
By:  Foxy Lady


JC had always been able to talk to Justin about anything. They had always had the kind of connection that was like that. He would always be the one that Justin would come to when he had problems with girls. He had been the one the one that Justin had come out to first.


When they had gotten together that hadn't changed. The two of them would discuss anything as they lay together under the cool sheets tangled in each other's arms. When one night JC asked him a question, he saw Justin lower his head blushing for the first time. Justin didn't get easily embarrassed during their talks. JC had asked him a simple question. Not one to garner that type of reaction.


JC laughed softly, as he lifted up Justin's chin so that they he was facing him once again. "Baby, why are you blushing. I just asked you what your fantasy was? You know the one thing you wish you could do in bed that maybe we haven't. It is nothing to be embarrassed about really." Justin began to lower his head again, but JC held his chin firm keeping his eyes locked on the younger man's. "Justin, baby, you know you can tell me anything?"


Justin nodded. "Yeah," he whispered.


"Then just tell me."


Justin remained silent, and JC became worried. Justin had never not wanted to tell him something before. Even if he was resistant, JC could usually coax it out of him easily.


"Justin, come on. Just fucking tell me already. It can't be that bad, baby." JC let his fingers trail down Justin's neck and down his chest as he waited for Justin to answer him. He felt Justin shudder as his fingers grazed a nipple. "Just tell me what it is? Whatever you want, and I'll make it happen you know that," he whispered as his hand drifted lower.


Justin shook his head. "Not this, Josh. You wouldn't go for this." Justin moved away from JC's touch sitting up in their bed. "There is no way in hell you would allow this to happen."


JC sat up next to him and lay his arms across his knees letting the sheets pool at his waist. "Try me. You never know what I might go for until you ask me."


Justin took a deep breath. "Fine. I'll tell you." Justin grew silent again, and JC was just about to prod him again when he finally spoke, "I want Lance. I want you and Lance both."


At first, JC's mouth dropped open in shock. Justin had never been one for kinky sex, and this was definitely kinky. He knew it should bother him that his lover wanted another man. Especially since that man was one of their closest friends, but it didn't. He knew that Justin and Lance had a close connection. They were both the younger ones of the group. When he would go off to play with Chris and Joey, Lance would stay behind with Justin. Justin had even told them they had kissed a few times, but nothing they had ever done had gone very far.


So to hear that Justin wanted Lance was really not a shock to him. To hear that he wanted them both... well that wasn't really a shock either. Of course Justin would want him there.


"Josh, forget I said anything." Justin laid back down and pulled the sheet up over him.


JC reached out and put his hand on Justin's back. "Baby, no. I was just thinking about it is all. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"


Justin shrugged his shoulders. "I just didn't think you would appreciate that I wanted someone else." Justin turned onto his back. "Josh, you know I love you. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. It is just Lance..." Justin began to blush again, and JC smiled.


"What about him, baby?" JC laid down next to Justin leaning his head on his hand.


Justin sighed. "You know what I told you about us before you and I got together. We didn't really do much. Kiss. Touch a little now and then. We were both young. I always wondered what would happened if we had done more. Lance has that voice, and his hands." Justin stopped talking. He looked up at JC, and bit his lip. "You're not mad, are you?"


JC shook his head. "No. I just wish you would have told me something sooner. Maybe we could have worked on this fantasy of yours."


"Lance would never go for it, you know."


JC smiled as he lowered his head, and kissed Justin softly. "You never know, baby."


Justin sighed. When he looked up at JC over him, he eyed him carefully biting his lip.


"What, Justin?"


Justin moved onto his side leaning on his hand facing JC ."I told you my fantasy, but you haven't told me yours."


JC lowered his gaze to Justin's hand laying on the bed. He reached down and lifted Justin's wrist to his mouth pressing a tiny kiss to it. He heard Justin's gasp, and smiled against his wrist before moving back. He kept a hold of Justin's wrist running his fingers over it lightly. "I've always wanted to have you at my mercy. No control over what happens next." JC pressed his lips against Justin's wrist again. "Tie these beautiful hands to the bed, and have my way with you." JC looked down at Justin with a slight smile on his face. He could see the lust in his eyes. He lowered his head next to Justin's ear and whispered, "Would you let me do that, baby?" He took Justin's earlobe between his teeth. Hearing Justin's moan, he knew he could do whatever he wanted.


Over the next week, JC and Justin never discussed that night or their fantasies. It was almost as if the discussion had never happened. JC kept the discussion in mind though. Both their fantasies would come true, and if his plan worked out then they would happen at the same time. He knew Lance would be more than willing to join in the fun. He and JC had discussed Justin in the past, and Lance had told him one drunken night how much he had wanted to fuck his man. JC had laughed it off then slapping him on the back. Chalking it up to two friends being drunk, and nothing more. He had Justin now, and after that night, he would still have him.


JC had made all the plans. All he needed to do was to get Lance involved. He knew that he couldn't give Lance much time to think about what he was asking him. If Lance started to think, his logical mind would see this whole idea as wrong. Yes, he wanted Justin, but Justin was JC's and not his.


When the bus pulled into the back of the hotel, JC stepped out into the late afternoon sunlight. Tonight was the night. They had it off, and no plans had been made.It was the perfect night. A few minutes later, he watched as Justin walked into their suite flopping onto the bed with his eyes closed.


"Tired, baby?" JC placed his duffle next to Justin's and made his way over to the bed. He stood over Justin watching him stretch lazily. He licked his lips at the sight. When Justin opened his eyes smiling sleepily, JC smiled in return. "You get some rest. I have to go to Lance about something." JC made his way towards their suite door turning to watch Justin strip off his shirt and throw it to the floor before laying back down on his back.


JC walked down the hall and knocked on the door to Lance's suite. Lance opened the door with his cell phone pressed to his ear. He motioned for JC to enter before returning his attention to the call. JC walked over to the couch sitting down. He figured the direct approach would be the best way to deal with this situation, so when Lance finallly finished his call and sat down next to him, he asked, "Do you still want Justin?" Lance's eyes widened in shock. He moved to stand up, but JC reached out and stopped. "You can tell me. I'm not going to be mad at you or anything."


Lance sighed. "Yeah, I always wanted him, but you got him."


"What if I was to tell you that he wanted you even now? That he fantasized about you and him."


Lance shook his head. "He wouldn't. He has you."


"But he had you first. He told me about you two Lance. I know things never went far, but he wanted it to then, and he wants it now. Even if it is just once, he wants you." JC watched as Lance looked down at his hands. He knew he was beginning to think. He couldn't have that. He reached out with one hand and lifted Lance's face with his finger. "You can have him, Lance. One night only. Just for tonight." He let his hand caress Lance's cheek. "We will make him crazy, Lance. Do you want to do that?"


Lance nodded slowly not able to speak.


JC smiled. "Good. He's asleep in our suite now. Shirt off. Imagine that six pack stomach.His arms stretched out above his head. Ours for the taking." JC watched as Lance's eyes glazed over with desire. He licked his lips slowly, and JC nearly groaned at the action. "One more thing, Lance. I'm tying him to the bed tonight." At Lance's shocked look, he laughed. "I just thought you should know."


"Yeah. Okay." Lance stood up, and made his way to the suite door. JC followed behind him, but put his hand on the door, as Lance began to open it. "Remember this is a one night deal. Justin is mine." Lance nodded, and JC removed his hand.



They made their way down to the suite where Justin lay sleeping. JC placed his finger to his lips as he opened the door. He motioned to a chair in the corner just out of sight of the bed. Lance sat down, and JC made his way towards the bed. Justin was stretched out on his back sleeping peacefully. He smiled down briefly before turning away and walking over to his duffle. He reached inside, and pulled out something. He placed the item in his pocket before making his way back to the bed.


JC crawled onto the bed, and lay next to Justin curving his body to the younger man's. He reached up, and let his hand caress Justin's cheek softly. He lowered his head to whisper, "Baby, wake up." JC lifted his head to find Justin open his eyes sleepily. "Did you enjoy your nap?"


"Yes, Josh," Justin mumbled still groggy from his nap. He moved closer pressing his entire body against JC's before lowering his head to JC's shoulder.


JC moved back slightly and lowered his head. He watched as Justin closed his eyes before he pressed his mouth to

Justin's. He kissed him softly tracing his lips with tongue until Justin opened his mouth. JC moved over onto Justin running his hands down his sides. He heard the low moan Lance made from his spot across the room. He raised his head smiling down at the look on Justin's face. He raised his hand, and brushed Justin'z cheek softly. "Baby," he whispered.


Justin opened his eyes. He let his hands rest on JC's shoulders as he looked up at him.


"Do you remember that little talk we had last week? The one that had you blushing."


Justin bit his lip nodding.


JC smiled briefly. He looked over to the corner catching Lance's briefly before returning his gaze to Justin's. "What if I said that we could do something about that talk tonight?"


Justin began to blush trying to lower his his head, but JC's finger on his chin stopped him. "What part of our talk?"


JC lowered his head letting his tongue lick out at Justin's earlobe before blowing on it softly. "All of it." JC raised his head. He could see Justin's eyes fill with fear, and he sighed. "Baby, you trust me, right?" JC ran his hand over Justin's curls letting it rest on the pillow above his head. He waited for Justin to nod before motioning with his hand for Lance to come closer. "Then everything will be okay."


Justin turned his head when he saw Lance come into view. He licked his lips slowly as he reached out his hand to Lance. "Hi," he whispered.


Lance sat at Justin's feet still holding his hand in his. "Hi," he whispered in return.


Justin looked up at JC biting his lip once again before looking back towards Lance. JC knew Justin wouldn't make a move towards the other man in the room unless he said it was okay too. He moved away from the pair leaning against the headboard. He nodded toward Lance motioning towards Justin. "It's okay, baby. Let Lance make you feel good."


Justin continued to bite his lip as he watched Lance unbutton his shirt. He left it hanging open, as he moved onto the bed fully. He crawled up slowly until he was straddling Justin's hips. He lowered himself, so that lay on top of Justin. He pressed his lips to Justin's cheek before moving lower. He let his tongue lick out at Justin's earlobe before blowing on it gently. He heard Justin's soft moan, and whispered, "You remember how I used to make you feel, baby? All those nights where it was just you and me." Lance let his fingers draw circles on Justin's stomach before moving his hand higher to graze lightly over Justin's nipple.


Justin gasped as Lance's mouth covered his. He reached up with trembling hands to brush aside Lance's shirt. He let his hands move down his back until he was cupping Lance's hands in his hands bringing him closer as they continued to kiss.


JC watched as them as they kissed. He knew watching the two of them together would be hot, but he never never imagined it would be this hot. He watched as his lover and his best friend continued to kiss and grind together on the bed naked chests rubbing together.


Lance was the first to break the kiss lifting his head taking gasping breaths. He looked down at Justin for a moment before glancing up at JC. He sat up moving away from Justin, pressing his mouth next to JC's ear whispering, "There was something else you wanted to do tonight, wasn't there?"


JC nodded, as he looked down at Justin he could see him biting his lip again watching the two of them talk. "It's okay, baby. We're going to both make you feel good, okay?"


Justin nodded as he watched Lance move back towards him, and JC slide down the headboard so that he could lay down also. Lance pressed his lips to Justin's neck biting softly before licking out his tongue to soothe the injury. Lance continued to lick and nibble down Justin's chest, as JC covered Justin's mouth kissing him. When Lance reached the waistband of Justin's pants, he reached up and unbuttoned them pulling the zipper down slowly causing Justin to whimper into JC's mouth.


JC broke the kiss lifting his head to look down at Lance who was laying between Justin's legs watching. He reached down for Justin's arm lifting it. He pressed his lips to the skin of Justin's wrist before reaching for the other arm lifting it just as slowly repeating the action. He felt more than saw Lance reach into his pocket. A moment later Lance's hand was gone and he was moving to the side of the bed.


JC kept his eyes locked on Justin's as he pressed his wrists against the headboard holding them still for Lance. Justin licked his lips as he felt the bed shift next to him. Lance moved back to the foot of the bed returning to his original position. JC kissed Justin softly before whispering, "Are you okay with this?"


"Yeah, I'm okay," Justin said nodding.


"This is fucking hot," Lance whispered from the foot of the bed as he reached up and began to slide Justin's pants and underwear off. They were barely settling on the floor before he began to crawl up the bed. When he reached Justin's thighs, he took no time at all before he covered Justin's cock with his mouth. Justin arched his back trying to push himself in deeper, but Lance held on tight to his hips holding him down.


Lance was right. This is fucking hot. JC watched as Lance's mouth worked over Justin. Heard Justin's whimpers and moans. JC sat transixed watching the scene before him until Justin groaned his name, and he turned towards him. JC could see the demand in Justin's eyes in a moment, and he lowered his head kissing the boy hungrily causing Justin to moan louder as he came closer. He trailed his lips across Justin's jaw to the spot on Justin's neck that made him gasp. Under the dual assault, Justin didn't last long soon crying out as he came.


JC ran his fingers through Justin's curls as his breathing slowed. He pushed back a few stray curls preesing his lips to Justin's forehead. "Baby, you okay?"


"Yeah. Fine." Justin looked to his other side where Lance had just laid down beside him. He kissed Justin briefly before laying his head next to Justin's. Justin looked back and forth between the two men laying next to him before stopping to look at Lance. "Lance?"


Lance opened his eyes and raised his head slightly to look at Justin. "Yeah?"


Justin closed his eyes for second taking a deep breath before opening them again. "Lance, I want you to fuck me."


JC's hand in Justin's curls stilled and he looked down at the boy laying next to him. He had been Justin's first and as far as he knew only lover. This would change that. He caught Lance's gaze, and saw the question in Lance's eyes. He knew that Lance understood that tonight was his only night. But he wondered about Justin. Would he leave him for Lance?


JC moved away slightly, and Justin whispered something to Lance. Before JC knew what was happening Justin had wrapped himself around him. "Josh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."


JC shook his head. "No, it's okay. It's just that..."


Justin sighed. "I love you, Josh. In the morning when we wake up, I will still be with you. I love Lance, too, but it is different."


JC looked over at Lance sitting against the headboard before looking down at Justin. "Okay."


"Jayce, if...," Lance began, but JC motioned for him to stop.


"I'm okay with this." JC kissed Justin again before moving off the bed. to sit in the chair next to it. He watched as Lance moved up behind Justin pushing him to the bed as they kissed. The kisses start off soft and chaste but grew more passionate as they continued. Justin's hand went over Lance's back until they reached the waistband of his jeans. He let his fingers move to the front of them, and made quick work of the button and zipper. He pushed the jeans off Lance's hips, and Lance shrugged out of them.


JC watched the two men on his bed as they kissed and touched. Listened to their moans. When he saw Lance thrust into Justin, he had to fight the urge to jump up and pull him off Justin. Justin was his, but he would do anything for him even give him up for one night to someone else.JC watched as the scene played out before him until its end.


JC closed his eyes leaning against the back of the chair. The room was silent. JC opened his eyes startled when he felt hands on his legs. He opened his eyes to see Lance kneeling in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Lance pressed his fingers against his mouth. "I wanted to thank you, Jayce."


JC shook his head. He looked over towards the bed, and saw Justin laying on the bed with his eyes closed. He looked back down at Lance as he felt the zipper to his khaki's lower. He groaned as he felt Lance's hand move over his cock. When he felt Lance's tongue lick across the tip of his cock, he gasped fisting his hands in his hair. As Lance's mouth moved down him, he knew he wouldn't last long. All that he had seen that night, had him on edge, and within a few moments he came. Lance leaned up, kissing him quickly before standing up, and reaching down for his clothes.


He waited until he saw Lance leave the room after kissing Justin one last time. He moved over to the bed, and lay next to Justin curled up on his side breathing deeply. He was sound asleep. JC ran his fingers through Justin's curls kissing the back of his neck softly. Justin towards him in his sleep burying his face in his neck after mumbling two words, "Love you."


JC closed his eyes wrapping his arms around Justin before whispering softly, "Love you, too."


The End


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