Drifting Hearts

By:  Foxy Lady


Josh looked out into the falling darkness outside through his motorcycle helmet. He didn't even know where he was really. The last sign he had read was when he crossed the state line into Mississippi a few hours ago. Now it was dark and past dinner time. The breakfast burrito he had eaten for breakfast had settled like a rock in his stomach, and he hadn't ate since.


He knew he should stop and get something to eat. His mother was always telling him how skinny he was. She would cook him these big meals that he couldn't finish half of to fatten him up. He missed his mom and his dad. Ever since the day they had died a little over a year ago, he had felt helpless. Once the insurance settlements had come through, he didn't have to worry about working. In fact, if he dealt with his money right, he didn't have to work a day for the rest of his life.


At the young of twenty-five, he was rich. He had no worries. No obligations. He could have everything he ever wanted. Until recently, he had it all. The money and someone he loved to share that with, but he found out all too quickly that the man he thought he loved was out to play him because of his money. Sighing, he remembered that last night he had spent in LA. Justin had called to cancel their plans for their night out. Something that was starting to happen more frequently. This time, he had decided to go out anyway.


When he had arrived at the restaurant, it was to his surprise that Justin was there, but not alone. He sat across from another man, drinking a glass of wine, and laughing away. He had turned and ran. Justin had seen him and followed him out of the restaurant.


The next few minutes of their conversation was all a blur to him. Justin and him had known each other forever, and had only started dating since his parents death. Justin had told him he was only with him becase he had money now.  Josh's heart had broke, and after Justin had left him, he had driven home, packed a bag, and left on the motorcycle he had bought Justin.


That was a month ago. He had driven all over the country. From the west coast to the east coast. Staying in cheap motels and eating in greasy diners. He knew he couldn't keep running forever. He had to stop sometime, return to LA or make his home somewhere new.


He knew one thing for sure. He was over Justin. He should have never crossed the line they had between friendship and lovers. He had known Justin too long, and he knew of Justin's hunger for money. He had thought maybe Justin would be different with him, but no such luck.


The next guy he dated wouldn't know about the money. He wanted someone to love him for him. Not for the amount of money he had in his bank account. Not because he could take care of them financially, but because they wanted to be with him regardless if he was some guy of the street or Mr. Money.


His stomach began to rumble, and he laughed. "I guess I better eat."


About ten minutes later, he could see the lights of a sign in the distance. Another roadside bar. These southern people had more bars along the side of the road than any other place in the country. As he road closer, he could see several cars parked in front. Must be near town. He pulled into parking lot, and took one of the spots near the door.


Getting off the bike, he stretched his back and his arms as he shook his legs. He had been riding non-stop since before nine that morning. Only stopping twice at rest stops to use the bathroom.


The bar was loud. He could hear the laughter from where he stood in the parking lot. Sighing, he squared his shoulders and walked towards the door. The sign above the entrance read Lance's Bar & Grill. Pushing open the door, he walked inside.


Chapter 2


Josh stood in the doorway letting his eyes adjust to the darkness and smoke contained within. Running his fingers through his hair, he looked for an empty stool for him to sit at the bar. Spotting one, he walked over to it and sat down. He looked around the bar taken in the scene around him. The smell of smoke and stale beer filled his nostrils and he grimaced.


"What can I get you?" A voice came from behind making him turn back around to face the bar. The sight before him almost made him gasp out loud, but he stopped himself. This bartender was hot.  The man that stood before him wore a tight pair of blue jeans and a tight white sleeveless shirt. He moved his gaze up higher, and looked into the greenest eyes he had ever seen. "Hey, what you want to drink?"


Josh shook his head and looking down at the bar for a second before looking back up at the man in front of him. "A beer."


The man turned away from him grabbing a glass from the shelf over the bar. Josh's eyes made their way up and down the bartender's body stopping at the well-rounded ass as it bent over to fill the glass. He licked his lips slightly as the man turned around to face him putting the glass down on a napkin in front of him.


"Anything else?"


Josh almost opened his mouth, and said , 'you,' but stopped himself. This was the south, and it was well known what was thought of gays in the south. The chance that this gorgeous man was gay was slim to none. So instead he looked towards the back. "Kitchen still open?"


"Yeah, it is."


Taking a sip of his beer, Josh asked, "What do you recommend?"


"Joey makes a good burger platter."


"Yeah, I'll have that. Thanks."


The bartender turned away and walked towards the kitchen to place the order. A few minutes later, Josh looked up and caught the eye of the bartender who was drying his hands on a towel.  Josh looked down into his beer, but he still felt the gaze of the other man on his face. Josh didn't raise his eyes until he heard the bartender stop in front of him his eyes fixated on the hem of the white t-shirt.


"I haven't seen you around here before, " the green-eyed man said as he leaned on the bar.


"I'm not from around here," Josh said. "Just passing through."


"Yeah. We get that lot around here. I'm Lance."


"Josh. Nice to meet you, " he said as he took one last sip of his beer.


Lance brought back out of his food, and he ate in silence as he watched Lance fill drink order after drink order laughing and talking with the various costumers in the bar. Every once in awhile, he would come over and they would talk for a little bit. Lance said he liked talking to people that he didn't know.


As the night grew later, the bar began to empty, and the two men were able to talk more and more. Josh had forgotten all about getting back on the road and finding a place to stay for the night. He hadn't been looking for someone, but he had. Lance was perfect for him in every way. If only he wasn't so obviously straight.


Josh sighed as he reached for his wallet, but Lance waved it away. "It's on me tonight. I liked talking with someone different."


"You sure?"


"Yeah. Nice meeting you, Josh."


"Same here, Lance. Have a good night." Josh stood up walking towards the front door of the bar turning back one last time to glance at Lance. Lance smiled in response and waved his hand. Josh pushed through the door and walked outside sighing.


Chapter 3


Lance watched the brunette leave the bar. He reached down for a glass and began to wipe it dry. Sighing, he put the glass down, and turned back around to survey the bar. It was finally calming down. The only people still around were his regulars, and if he told them to leave they would. He picked up another glass, and looked towards the door. He almost wished the dark haired skinny stranger would come back.


It had been awhile since someone had caught his eye, but this man had. It had been awhile since he had been with someone. Since his dad had gotten sick, and asked him to come home to run the bar. That had been a little over a year ago. He had left school in Florida, and had come running home. It was just the way he was. If his family needed him, then he would be there for them.


Of course, it had been a huge sacrifice. Since returning home, he hadn't had a love life.Not that he had much before moving back home, but at least he had more than he had now. Of course him being gay didn't help. If his parents only knew that there only son was gay. Boy oh boy would that be a sight to see. He could imagine it now. He had kept this little fact secret just over three years now. Since he had moved down to Florida and started school. That is where he met his first boyfriend. They had stayed together for a good year before he had gotten tired of the secrecy and left Lance. From that point on, he had dated but never started another relationship. Then when he had come home, he had given up any hope of finding himself someone.


Then tonight, he had met Josh. A stranger riding through town. Only stopping for a bite to eat and a beer, but he had stayed much longer than he had planned. Lance knew that just by watching the other man. Since he had started bartending, he had become a good judge of people. When Josh had walked in, he was intent on eating and leaving. Not staying for three hours talking.


Lance knew Josh had been watching him. He knew it from the moment Josh had sat down at the bar. So he had talked to him. Told him his bad jokes, and hoped that Josh wouldn't leave. Just the thought that this gorgeous man was watching him and may want him made Lance happy. He hadn't been looked at that way by a good looking man in awhile, but now Josh was gone. He entered Lance's life and left so quickly. Sighing, Lance wiped the bar smiling as the last of the bar's regulars stood up to leave. The man gave Lance a small drunken wave as he made his way to the exit.


Lance followed him to the door and locked it behind him. Turning off the lights, he took a quick look around the bar surveying the damage that his customers had left behind in their wake. Deciding it wasn't that bad, he walked towards the back leaving the mess until morning. Running his fingers through his hair, he grabbed his keys out of his pocket, and got into his car.


Josh cursed the damn day he had bought Justin the motorcycle. About five miles down the road, he had pulled into a rest stop. After using the restroom, he had come out to continue on his way, but the damn bike wouldn't start. He had been sitting there trying to get it going for half an hour. He had no idea what could have gone wrong with the machine. Kicking the front tire, he cursed again out loud.


At the sound of a car approaching, he raised his hand to shield his eyes from the glare of the bright head lights. When the car stopped next to him, he took a step back. He watched as the window rolled down, and sighed when he recognized the driver. Lance.


"Hey, Josh. Everything okay?" Lance asked as he leaned towards the window.


Kicking the bike again, Josh shook his head. "Bike's dead."


"Damn. Sorry about that. The town mechanic is on vacation until Monday."


"Just my luck," Josh said as he sighed.


"Listen, it is late, and the bike is going nowhere. I'll have a friend come by and pick it up and drop it off at the mechanics."


"Thanks, but where do I stay until it gets fixed."


Lance looked away out the front windshield bitng his lip. A few seconds later, he turned back to Josh with a grin. "My place. I got a sofabed. It'll only be a couple of days anyway."


Josh couldn't believe what Lance was offering. He was opening his home to him. All at once, Josh was happy and then as he continued to think, he became nervous. He would be staying with Lance. Lance was straight. He thought Lance was hot. This could be bad, but what else could he do.


"You don't mind, Lance."


"Nah. It'll be nice. Grab your stuff. I'm tired."


Josh grabbed his bag, and locked up the bike. Opening the car door, he threw his bag in the back, and sat down. "Thanks, Lance."


Chapter 4


The drive from the rest stop to Lance's small house did not take that long. In fact, it went too fast for Josh's liking. From the moment Josh had sat in the car next to Lance, his nerves went into overdrive. Just sitting this close to Lance and he could tell how much he wanted this man. however, he knew there was no way that this gorgeous man sitting next to him was even gay. He probably had some beautiful girlfriend he dated.


Sighing, he opened his car door, and stepped out onto the driveway. Looking up he smiled at the small house before him. He watched as Lance ran up the steps to the front door watching the way the tight jeans he was wearing hugged the curvy ass they contained.


Lance opened the door, and stepped inside. "It isn't much, but it is home." Lance threw his keys on the table by the door, and turned back to look at Josh. "The couch pulls out. Let me get you some stuff to make the bed."


Josh sat down on the couch waiting for Lance to return. He looked around the small living room at the pictures lining the walls. Pictures of Lance with his family, he assumed. He heard a noise behind him and caught Lance standing in the doorway staring at him. When Lance noticed he was looking at him, he lowered his head, and walked into the room. Placing the bedding on the table by the couch, Lance started to walk away.


Josh didn't want Lance to leave yet, so he reached out and touched his arm trying to stop him. When he saw Lance look down at his hand, Josh cursed himself for acting so impusively. Lance WAS NOT gay, and he probably wouldn't appreciate it if he knew what Josh was thinking about him. Lance smiled as he pulled his arm away. "I'm tired, man. I'm going to go to bed. You be okay out here?"


Josh nodded as he stood up and started to get the couch ready so he could go to bed too. It was already past two in the morning, and he had been on that damn motorcycle all day. He turned as he heard the bedroom close. Sitting back down, he lay his head in his hands. What was he doing? They had to have a motel nearby. He could have had Lance drop him off there. Why did he accept Lance's offer to stay?


After he finished making the bed, he pulled off his shoes and his jeans so he could lay down. Sighing, he closed his eyes. As he tried to fall asleep, al he could see in his head were images of Lance. He couldn't understand why he felt so strongly about this man whom he had just met. Josh had never been one to believe about love at first sight, but he was starting to change his mind.



After Lance had closed the door, he leaned against it. Why had he offered Josh his couch? I mean, there was a motel just about a mile from the house. He could have dropped him off there, but instead he had opened his big mouth and invited him to stay here. He had watched Josh, and he knew Josh was interested. Why did he have to find someone now? It was not a good time at all.


His parents would never understand him if he told them now. Sighing, he tore off his t-shirt, and threw it in the corner. After stripping off the rest of his clothes til he was standing in only his boxer briefs, he put his ear to the door listening for Josh. When he heard nothing, he opened the door and walked to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he stood in front of it looking for something to eat.



Josh had heard as Lance's bedroom door opened. He had been lying on the sofabed continuing to think about Lance. As he heard Lance open the refrigerator door, Josh turned his head so that could see into the kitchen. His breath caught in his throat at the sight before him. The light from the fridge shined on Lance's naked chest as he stood looking into the fridge.


Lance turned his head towards the living room sighing as he closed the fridge door. Josh watched as Lance stood and watched him for a few seconds before turning back to go to his room.


Josh turned onto his back as he let out his own sad sigh. Could he be wrong about Lance? Did he have a chance?


Chapter 5


The next morning Josh woke up to the sounds and smells of food being cooked inthe kitchen. He glanced up at clock on the wall, and noticed that it was already past eleven. Sitting up, he ran his fingers through his hair. Walking into the kitchen, he smiled as he saw Lance standing over the stove frying something. Standing in the doorway, he watched Lance as he cooked. He could stand there forever, but he hated being able to look but not touch, so looked down and cleared his throat.


Lance looked up from the stove when he heard Josh clear his throat behind him. Smiling, he turned back to the stove. "Morning, Josh. Sleep well?"


"Yeah, I did.  Thanks. How about you?"


Lance looked down not wanting to look at Josh. What he wanted to say was no. He didn't sleep. He laid in bed all night thinking about the blue-eyed man laying just feet away in the next room. Thinking about how much he wanted him. how much he wanted to come out and tell him that he liked him. As much as he wanted to, Lance knew he couldn't do that, so he continued to cook their breakfast and ignoring the man now standing just inches from him.


"Your bike is at the mechanics. It'll be fixed in a couple of days. He needs to order the parts." Lance reached up and pulled two plates from the cupboard.


Josh walked over to the table and sat down. "I thought he was out of town."


"He is, but his son looked at it, and figured out the problem. He said you'll be up and running no problem."


Josh nodded his head. He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He could see this beautiful man standing in front of him. He knew what he wanted to say. Actually more like what he wanted to do. In his mind, he could picture himself walking up to Lance turning him around, and kissing the living daylights out of him. If he had the guts, he would do just that.


"Josh?" Josh looked up to find Lance standing in front of him. He had placed a plate on the table in front of each of the chairs. "Where were you there? You seemed to be a million miles away then."


"I was." Josh picked up his fork, and took a bite of his egg.


"What were you thinking?" Lance dug into his own plate of food watching Josh. He wanted to smile at hnow nervous the other man had become since he sat down at the table.


Josh looked down at the food on his plate trying to figure out how to change the subject. If Lance only knew what he had been thinking. The images of them that had been running through his mind only moments before. Before he knew what he was saying, he mumbled, "About this guy I know."


"Yeah. What about him?" Lance took a sip of his coffee, and waited for Josh to speak.


"Nothing really. You wouldn't be interested." Josh pushed his chair back, and stood up from the table. Before he made it through the doorway, Lance was next to him touching his arm.


"Hey, Josh. You know if you need to talk I'm here. I know you don't know me real well, but I have been told I am a good listener."


Josh looked down at the hand on his arm. It felt so good for Lance to touch him, even a touch as innocent as one as this one. Lance looked down and began to blush slightly. "I have to go to the bar in a little bit. You are welcome to come hang out there with me."


Josh shrugged his shoulders. "I'll come along. Might as well. I will get bored here by myself. Just let me get changed and stuff."


Lance's smile got even brighter at Josh's words which in turn made Josh smile too. "Yeah. Well, I'll let you do that while I do these dishes."


"Okay." Josh watched as Lance went back into the kitchen and began to clear off the table. Lance was humming some small tune under his breath as he worked. When Lance realized Josh was watching him, he paused in what he was doing, and looked up making Josh quickly turn away and go towards his bag. Once again, Lance smiled as he continued to hum his tune. Maybe he should see what could happen with him and Josh. Josh was obviously interested, but something was holding him back from making a move. That would need to change and soon cause when josh's bike was fixed, the brunette would be gone.


Chapter 6


After Josh had showered and changed into fresh clothes, the two men rode the short distance back to the bar in silence. Lance kept making furtive glances out of the corner of his eye towards Josh. He could tell the other man was nervous. He wanted to know why he made Josh that way? Ever since they had met the night before. He could tell that Josh had an interest in him. That was obvious. Something was holding Josh back. What had happened to him?


Shortly after opening the bar for the day, Lance put Josh to work. Joey had called in saying he would be late, so Lance had to go into the kitchen and leave Josh to tend bar. Lance watched Josh as served drinks and talked to his regular customers. It was nice to see him happy. When Joey finally arrived before the after work rush, Lance told Josh to relax and let him take over the bar. Josh protested at first, but when Lance brought him over a drink, Josh finally relented.


Josh watched Lance bring him drink after drink. If he didn't know better, he would say that the bartender was trying to get him drunk on purpose. When he saw Lance coming at him again with a fresh drink, he raised his hand. "No more, Lance. I had enough."


"You sure?" Lance placed the glass of beer in front of Josh. Lance looked around, and saw that the bar was mostly empty. He glanced down at his watch. It was already after midnight. People would be heading home soon. Maybe then he could talk to Josh. He wanted to know what bothered Josh so much. That was the reason why he had served the man drink after drink. Maybe the alcohol would loosen him up.


"I'm sure, Lance. I'm sort of drunk right now," Josh said with a slight giggle.


Lance laughed as he walked to the other side of the bar. It took another thirty minutes before the bar finally emptied. Lance walked over and locked the door after his last customer left. Turing back towards the bar, he watched Josh play with his empty glass on the bar. Sighing, he walked up to the bar and sat on the stool next to Josh.  "What you thinking about?"


Josh looked up at Lance. "Why do keep asking me that?"


Lance shrugged his shoulders. "Just curious I guess. Something seems to be bothering you. Just wanted to try and help."


Josh pushed his glass to the side. "You can't help me, Lance. No one can really."


Lance stood up and began to clear off the tables. He stopped and faced Josh who had turned his head to watch him. "Some guy must have done a number on you, Josh."


Josh lowered his head. "What makes you say that, Lance?"


Lance shrugged as he sat down. "Just a feeling. Am I right?"


Josh sighed. He wondered how this man next to him had figured it out. This gorgeous man next to him knew him better in twenty-four hours than Justin ever had. "Yeah, you're right."


"So what did he do?"


Josh looked at his empty glass. Wishing it was full, so he could drink. He didn't want to talk about his past. Didn't want Lance to know about why he was here."Justin. He cheated on me."


Lance looked down at Josh's hands holding onto the glass. "I'm sorry."


"It's okay. I'm getting over it by now." Josh looked down at the bar tracing the wet circle left by his glass.


Lance reached out and grabbed Josh's hand stilling it. "I don't know what I would have done if my man would have cheated on me."


Josh looked up. The shock on his face was plain to see. "Your man? You mean that you are..."


Lance smiled. The look on Josh's face was priceless. Lance wanted to lean over and kiss him, but now wouldn't be the right time. Josh was still hurting. "Yeah, I'm gay, Josh."


"Wow. I never would have thought. I mean I kept on expecting some beautiful girl to come out."


Lance laughed. "Nope. That isn't going to happen. Tried that once. Britney is now one of closest friends." Lance stood up and began to walk around the bar, but he felt Josh's hand grab his and gently pull. Lance looked down at the hand that held his. He wanted to pull away, but at the same time he didn't. He let Josh pull him closer, and when he lifted his head Josh's face was just centimeters from his face. He opened his mouth to protest, but before he could get the words out Josh's lips were against his. He felt Josh's tongue make their way past his slightly parted lips. He could taste the beer that Josh had drunk that night. As much as he wanted the kiss to continue, he raised his hands and pushed against Josh's chest. "Josh, stop."


Lance took a step back and broke the grasp Josh had on his wrist. He saw the hurt settle on Josh's face, and he wanted to step forward again and take the other man into his arms. He hadn't wanted to hurt Josh, but if they started something right now when Josh was hurt and drunk, they would never last.


"I'm sorry," Josh whispered. Josh stood up, and walked towards the back of the bar. "I'll be out by the car."


Lance sighed as he saw the door close. He decided to let the cleaning go for another night, and followed Josh into the night.



Chapter 7


Josh didn't talk to Lance at all in the car on the way back to Lance's. The minute Lance stopped the car in his driveway, Josh was out of the car and walking towards the door. Lance sighed as he walked up and opened the door. Josh walked into the house ahead of Lance and immediately went over to his bag. He slung it over his shoulder and began to walk angrily back towards the door.


It took a minute for Lance to realize that the other man was leaving. When he saw Josh open the front door, Lance reached out and held it closed. The look of anger that Josh directed towards him was hot enough to make Lance lower his gaze, but he didn't move from the door. Josh tried to open the door again, but Lance stood his ground. "Josh, what are you doing?"


"Leaving," Josh mumbled lowly. He moved back from the door and looked over at Lance. "You don't want me here, so I am going to go up to that motel I saw, and wait there for my bike to be fixed."


"Who said I didn't want you here?" Lance ran his fingers through his hair as he leaned against the door. He didn't want Josh to leave. Not like this. He wanted a chance wth this good-looking man. He wanted to heal whatever wounds still lie there under the surface.


Josh took a step forward, but moved back when he noticed that Lance wasn't going to move. He dropped his bag to the floor, and walked back over to the couch sitting down. "You were pretty clear at the bar, Lance. I mean I kiss you and you push me away. If that isn't a signal that you don't want me, I don't know what is."


Lance stayed leaning against the door for a moment longer, but seeing that Josh wasn't leaving he moved forward. "Josh, I'm sorry about that. I really am."


"Don't be. Can't help how you feel. I'm sorry if I wasted your time."


Josh stood up and began to move toward the door again, but this time Lance reached out and stopped him by grabbing onto his arm. "Josh, don't..."


"Don't what, Lance?" Josh tried to pull his arm out of Lance's grasp, but Lance held tight. "Let go, Lance."


Lance shook his head no. He watched as Josh tried to break his arm loose of his hand with no success. He wanted Josh to stay. He knew if he let Josh walk out that door, he would never see him again, and that thought hurt him. It amazed him in the short 24 hours since he and Josh had met, the feelings that had grown. He had never believed in love at first sight. Things like that only happened in those cheesy romantic movies. He had never thought it would happen to him, but it looked like it had.


Lance reached up with his free hand and touched Josh's cheek softly. Josh tried to pull back, but Lance stopped him again. "Don't leave," Lance whispered seconds before he touched his lips to Josh's. Josh gasped as Lance pressed his lips more firmly on his.


After a few moments, Josh pulled back with a confused look on his face. "What was that?"


Lance laughed. "A kiss."


Josh took a step back and Lance finally loosed his hold on Josh's arm. "Why did you do it though?"


"Because I wanted to. Because I like you. Because I think I could fall in love with you if you would let me."  Lance looked down at the floor waiting for Josh's reaction. The silence in the room was almost eerie. As the silent moments passed, Lance started to think that he had said too much. That maybe Josh didn't feel the same way.


Finally Josh cleared his throat and took a step closer putting his hand on Lance's waist. "I wanted you to say that. Since I saw you standing over the bar smiling at me. It was in that moment that I knew I was in love with you."


Chapter 8


Josh watched as a blush crossed Lance's face. He reached out and pulled Lance closer to him. "I don't know what happened last night. When I walked into your bar, I had no intention of staying long. Just a quick bite to eat and back on the road. Then I saw you standing there in that white shirt and those tight jeans. I thought that there was no way you were gay. You were too hot."


Lance lowered his gaze continuing to blush as Josh spoke. When Josh finally fell silent, he looked up. "When I saw you leave the bar last night, I wanted to go after you, but didn't. When I saw you at that rest stop, I was so happy that I had been given a second chance."


"Well, what are you going to do with that chance of yours, Lance?" Josh took a step forward towards Lance. Lance looked down as a blush crept across his face. Josh loved that he made this man blush. He reached up and touched Lance's chin lifting his head, so that he could gaze into his eyes. "Hmm, Lance," Josh whispered, as he pulled Lance closer. Soon their bodies were touching from head to toe.


Josh watched as Lance's eyes drifted closed. He reached and touched Lance's cheek as he lowered his head and touched his lips to Lance's. Lance let his hands travel up JC's arms until they were on JC's shoulders. When the kiss deepened, Lance let out a low moan that made JC shiver.


Josh stepped back and felt the couch hit the back of his knees. He let himself sink down pulling Lance with him. Josh groaned as Lance straddled him. He felt Lance bury his fingers in his hair. The shy guy was gone.Lance grinded his ass against Josh's crotch, and Josh broke the kiss. He looked up and Lance smiled at him. "Wow."


Lance let out a breath as his tongue swept across his top lip.He then moved his mouth to softly kiss along Josh's chin down to his neck. Josh loved the feeling of this man in his arms, but something felt wrong about it. He let out a soft sigh, and Lance looked up. "What's wrong?"


Josh shook his head slightly. "Nothing, Lance."


Lance moved off of Josh's lap sighing. "It isn't nothing, Josh. Tell me."


Josh reached out and grabbed Lance's hand. "It's just a little weird, you know. Just 24 hours ago, I was on the bike thinking about what I had lost in Justin, and now here I am with you." Josh lay his head on Lance's shoulder.


As Lance started to run his fingers through Josh's hair, he lowered his cheek to Josh's head. "Tell me about Justin."


Josh sighed. "Not much to tell. Justin and I have been friends forever. Then something changed and we became more than friends."


Lance raised his head and looked down at josh. "What changed?"


Josh wanted to tell Lance everything about his money and about his parents, but he had promised himself that he wouldn't. "Listen, it's late. Let's get to bed." Josh noticed Lance's blush out of the corner of his eye. "You know, I mean to sleep, right?"


Lance nodded. "Sleep sounds good." He stood up and began to walk towards his bedroom. When he realized Josh wasn't following him, he turned back with a slight grin. "You coming?"


Josh jumped off the couch and followed Lance into the bedroom. As he watched Lance strip off his clothes, his jaw dropped. He knew Lance was hot, but he never realized what lie beneath his clothing. As Lance climbed under the covers, Josh knew what he had to make this happen between he and Lance. He only hoped Lance understood. After stripping down to his boxers, Josh lay down next to Lance.


Chapter 9


In the morning, Lance awoke opening his eyes slowly. He rolled onto his back, and his eyes opened wide when he felt the bed empty beside him. It had been nice sleeping with Josh. It had just felt right ,but now Josh was gone. Lance sat up in bed, and looked around. He listening for water running in the bathroom, but heard nothing. He got up and made his way to the living room, and found no sign of Josh. On closer inspection, he found that Josh's bag was gone. He sat down on the couch and sighed. Josh had left.


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a piece of paper folded sitting on the side table. Reaching over, he picked it up and began to read.




I'm sorry I left before you woke up. I decided that before you and me can be and us, I need to do something. I'll explain when I come back, and trust me I am coming back.






Lance put the note aside. He hoped Josh would come back and soon.



Josh slung his bag over his shoulder as he stepped out of the cab. He pushed his sunglasses up higher on his nose as he glanced up at the building before him. It was good to be home. In the middle of the night, he had woken up. After watching Lance sleep for awhile, he had decided to take care of things from his past, so he had gone to the airport and got on the first flight out to LA. He needed closure before he could move on. He walked up the path to his front door, and opened it.


Josh walked through the first floor of the house. He saw a stack of mail on the kitchen counter. He'd go through that later. A noise from the second floor caught his attention, and he made his way up the stairs. Once he reached the top of the staircase, he could hear that the sounds were coming from his bedroom at the end of the hall.


He walked down the hall and noticed that the door was open a crack. Peaking inside, he recognized the form of his former lover in bed with another man. He pushed open the door, and walked inside. "What the hell are you doing Justin?"


Justin let out a surprised noise as he broke away from the other man.  "Josh. What are you doing here?"


Josh took a step toward the bed. He bent down and picked up Justin's clothes and threw them on the bed. "I live here remember. This is my house." He watched as Justin shrugged on his t-shirt. "The better question here is why are you here?"


Justin looked back at the man next to him.


"Don't make me ask again. We broke up, and now you bring this man into the bed we once shared. That is low even for you, man."


"Chris and I have sort of been staying here. I thought you were gone, Josh."


"I was, but now I'm back, and I want you to get your things and get the hell out of my house. You have thirty minutes before I call the cops." Josh turned on his heel, and left the room. When he reached the kitchen, he opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of wine. He could hear Justin and his lover moving around upstairs. He knew the minute he saw Justin that all those feelings he had for him were gone. He never thought that Justin had it in him to be so cruel. To bring another man into the house they had shared for almost a year was just cold.


At the sound of footsteps on the stairs, Josh lowered his glass. Justin came into the kitchen and eyed Josh warily. "Listen, Josh. I'm sorry."


"Apology not accepted. I loved you, Justin. Get that. Loved." He motioned towards the counter. 'Leave your keys there. His, too. I'll probably change the locks though." He watched as Justin threw the keys on the counter. A few seconds later, he heard the front door slam.


Josh sighed before taking another sip of wine. He made his way up to his bedroom, but after what he had walked in on, he couldn't possibly sleep there. He went across across the hall, and lay on the bed. He wished he could call Lance. He hoped Lance wasn't upset that he had left the way he had, but now he knew he had done the right thing. He had seen Justin for what he really was, and now he could go past it, and be happy with the man he now loved.


Chapter 10


Lance wiped down the bar. It had been a week since he had woken up to find Josh gone, and he still hadn't heard from him. Maybe he wasn't going to come back. Maybe he had gotten back together with his ex. He watched as his last customer for the night finally left. He could hear Joey in the kitchen cleaning up. Sighing, he threw the rag down, and walked towards the kitchen. "Go home, Joe. It's late. Kelly will be waiting for you."


Joey peeked his head around the kitchen door. "You sure, Lance?"


Lance waved his hand as he walked back towards the bar. "Go. I'll just finish up here, and head on home myself."


"Okay, boss. Make sure you lock up."


Lance smiled as he began to wipe down the tables by the bar. "I will. Give the baby a kiss for me." He heard the back door of the bar close as Joey left. He looked around the empty bar. He wish Josh hadn't left. He had thought they could have something, but maybe he was wrong. Josh left without even a good-bye.


The front door to the bar opened, and Lance silently cursed. He had forgot to lock it. "Bars closed," he said without turning around.


"Even for me?"


Lance heard the words and the soft laugh that followed them and turned around. He immediately recognized the man standing by the door. "Josh."


Josh took a step further into the bar and sat on one of the stools  facing towards Lance.  "Yep, I'm back. You did know I would come back, didn't you, Lance?"


Lance shrugged his shoulders. "No, I thought you were gone."


Josh laughed. "I had to come back, Lance. I left my bike here." When he saw the pained expression cross Lance's face, he stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, Lance. I should have told you I was leaving."


Lance turned away and began to wipe one of the tables."It's okay. It's not like we are together or anything."


Josh sighed. "I had to take care of something. Something that needed to be done before I started seeing you because I want us to be together." He watched as Lance stopped wiping the table. "I think I am in love with you, Lance. I missed you like crazy this week."




"Yes, really. I had to go see someone."


Lance turned. "Justin?"


"Yeah, him. Turns out, I find him in what used to be our bed, fucking another guy. So I booted his ass out, and said good riddance. "


"Sorry, Josh."


Josh shrugged his shoulders. "Don't be. It made me realize I was with the wrong person. I am meant to be with someone else."


Lance and Josh stood there in silence.  Lance walked over and locked the front door to the bar. Josh watched him as he moved closer to where he sat. When Lance stopped in front of him, and put his hands on the bar on either side of him, Josh felt his breath quicken. From this distance, he could smell the cologne Lance wore. He watched as Lance licked his lips.


"Who are you meant to be with?" Lance whispered, as he raised one hand and let it trail down JC's arm. JC shivered at the light touch.


He looked up and saw Lance's eyes locked on his own. "You," Josh whispered. Josh could feel Lance's breath on his cheek, as he moved closer. He wanted to move his head, so that their lips could touch, but he didn't. He wanted to know what Lance would do. This side of Lance was one he never expected, but of course he had only known the man all of twenty-four hours before he returned to LA. Josh knew learning about Lance would be something to look forward to, and he hoped that he had the rest of his life to do it.


Josh had lost himself in his thoughts, so he didn't notice Lance move his hand from their place behind him. He was brought back to reality by the feeling of Lance's fingers on his stomach. The fingers made their way up higher under the shirt. Lance pressed himself against Josh, and Josh could feel the bar crashing into the small of his back. He let out a soft gasp as Lance's fingers grazed his nipple.


Josh felt Lance's breath on his neck, as Lance placed soft kisses to the spot just below his ear. Josh finally moved his hands to touch the hem of Lance's t-shirt. "Lance?"


"Hmm?" Lance took Josh's earlobe between his lips, and Josh let out a soft groan. "You like that, Josh?"


Josh couldn't find the words, so he nodded his head. He began to lift Lance's shirt, and he heard Lance let out a soft chuckle. "Patience, Josh. We have all night."


Josh sighed. "I know. It's just I've been dreaming about this all week." Josh moved his mouth closer to Lance's ear and whispered, "Been wanting to see you naked under me as I make my way down your body with kisses." When he heard Lance's soft moan, Josh started to pull his shirt up again. This time Lance let him pull it up and over his head. He could feel Lance's breath quicken as he lowered his head and pressed his lips to his chest. Lance's fingers buried themselves in Josh's hair as Lance pushed him closr. Josh was now the one to laugh, as he moved back.


"What happened to we have all night?"


A blush crept across Lance's face, and Josh smiled. He took a quick look at their surroundings. He hadn't pictured what was happening between them happening on a bar.


Lance saw Josh look around, and reached out his hand. "Follow me." Lance turned, and Josh slid off the stool he was sitting on. Lance made his way to the back of the bar, and opened a door marked Employees only. He flipped a switch, and the small room was filled with a dim light. Josh stepped inside what turned out to be a small office. On one side was a desk and chair and on the other was a couch. Lance walked over to the couch and sat down pulling Josh down next to him. "Is this better?"


Josh nodded his head, as he moved closer to Lance seeking out his mouth. When their lips touched, it was like an explosion. Their mouths crashed together in a passionate kiss as their tongues dueled. Josh let out a moan, as he felt Lance push him back on the couch, and covered his body with his own. Lance was the first to break the kiss taking in gasping breaths.


"This shirt has to come off of you," he whispered as he began to undo the buttons. When the last of the buttons was undone, he pushed the shirt aside and JC shrugged it off his shoulders. Lance looked down at the man beneath taking in his beauty. "I've been dreaming about this too, Josh. I'm glad you came back."


"Of course I came back. The moment I laid my eyes on you that night, I knew you were it for me." Josh reached up and pulled Lance down to him placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Their kisses continued, and slowly grew more passionate. Lance let his hands travel down Josh's sides and across his stomach until they reached the waist band of his jeans. He played with the button for a few seconds before finally popping it loose. He made quick work of the zipper, but before he moved any further, he looked up to Josh's face. His eyes were closed waiting for Lance's next move. He lowered his lips to Josh's, as his hand sneaked its way into Josh's pants and came into contact with Josh's hard cock. 


Josh groaned at the first touch thrusting his hips to deepen the contact of Lance's fingers on him. Opening his eyes, he got lost in the desire and love he saw in Lance's eyes. When Lance moved his hand away, Josh whimpered at the loss.


"We need to get these off of you, babe," Lance said, as he began to pull Josh's jeans down his legs.


Josh reached up, and undid the button of Lance's own jeans. "You, too, Lance." Josh watched as Lance stood up and made quck work of the remainder of his clothes. Once they were both undressed, Lance walked over and shut off the light. The only light was now the moonlight that came through the small office window. He walked back over to where Josh lay waiting. Once again covering Josh's body with his own, he placed tiny kisses along Josh's jaw line. Josh ran his hands down Lance's back pressing them closer together. Their erections rubbing against each other caused both men to groan.


Lance could feel himself getting closer, so he stopped moving. Raising his head, he looked down at Josh letting his fingers play with Josh's hair. He couldn't believe he was here with this beautiful man. He watched as Josh licked his lips, and that was his undoing. "Josh, I want you," he whispered.


"You sure, Lance?" Lance nodded his head,  "There is something in my front pants pocket. Get it for me."


Lance reached down and quickly found what josh had put in there. He chuckled softly. "You had this in your pocket?" He threw the small tube of lubricant and condom next to Josh.


"I was prepared." Josh moved quickly to switch places with Lance. He began to kiss down Lance's body pausing at each nipple to lick and nibble. Lance's moans brought a smile to Josh's lips. When he teased Lance's entrance with the tip of his finger, he heard Lance gasp. Lance pressed down with his hips taking Josh's finger inside him.  After a few seconds, Josh added a second finger .


"Josh, I need you," Lance spat out.


Josh looked up at the face of the man beneath him, their eyes locking for a moment. He moved up Lance's body and pressed a kiss to Lance's lips. Josh's fingers laced with Lance's as Josh slowly entered him, their eyes still locked. A momentary flash of pain crossed Lance's face, but was soon gone replaced with a look of pleasure.


Josh moved slowly at first so he wouldn't hurt his new lover, but when Lance wrapped his legs around Josh he began to move faster. He knew he wouldn't last long, so he reached down and began to stroke Lance in time with his thrusts.


"Oh, Josh," Lance whispered.


His name whispered in that low voice of Lance's caused Josh to go over the edge. Both men cried out as they reached their climaxes. Josh lowered his head to Lance's chest as he tried to catch his breath. "That was amazing," he whispered a few moments later. Looking up, he said. "I love you, Lance."


"I love you, too, Josh."


Josh lowered his head once again and fell asleep to the feeling of Lance's fingers running through his hair.




The next day Josh woke up to the smell of food cooking in the kitchen. Sometime during the night, they had made their way back to Lance's house. josh knew he had to tell Lance everything today. He only hoped that Lance was not angry with him about not telling him aout the money earlier.


When Lance walked in with a tray, Josh sat up in bed smiling. "Lance, you didn't have to do this."


"I wanted to. now eat up, before it gets cold."


The two men ate in silence happily for a few minutes. Josh finally cleared his throat causing Lance to look up from his plate. "What is it, Josh?"


"I have a question for you."


"Okay," Lance said as he wiped his hands with his napkin.


"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?"


"Europe," Lance said with a smile on his face. "France, England, Italy."


Josh smiled at the man next to him. "Well, what if I said we could do that?"


"Someday that would be nice."


"How about now? What if I told you I could pick up that phone and we could be on a plane today?"


Lance let out a nervous laugh. "Trips like that cost a lot of money even if you plan them months in advance."


"The money does not matter, Lance."


"Yes, it does. I don't have the money for something like that."


Josh laughed. "You don't, but I do. Babe, I am sort of what you would call rich." Josh laughed again when he saw the shocked look. "My parents left me a lot of money when they died, and I want to spend that money making both of us happy." Josh waited to see Lance's reaction to his news, but when he saw the smile that let up Lance's face he knew that everything would be okay.


The End


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