Charming JC

By: Foxy Lady


Calista had always had a crush on JC. It had begun the day she met the guys when she had visited her mother on tour. Her mother worked for Nsync as part of their wardrobe crew, and one summer had asked her to come out. At the time, she had been living with her father. She had been fourteen that summer, about to turn fifteen in the fall. Going on tour with her mom had sounded like fun, and she immediately began begging her father to go. It had taken some work on her part, but after many promises and hours of begging, he had finally relented. 

She remembered arriving in Europe to meet up with the tour. she hadn't seen her mother since the holidays, and she had missed her. When she had stepped off the plan, the first thing she had seen was her mother. She had run to her, and gave her a big hug. After a few moments of tears on both their parts, Callie had stepped back. It was then that she had noticed the person standing next to her mother. It was then that she first saw JC Chasez. 

"JC, this is Callie. Callie, this is one of the boys from the group, JC Chasez." 

JC had held out his hand to her as he stepped slightly closer. Callie looked right at him. She didn't know if she had ever seen eyes as blue as his before. She shook his offered hand. He took her backpack off her back and slung it over his own with a smile. "Callie, this is going to be so much fun. The rest of the guys are back at the hotel." 

"Great. Mom has told me so much about you all. I can't wait to meet everyone else." 

"All good stuff I hope." 

"Nah," Callie said before breaking into laughter at the _expression on JC's face. "Just kidding." 

"Very funny, kid. I can see that you will fit right in here." 

That summer had been one of the best of her life. She had made five great friends. The guys tried to include her in everything. They were all like big brother's to her. Even JC, but since that first day when he picked her up at the airport she knew she wanted more than that from JC, but to him she was just a cute kid that they hung out with. He would never see her as anything more. 

During that summer, Justin and her grew close as well. He was her best friend. They would talk about all sorts of things staying up way too late on the nights the other guys went out watching movies and eating popcorn. He was the only she told about her crush on JC. He smiled and told her she should tell him, but she shook her head no. JC would just laugh his head off if she told him. She had made Justin promise to never tell JC about her crush. As far as she knew, he never had. 

As the summer drew to a close, and the time she had to go back home grew nearer, she wished she didn't have to leave. She knew she would miss her big brother's terribly, but her father had made it clear at the start, that the trip was only for the summer. She had school to attend, and with her mother's busy work schedule touring with different groups that would make it impossible to go to school. 

The night before she had to leave, the guys threw her a small party. They each gave her a gift to remember them by. Justin gave her a cell phone, so they could keep in touch. Lance, Chris & Joey gave her little mementos from the various cities they had traveled through, but the one that surprised her the most was JC's gift. He had bought her a charm bracelet with a charm of the Eiffel tower.  

"So you'll always remember the summer you spent in Europe," he said.  

Jumping up from her seat on the bed, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you, JC. I'll never forget this summer or you..." Stepping back, she looked at the rest of the guys. "Any of you. You're locked away in here," she said touching her chest. 

That night her and Justin had stayed up until they couldn't keep their eyes open any longer. Before falling asleep, Justin yawned and said, "Maybe someday he won't see you as a kid." 

Callie had laughed as she closed her own eyes. "He's seven years older than me. He'll never see me as anything but a kid." 

The next day, she woke up, loaded her suitcases, and left five of the most important people in her life behind. 

Chapter 1 

That day had been a little over four years ago. She had kept in contact with all five of the group members, but she had talked to Justin the most. He would call her at the weirdest times to talk, and he emailed her several times a week, so she pretty much knew what was going on in all of their lives. 

Since she had left Europe JC was never far from her thoughts. She still wore the charm bracelet he had given her adding charms here and there that symbolized important moments in her life. Justin had sent her a few too, and she had always wondered if it was him that had sent them or JC. The few times her and JC had spoken over the years, they would have these long conversations where she would fill him on what was happening to her at the time. Shortly after these talks, she would receive a package from Justin with a charm symbolizing something she had told JC about. She wanted to ask Justin if the charms were from JC or him, but she didn't want to hurt Justin's feelings if they were from him. 

The spring of her freshman year, Justin asked her to come along on their summer tour with them. She could work in wardrobe, and it would be like old times. They hadn't seen each other since Europe, and he wanted to see her. All the guys did, he said. So after her last final, she found herself packing up her dorm room, putting stuff into storage, and lugging two large suitcases with her to the airport. she was looking forward to seeing her friends again. Much had changed since she had seen them last. 

Back then she was only fourteen. Still had worn glasses, and had braces on her teeth. Well off came the glasses and braces. She had grown up, filling out in all the right places. In high school, guys had followed her around, but she had never paid them any mind. There was only guy that interested her, and she knew that was probably the one guy she would never have. 

As the plane started its descent, she looked out her window. She hoped that Justin or one of the others had come to meet her, but she knew that probably wouldn't happen. They were too big, and if they were sighted at the airport chaos would ensue. As the plane rolled to a stop at her gate, she waited a second before reaching down for her backpack. Standing up, she placed her bag on her seat before stretching her arms over her head. Grabbing her baseball cap, she slipped it onto her head.  

When she walked off the airplane, the first thing she saw was big hulk of a man standing away from everyone else. Recognizing him immediately, she pushed her way through the crowd and stopped in front of him. She reached up and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, you." 

The man looked down at her with a grim look. "Look, miss, I'm here waiting for someone. They aren't here." 

"Lonnie, it's me," she said as she slipped off her cap. Shaking out her hair, she smiled up at him. "Recognize me now, big man?" 

"Callie, girl, you grew up." 

"Yep, I'm almost nineteen now. We all have to grow up sometime you know." 

Lonnie took her bag from her, and began to lead her down to baggage claim. "The boys have been dying to see you. They will not believe it is you when they see you. We'll have to watch Joey around you." 

After they picked up her luggage, they made their way to the parking lot. They didn't talk much on their way to meet the guys. When they pulled up in front of a large mansion, Callie looked out her window shaking her head. She grabbed her backpack, and stepped out of the SUV watching as Lonnie got her bags. He waved her away, and she turned towards the house walking up the steps.  

The front door was slightly ajar, so she pushed it open and walked inside. Looking around, she saw no sign of anyone. Hearing loud laughter, she walked towards the direction it was coming from. Finding the source of the laughter at the end of the hallway, she stopped in the doorway looking at three of her friends. 

Justin was the first to look up and see her standing there. He looked at her for a second not recognizing her before his face broke out into a huge grin. "Callie, girl, is that you?" 

Callie nodded as she took a step further into the room. Justin walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her lifting her off the floor. "Guys, look at Callie." 

"We're looking at her, Justin,' Lance said with a soft chuckle. 

"I didn't recognize you. you sure have changed since I seen you last." He put her down on the ground, and took a step back. He looked her up and down before whistling. "Girl, when did you get hot?" 

Callie blushed with a soft giggle. "I just grew up is all. Ditched the glasses and those god awful braces I used to wear." She walked up to Lance, and gave him a hug. "Speaking of getting hot, when did you do that, Lance?" Lance blushed turning his head. Callie turned to last occupant of the room and smiled as she saw them engrossed in a video game. "Chris, you never change. Don't I get a hug at least?" 

Chris nodded as he paused his game. "Of course you do, my dear." He walked over to her and gave her a huge hug. 

"Hey, Chris, you didn't tell us we were going to have company today?" 

Callie looked towards the door, and there stood the last two members of the group. She glanced briefly at Joey before settling her gaze on JC. Stepping away from Chris, she watched as Joey walked up to her. 

"Hey, beautiful. Where you been all my life?" 

Callie could hear the chuckles behind her, and tried to hold in her own laughter. Instead she crossed her arms in front of her chest and rolled her eyes. "Joey, my dear. You are just as bad as I remember." 

Joey turned away from her and looked at JC with a confused _expression on his face. Justin walked up behind her, and placed his arm across her shoulders. "Guys, remember Callie?" 

JC's eyes opened wide, as he looked at Callie. "This is Callie?" 

Justin nodded his head. "She grew up." 

"Hot damn, girl. You grew up fine," Joey said as he pulled her into a hug. 

"Thanks, Joey," she said with a laugh.  

When Joey stepped back from her, JC was there pulling her into a hug. She had almost forgotten what is was like to be in JC's arms, but she remembered clearly as he head her close. When he stepped back, she wanted to stop him, but didn't. He looked down at her wrist and smiled. "You still have the bracelet?" 

Callie nodded, as she held it up. "I rarely take it off. I've put all the charms Justin sent me, and a few of my own. It is my favorite thing in the world." 

JC nodded. "I'm glad you love it so much." 

"I'm glad you gave it to me," Callie whispered dropping her arm back to her side. Looking down, she covered her mouth stifling a yawn. "I'm tired." 

"Let me show you where you'll be staying tonight. You can take a nap. We leave tomorrow for the first date on the tour," Justin said, as he picked up her backpack. 

"I'll see you all later, guys." 

Callie followed Justin in silence. When they reached the second floor, Justin stopped outside a room looking at her. "You still like him don't you?" 

Callie nodded with a sigh. "But nothing's changed. I'm still just a kid to him." 

Justin pushed open the room door and dropped her bag on a chair. "One of us will come get you when we have dinner here. Get some rest." 

Chapter 2 


Back downstairs, JC sat on the couch with his notebook. Lance sat in the corner with his cell phone and laptop. Joey had joined Chris in whatever video game he had been playing. JC looked up tapping his pen against the top of his notebook. "Callie sure has changed since we saw her last." 

Lance looked over from his laptop. "We've all changed in the last four years, Jayce. Callie just grew up. When we saw her last she wasn't even fifteen yet." 

"Yeah. I guess I was just expecting to see the same kid show up here today." 

Lance closed his laptop, and walked over to the couch sitting next to JC. "You know, Jayce. Callie used to have this huge crush on you when she was younger. Probably still does for all we know." 

JC looked up at his friend for a silent moment before asking, "How do you know that?" 

Lance shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just noticed things." 

JC looked over at Chris and Joey. "Is Lance right, guys?" 

"Huge doesn't even begin to describe the size of the crush Callie has for you, JC," Chris said not turning away from his game. 

Just then Justin walked into the room collapsing onto the couch next to his friends. "What you guys talking about?" 

"Callie's crush on JC here," Joey said from his spot on the floor. 

Justin's jaw dropped as he looked at his friends. "Oh, shit," he whispered. 

"What, Justin?" 

Lowering his head into his hands, he mumbled, "She didn't want you to know." 

"So it's true?" JC put his notebook on the table in front of the couch. 

"Yeah, but you didn't hear it from me." 

"How long has she had this crush?" 

"Since Europe. She told me one night when we were hanging out. Made me promise not to tell. How'd you find out?" 

"Lance told me." 

"Well, okay, then. What are you going to do about it?" 

JC looked at his friend before laughing. "Justin, I'm not going to do anything about it. Callie is just a kid. It'd be like me trying to make a move on Britney or something. She is like a little sister to me." 

"The thing is, JC," Lance said, "Callie is not a kid and is not your little sister." 

"Yeah, so. I'm not going to do anything with Callie, guys." JC stood up, picking up his notebook from the table. "I'm going up to my room. I'll wake up Callie when it is time to eat." 

Lance waited until JC had left the room before shaking his head. "He's already gone, you know." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean that he has always liked her. He just didn't realize it yet. For example, the bracelet, and all those charms you and he bought her." 

"But he thinks she is just a kid." 

"Yeah, well. We'll have to work on that." 

JC walked through the house on his way to the second floor. As he reached the top of stairs, he stopped. Instead of turning towards his room, he walked towards the room at the end of the hall. The room he knew Callie was staying in for the night. He stopped in front of the door seeing it slightly open. He peeked inside to find Callie asleep on the bed. He pushed the door open a little more, and leaned against the door frame. He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh.  

Shaking his head, he stepped away from the door, and turned away. As he walked away, Callie turned over in bed with her own sigh watching JC until he was out of sight. 

Chapter 3 

After JC was gone, Callie got up out of bed. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she left her room, and walked back downstairs hoping the guys were still where she had left them. When she found them, she walked into the room with a sigh. Sitting next to Justin, she leaned her head on his shoulder.  

"I thought you were going to take a nap," he said as he placed his around her. 

"I tried, but I couldn't sleep." Yawning, she rubbed her eyes. "JC stopped by my room." 

"He did. What did he say?" 

"Nothing. Just looked for a second then left." 

"See. What did I tell you? He is gone, guys," Lance said. 

"What do you mean?" Callie sat up and looked over at Lance. 

"JC likes you. It's just a matter of time before he realizes it. Then you can stop crushing on him, and he can stop denying he likes you." 

Callie turned her head back towards Justin. "I thought you wouldn't tell them about that, Justin. I trusted you." 

"Callie, I..." 

"It wasn't Justin that told us, Callie. I just saw things, and figured it out for myself." 

Callie lowered her head into her hands. "This is so embarrassing. Do you think JC knows?" When the room stayed silent, she looked up. "He knows?" 

Lance nodded his head. "I sort of told him, and then Justin came in and confirmed it." 


"I'm sorry. I just got blind sided. Said the first thing that came to my mind." 

Callie stood up and walked over to the door. "I can't believe this." 

"You really like him, don't you?" 

Callie stopped and turned back around. "Yeah, I do, but it isn't going to change the fact that to JC I'm always going to be this kid he met back in Europe that used to wear glasses and braces." 

"It might change, Callie. If you let us help." 

Callie raised up her hand. "No way, guys. I don't want or need your help. IF JC is going to see me differently, I want him to do it on his own." Without another word, Callie left the room.  

Returning to her room, she sat on the bed playing with the bracelet around her wrist. She sighed, as she lie back on her bed looking up at the ceiling. She knew she loved JC. This wasn't some simple crush she was feeling, but she had no idea if JC would ever see her differently. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" 

Callie looked up to find JC leaning against her door jam.  

"Just thinking about someone." 

JC took a step further into the room. "Anyone I might know?" 

Callie shook her head watching as JC sat down next to her. "Maybe." Biting her lip, she sighed. "JC, I..." Shaking her head, she sat up in bed. "Do you think dinner's ready? I'm starving. Airplane food sucks." 

JC stood up and held out his hand to her. "I'm sure we can find something for you to eat. Come on." 

Callie took his hand looking down at it as it held hers. She wished JC would notice her. 

Chapter 4 

What Callie didn't know is that JC had always noticed her. Even when Callie was a geeky fourteen year old, he had seen beyond that to see the person inside. That is why he had given her the bracelet, and had helped Justin pick out all those charms over the years. If she just a few years older, he might have acted on his feelings, but she had been only fourteen back then. Now that she was older, he could see the person she had become, and he felt even more for her, but she was still so young. She wasn't even nineteen yet. 

JC looked up from what he was writing as he heard people enter the front of the bus. They were a week into the tour, and things were going well. Callie had fit right in with the crew. Some even remembered from the summer she had traveled with them in Europe. He ran his hand through his hair as he heard Callie's voice mingling with those of his friends. As they walked into the back lounge, he shoved his notebook under him.  

"Hey, Jayce, whatcha doing?" Chris asked sitting on the floor in front of his friend.  

"Nothing. Waiting to get on the road." 

Callie sat next to JC, and lay her head on his shoulder. "Hi, JC," she said with a yawn. 

"Hello, sweetie. You staying with us this ride?"  

Callie nodded her head. "They asked me to come watch movies or something. The crew bus is no fun." 

JC placed his arm around her, and patted her shoulder. "Aww. We'll find something fun to do here." 

Callie raised her head. "Okay. You mind if I stay here? You're pretty comfy for a skinny guy." 

JC wanted to say no. Didn't want Callie that close for the rest of the bus ride to the next city, but he couldn't find the words, so he just nodded his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Lance's smirk, and he rolled his eyes. 

"So what should we do?" 

Lance got up from his spot on the couch, and walked over the entertainment center. He pulled out some DVD's and showed them to everyone. "Movies? I think we got some new stuff here." 

"Yeah, that sounds good," Justin said, as he took Lance's place on the couch. Lance looked at him for a second before shaking his head and sitting on the floor. Callie covered her mouth stifling a yawn lowering her head to JC's chest. Her hand fell to his stomach, as she settled in. 

"Tired, sweetie?" JC asked raising his hand and running it over the back of Callie's head.  

Nodding, Callie mumbled, "Sleepy, and you make a nice pillow." 

JC chuckled softly. "Well, then go ahead and fall asleep if you want. I won't mind." 

"Okay," Callie mumbled. 

JC looked up at the television as the movie started, but his attention was soon drawn back to the girl lying on him. She was really quite cute, and they got a long well. Within minutes, Callie had fallen asleep. He ran his hand along her back, as he tried to watch the movie. He let out a soft sigh, and Justin nudged his arm. 

Justin leaned closer and whispered, "You know you like her, C. Why you fighting it?" 

JC looked down at Callie, and didn't respond. He instead returned his attention to the movie. When the credits began to roll a couple of hours later, he stretched slightly not wanting to disturb Callie still asleep on his chest. 

Justin stood up stretching his own arms over his head with a yawn. "Want me to put her in the spare bunk?" 

JC shook his head. "I got her. You go ahead and go to sleep." 

Okay," Justin said with a yawn scratching his stomach. He left the lounge followed by the rest of the group. A soft chuckle could be heard. "JC is so far gone. He'll notice it sooner or later." 

Back in the lounge, JC was trying to decide what to do. He didn't want to wake up Callie. She looked so peaceful asleep on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair. Looking at the blanket lying on the back of the couch. He reached up and pulled it down, so that it was covering her. He then slowly moved so that he was lying on the couch with her still lying on him. He stopped moving when he felt her shift, but she stayed sleeping. "Must be a deep sleeper," he whispered. 

Closing his eyes, he smiled, and soon fell asleep. 

Chapter 5 

The first thing Callie felt was the movement of the bus as it traveled down the highway. The next thing she felt was that she wasn't sleeping alone. She opened her eyes slowly letting them adjust to the darkness of the room before looking to see who was with her. She smiled upon recognizing JC. He was sound asleep with his faced turned away from hers. His arms wrapped protectively around her. She sighed as she reached up and touched his cheek with the tip of her finger. She moved to trace his lips but stopped fearing she would awaken him. Sighing, she dropped her hand back to rest on his chest, and closed her eyes. She soon fell asleep again. 


In the morning, Justin woke up first. He walked over to Callie's bunk, and lifted the curtain to peek inside. Seeing her not in her bunk, he scratched his head. Throwing the curtain back down, he made his way to the lounge in the back of the bus. Scratching his stomach, he smiled at the sight before him. Callie and JC were curled on the couch. Both still sound asleep. Justin heard a noise behind him, and turned to see Lance. Waving him over, he held up his finger to his mouth.  

Lance walked over sleepily rubbing his eyes. He stood next to Justin, and smiled. "See," he whispered, "the boy is already in love with Callie there. He just needs to open his eyes and realize it for himself. 

Justin nodded. Stepping away from the lounge, he pulled Lance with him. "Let's let them sleep a little bit more." 

When his two friends were gone, JC opened his eyes. He sighed looking at the empty doorway before turning his attention back to Callie. Was he in love with her? Were his friends right? He couldn't be in love with her. She was still so young, and she didn't need the kind of life loving him would entail. She would be better off with someone else. Reaching up his hand, he pushed a piece of hair out of her face. "I can't love you," he whispered as his hand fell to her back. 

Callie shifted, opening her eyes slowly. She saw the sunlight shining into the lounge, and closed her eyes. "Morning, JC." 

"Morning, sweetie. Sleep well?" 

Callie nodded her head against his chest. "I told you last night that you make a good pillow. Even for being so skinny." 

"Well, thank you." 

Callie looked up. "Why did we sleep here?" 

JC shrugged his shoulders. "You fell asleep during the movie, and I didn't want to wake you to take you to your bunk, so I just stayed here." 

"You didn't have to do that, JC. Sleeping here on this couch must have been hell on your back." 

Shrugging his shoulders again, JC smiled. "It's okay. I didn't mind it too much." 

Callie moved to get up, but stopped. She lifted her head, and lightly kissed him. Moving back before JC could respond. "Thanks, JC." 

Callie was gone before JC could utter a word. He sat up, and lowered his head onto his hands. He couldn't be in love with her, but he knew that he was. That one soft touch of her lips on his had shown him how he felt, but he couldn't act on those feelings. Not yet. Probably not ever. Callie had so much of her life ahead of her. 

"JC, you okay, man?" 

JC looked up to find Justin standing there with a bowl of cereal in his hand. "Just fine, Justin." 

"You sure? If you want to talk, you know I'll listen. That is what I'm here for." 

JC nodded. "I know, but I don't want to talk about it yet." 

"Is it about Callie?" 

JC looked up and sighed. "Justin, I don't want to talk about it right now. If I do, I'll let you know." 

Justin nodded taking a bite of his cereal. After swallowing, he said, "Well, okay, then. We'll be at the hotel in ten. So pack up." 

JC stood up from the couch brushing by Justin to walk to his bunk. He saw Callie in the front of the bus with the others, and sighed again. Shaking his head, he began to pack. 

Justin ran up to him, and threw something onto his bunk. "You left this." 

JC looked down at his notebook. "Thanks, J." 

"No problem. If you need me, I'm here." 

JC watched his friend as he joined the others. With a sigh, he shoved his notebook into his bag. He needed to figure this thing out. 

Chapter 6

For the next few days, JC tried to avoid Callie as much as possible. He could tell that his distance hurt Callie, but he needed time to figure things out. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he had always had feelings for Callie. He just hadn't really thought about them until now. He wished he could talk to someone, but all of his friends thought he should give up this charade and admit that he had feelings for Callie.  

He wanted to do that. Each time he thought of the night she had slept with him, he smiled. He had lain there a good part of the night just laying there with his eyes closed listening to her breathe. When she had woken up in the middle of the night, he had almost told her to go to her bunk and go back to sleep, but he had pretended to be asleep. He had been awake to feel her touch his cheek. After she had fallen back asleep, he had opened his eyes watching her until sunlight begin to filter into the back of  the bus.  

Days had passed since that night, and yet JC still remembered how her finger felt on his cheek. How the brief touch of her lips had felt on his. He lay on his bed in his hotel room looking up at the ceiling. They had the night off, and they guys had all wanted to go out, but he had begged off. He was pretty sure Callie had gone with them, and the thought of seeing Callie on the dance floor in next to nothing was enticing, but it knew it would only cause him problems. Problems he didn't want or need at the moment.  

He had a girlfriend. One that loved him, and that he loved back, or so he thought. If he really loved Bobbie, these feelings for Callie should never have even surfaced. Yet they had, and he had to do something about them.  

He rolled over onto his stomach looking out the window. He sighed and started to close his eyes, but just as they shut his room phone rang. He rolled over looking at the clock briefly. It was just 12:30am. The guys should still be out clubbing. Callie was with them. He reached out and grabbed the phone, putting it his ear while rubbing his eye with his free hand. "Hello," he mumbled. When nothing but silence greeted him, he began to hang the phone back up thinking it was some teenie that had lucked out in guessing the right room. When he heard a voice, he stopped, and put the phone back to his hear. 

"JC, it's me, Callie." 

JC didn't like the sound of her voice, so he sat up in bed leaning against the headboard. "What's the matter, sweetie?" 

"You're going to laugh at me I know it." 

"No, I won't. Just tell me." He heard a sigh on the other end of the line and shook his head. "Callie, come on. Just tell me. I promise I won't laugh." 

"Okay. Well I watched this stupid movie on cable tonight, and it gave me nightmares." 

He had promised her he wouldn't laugh at her, and he wouldn't. Instead he sighed. "What movie was it?" 

"I don't really know. These dolls came to life and they were killing people. Highly educational television." 

At these words, JC laughed softly. "I'm sorry that movie gave you nightmares. Are you okay now, sweetie?" 

"I think so. I just needed to hear your voice."  

"Well, if you need me. I'm always here for you." 

"Thanks, JC. Sorry to wake you." 

"Don't worry about it. Night." 

"Night, JC." 

JC hung up the phone and lie back down. He definitely had a problem. The question was how to solve it. Should he just admit his feelings to Callie, or let her back to school after the tour without telling her how he felt. Let her find some normal guy her own age. He flopped onto his back with a sigh. That is what his mind was telling him to do, but he didn't know if his heart would let him. 


Chapter 7 

After hanging up the telephone, Callie laid back on her bed with a sigh. She didn't know why she had called JC. She had noticed how he had distanced himself since that night on the bus. She didn't even know why she even bothered trying to get him to notice her. Justin and Lance kept telling her to just wait. JC would come around. It was just a matter of time. 

Well, Callie didn't knowhow much longer she could sit around and wait. The tour wouldn't last forever. she would have to go back to school, and then it might be another four years before she saw her friends again.  

Sitting up in bed, she pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. She was tired of this. She would go to JC, and told him how she felt. The worst that could happen is that he could say he didn't feel the same way. They were just friends. If he told her that, she could handle it. It would hurt, but she would be able to move on and find someone else.  

Climbing out of bed, she grabbed her room key off her dresser, and left her room. She walked down the hall and stopped in front of JC's room. Just as she was about to raise her hand to knock, the door opened and JC stepped out into the hall stopping when he saw her standing there. "Hi," she whispered. 

"Hey, I was just coming to check on you." 

Callie looked up. "You were?" 

JC stepped aside and motioned for her to come into his room. "Yeah, I was. Nightmares suck, so I was going to stay with you until you fell asleep." 

Callie smiled. "You're really sweet." She sat on the edge of the bed. As she looked up at him, the reason why she had even come to his room in the first place was forgotten. All intentions of confessing how she felt for him left out in the hall. She watched as he sat next to her on the bed. He reached up and pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.  

"So for future reference, sweetie. Don't watch a scary movie just before going to bed, especially if your alone." 

Callie nodded her head. "Yeah. Trust me. I don't see many more movies with killer dolls in my future." 

JC laughed as he pulled her close. "Good." JC yawned. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up, JC. I'll let you get back to sleep." Callie began to stand up, but JC stopped her. 

"Why don't you just stay here. The bed is big enough, and we've slept together before. I'll protect you if any killer dolls come after you in the night." 

Callie watched as JC laid down. They were both adults, and like he said it wasn't like they hadn't slept together before. Shaking her head, she sighed. Standing up, she walked around the bed, and got under the covers that JC had pulled back for her. She laid down so that she was facing him. "Night, JC." 

JC looked at her with a smile on his face. "Night, sweetie." 

Neither one of them closed their eyes. Just watched each other silently. Callie began to wonder if maybe leaving would have been wiser. She was about to move from the bed when JC reached out and touched her cheek. Closing her eyes, she moved into the touch. 

She didn't know it happened, but she soon she felt his lips touch hers and he was kissing her. She didn't want to move cause then he might stop, but he did anyway. She opened her eyes as she felt his hand leave her face. "Jayce?" When all she heard was a sigh, she sat up and got out of bed. Looking back at the bed, she sighed and left the room. 


Chapter 8 

JC didn't know why he had done it. It had just happened. He had leaned over and kissed her. Then he had let her go. Let her get up and leave without a word. He should have said something. Done something, but no like an idiot he let Callie leave. Kissing her had just been stupid, but it hadn't felt stupid when he had done it. Kissing her had felt right, but it was stupid.  

The next morning JC was the first to be up. He hadn't slept well at all. He just kept replaying the moments he had spent with Callie in his room. He still couldn't believe he had kissed her. After walking into Lance's room to have breakfast, he walked over to the bed and laid down with his feet dangling over the edge. He sighed as he closed his eyes. 

Lance looked over at Justin who just shrugged his shoulders. He then walked over and sat next to JC on the bed. "What's wrong?" 

JC opened his eyes and looked between his two friends. "I kissed Callie last night." 

"Finally," Justin said. 

JC shook his head. "No, not finally, Justin. I shouldn't have done it. I have a girlfriend. And Callie has her life. After the summer, she'll go back to school, and being together will be hard." 

Lance patted his friend on his shoulder. "JC, if you love Callie and she loves you, you two will make it work." 

JC sighed shaking his head. "It isn't that easy, Lance." 

Justin walked over the bed and sat down. "You are making it harder than you have to, Jayce. Just tell her how you feel. Things will find a way to work themselves out. They always do." 

After breakfast, JC went off by himself. He needed to think about what had happened and how he felt. When he got to the venue, he went into the quiet room and sat by himself. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Callie walk in and sit next to him. He looked up to find her staring at him silently. "Hey, girl. I didn't hear you come in." 

"Yeah, Look we need to talk." 

JC sighed. "I know. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have done that, Callie." 

Callie shook her head. "I wanted you to do that, JC. I've wanted you to do that for a long time, but I don't want it if you don't." 

"Callie, you're great. I really like you, but it would never work between us. You know that right, sweetie?" 

Callie shook her head. "You just don't want to try." Standing up, she looked down at him. "You're just scared." Turning, she walked away.  

She left the room, and walked down the hall. She wiped at her eyes not wanting tears to fall. She rounded a corner and bumped into someone. 

"Hey, you." She looked up to see Justin standing in front of her. "You okay?" 

Callie shook her head. "JC is stupid." 

"Yeah, I know. Did you guys talk?" 

"He said we would never work. He kisses me one night, and says we won't work the next day. I think I'm ready to give up." 

Justin sighed as he pulled her into a hug. "You really love him, don't you, Callie?" 

Callie nodded her head. "But this hurts too much. Him not noticing me, and then noticing me and then saying we won't work. I know he's got a girlfriend. I know I'm young. I know I'll probably hardly ever see him, but all that doesn't matter to me. I just love him." 

"I know, sweetie. I think he loves you too. Just doesn't know it yet. Or if he knows it, he is scared." 

"Well, I give up. I'm going to start looking for someone else. Someone that isn't scared to show how he feels." Callie stepped out of Justin's embrace, and left him standing there. 

Justin looked up and saw JC standing just a few feet from there had been standing. JC didn't say a word. Just turned and walked back to the quiet room. 


Chapter 9 

That night the five of them went out to a club. JC hadn't wanted to go, but his four friends had finally talked him into it. Told him he would help him get his mind off things. Now here he sat nursing a drink while they were all on the dance floor. He leaned against the bar and looked towards the club entrance gasping at who he saw entering. 

He watched as Callie walked in, and over to the bar. She didn't see JC standing there watching her. She ordered a drink, and turned towards the dance floor. JC looked her up and down slowly taking in her appearance. She was dressed in a black leather mini skirt and a white top that ended right at her midriff. He watched her as she drank her drink making a face at the taste. She left the bar, and made her way onto the dance floor. 

He shook his head, and ordered another drink. Justin came up to the bar, and ordered his own drink. "You going to stand here all night, man?" 

JC shook his head turning towards the dance floor. He lifted his hand and pointed toward Cassie was now dancing with some guy. "Look who's here." 

Justin looked out on the dance floor. His jaw dropped when he recognized who JC was pointing to. "That isn't Callie?" 

Nodding, JC finished his drink. "I'm going to get her out of here. This isn't the place for her. She has already started to drink." JC didn't wait for a response from Justin. He stepped away from the bar and onto the dance floor. He walked up to Callie and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and frowned at him before turning back to the guy she was dancing with. JC sighed and tapped her on the shoulder again.  

Callie turned this time, and walked off. JC followed her to the bar where she was ordering another drink. When the bartender placed the drink in front of her, JC took it off the bar and drank it. 

Callie threw her hands up in the air, and walked away from the bar. JC followed closely behind. Callie walked out of the bar, and turned to face him. "What is your deal, JC? You are not my father. You are not my brother. You are not even my boyfriend. So what was that in there?" 

JC walked up to her and began to reach up his hand to touch her cheek, but stopped himself. "Callie, a club is no place for a girl all by herself." He looked her up and down again. "Especially dressed like that." 

"Like I said, JC, you are not my boyfriend, so you have right to say where I can go. What I do. Nothing." Callie began to walk away, but turned back and walked up to JC. She placed one hand on the back of his head, and pulled him down to her. she kissed him passionately before letting him go. She took a step back, and frowned. "I love you, JC, but you are just too stupid to do anything about it." She turned on her heel leaving a stunned JC behind her.  

JC watched until she was out of sight. He wanted to follow her, but he was too stunned. He turned and walked back into the club and immediately made his way to the bar where Justin still stood. After ordering a drink, he turned toward his friend. "She loves me." 

"I knew that already. She tell you?" 

JC nodded. "I love her, too." 

Justin threw his hands up in the air. "Then tell her, JC. You guys could be so happy together. Just give it a try." Justin clapped his friend on the shoulder, and walked back out onto the dance floor.  

JC ordered another drink, and sighed. He drank it slowly as he thought Callie. Maybe Justin was right. Maybe he should just give up and give it a try. Callie was great. He finished his drink, and stepped away from the bar. Throwing some money onto the bar, he left. He needed to talk to Callie. 

Chapter 10 

Callie sat on the bed. JC had pissed her off. Her suitcase sat open on the bed next to her. She gave up. He would never see her as a person to love, so there was no point in her even being here. She would miss the guys, but seeing JC now would just be difficult. She stood up, and walked over to the dresser. Most of her stuff was still packed, but she had taken a few things out. 

As she returned to her suitcase, and began to place the few items inside their was a knock on her room door. She sighed as she walked towards it. She had an idea who it was, and she didn't want to see him. "Who is it?" 

"Callie, it's me. I need to talk to you." 

Callie leaned against the door with a sigh. "JC, I don't want to talk to you anymore." 

"Callie, just let me in. I'll leave if you don't like what I have to say." 

Callie moved away from the door, and opened it enough for JC to walk inside. He walked past her, and looked at the suitcase. "You're leaving?" 

"None of your business, JC." 

JC ran his fingers through his hair."Callie, I have to tell you something." 

Callie turned towards the suitcase, and continued to pack. "I'm listening." 

JC sighed. "Look at me, Callie." 

Callie continued to pack until JC touched her arm. She turned towards him then to find him holding out a charm. She reached up and took it from his fingers. It was a tiny heart. She looked up at him with a confused look on her face. "JC what is this?" 

"My heart. It's yours. I love you, Callie. I think I have since that first day at the airport, but I fought it. I kept fighting it when I saw you again. Ours lives are so different. I didn't know if we could make it work, but I'm willing to try if you still are." 

Callie looked at the charm she held in her hand, and then smiled up at JC. "I love you, silly. Of course I'm willing to try." She held out the charm to him. "Will you put this on for me?" 

He nodded, and with a smile helped her place the new charm on her bracelet. He brought her hand to his mouth, and pressed a kiss to a spot on her wrist." 

Callie sighed and reached up and touched his cheek. "I always knew you would come around. I just had to wait until the right time." 

"I was just waiting I guess. But you charmed me from the start."

The End


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