing changed. She continued to pay for Justin's education but all communication between mother and son had been ended. Justin wished that was different, but for lance he would do anything. He realized that through all the changes that had occurred since he had started college, the one thing that had remained constant was lance's love and friendship. No matter the changes in his life yet to come, lance would always continue to be there, and as long as that remained the same Justin would be happy.


The End


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