
By: Foxy Lady


JC lay in his bed listening to the rain that fell outside. He turned his head towards the window watching as the rain streaked across it. He sighed running his hand through his hair, as he looked to the empty bed beside him. He hated these lonely nights. They were taking a little well-deserved break for the holidays before the tour started. Joey had gone home to be with Kelly and Brianna. Chris was busy working on Fuman. Last he heard Justin was off with Brit somewhere. Lance was off partying, and here he was in his home all by himself. Not spending the time off with someone he loved.


Well that someone he loved was at this very moment probably drinking himself into a stupor cause the man he loved was off fucking his girlfriend on an island paradise. Wouldn't the fans love to know that three-fifths of their favorite boyband played both sides of the field sometimes with each other. At one point in the last nine years, he had been infatuated with Justin. Not much had happened there cause Justin was just too young. Then there was Lance. JC loved Lance. Had since the day Lance joined the group, but he had never thought something was possible between him and the bass singer.


When Justin and Lance had come to him right before NSA had come out, and told him they were together, his mouth had dropped open in shock. He had hugged both his friends telling them he was happy for them if they were together. Then he had gone back to his room and cried.  Berating himself for not acting sooner on his feelings for Lance. Maybe that would have been he and Lance going to Justin telling him they were in love.


Yes, the babies were in love. No room for him in that equation. So yes, he was alone pining away for one of his best friends who just happened to be with his other best friend. When he saw the two together, it almost made him sick at how happy and in love they were, but he also knew that part of that was all an act now. He had known that since October.


The phone rang breaking the silence of the room. JC groaned as he looked at the clock on the night stand next to his bed. It was past one am. He sighed as he reached over grabbing the phone. "Hello," he mumbled.


"Hey, Jayce. I'm lonely."


JC sighed again knowing what Lance really meant by that statement. With Justin off with Brit, Lance was feeling lonely alright, in more ways than one. "You're drunk, Lance."


"Yeah, that too. Listen why don't you come over. We could hang out."


JC shook his head as he ran his hand through his hair. "Lance, do you know what time it is?"


"Yeah, so. I'm lonely. Come keep me company."


"No, Lance. I'm not doing that again. I remember the last time you wanted me to keep you company. I'm not doing that again, Lance."


"Oh, come on, Jayce. You mean to tell me you didn't enjoy that night. Didn't enjoy me fucking you."


JC closed his eyes as the memories of the one night came back to him. He could feel himself getting hard as the memories drifted over him. That one night had been the best night of his life even though Lance had been drunk, and was only using him cause Justin had not shown at the premiere.  It was also the worst night of his life cause it hadn't been out of love what had happened between them.


"Jayce," Lance singsonged into the phone. "You still there?"


"Yeah," JC whispered.


"So you going to come?"


"Hmm," JC said sitting up in bed. "Where are you?" JC listened to the Lance's low laughter. He knew he should hang up the phone, lay back in bed, and let his hand take care of the problem Lance had caused, but no he wouldn't do that. As he climbed out of bed, he knew where he would end up that night.


Within thirty minutes, JC had showered and dressed, and was in his car on his way to the address Lance had given him. The rain still poured down pounding on the roof of the car. As his drove through the empty streets, he let his mind once again drift back to the night of the premiere in New York City. He remembered interviews with the press. He remembered sitting next to Lance as the movie played. Remembered how Lance had reached for his hand holding it in the darkness of the theater. He remembered the after party at Planet Hollywood watching as Lance drank drink after drink. Not even mentioning that Justin hadn't shown at the premiere once. What happened after the party was what was most burned into his memory.


Chapter 2


JC leaned against the back of the elevator as it went up. Lance was leaning against him laying his head on his shoulder. JC placed his arm around Lance's back running his fingers up and down his arm.


"Thanks for coming tonight, Jayce. I really appreciate you being there," Lance said softly.


"I wanted to be there for you, Lance. you are one of my best friends. Both you and Joey. I wanted to be there to support you," JC said watching as the elevator finally stopped on their floor. He began to walk forward, but stopped when he didn't feel Lance moving with him. "Come on, Lance. We're here."


Lance looked up at him drowsily before moving away from the wall stumbling slightly. "Okay, Jayce," he said with a giggle.


JC sighed shaking his head, as he placed his arm around Lance's waist. "Come on. Let's get you to your room." JC led Lance down the hall reaching his hand for Lance's keycard when they reached the room door. He opened the door leading Lance over to the bed dropping him down on it. He sighed again as Lance flopped onto his back with his eyes closed. JC bent over the bed reaching down to pull Lance's shoes dropping them on the floor next to the bed. JC looked up at the man passed out before him watching as his chest fell up and down as he breathed.


He wondered if Justin even knew how he lucky he truly was to have this beautiful creature as his. He mustn't because he hadn't been there for one of Lance's most important nights. Instead of being at the premiere for Lance's movie, he had been off vacationing somewhere with Brit. Justin always said it was best to keep up appearances, so people won't suspect anything. That is why Laura had finally been brought in for Lance at the premiere, but JC knew Justin's absence had still bothered Lance.


JC stood and began to walk towards the room door. He heard a sigh come from behind him, and he turned back towards the bed to see Lance leaning on his elbows watching him leave. "Jayce, why are you here tonight, and he isn't?"


JC shrugged his shoulders as he moved back towards the bed. "I'm here cause you're my friend and I care about you. I know how important this movie was for you, so I had to be here."


Lance sighed. "Justin is all those things too, Jayce, but I don't see him here. Sometimes I wonder if he really does love me like he says he does. He is always on the phone with her or off somewhere with her. Appearances he says, but you have to wonder."


"Lance, come on, man. Justin loves you. It's just hard for you two. You know Brit knows he is just with her for the appearances. Them being together looks good."


Lance reached up and pulled JC down, so that he was sitting on the bed next to him.  "Do you ever wonder what would have happened if things had happened differently?"


JC tilted his head to the side as he looked at Lance silently for a few moments before speaking. "What do you mean, Lance?"


Lance reached up touching JC's cheek softly.  "I mean that if maybe I hadn't been with Justin maybe you and I would be together."


JC moved back from Lance's hand. "What?"


"Oh, come on, Jayce. You can't tell me you never thought about us being together."


JC got up from the bed shaking his head as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. He was finally hearing something from Lance that he had wanted to hear for a long time. He knew right now he should feel happy. Lance had thought about them together even though he was now with Justin somewhere in the back of his mind, he had give JC a little thought as someone he could be with. Instead of being happy, he felt sadness cause the only reason why Lance was even bringing this up was because Justin wasn't here with him. If Justin was here, JC would be back in his room alone while Lance and Justin were in this room having drunken sex to celebrate the premiere.


JC closed his eyes as he felt Lance come up behind him.  When Lance brushed his fingers up his arm, he began to pull away, but Lance stopped him by pressing closer to him wrapping his arm around JC's waist. "You don't want me, Jayce?' JC let out a small moan as Lance's teeth nipped at his earlobe. "I know you do, JC. I've always known."


JC broke out of Lance's hold turning around to face him. "We cannot do this, Lance. You're with Justin."


Lance stepped closer grabbing JC's hand. "He isn't here." JC tried to pull his hands from Lance's grasp, but Lance held on tight. "You are," Lance whispered against JC's lips.


JC let his eyes flutter shut as Lance kissed him. He knew it was wrong. He knew he should stop him. He knew they were drunk. He knew in the morning when they woke up, he would regret what they had done, but he would have all that just for one night with Lance.


As Lance began to unbutton his shirt pushing him back towards the bed, JC opened his eyes to find Lance's lust-filled gaze. He had always wanted to see that look directed his way from this man, but  not like this. Not with Lance drunk and trying to get back at Justin. As Lance's naked body covered his, JC closed his eyes wishing maybe that things had happened differently between he and Lance, and they were happily in love. Afterwards, as Lance lay passed out beside him, JC sighed as he felt a single tear slip from his eye.


Chapter 3


JC pulled into Lance's driveway parking the car. He looked up at house in front of him as he felt a tear fall from the corner of his eye. After that night, he had promised himself  What had happened would never happen again. Yet here he was sitting in Lance's driveway because he had called him in the middle of the night cause Justin had left him alone once again.


JC stepped out of the car slamming the door shut behind him. Walking up to the door, he ran his hand through his hair now damp from the rain falling down. He reached the door finding it slightly open. Pushing it in, he slipped inside. The house was dark. He walked up the steps to the second floor hoping that in the time it had taken him to get to Lance's house that he might have passed out, and he could leave.


As he walked into Lance's bedroom, he knew that wasn't the case when he was pushed against the door Lance's body covering his. "What took you so long?"


JC didn't get to respond before Lance's mouth was on his. He was pressed against the door as his mouth was attacked. He coud taste the booze on Lance's lips. His hands pushed on Lance's chest, as he broke the kiss. Wiping his mouth, he walked past Lance. "What the fuck was that?"


Lance laughed. "You know exactly what that was. You knew why you were coming here, Jayce.I wasn't calling you at one o'clock in the morning so we could review the schedule or contracts. You knew when you got here we would be having sex."


JC felt Lance's breath on his neck, but he moved away before Lance could wrap his arms around his waist. JC ran his hand across the back of his neck. "We need to talk about this, Lance." He stopped as he watched Lance tear tear his t-shirt over his head. JC licked at his lips at the skin exposed before shaking his head. "No, I'm not doing this again. I tmade a promise to myself that this would never happen again."


Lance walked up to JC letting his hand push up the hem of the t-shirt JC was wearing. "Come on, Jayce. I know you want me. I want you. Why can't we just have a little fun?"


JC sighed shaking his head. He moved back letting Lance's hands fall. "You are with Justin. You love him. Not me. you shouldn't be doing this with me."


Lance laughed. "Just like Justin shouldn't be in Hawaii fucking his girlfriend Britney." Lance sat on the edge of his bed looking up at JC. "He's got us both, you know. When he wants her, he has her, and when he wants me I'm here waiting. I'm getting tired of waiting, Jayce."


JC stood silent. He didn't know what to say. He had known that Lance and Justin didn't have the perfect relationship. No couple had that. But he didn't know just how bad the relationship was. His heart broke as he watched Lance before him. Reaching out his hand, he rubbed Lance's back. He didn't know what else he could say or do.


"Jayce, don't pity me. Please don't do that. I don't want that from you. What I wanted from you was to forget about it if just for a brief time." Lance sighed. "I'm sorry, Jayce."


"What for, Lance?" JC sat down on the bed next to Lance.


"For using you. I shouldn't have done that. You're better than that. You deserve better than that," Lance said as he touched JC's cheek softly. Dropping his hand, Lance looked at the clock on the night stand. "It's really late. We should get to sleep. You can go down to the guest room if you want."


Lance moved up the bed as he pulled back the sheets. JC watched as Lance covered himself with the blankets before taking off his shirt. He pulled the sheet on his side down and joined Lance on the bed. He placed his arm around Lance's waist snuggling up against his back.


Lance turned his head, so that he could see JC. "What are you doing, Jayce?"


"You need a friend. I'm here, and I'll always be here for you," JC said as he ran his hand up Lance's arm. Kissing the top of his head, JC whispered, "Go to sleep, Lance."


Lance nodded his head with a yawn. "Thanks, Jayce."


JC continued to run his hand up and down Lance's arm until he heard Lance's breathing slow, and he was sound asleep. Closing his own eyes, he sighed. He would be hear for Lance as long as he needed him. He just hoped he didn't get hurt in the process.


Chapter 4


After that night, Lance went to Vegas, and Justin returned from his trip to Hawaii with Britney. JC didn't know what to do. He knew he would have to see Justin, they were making an appearance at the American Music Awards together. He wanted to confront his young friend about the situation between he and Lance, but he knew he couldn't without raising Justin's suspicion about how JC knew about it. Justin would want to know more, and he wouldn't let up until JC gave up and told him. JC couldn't tell Justin that he had slept with Lance back in October. If that came out now, things would go to hell.


The night of the awards show he tried to keep his distance, but that was kind of hard to do. The three of them took pictures together. JC throwing his arm across Justin's back trying hard not to pull that arm back. He could tell Chris could tell something was up. Chris was good at seeing stuff that was just underneath the surface like that. When he saw Chris walking towards him backstage after they presented the award, he wanted to run back to his seat, but Chris caught him.


"C, what is up with you and J?"


JC shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, man. Why do ask?"


Chris shook his head as he stroked his goatee. "It's just a feeling. Justin senses it too. Did he do something wrong?"


JC sighed as he leaned against the wall behind him. "Chris, I... it's between me and Justin, okay?"


Chris nodded as he patted JC's shoulder. "Okay. If you need to talk about whatever it is I'm here, but you need to talk to Justin. He's your best friend."


JC nodded his head watching as Chris walked away. He heard footsteps stop behind him, and turned to see Justin standing there. "Hey."


"Hey, C. Listen are we okay cause..."


JC shook his head as he moved away from the wall. "I don't want to talk about Justin."


"What the fuck did I do?"


JC stood in shock for a moment before speaking. "We can't do this here, Justin."


"Fine, but after the show we will find out whatever crawled up your ass cause I am not going to be treated like shit by my best friend."


JC didn't even answer Justin. Just walked away wishing that the awards show wouldn't end.


However, even awards shows end. Justin even more pissed because the fans had booed them, so JC knew that he wouldn't be able to escape his friend's questions. The minute the limo pulled away from the venue, Justin began. "So what is wrong with you, Jayce?"


JC looked over at Chris who had turned towards the window. Looking over at Justin, he sighed. "Nothing, Justin."


"Bullshit. I bet half of America could tell you were pissed at me tonight. It was obvious, so what is it?"


"I don't want to talk about it."


"Well, too bad. We're going to talk. Is this about Lance?" JC looked over at Chris hoping that his older friend would say something, but he knew that wouldn't happen. "I know you two talked while I was in Hawaii.. What did he tell you?"




"Come on, Jayce. Just fucking tell me what he told you?"


JC stared at the young man sitting across from him feeling his anger boil. "Fine. You want to know what he told me. He's tired of you playing both sides. You can't have both him and Britney. Both deserve better than being second best, and I think you know that."


"They know they can leave at anytime. I'm not making them stay with me."


"Maybe leaving isn't as easy as you think. Maybe they love you, you dumbass. You know what Justin. You're just being a selfish little prick, and I hope someday you realize it before it is too fucking late to do anything about it." The two sat silent watching each other until the limo stopped in front of JC's house. "Maybe you should think about what you are doing and decide who you want because they both won't wait around forever." JC stepped out of the limo slamming the door behind him. He watched as the limo srove away until it was gone from his sight. It was then that he ran his hand angrily through his hair turning towards his house.


Chapter 5


After the night he confronted Justin, JC avoided al of his friends. He just didn't want to deal with it. He knew Chris would tell Joey about the incident between he and Justin in the limo. He knew Justin would tell Lance. Maybe it hadn't been such a good day to confront Justin that way, but when would have been good. He knew Justin was wrong, and his attitude towards the situation was just plain wrong. He should choose who he wanted to be with, and not string both Britney and Lance along.            


Lance had called him a few times, but JC never picked up his phone when he saw Lance's cell on the caller ID. He knew he would let his feelings get the best of him if he continued to talk to Lance. His feelings for the younger man were too strong, but he knew he couldn't act on them. Lance loved Justin, and maybe Justin would realize that before it was too late, and he lost him.


When the night of the People's Choice Awards arrived, JC drank a few glasses of wine to calm his nerves. He knew that Lance was the one making the appearance with he and Chris. He knew Lance would corner him on why he hadn't returned any of his calls. When the limo pulled up to his house, he drained the rest of his glass before leaving the house.


His two other group mates were already in the limo when he got in, He sat across from Lance eying his friend carefully before turning to Chris. "Hey, man. How goes it?"


Chris sighed making a face. "It goes fine. You drunk, JC?"


JC shook his head with a giggle. "No, not drunk. Just had a glass of wine."


"Looks like more than one, buddy," Chris muttered under his breath.


JC shrugged his shoulders before leaning against the back of his seat.


"Jayce, why didn't you call me back?"


JC waved his hand with his eyes closed. "I don't have to call you back, Lance. I'm not your boyfriend."


"Jayce, that isn't fair. I needed to talk to you about something. You should have called me back."


"Talk? Is that what you call it now, Lance," JC said with a laugh.


"Look, I said I was sorry about that. Can we talk later? Maybe after you sober up some."


"Why should we? You're with Justin. We have nothing to talk about."


Lance slammed his hand on the seat. "Dammit, Jayce. You're an ass when you're drunk just like him."


JC shot up in his seat reaching across the limo and grabbing onto Lance's jacket. "Don't you ever compare me to that selfish prick you call a boyfriend. If you were mine, I would never make you second best, so don't even try to compare us." JC let go of Lance as moved back to his seat watching the stunned man sitting across from him. Licking his suddenly dry lips, he ran a hand through his hair. "We'll talk later."


Lance nodded his head slowly. "Thanks."


JC sighed slumping back in his seat. "Yeah, whatever." JC closed his eyes trying to clear it of the images now running through his mind. He had wanted so badly to kiss Lance then, but he had stopped himself. As long as Lance was with Justin, he would stay back cause going to Lance now would cause him more hurt. He just hoped something happened soon either way cause he was even falling more in love with Lance if that was possible.


Chapter 6


As JC sat in the limo after the awards show, he kept his eyes closed. He knew he had made a fool of himself when they had gone up on stage to accept the award. He coiuld see Lance and Chris shaking their head next to him at the podium. Now he had to figure out how to avoid talking to Lance, but when he saw them pull up outside of the hotel Chris was staying at he sighed.


As the limo pulled away, he could feel Lance move closer to him at the seat. When Lance touched his hand, JC began to pull it away, but Lance stopped him. "I'm sorry, Jayce. I shouldn't have used you liked that."


JC looked over at Lance as he sighed again. "Why did you then? I would never have done that to you."


Shrugging his shoulders, Lance shook his head. "I don't know really. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I was wrong to go with Justin. Maybe their was someone else for me that would have been better. He will never stop seeing her, Jayce. He does love her, and he loves me. He wants us both, but I don't think I can do this anymore."


JC tilted Lance's face towards his with the tip of his finger. "Who else would you have wanted to be with, Lance?"


"You," Lance whispered before kissing JC softly.


JC moved his head back as he licked his lips. He felt Lance's fingers at the back of his neck pulling him back towards him, and he allowed Lance to bring him back into the kiss losing himself in the feeling of Lance's lips on his. When he felt Lance's fingers begin to work the sweater he was wearing up his body, he pushed Lance's hands away breaking the kiss. "No, Lance. Not when you're still with him. Not when you still love him."


"But, Jayce..."


JC shook his head. "I never thought I would say this, Lance. I have wanted you forever. Loved you forever, but unless you and him are over, I will not be with you. That night in October was both the best and worst night of my life. I finally got what I always wanted, but it was tainted because you were using me to get back at him. I will not feel that way again."


Lance looked down at his hands in front of him before looking up at him. "I was stupid. I could have been happy all along if I had been eith you since the beginning.." He sighed. "I know you talked to Justin the night of the AMA's."




Lance chuckled softly. "Yeah, talked. Thanks, Jayce. I'm going to figure this out.Will you wait for me?"


JC kissed Lance softly before moving away again. "I waited this long. I can wait a little longer, but I won't wait forever, Lance."


"I won't make you wait forever, Jayce."


After the night of the awards, JC shut himself off from the rest of the group. They each had gone their separate ways for a bit before they had to come back together for tour rehearsals. He hoped that the time away from Lance would lessen his feelings for him, but as each day passed his feelings grew more and more. He knew Justin had gone off with Britney again. Her movie was coming out soon, and they had made plans to be together while she went out to promote it.


When his phone rang late one night just before Superbowl Weekend, he answered it just before it went to his voice mail. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he sat up in bed. "Hello," he mumbled.


"Hi, Jayce."


"Lance, you okay?"


"Yeah, I guess."


"You guess?" JC sat up against the headboard running his hand through his hair. "What's wrong?"


"Nothing that hasn't been wrong before. He's never around anymore. You know he didn't even spend his birthday with me. He went off with her instead. I'm just tired of it, Jayce."


JC sighed. "Then tell him that. Talk to him, Lance. Tell him how you feel."


"I want to, but he is never around to talk to."


"Then call him and tell him you need to talk. Set something up if you have to. Cause Lance you can't keep doing this. something has got to change. either it's you or it's her, but he can't have you both."


"What if he wants it to be just me, Jayce. What happens to you?"


JC sat silent trying to find the words. "Me?" Sighing, he continued, "I'll go back to how it was before where you two are my best friends, and I'll move on. I just want you both happy."


"Even if you aren't?"


"If that is the way it has to be, then yes."


"I'll talk to him, and see what happens. Thanks, Jayce. Go back to sleep."


"Okay. Call anytime, Lance."


JC flipped his phone shut after Lance said good night. He glanced at the clock on the night stand by his bed, and noticed it was just past midnight. He moved to lay back down, but changed his mind instead climbing out of bed, and making his way out of his bedroom and down the stairs ending up in his small home studio. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep after Lance's call. His thoughts kept returning to the one night he had spent with Lance. He wondered if they would ever spend another night like that again. He wondered if Justin would finally realize what he had, and change his ways now before it was too late. He wondered if that did happen, how he would deal with losing Lance again.


Sitting in his studio, JC picked up his notebook, and began to write pouring all his feelings onto the paper. When he finally finished, he threw his pencil down, and left his studio seeing the beginning of sunlight filter into the downstairs rooms. Rubbing the back of his neck, he made his way back to his room. Maybe now he could sleep.


Chapter 7


JC dreaded the start of rehearsals. He hadn't spoken to Lance since that night he had called him, and he didn't know if he and Justin had yet had a chance to talk about their relationship. He almost didn't want to know so he could go on as he had been. He was getting better. He knew their was a chance that Lance and Justin would work out their problems, and he had begun to prepare himself for that. However, he knew if returned to rehearsals, and his two friends were happy, then he would have to accept the fact that he would never have Lance as his own.


When the day finally arrived, he dragged himself into the rehearsal studio at the last possible moment. He dropped his duffle to the floor against the back wall, and pulled out a towel and a bottle of water. It was only then that he looked up to see him bandmates. He eyed Chris and Joey cracking up in the corner, but Lance was off by himself. Justin was nowhere to be found. He began to make his way over to Lance to talk to him, but at that moment Justin walked into the room. JC halted his movement standing back to observe.


He waited as Justin dropped his own duffle, and made his way over to where Chris and Joey were talking. He looked over at Lance, and Lance had turned away rummaging through his own duffle bag. JC sighed as ran his fingers through his hair before walking over to Lance. He lowered himself to the floor as he sat next to Lance's bag. He reached up, and stilled Lance's hands. "You okay?"


Lance nodded. "How about you?"


Shrugging his shoulders, JC said, "I'm doing good I guess. Worried about you though."


Lance smiled slightly. "I'll be fine, Jayce. In time."


"Okay. If you need a friend to talk to I'm always here, you know that right?"


"Yeah, I do. I might take you up on that later."


JC nodded as their choreographer walked into the room.He glanced over at the other side of the room, and caught Justin's eyes. The gaze directed in his direction was full of anger, and he knew he would have to confront his friend one more time.


For the next four hours they rehearsed. They finally took a break for lunch. JC began to leave the room when Justin called out. "JC, can you wait a second?"


Nodding his head, he wiped the back of his neck with his towel. He took a gulp of water from his bottle as he watched the rest of his group mates leave the room. He could see Lance hadn't wanted to leave, but Joey pulled him out.


When the door shut, he turned towards Justin. "So you wanted to talk?"


"You won, you know."


"What do you mean I won?"


"Lance and I are done, so you finally got what you always wanted."


"I never wanted Lance unhappy. I never wanted that. I was happy as long as he was happy even if his being happy meant him being with you."


"Bullshit, Jayce. You always wanted him for yourself. You didn't think I knew, but I did. I saw the little looks, the little touches. That is why I was always with Britney cause I knew eventually you would win him over, and I would be left alone."


"Justin, you are my best friend. We've known each other forever. I never wanted to take him from you. I know you love him, and he loves you. I was willing to move on. I still am."


"Well, now you don't have to. I've got Brit, and he'll have you. You better treat him right, Jayce, or I will kick your skinny ass."


JC watched as his friend left the rehearsal room Walking over to his bag, he threw his towel onto it before sliding down the wall next to it. He leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, a few minutes later, he found Lance standing in front of him holding a plate.


"I brought you lunch. I didn't see you come over with Justin, so I figured you were still here."


JC reached up and took the plate from Lance. "Thanks. You didn't have to do that."


"You need to eat. You're skinny enough as it is."


JC laughed. "Yeah."


"Are you and Justin okay?"


JC took a bite of his sandwich and nodded his head. "We will be."




"He told me you two were done."


"Yeah. We had a long talk."


"You needed to."


Lnce lowered himself to the floor next to JC. "He said that he always knew things would end with us. I would end up with someone else eventually."


"He told me that too."


Lance looked up. "It still hurts though. I miss him."


"Things like this take time, Lance. You loved him, and you still do. Love takes time to heal."


"Yeah, I know. Will you wait for me to get over him?"


JC nodded as he kissed Lance softly. "I would wait forever for you." JC wrapped his arm around Lance's back. This time as he held Lance, it didn't feel wrong. This time it felt right.


The End


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