I Get So Lonely

By: Foxy Lady


JC lay on his stomach on the warm grass. His notebook lay in front of him, and he looked down at it. Trying to find the words to something new to write down, but nothing came to him. He hit his pen against the edge of his notebook. They had a few days off from the tour, so he decided to come back to his home in LA. He had hoped to spend these few precious days with Lance, but Lance had flown off to Russia, and probably wouldn't be back until just before the Denver sound check.


It had only been a few days, but he missed Lance. He was so used to seeing him everyday. Traveling on the busses. Staying at the hotels. When they had time off, they would spend it together. The last time they were apart for an extended period of time was when Lance was doing promo for the movie.


He had wanted to spend their days off in bed. The last time they had been together had been the night they spent in San Francisco where he had danced for Chris. That had been an interesting night, but he knew that something about it had bothered Lance, even if it had been his idea to begin with. After that night Lance had pulled away from him. Just a little bit, but enough that it was noticeable. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but that night they had all been a little drunk, and the alcohol dictated what they did.


He felt something hit the back of his neck, and he looked up to find clouds overhead where just was sun had been moments before. Or at least he thought it had been just moments. He felt another raindrop hit the top of his head. It was quickly followed by another and another as he lay there. He knew he should get up, and run inside the house, but the rain felt good. He closed his notebook, and tucked in his pocket. It was brand new, and he could always get another one. He moved into a sitting position, and raised his head to the sky. Laughing softly as the rain pelted him, he ran his hand though his hair as he laid on his back closing his eyes.



Lance walked through the front door of the house. He threw his duffel by the door. He stopped in the entry way listening for JC, but the house was silent. He walked through the living room, noticing that the door that led to the backyard was open. He walked towards it, stopping when he reached it. He looked outside, and saw JC lying on the grass with his eyes closed. He stood silent as he watched his boyfriend. He would miss him if he went to Russia for all those months. It would be hell for both of them to be apart for so long.


He took a step outside trying not to disturb JC, but JC opened his eyes the minute Lance stepped onto the grass. He kept his head tilted towards the sky, but when Lance stopped next to him and bent down, JC reached up his hand.


"I thought I wouldn't see you until Denver," JC said as Lance took his hand.


"I got an earlier flight, so I could fly back with you to Denver." Lance looked up at the sky. "Babe, you do realize it is raining, right?"


JC sat up with a laugh. "Yes, I realize it is raining, you dork. Don't you love it?" JC stood up and turned around in a circle with his arms out. He stopped in front of Lance, and pulled him to him kissing him softly. Laughing, he ran past Lance still pulling him. He ran inside the house letting go of Lance's hand.


Lance stopped in the doorway shaking his head, as he ran his hands through his hair. He ran after JC finding him in the den going through their CD's. JC looked up as Lance entered and pointed towards a chair sitting in the middle of the room. Lance walked over to the chair, but didn't sit down. "What's up?"


"Sit," JC said motioning to the chair. When Lance sat, he placed a CD in the CD player, but didn't play it. Turning around, he faced Lance crossing his arms over his chest. "Remember that night with Chris." Lance nodded with a confused look on his face. "Remember I promised to do the same for you. Well, I was thinking we could do that right now."


Lance licked up his lips as he watched JC play with the top button of his shirt. "Jayce..."


"Don't you want me to dance for you, Lance. Don't you want to feel my hips grind into yours?" Lance nodded not able to find the words. "Do you want that, baby?" JC whispered.


"Yes," Lance choked out.


"I thought you would say that." JC turned back towards the CD player and pushed play. A familiar song filled the room. A song they had heard a lot while on tour one year, Janet's I get so lonely. As the music began to play, JC walked towards Lance slowly. He stopped in front of him. "I missed you so much, baby."


"I missed you, too, Jayce."


JC reached up and began playing with the button of his shirt swaying his hips to the music. "You know what's different about this performance, Lance?" Lance shook his head. "There are no rules for us," JC whispered, as he popped open the button.


Lance licked his lips as he reached up his own hands. "Then that means I can touch you."


JC slapped his hands away. "Yes, but not yet." He continued to unbutton his shirt slowly, as he moved to straddle Lance. His shirt hung open, and Lance couldn't not touch the skin revealed to him. He let one hand reach under JC's shirt to caress his side. The other hand moved up and began to push the shirt off JC's shoulders letting it fall to the floor.


JC smiled slightly, as he began to grind his hips against Lance causing him to moan. He lifted his finger to Lance's mouth and watched as Lance took the tip of it into his mouth flicking his tongue causing JC to groan. JC began to grind harder onto Lance lowering his head so that their foreheads touched. "I love you, Lance. Only you," he whispered just before claiming Lance's lips in a passionate kiss. He felt Lance's hands in his hair, and he broke the kiss gasping for breath. He moved off of Lance, and reached for the button of his pants fingering it before popping it open. He smiled as he saw Lance lick at his lips. "You want to see more, Lance?" Lance nodded his head and JC pulled down the zipper. "Take off your shirt, Lance." He waited until Lance threw the shirt to the ground before moving his hands to his hips to push down his pants, but he stopped as he watched Lance remove the rest of his clothes first.


JC chuckled softly, but his laughter soon turned to a gasp when Lance pulled him back to him, and pushed down his pants. "Don't tease me, JC. You know how I hate that."


JC started to nod, but his action was stopped when Lance's mouth covered his as he pulled JC down onto his lap again. Lance was the first to pull back. Kissing along JC's jaw, he whispered lowly, "I want you so much, baby. Do you want me? Do you want me to fuck you, baby?"


JC gasped as he felt Lance lick at his neck. He wrapped his arms around Lance's neck letting out a low moan as he felt Lance's finger enter him. Throwing his head back, he began to pant as he worked his hips trying to get Lance's finger in deeper. "Lance, please."


"What do you want, baby?"


"You. Always you."


Lance kissed JC softly as he lifted him up and lowered him onto his cock.  Both of them waited a moment before JC began to grind his hips. Lance moaned as moved against him  thrusting up softly and then harder as JC quickened his own movements. Lance held onto JC's hips kissing JC hungrily. He knew he was close, and he broke the kiss throwing his head back with his eyes, but JC pulled his head back. "Look at me, Lance. I want to see you when you cum."


Those words were all it took before Lance groaned and jerked his hips. He felt JC's own orgasm hit, and wrapped his arms around JC to steady him.


The room fell silent. The music long since stopped. The only sound was the rain falling and their breathing as they recovered. JC was the first to open his eyes, and he looked down at Lance. "You know the song was right. I get so lonely without you, Lance. I don't know what I am going to do when you go away to Russia. I'm going to miss you so much."


Lance ran his hand down JC's back. "Let's not talk about that right now. Let's just enjoy being together now, and figure that out when the time comes. I'm going to miss you, too, you know, but I've got to do it if they are going to let me go up. It has been my dream forever."


"I know, but I'll still get lonely, and I'll still miss you, but I'll be here waiting for you to come back."


The End


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