False Memory

By: Foxy Lady


Justin didn't know when it had happened. One day, he and JC had been working in the studio with Chris. They had just gotten the levels the way they had wanted them, and JC had leaned over to flip some switch, practically moving into his lap. He had moved back slightly but not before he had smelled the cologne JC was wearing. He had to stop himself from lifting his hand and run it through the hair that touched the back of JC's neck. He let out a small sound, as he moved his chair back.


JC had moved back into his seat and turned to look at Justin with a confused look on his face. "Justin, something wrong?"


Justin shook his head as he stood up, and walked over to the studio door. "I'm going get some water. Want anything?"


JC shook his head, as he went back to working on the board.


Justin sighed as he pushed open he studio door. As soon as he was out in the hallway, he closed the door behind him, and slumped against the door. He didn't how or when it had happened, but he wanted his best friend. He ran his hand over his buzzed head as he pushed away from the door. JC. He wanted JC. Putting some change into the vending machine, he pulled out the water that came out on the bottom. He opened the bottle, and took a sip as he looked at the studio door.


He couldn't want JC. JC was his best friend. He had known JC since he was twelve. JC was straight. Unlike himself. He had come out to the guys when he was sixteen. They had all been great about it. Shortly after, Lance had come out as bi, and they had tried getting together, but it hadn't worked. Justin had promised himself that he wouldn't date in the group ever again, but now he WANTED JC. He took another sip of water, and leaned against the wall.


He heard the door open, and he looked up to find JC poking his head out. "Yeah, Jayce?"


"I need you now, J."


JC went back into the room. Justin let out a soft groan before draining the rest of his water. He only wished JC had said those words in another circumstance, but that would never happen. Justin threw his empty bottle in the trash, and walked back into the studio. He watched as JC and Chris looked over the sheet music while JC made notes. When he heard Justin walk in, he saw JC smile before motioning for Justin to go into the studio.


As Justin tried to record his vocals, he kept getting distracted. He kept watching ever move JC made. Each smile. Each laugh. As he kept messing up, however, he could tell that he was frustrating JC.


"Justin, what is up with you today?"


Justin removed the headphones from his ears, and shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe I should do my vocals tomorrow."


JC nodded his head. "Yeah, that might be best. You aren't into it today." Justin walked out of the sound booth, and began to make his way out the door when JC's hand stopped him. "You sure you okay, J?"


Justin nodded. "Fine. Just an off day. I'll see you tomorrow." He left the studio, and took his cell phone out of his pocket. After dialing a number, he listened to it ring before it was finally answered. "Man, I'm in trouble."


Chapter 2


Over the next few weeks, Justin's feeling for JC grew to become more than just lust. He knew lust was a big part of it, but it was more than that. He was slowly coming to realize that he was also feeling love for his best friend. The only one he had told of his feelings so far had been Lance. Since they had dated, the two had become very close, and had gone to each other whenever they had a problem.


This time Lance had listened on and on about how much Justin loved JC, but knew he didn't have a shot. He didn't offer much advice to his younger friend other than telling him that he should tell JC. Justin hadn't even responded to Lance when he had told him that. Just threw his hands in the air, and left the room.


He couldn't tell JC. JC would freak out. He couldn't take a chance of losing him. JC was his best friend. The person he always went to when he needed him. If he told JC about these new feelings for him, that would change, and he couldn't have that. He could be happy having JC as only a friend and nothing else. It was better to have him as a friend than nothing at all.


Justin sat against the wall next to his duffel bag. Today was the first day of rehearsals for their new tour, and he had been the first to arrive that morning. He didn't know how he would deal with seeing JC every day all day. It had been easier to hide his feelings the last few weeks because he didn't have to be around JC all the time. He had gone up to Toronto to film a scene for Lance's movie. JC had been flying up there other times to record Joey and Lance's vocals for the new album. It had been easy to avoid JC. Now it wouldn't so easy.


He watched as Lance and JC walked in laughing. He straightened himself, and ran his hand over his buzzed head. He caught Lance's gaze, and Lance just shook his head before walking over and putting his duffel bag on the floor next to him. "How you doing, JuJu?"


Justin sighed. "Don't call me that, Poofu. I'm doing fine."


"Really now? Have you figured out anything yet about…? Lance motioned with his head towards JC.


Justin shook his head. "I don't know what to do about that."


Just then JC walked up to the two friends and threw his bag to the ground. "Do about what,  J?"


Justin shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, C."


Lance walked away allowing the two friends a moment to talk. "J, are you okay? You know I've noticed something off about you for a few weeks now."


"I'm fine, JC," Justin said as he stood up.


"No, you're not. I know you, J. You know you can talk to me about anything."


Justin shook his head. "Not this, JC. Don't ask me to tell you this." Justin tried to push past his friend, but JC reached out and grabbed his arm. "JC, let go."


"Not until you tell what the fuck is wrong with you."


Justin sighed. "Not now. Not here."


JC nodded. "Fine. You and me after rehearsal. We're going to talk, and you are going to tell me what is wrong?"


"Fine." Justin yanked his arm from JC's grasp, and walked away. He hoped this rehearsal was long.


Rehearsal wasn't as long as Justin had hoped. One of the choreographers had a problem getting in, and they decided to cut the day short. Around 3pm, they were all leaving the studio on their way to their homes. Justin tried to get to his car, and gone before JC could catch him, but it didn't work. JC ran up to catch up to him. "Why don't we go to your house and have an early dinner. I'll bring some beer over, and we can talk."


Justin twirled his key ring on his finger looking at the ground. "JC, I'm fine. You don't have to be worried."


"Humor me, then. I just want to hang out with my best friend."


Justin sighed. "Fine. I'll meet you at my house in about an hour. I'll order in some Chinese."


"Okay. I'll run home and change, and pick up the beer. See you in about an hour."


Chapter 3


In the time Justin waited for JC to arrive, he tried to figure out he would confess his feelings to him. If it was his decision, when JC knocked on the door, he would pretend to be gone, but he knew his friend. He would just use his key if he did that, so he was stuck. Tell your best friend that you are in love with him and risk losing him, or not tell him anything at all, and keep living a lie.


Justin heard the doorbell ring, and he sighed. He knew it was now or never. Once JC came in, he would have to tell him how he felt. He just hoped that it didn't cost him his best friend.


Walking over to the door, he ran his hand over his buzzed his head. He opened the door, and stepped to the side so that JC could enter. JC walked in with a smile on his face, but it soon faded when he saw his friends nervous expression. "That is it, Justin. We are going to sit down, and you are going to tell me what's up?"


Justin's shoulders visibly slumped as he turned and walked inside the living room. He sat down on the couch, and laid his head back.


"Hey, man. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. So just spill it," JC said as he sat on the couch facing Justin.


Justin sighed and looked toward his friend. He might as well just get it over with. "I'm gay."


"Yes, I know, and …"


Justin shook his head. "I'm in love with someone, and he doesn't know it."


JC sighed. "Someone I know?" Justin nodded his head. "You going to tell me?"


Justin sighed. "JC, it's you."


JC's mouth dropped open in shock. He sat silent as he watched Justin look at him waiting for his response.  After a few minutes passed, JC stood up from the couch. "What the fuck, Justin? You're in love with me? Hello! I'm straight, remember?"


Justin got up and walked over to his friend. "I know, Jayce. That is why I didn't want to tell you about how I felt. I kept it hidden. If you hadn't been so adamant today about me telling you, I would have kept my mouth shut."


"Well you should have kept it shut anyway. I don't feel the same way. I could never feel the same way." JC turned on his heel, and left Justin standing there in the middle of his living room.


The front door slammed shut, and Justin slumped back down on the couch. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. When the phone was answered, he spoke, "Thanks for the great advice. It worked out just great." Justin shut his phone off, and threw it on the couch next to him.  "Just great."


He knew he was making a mistake by telling JC. He only wished he could back to that morning, and start the day over, but you don't get do-overs.


Chapter 4


The next morning Justin was the last to arrive at rehearsal. He wanted to avoid seeing JC as long as possible. If he could have avoided rehearsal altogether that day, he would have, but he knew that wasn't possible.


When he walked into the arena where they were rehearsing, the first person he saw was JC. His back was turned to him, and he was talking to Lance about something. Lance looked over at him, and JC turned too. Lance made a quick exit, and Justin stood and watched JC stand there for a moment before sighing and walking towards him.


Justin threw his duffel bag down on the floor, and ran his hand over his buzzed head. "Listen, Jayce. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have told you."


JC stuffed his hands in the pockets off his track pants. "J, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run out on you like that. You just threw me for a loop. I shouldn't have reacted like that. You're my best friend, and I love you, but I'm not gay."


Justin nodded as he picked up his bag again. "I know, Jayce. Trust me I know." He walked away without another word.


The choreographer arrived, and they got ready to start working. They worked for three hours straight before the choreographer called for a break. Lance and Justin went off to one of the stage and were talking while Chris and Joey went off in search off food. Justin watched JC as he practiced the dance steps by himself before he started to goof off.


"See, J. What did I tell you? Jayce is fine with it. You were worrying about nothing all this time."


"Yeah, I guess so. I just didn't want to lose him as a friend. He means too much to me."


Lance nodded his head before walking off towards the food area with Chris and Joey. Justin stood watching JC as he jumped around. He began to walk towards his friend, when he saw him slip and fall. He could hear the dull crack as JC's head hit the hard floor of the stage. He stopped still before he heard Lance yell.


The next moments moved by like they were in slow motion. Justin knew he ran over to wear JC lay, and knelt next to him. He watched as JC lay motionless on the floor. When help arrived, they worked on him there but then they took him away. Lance had to pull him back.


He didn't even know how he got to the hospital, but the next thing he knew he was sitting in some room waiting for someone to come and tell him and the rest of the group something. When the doctor came out, Justin was the first to jump up. "How is he?'


The doctor smiled before turning to look at each of them. "You're friend is fine for the most part."


"For the most part? What the hell does that mean?" Chris asked.


"There is a slight problem. It seems that he has some memory loss. We don't know how far back it goes, but it will most likely be temporary. Other than a major bump on the head, he is fine physically."


Justin breathed a sigh of relief. "When can we see him?'


"I can only let one of you in now. He keeps asking for a Justin. Is that one of you?"


Justin nodded as he waved his hand. "That is me."


'You can go back and see him. He seemed pretty anxious to see you."


"You go ahead, J. We'll be out here if you need us."


Justin nodded as the doctor led him away.


Chapter 5


Justin stood outside the door to the room JC was in for a few silent moments. He couldn't believe JC had asked him. He had memory loss, but he seemed to remember him. A nurse walked by and looked at him, and he sighed finally pushing open the door to the room.


Justin looked over at the bed, and saw JC had his eyes closed. Not wanting to wake him, Justin entered the room slowly. He sat down next to the bed, and waited. A few minutes later, JC opened his eyes and turned his head.


"J, baby, how long you been here?"


Justin paused for a second at what JC had called him, but then he stood up, and walked over. Sitting next to JC, he ran his hand gently over JC's head. "Not long. I just didn't want to wake you."


JC reached over and took Justin's hand in his own and smiled. "J, I was waiting for you. I told the doctor's to go find you. I knew you were probably outside going nuts."


Justin nodded. "Yeah, I was. You scared me."


'I'm sorry, baby. I'll be more careful doing…" A confused look crossed JC's face. "What was I doing again?"


Justin laughed softly. "You were goofing on stage, and slipped and you hit your head. Pretty damn hard too." Justin sighed, and gripped JC's hand harder.


"Aww, J, I'm okay now. I'll remember the stuff I forgot."


"It's just that I saw you fall and get hurt, and I couldn't do anything."


JC reached up and wiped the stray tear that had fallen from Justin's eye. "Don't cry. What matters is that I love you, and I'm okay now."


Justin stopped for a second, and looked at JC confused. "Did you just say that you love me?"


JC laughed and pulled Justin down so that there foreheads were touching. "Yes, I did. Are you sure you aren't the one that hit your head?"


"Not funny," Justin said with a small pout.


"I know, but baby I've always loved you. I didn't forget that."


Justin nodded his head. "I've always loved you too, Jayce."


JC lifted his head slightly so that his lips touched Justin's briefly. Justin let out a small gasp and looked into JC's eyes just inches from his own. He lowered his head so their lips touched again.  JC wrapped his arms around Justin's neck as he pulled him closer.  Justin opened his mouth slightly, and JC let his tongue enter. Justin moaned, as moved to lay on top of JC.  JC let his free hand move down to Justin's hip, and moved their lower bodies closer together.  Justin broke the kiss and lifted his head with a gasp as their erections rubbed against each other through the layers of clothing between them.


JC smiled up at Justin and licked his lips. "Another thing I didn't forget I guess."


"I guess so." Justin moved to get up, but JC held onto him tight. "What if someone comes in, Jayce?"


"Then they'll see me with my boyfriend playing doctor. So what?"


Justin laughed. "So who's the doctor today?"


JC looked down at himself. "I would say that would be you, baby. I'm sort of the one in the bed in the gown."


Justin let out a loud laugh before moving his hand to pull down the blanket. "Such a lovely gown too." He pull down the blanket to just past JC's knees before reaching up and lifting the gown. He kissed JC quickly, then moved the gown further.


Just then the door opened. "Oh shit," Lance said before slamming the door shut.


"Damn, I'll be right back, baby," Justin said before kissing JC and climbing off the bed. He ran out into the hall to find Lance leaning against the wall. "Lance, sorry man."


"What the fuck was that?"


JC says he loves me. He thinks we are together."


"Well, you need to tell him your not."


"Lance," Justin said with a whine.


"Fine, don't tell him. You'll pay for it later, J."


Chapter 6


JC stayed in the hospital the next couple of days. Justin stayed by his side almost the entire time. Only leaving to go home and eat and change. At night they slept together in the small hospital bed.  Justin knew he was doing wrong but not telling JC about them not really being together.


JC remembered them as being together. He didn't remember the group or the guys, but he remembered that he loved Justin, and he assumed that by this point they were together happily as a couple. When his memory returned Justin knew JC was in for a rude awakening, and that the backlash from it could destroy their friendship, but he wanted JC. He loved JC, and now that he had him he didn't want to let him go.


The day JC left the hospital he wanted to go home with Justin. Once again Justin couldn't deny him. JC thought they practically lived together anyway. So when he was released Justin drove away from the hospital with JC next to him, and their three friends watching them leave.


When they arrived at Justin's house, Justin walked in and threw his keys on the table. He began to take off his jacket, but he felt JC walk up behind him and wrap his arms around his waist from behind. Justin sighed and moved so that his back was against JC's chest. He felt JC's lips kiss the back of his neck, and he moved his head to side so JC could have better access.


JC lifted his head and let his chin rest on Justin's shoulder. "I've been wanting to do this since the first day at the hospital."


"Do what?" Justin whispered.


"This," JC said as he turned Justin around When the younger man faced him, he crashed his lips down to Justin's and pulled him close. They touched from head to toe. Justin let his fingers bury in the curls at the base of JC's neck.


JC moaned as he let his fingers touch the skin just beneath the shirt Justin wore. He began to push Justin back towards the staircase, but Justin broke the kiss gasping for air. "JC, what are you doing?"


"I'm taking this upstairs, baby."


Justin's eyes grew wide. He should have seen this one coming, but he hadn't. "Jayce, I've never.. I mean.. we've never.." He stopped as a blush crept up his cheeks.


JC's expression was confused for a moment before a smile appeared. "We hadn't slept together yet?"


Justin shook his head. "We just hadn't."


JC nodded his head as he stepped back. "I just assumed that we had. I'm sorry baby. We don't have to do anything you know."


Justin ran his hand over his head and looked down at the ground. "I know that. I've wanted you for so long. I just don't know."


JC reached and took Justin's hand. "Don't know what?" Justin sighed as he looked down at the ground again. A blush crept up his cheeks and he began to pull his hand away. "Baby, just tell me."


Justin looked up at JC through his long eyelashes before sighing again. "It's just I've never done anything much with a guy before. Just you. I was with Britney, and then this happened."


"How long have we been together?"


"Not very long. Just before you hit your head." Justin looked down at the floor at his feet again. He knew he was lying to JC, but it was too late to turn back now.


JC sighed and walked back down the few stairs he had walked up. "There is no rush you know. I wish I remembered how we got together. I had waited it for it to happen for so long. I hate forgetting it."


"I know. You'll remember though. Eventually you will remember and you might not even want to be with me anymore."


"Why do you say that, baby?"


Justin shrugged his shoulders. "No reason."


JC sighed but let the subject drop. "Why don't we go upstairs? Take a nap."


Justin smiled. "A nap? Is that all?"


JC was the one to blush this time. "Well, maybe more. We'll see how things go when we get up there, but there is no pressure. We could just go up there and sleep, and I'd be fine."


Chapter 7


Justin watched as JC ran up the steps taking them two at a time. He waited until JC was out of sight before following him more slowly. He had lusted after JC for weeks and now that he had a chance he was nervous. He knew that JC loved him. That much was obvious. What he didn't get was why JC had lied to him before the accident?


He made it to the top of the stairs, and went towards his bedroom. He stopped in the open doorway to find JC sitting in the bed waiting for him. He had already pulled off his shirt and it lay on the floor on the side of the bed. Justin looked down further and noticed the button to JC's jeans was also undone.


Justin leaned against the doorjamb and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Hmm, Jayce, I…"


JC smiled softly, and held out his hand. "Just come here, baby."


Justin sighed and walked into the room and over to the bed. JC put the hand he had held out on his waist, and pulled him into the v made by his legs. "I don't know why I am so nervous. I know you. I trust you. It is just…"




"Yeah, different." Justin looked down at JC and smiled. "I love you."


JC smiled and let his fingers make their way under Justin's shirt. "I love you too."


Justin closed his eyes as JC began to lift his shirt from him. When his stomach was bared to JC's eyes, he moved forward and kissed a spot just above Justin's navel before pulling the shirt off completely. Justin opened his slightly,and looked down at the man sitting in front of him. His nerves were slowly fading away as he licked his lips.


JC let out a soft groan as his hands moved to unbutton Justin's pants. Justin watched as the button was popped open and the zipper lowered a little bit of the nerves returning. JC stopped and let his hands fall to Justin's waist. "You okay?"


Justin nodded. "I'm just being silly is all."


JC sighed, "Not silly. Just you." He reached up and pulled Justin down into his lap wrapping his arms around his waist. "I never saw this side of you before. You're always so in control. So confident."


"That is the me everyone sees. Not the real me. You've seen this side before Jayce. It's just been awhile."

JC nodded. "Can I expect to see more of it?"


Justin sighed. "Yeah. You can. I just worry you know."


"About what?"


Justin nuzzled JC's neck before whispering, "That when you remember everything you won't want me anymore. "


JC used his finger to lift Justin's chin. "That will not happen, baby."


Justin lowered his head. "You don't know that for sure, Jayce."


Instead of answering, JC kissed Justin softly. He pulled Justin so he was straddling him and let his hands fall into the back of his jeans. Justin moaned softly as he tangled his fingers in the curls on JC's neck.  JC licked at Justin's lips until they parted. He let his tongue enter and explore as felt Justin move closer letting a soft moan escape his lips.


JC moved his head back enough for their lips break connect but for their foreheads to still touch. "You okay with this?" Justin nodded. "We're not going to do anything you're not ready for here."


"This is nice though."


JC nodded his head as he moved one hand from the back of Justin's pants to the front. His hand made it into the unzipped jeans. 'Still okay, baby?" At Justin's nod, JC wrapped his hand around his cock and began to stroke gently. Justin moaned and let his eyes flutter shut nuzzling JC's neck. As JC's  hand worked up and down Justin's erection, Justin's breaths came out in soft pants. JC turned his head and began to suck on Justin's neck as his hand began stroke faster. By the sounds coming from Justin's lips, he knew the younger man was close. Justin began thrusting his hips slightly as his moans increased. JC lifted his head and moved to kiss the younger man. The second their lips touched Justin stiffened his arms and let out a small whimper as he came.


JC lifted his head and smiled at Justin's half closed eyes. He laid back on the bed and pulled Justin down next to him. Justin lay his head on JC's chest and closed his eyes. He wanted forever to be like this but he knew that once JC found out the truth he would lose him.


Chapter 8


A week passed. JC and Justin stayed together at Justin's house. Whenever the guys came over, they would talk to Justin about the lies he was telling JC, but he wouldn't listen. He finally had what he wanted all along. He didn't want to lose it, but he knew if JC found out on his own that he would probably lose him anyway.


They kept JC from rehearsal that whole week. They kept telling him that he needed to fully recuperate before going back to practice. His memory had not returned. All he remembered was that they were in some group together, but he had no idea how big of a group they were.


By the start of the second week, JC was ready to go back to rehearsal. He ignored Justin's requests to stay home, but he wasn't having it. He was ready to get back to work. Maybe rehearsing would jar something in his memory. After Justin left for the arena, JC picked up his own keys, and left the house. He made it to the venue shortly after Justin. Seeing the young man walk into the arena.


He threw his keys up in the air catching them mid air as he walked into the arena. He walked up to the stage and stopped. He noticed Justin and Lance talking off to one corner. Chris and Joey were no where in sight.


He stopped at the back of the arena looking up at the stage. Raising his hand to his head, he ran his hand through his hair. He shook his head as a flash of memory returned to him.




JC stuffed his hands in the pockets off his track pants. "J, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run out on you like that. You just threw me for a loop. I shouldn't have reacted like that. You're my best friend, and I love you, but I'm not gay."


Justin nodded as he picked up his bag again. "I know, Jayce. Trust me I know."




Why would he tell Justin he wasn't gay. He had been gay as long as he could remember. He had wanted Justin as long as he had known him. Just had been too afraid to tell him how he felt. Sure Justin was gay too, but they had known each other forever. Been friends since the day they met. Justin might not appreciate the feelings. He wish he knew what his mind was hiding from him.


JC clapped his hands as he made his way up to the stage. Justin stopped and looked down at him with a smile on his face. "Hey, Jayce."


"Hi, J. I couldn't stay away anymore. I'm ready to get back to work."


Justin laughed. "I figured as much this morning. I was waiting on you to show up any moment."


JC climbed onto the stage, and walked over to Justin. He looked around quickly to make sure no one was around before placing a quick kiss on Justin's lips. "I missed you I guess. Plus day time television is so boring."


Justin laughed again as he waved Chris and Joey over. The five friends stood on the stage talking and laughing for a bit before the choreographer showed up. JC moved to his spot. He colud tell his memory was starting to return. He could remember the choreography for the most part, and what he didn't remember he caught on quickly.


When they took a break, JC went off to the side of the stage to drink his water. He knew he had to talk to Justin. Something wasn't right with what his mind was telling him. He sighed as he watched the young man talk to Chris across the stage. He would have to talk to him that night.


Chapter 9


After rehearsal was over, Justin and JC returned back to Justin's house. The first thing JC wanted to do was jump in a shower. He stopped in the living room and called out to Justin. "Baby, after my shower, we need to talk, okay?" Justin turned to look at JC nervously. And JC felt a sense a deja vu come over him. He looked at Justin bite his lip for a moment before shaking his head. He ran his hand through his hair and suck to the couch. He looked up at Justin for a moment and closed his eyes as he remembered.




Justin shook his head. "I'm in love with someone, and he doesn't know it."


JC sighed. "Someone I know?" Justin nodded his head. "You going to tell me?"


Justin sighed. "JC, it's you."


JC's mouth dropped open in shock. He sat silent as he watched Justin look at him waiting for his response.  After a few minutes passed, JC stood up from the couch. "What the fuck, Justin? You're in love with me? Hello! I'm straight, remember?"


Justin got up and walked over to his friend. "I know, Jayce. That is why I didn't want to tell you about how I felt. I kept it hidden. If you hadn't been so adamant today about me telling you, I would have kept my mouth shut."


"Well you should have kept it shut anyway. I don't feel the same way. I could never feel the same way." JC turned on his heel, and left Justin standing there in the middle of his living room.




JC opened his eyes. Justin had moved to sit down next to him. He was bitting his fingernail as he watched JC. "Justin, you've been lying to me."


Justin's face fell as he let out a soft sigh. "You remembered?"


JC nodded. "I remembered you telling me that night, and me yelling at you and running out. I remember the next day when I told you I was straight."


"Yeah, that pretty much covers it."


JC sighed. "Why, Justin? Why did you lie to me? Why couldn't you have just told me the truth? Why did you let me believe we were together, and in love?"


Justin threw his hands up in the air. "I couldn't because I loved you. I wanted you, and you wanted me, and I thought I would never have a chance like that ever again, so I took it."


"But you lied, Justin. You let me believe we were a couple or had just started something. How could you do that?"


Justin stood up and walked away before turning back to face JC still on the couch. "Damn it, Jayce. Didn't you just hear what I said? I love you. I am in love with you. I have always been in love with you. I saw a chance and I took it. I know I made a mistake, but I'm not going to apologize for it."


JC sat silent for a few moments. He ran his hand through his hair, and got up from his seat. "I don't know what to say right now Justin. I love you, too, but right now I don't trust you very much." Turning on his heel, he left the room.


Justin stood in the living room fixed to the spot he was standing in. He knew this would happen. He knew he would fuck this up. It was good while it lasted, but all good things come to an end. He just hoped he hadn't lost his friend all together.


Chapter 10


JC didn't know where to go after leaving Justin's house. He knew he didn't want to go home to an empty house. He drove around aimlessly before he realized he was near Lance's house. He drove the few blocks to the large house and let himself in through the gate. He could see Lance's car so he knew he was home. He walked up to the front door, and knocked. When it opened, he pushed inside without even waiting for Lance to say hello.


Turning towards his stunned friend, he said, "Did you know Justin was in love with me before I lost my memory?"


Lance sighed and nodded. "He told me a few weeks before that happened."


"Did you know he was lying to me all this week?"


"Yeah, I knew."


JC threw his hands up in the air. "Then why in the hell didn't you tell me? You knew how I felt about him. You knew all this time that I was gay. You knew it all, and yet you didn't say a damn thing."


"So you remember everything?"


JC sighed. "Don't change the subject, Lance. You knew. Why didn't you tell me before the accident that he loved me. You could have saved us all this trouble."


Lance sighed. "I'm sorry, Jayce. I fucked up, but he loves you. I know that. I know you love him.  Don't let this ruin that."


JC sighed as he shook his head. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."


"What are you going to do, Jayce?"


JC shrugged his shoulders before leaving the house. He drove back over to Justin's and sat outside in the car. He wanted to talk to him. He knew what Justin did was wrong, but he also knew that he loved Justin, and if it had been him in Justin's shoes, he probably would have done the same thing. He didn't even really understand why he lied to him in the first place. Maybe he had been scared of his feelings and letting them out. He feared maybe this would end up hurting the group if things didn't work out. With a final loud sigh, he pulled up in front of the house and got out of the car. He would talk to Justin, and they would figure this out tonight.


JC used his key to let himself into the house. The lower level was dark. He walked over to the stairs, and up to the second level. He stopped in front of Justin's bedroom which was slightly open. He pushed it open further, and stared at the the half naked figure asleep on the bed. Justin was holding onto his pillow as he lay on his stomach. JC sighed as he walked into the room. He walked over to the bed, and sat next to Justin, running his hand down his back.


Justin opened his eyes slowly blinking them a few times as he looked at JC/ "Jayce, is that you?"


"Yes, baby, it's me."


Justin sat up in bed with a yawn. "What are you doing here?"


JC sighed. "We need to talk."


Justin nodded his head. "I know. I know you want to tell me you don't love me anymore."


JC looked down at the bed silent. How could he tell Justin that he lied?


Chapter 11


Justin reached out and grabbed JC's hand. When JC didn't pull it away he smiled slightly. "Earlier before you left, you said you loved me. Is that now or before you got your memory back?"


JC looked up at Justin with a soft smile of his own. 'Always, baby. Today, yesterday, for years I have loved you."


"Then why did you lie to me the night before the accident?"


"Don't know. Scared, I guess. I shouldn't have done that."


"I shouldn't have lied to you either."


JC laughed. "I guess we both did wrong here. I'm willing to forgive and forget if you are."


Justin smiled before leaning over and kissing JC quickly. "I can do that."


JC smiled in return as he reached out and pulled Justin closer to him. He kissed him gently at first but when he felt Justin wrap his arms around his neck and pull him down onto the bed. JC broke the kiss as he moved to straddle Justin's hips. He sat up quickly and pulled his shirt over his head before returning to his position lying on top of Justin.


He kissed Justin softly before letting his lips travel across his cheek. He took Justin's earlobe between his teeth biting down gently. At Justin's gasp, he let his tongue lick out along the shell of his ear before moving back to kiss him again. Justin quickly parted his lips allowing JC's tongue entry into his mouth. They kissed hungrily for what seemed like hours but they both knew it was only minutes.


Justin let his hands trail down JC's back before settling on his ass. He pulled JC further down onto him moaning as their erections rubbed together through the layers of cloth between them. JC pushed up onto his arms looking down at Justin with a smile. "Take them off, Justin."


Justin licked his lips nervously as he moved his hands from the back of JC's pants to the front. He unsnapped the button before reaching for the zipper. He paused for a moment lifting his head to kiss JC before lowering the zipper. His hands moved to JC's hips as he  began to push JC's pants down.


JC ran his hand down Justin's cheek to his neck. "Baby, you okay with this, right?"


Justin nodded as he pushed JC's pants off his hips. 'Yes, I love you, and I want you."


JC smiled as he kicked off his pants. "I love you, too, baby." He lifted the blankets that covered Justin's body and climbed underneath them.  He pressed his body against Justin's smiling when he noticed Justin had been nude underneath the blanket. "Well, this is new, babe."


Justin shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. I used to sleep like this all the time before you. Since you weren't here, I decided to do it again."


JC licked his lips picturing in his mind the many many nights his friend lay naked in beds in hotel rooms and other places. He lowered his mouth to Justin's taking his lower lip between his teeth. He wrapped his arms around Justin's waist pulling him even closer to him as he slanted his mouth over Justin's kissing him hungrily.  He covered the younger man's body with his own pressing him into the mattress and he ground his erection against him.


JC lifted his head watching Justin as he closed his eyes and threw his head back against the pillow. His boy was so hot. He lowered his mouth to Justin's neck sucking briefly before placing open mouth kisses down the center of his chest. He pushed the blankets off them as he moved lower. He looked up to find Justin watching him. With a quick wink, he returned to the task at hand dipping his tongue into Justin's navel causing him to laugh.


He raised his head to watch Justin for a brief moment before lowering his head to take in the tip of Justin's cock into his mouth. He heard Justin's pleas for more, and he moved his mouth lower until he had swallowed Justin's cock. He sucked hard as he felt Justin's hips begin to thrust but he moved his hands in order to hold the younger man down.  He could tell Justin was close, but he didn't want him to cum yet. He lifted his head licking his lips as he reached over to the top drawer of the night stand. He took out a tube, and moved back to his spot.


Lowering his mouth once again to Justin's erection, he placed now slick fingers at the entrance to his body. Allowing a moment for Justin to get used to the new sensation before pushing one finger in slowly. He paused as he raised his head. He watched Justin as he began to move his finger in and out. After a few moments, he added a second finger listening to Justin's low moan. He curved his fingers upward hearing Justin gasp as he bucked his hips upward.


"Damn it, Jayce. Now," Justin whispered through gritted teeth.


JC moved up Justin's body kissing him as he settled between Justin's legs. He paused against Justin's entrance looking into Justin's eyes as he pushed inside. He saw the pain cross Justin's face, and he caressed his cheek softly. When he was all the way inside, he stopped and waited until Justin nodded for him to continue. He pulled out, and thrusted in again.  He kept his movements slow until Justin began to meet them pulling him down to kiss him hungrily.


He knew he wouldn't last long. Justin felt so good. As he thrusts became faster, Justin broke the kiss panting for air. JC reached between them and grabbed Justin's cock stroking it in time with his thrusts until he felt Justin still beneath him before shuddering as he came against their stomaches.


JC fell to Justin's side pulling Justin against him as his breathing slowed. "I love you so much, baby. I'm glad we finally admitted it to each other. Now you're mine forever."


Justin kissed JC's chest softly before laying his head on it. "I love you, too. We'll be together forever. All it took was a little loss of memory to bring us together."


The End


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