I Need You

By:  Foxy Lady


Kyla stood outside the house in the pouring rain. She was waiting for her friend to come home. Tonight was the night he would return from Florida. Josh and her had been friends forever. They had grown up as the little boy and girl that always teased each other. Saying the other had cooties, but in recent years the teasing had stopped and they had best friends. Kyla honestly didn't know what she would do without Josh in her life.


He was always there to make her laugh and smile. When things got real bad at her house, he would let her hide out in his room until morning.  He would let her have the bed and he would sleep on the floor in his sleeping bag. Those nights she cherished because it was those nights in his room with him that she felt most safe. It was those nights that she could forget what awaited her at home. The drunken father who didn't know how to talk without hitting, and the quiet submissive mother who sat back and let it happen. Tending to the tears and the bruises after it was all said and done.


It just so happened that tonight had been one of those nights. That is why she was here in the pouring rain waiting for Josh instead of asleep in her bed. Kyla went back further behind the house when she heard a call pull up. If it was her father, she didn't want him to see her. If it was Josh, she wanted to wait until he was in his room cause she didn't think her parents believed him when he said they did nothing those nights she spent in his room. Two sixteen year olds, not doing something was beyond their comprehension.


Kyla smiled as she heard a familiar laugh from the front of the house. She could barely contain her joy that her friend was finally home. She listened as the family walked into the house, and when the light turned on in Josh's room, she walked quietly towards the window and tapped it.


A few moments later, it opened and Josh popped his head out. His face burst into a wide grin when he saw Kyla standing there. He pulled her inside the room quickly and shut the window. "Hey, sweetie. Missed me that much?"


Kyla laughed as she took off her wet jacket flinging it on the bed. "Very funny, Chasez." She turned back towards the window and sighed. "Tonight was bad. I just couldn't stay there."


Josh walked over and pulled her into a tight hug. He rubbed her back softly as she cried. For her to cry, it must have been really bad. What would Kyla do once he told her his news?




Chapter 2


Kyla stood crying as Josh held her in his arms. no matter how bad things were, Josh could always make her feel safe. Stepping back, she sniffled as she wiped her eyes. Smiling, she walked over to his bed and lay against the headboard. "So tell me about your trip? Was Florida beautiful?"


Josh went over and lay next to her putting his arm around her shoulders. "It was real nice. In fact, I have something to tell you about my trip."


Kyla looked up before putting her head on his shoulder. "So tell me."


"Remember I told you I was going there to audition for this television show that Disney is doing?" He paused when he felt Kyla nod. "Well, I got the part."


Within seconds, Kyla had jumped up from her spot on the bed and jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh, Josh. That is so great." Kyla paused in her excitement when she could tell Josh wasn't sharing in it. "Josh, why aren't you happy? Isn't this everything you ever wanted?"


Josh nodded his head. "I am going to have to move to Florida sweetie. At least during the time I am filming."


Kyla got off the bed and walked over to the window. Watching the rain still fall outside, fresh tears began to fall down her face. Turning back towards Josh, she opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't find the words. Josh was going to leave her. Who would be there to protect her now? Who could she run too when her father's drunken attacks were too much for her to handle? No one else understood her like he did.


Josh stood up and walked over to her. Putting his arms around her once again he let her cry. When the tears finally subsided, he stepped back and lifted her face with his finger. "We'll still see each other, Kyla. I'm still your best friend."


"Josh, I need you here. You're the only one that knows what I go through and is there to help me through it." Kyla walked back to the bed picking up her jacket.


Josh walked over and began to take the jacket back from her but she held on to it tightly. "It's late, sweetie. You should just stay here."


Kyla walked back to the window. "I'm a big girl, Josh. And you know what? I don't need you as a friend anymore if you are going to leave me. I am going to take care of myself. Like I should have been doing all along."


Before he could stop her, Kyla had opened the window slipping out into the night.


Chapter 3


Over the next week, Kyla avoided Josh. She knew he would be leaving soon, and she wanted to spend those last few days with him, but she knew that since he was leaving she would have to get used to not having him around for her. She had to get used to it as quickly as possible. It was hard now, but it would make things easier in the long run.


The last night she knew was in town, she sat down at her desk listening to the screams outside her door wanting to run out of her room and into Josh's arms, but she couldn't. If she could make it through this night, she could make it through any night her father was like this.


Instead of running, she opened up her notebook and began to write:


Dear Cha-Cha:


Geez! I haven't called you that in a long time. I remember how you always hated that nickname. Well anyway....Here I am listening to another round in the never ending battle of this house. I wish I could be there with you on your last night. We could have stayed up and watched movies all night and laugh at all the corny jokes, but no I'm here. I need to be strong. I need to learn how to handle these things on my own. I'm sorry I left that night. You know I didn't mean it. I will always be your friend. We have been friends forever even when we used to fight all the time. I know you are about to start living your dream. I know that one day millions of people will be screaming your name. I had this dream and you were on this stage singing your heart out as you are known to do. On that day, I will be proud to say that is my cha-cha (giggle) I won't do it again I promise.


It's getting louder, Josh. I hate this. I hate living here. I wish you could pack me up in your suitcase and take me to Florida with you. I am going miss you so much, Josh. don't ever change. Don't let yourself get a big ego. Cause then I will have to come after you... I should go now... it looks like it is over for another night...


Love always, La-La


Kyla tore out the piece of paper from her notebook. She wanted Josh to have this little letter, but she had no idea how to get it to him. She could just go and hand it to him, but then she would have to see him. If she saw him, she knew she would never let him leave her.


Walking over she locked her bedroom door and then grabbed her jacket from the back of her chair. Opening her window, she slid out into the night.


The walk to Josh's house took her no time at all. By now, she knew all the little shortcuts that would make it faster. When she reached the house, she walked back towards his window. She could see the light on inside. He was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling. Kyla wanted to do what she had done on so many nights before, and go inside but tonight she couldn't. She would have to be content with this view from the outside because that is all she would ever have from now on.


Lowering the folded piece of paper to the windowsill, she tapped on the window, and ran away quickly when she saw him turn towards the sound. He walked over and opened the window frowning when he didn't see her there. He noticed the folded piece of paper, and he picked it up.

Kyla watched as he read it. When he was done, he looked out into the night calling her name. As much as she wanted to run to him, she turned and ran away.


Chapter 4


Josh wanted to run after her. To hold her one last time. Kyla had always been his best friend, and it hurt him that he could no longer be there for her. He was going to be so far away. What would she do on those nights when it got too bad? He looked out into the night trying to see if he saw any sign of her. He almost went to put on his shoes and jacket to follow after her, but from experience he knew he was not welcome at her house.


Kyla sat behind big tree next to his house peeking around every few minutes to find Josh still standing at his window. It would be so easy to stand up and walk over to him allow him to be there for her one last time. Somehow she knew this would be the last time she would see him. Time and distance would make their friendship impossible to keep alive. His life was meant to be much different than hers. She could see that even now. He was special, unlike her.  She wiped away the lone tear that fell down her cheek. Why did he have to leave? When she heard the window finally shut an hour later, she stood up and brushed her pants off. Taking one last glance at the now dark room, she made her way back home.



The weeks that followed Josh's leaving for Florida were pure hell for Kyla. With Josh not there to run too when things got bad, Kyla withdrew into herself. She would ignore everyone burying herself in her studies. The only thing that brought joy back to her life was the frequent letters Josh wrote her. He told her of all the people he had met on the new show he was on, and all the things he did with them. Whenever she got a chance she would watch him on television, but those times were few and far between since that was around the time her dad returned home from work each day.


It seemed that since Josh had left, her father had only gotten worse. Every night, she would have to walk around the house as if on egg shells waiting for the explosion that was sure to occur. Her mother was of no help whatsoever. In fact, if she got involved, it only made it worse for the both of them.


As summer vacation loomed ahead of her, she dreaded having to spend all of her time at home. If Josh was around, they would spend those days together just doing nothing important. Just happy that they were together. Sometimes she wondered if he had stayed, would their friendship had grown into something more eventually, but if she continued thinking about that she would only suffer heart break in the long run. Josh had his life to lead.


On the last day of school, Kyla came home with a heavy heart. When she noticed her father's car in the driveway, she trembled with dread. Her father being home at this time of day was not a good thing. Her first instinct was to run to Josh, but then she remembered that he wasn't there to run to. Slowly she walked up the driveway, and entered the house.


Chapter 5


The house was eerily quiet. Kyla searched the living room for any sign of her mother or father, but found none. Thinking that odd, she continued searching. After a few minutes of searching finding no one, she began to grow worried. The house was too quiet. Her father was never this quiet. Going to her room, she began to walk inside when out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her parent's bedroom door standing slightly ajar.


Kyla walked across the hall and stood in front of open door. She somehow knew she wouldn't like what lay just on the other side. Pushing open the door, she stuck her head inside. The first thing that caught her eye was the empty bottles that once contained alcohol.  She counted them slowly and cursed when she saw a total of five.


Walking into the room, she looked for her parents. Her father she found past out sitting on the floor by the bed a half full bottle in his lap. Continuing on, she looked for any sign of her mother. She found her nowhere. Next to her father, she saw a wrinkled piece of paper. Bending over, she picked it up slowly so she wouldn't wake him up.


Reading her mother's familiar writing and seeing the words she saw, tears started to fall. Her mother was gone. She had left. Kyla was now alone with this man she hated. Looking down at him, she threw down the paper, and left the room.


Entering her own room, she closed the door behind her and locked it. Grabbing her gym bag, she emptied it of its contents and walked over to her dresser pulling out her own clothes. She would have to move quickly if she wanted to be gone before her father woke up. She would not stay here with him.


When she was done with her clothing, she glanced around her room looking for other things she would want with her. Seeing the picture of her and Josh, she picked up the frame and put it in between two shirts. How would he know she was gone? She couldn't call him. A letter would have to do, but she wouldn't write it here. Take too long. Grabbing her backpack, she put in a few other things she didn't want to leave behind. Her journal and notebook were the last thing she packed. As she zipped up both bags, she looked towards the door, and decided the window would be best. Picking up her bags, she opened her bedroom window and slipped out into the falling evening. Looking back one last time, she finally felt happy knowing that she wouldn't have to live there anymore.


Chapter 6


The next day Josh returned home. He hadn't told Kyla he was coming back in any of his letters because he had wanted to surprise her. The first thing he wanted to do was go to her house and pull her out of it. Her father shouldn't be home, so it was safe to go there.


The minute he mentioned his plans to his mother, her face changed. He knew something was wrong. When she handed him a folded piece of paper, he took it and began to read it immediately recognizing Kyla's handwriting.


Dear Cha-Cha:


Yes I know you hate that nickname, but it is what I like calling you, so deal. I guess it is best to just say it. Mom left. She is gone. Leaving me with well you know him.. The man that gave me life, so I decided to do the same. I don't know where I am going. My first thought was to find you down in Florida, but you don't need someone like me hanging on you and freeloading so I am going to make it on my own. I know it won't be easy. I have some money saved up so that should help. I just couldn't bare the thought of me and him alone in the same house. I'll try and keep in touch. I'll just mail you letters here at your house every once in awhile. I know someday you are going to be a star. On that day, remember me.


Love always and forever, Kyla


Josh folded the letter back up and put it on his desk. His best friend was gone. He had hoped to spend the summer with her now that the show was off the air. Where would she go? How would she survive?



Kyla stepped off the bus and looked around at her new surroundings. With part of the money, she had taken with her, she had bought a bus ticket to New York. It was a big enough city, and being seventeen she was old enough to work at some places. Kyla left the bus station, and walked down the street. It was already dark out, and she had no idea where to go. The streets were crowded with people. As she continued to walk, the number of people thinned. She saw young girls like herself dressed in trashy clothes. Sighing, she leaned against the wall. She would not be one of those girls. Never do what they did to survive.


Closing her eyes, she tried to figure out what to do. Since it was night, she couldn't find a job, and finding a place to stay would be harder at night. All she wanted was a nice soft bed.


Hearing footsteps stop in front of her, she opened her eyes. A young man was standing in front of her. He had brown hair and his eyes reminded her of Josh. she waited a until he spoke.


"Hey, Beauty."


Chapter 7


Six months passed, and Kyla dreaded the day she had gotten off the bus in New York. That was the day her life truly changed forever. That was the day Gabe entered her life. The minute he walked up to her on that dark street she should have run as fast as she could. Him with his smooth words and little looks calling her Beauty. She should have ignored it, but his eyes reminded her of Josh and she was cold and scared.


That night he took her in, gave her a roof over her head and food in her stomach. At first he treated her real good, but then she noticed what he was doing. He wasn't your normal nine to five person. She saw the girls, and knew what they were. That should have been her clue to run, but where would she go. She had nowhere to turn. she hadn't kept in touch with Josh like she had she would, and the show he was on was now off the air. Had he gone back home?


Kyla looked over at her notebook. She should write Josh. That should help her feel better. Picking up her notebook, she began to write.


Dear Josh:


I wish you were here. I need you so much. Why did I ever leave home? I've seen things, bad things. All in the last six months. I knew these things happened, but I never thought I would see them first hand. The things I have done myself. Well, let's just say I am not the same person I was when you left. The things I have to do to survive I never thought I would ever do.


I want to be back in your room. I want to be back with you, but now that is impossible. I miss you, Cha-Cha. Take care.


Love, Kyla


Josh folded the letter his mother handed him when he had gotten back home. It had been seven months since he had returned home. A month since Kyla had written that letter. He didn't even want to know what she had seen and done. The postmark on the letter said New York. Was she still there? He could never hope to find her in such a big city. He wanted to protect her. Take care of her, but without knowing where she was he couldn't.


Now he was going back to Orlando. All he wanted was to go to New York and tear the city apart until he found her, but now his dream was going to come true. Actually Kyla's dream for him. She  always said he would make it someday, and now he had his chance.


Chapter 8


More time passed. Josh was in Orlando and Europe soon after he received that last letter from Kyla. He had joined a group of young men to form a musical group. Kyla had been right about seeing him on a stage singing. He wished she was here to share it with him. They could have so much fun together. He was pretty sure that the guys would just love her, and she would have fun with them.


Josh looked up as he heard a knock on his door. "Mail call," someone yelled through the door.


He stood up and walked over to the door. Opening it, he found one of his bandmates holding a stack of letters. "Hey, Lance. Come in."


The green eyed man entered the room, and threw the stack of mail on the bed. He reached down and pulled a letter from the top of the pile. "You're mom said to make sure and give this to you separate.," he said handing Josh the envelope.


"Thanks," Josh took the envelope and glanced down at it. When he recognized the familiar writing, he gasped. He opened the envelope slowly after reading the Orlando postmark.


Lance took a step closer to his friend and looked at the letter over his shoulder. "What is it, C?"


Josh looked up. "It's from Kyla."


Lance looked confused for a second before it dawned on him. "Oh, I remember. That friend of yours that ran away."


"Yeah, and it looks like she was in Orlando from this letter." Josh walked over and sat on his bed  looking at the piece of paper he still held in his hand.


Lance leaned against the door and watched Josh. "So you going to read it or just stare at it?"


Josh shrugged. "I'm almost scared to read it. The last one was kind of bad." Josh took the piece of paper out of the envelope and opened it. He looked at the writing, and began to read out loud.


Dear Josh:


You lived in this place? This hot muggy city of Orlando. Yes this where I am now. Had to leave the big apple in a hurry. Gabe, well, my boss, anyway, he was kind of bad, so I ran again. It looks like I am always running from something. I thought I would try finding you in Orlando, but you are not that easy of a person to find. I miss you, Cha-Cha.


From his spot by the door, Lance chuckled. Josh looked up at him with a glare before continuing to read.


Why can't we go back three years and change everything? That would make things so much easier.  I want my childhood back. I want my best friend back. I wish I could snap my fingers and poof go back in time. That would be nice.


Love forever and always,



Josh folded the letter back, and put in the envelope. Sighing, he looked up at his friend. "I wish I could see her."


Lance nodded. "Yeah, I know. Maybe someday you two will be in the same place at the same time."


Chapter 9


Kyla sighed as she stood in front of the magazine rack. It had been so long since she had seen Josh. Almost 7 years since he had left for that television show. Now she could walk into any grocery store and see his face smiling back at her from all of teenie bopper mags. She had always known he was special. Picking up one of the magazines, she flipped through until she found what she was looking for. He smiled back at her from the glossy page. Tracing a finger across the page, she sighed. 'When did he get so hot?'


Closing the magazine, she walked up to the cash register and paid for it. Walking out of the store into the warm California sun, she looked down at the magazine she held in her hand. If only to see him just one more time. Tell him how much she missed him, but that couldn't happen. He was JC of *Nsync. She was just some girl that worked at a club for a living. Definitely not the same girl he had left behind.



Josh squinted his eyes as he exited the building. Reaching into his pocket for his sunglasses, he slipped them on his face. "I hate LA, guys. Sun is always too bright."


Their were four chuckles around him, but they stopped when he turned around. "What is on the schedule today, Scoop?"


"Not much. What do you guys have planned for tonight?"


Joey and Chris laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know birthday boy?"


"Yes, I would." Lance said climbing into the waiting limo.


"Well, in that case, we are taking you out to a club," Joey said climbing in after Lance.


"Oh, boy. Like that is so special guys."


Chris laughed. "It is. Just trust me. Poor Curly can't come with us either."


Justin pouted. "Darn. I never get to have any fun."


The other four men laughed as the limo rode them down the crowded Los Angeles. josh looked out the window, and watched the people walk by. He wondered what Kyla was doing. It had been well over two years since her last letter. He had been postmarked from Los Angeles. Was she still here in LA? He wanted to see her. She had been the one that had gotten away. As he grew older, he realized that he loved her as much more than a friend, but with him leaving and her running off he never got to see if those feelings would go somewhere.


"Hey, earth to JC," Lance said poking his friend in the side.


Josh turned towards him. "Yeah?"


"Where'd you go?"


Josh sighed. "I was thinking about someone."




"Yeah. I wonder if she is still here somewhere, Lance."


"Why don't you look? We have a few days here. Call information. Ask around. You might find her. Maybe she hasn't written you since that last letter because she has stopped running. Every time she would hit a new city, she would write."


"Yeah, maybe. I'd like to see her again, Lance."


"I know, JC."


Josh turned back to look out the window sighing. 'Where are you?'



Chapter 10


The group of four men entered the dark club. Three of them led the last one in because his eyes were blindfolded. The oldest walked over to the man behind the bar who immediately perked up and motioned to one of the back rooms.


"This way, guys," Chris said returning to the rest of the group. They walked Lance to the middle of the room, and took off his blindfold. "Happy Birthday, Lance."


Lance let his eyes adjust to the darkness before letting them settle on the stage before. "Guys, this is a..."


Joey laughed. "Strip club, poofoo."


JC laughed. "Yep, you only turn twenty-one once. You've already been to all the regular clubs, but never to a strip joint. We got a private room in back. Come on."


All four of the men entered the room and took seats around the table. Shortly after entering, a man entered. "Hello, boys. I hear one of you is having a birthday."


"Yep, him," Chris said pointing.


"Well, then, I guess I will need to go bring out one of special ladies. I'll send Beauty right in." The man left the room leaving the four friends to sit by themselves.


"Guys, I don't know about this," Lance said.


"Just have a little fun. Let a pretty girl dance for you. You dance every night for thousands of screaming teenies,"  Joey said.


"Yeah, have fun, Lance. Loosen up," JC added.



"Hey, Beauty. Got a private for you tonight. Some big shot kids in the back room. It's the blonde's birthday."


Kyla groaned. She hated doing private shows. It meant she was there for the whole night. Getting their drinks and keeping them happy. Tips were better out on the floor. She fixed her hair and make-up one last time in the mirror before exiting the employee area.


Walking towards the backroom, she straightened her clothes before turning and giving a dirty look at her boss. "You owe me, Leroy."


"Yeah, I know, Beauty. You're my best girl though, and these boys are big time celebrities. Treat them right."


Kyla walked to the doorway of their one and only private room and looked inside. Four men. Walking in, she spoke. "Heya boys, I'm Beauty. Now who's..." Kyla stopped herself from speaking when the last of the four men turned around. She recognized him immediately. "Josh," she croaked before turning on her heal and running out of the room.


Chapter 11


Kyla stopped at the end of the hall taking a deep gasping breath. Josh. After all this time, she had seen him. The moment she had been waiting for for the last seven years, and he had to see her like this. In a place like this. Dressed like this. Looking down at her tight short shorts, and bikini top, she groaned distastefully.


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Leroy coming towards her angrily. Putting up her hand, she waved him off, but he wasn't deterred. "what the hell was that? Those boys paid good money for a pretty girl to show them a good time, and you walk in and high tail it not five seconds later."


"Leroy, don't start. Send in Trixie or Bambi. I am not going back in there." Kyla pushed her hair behind her ear glancing back at the room. One of the young men was standing at the doorway watching her, but it wasn't Josh. She wondered if he even recognized her.


Leroy took a step closer. "Who the hell do you think you are girlie? I'm the boss here. That means I tell you what to do, and right now I am telling you to get your pretty little ass back in that room." The man laughed. "Remember you need this job more than I need you, Beauty. You can be replaced anytime."


Leroy turned and walked away leaving Kyla cursing under her breath. Looking back towards the room, she saw the young man still standing there. His green eyes looked upon her sadly almost as if he knew what she was going through at that moment. She wanted to turn and run away. Wanted to hide, but she also wanted to go back in that room and see Josh. It had been so long.


Taking a step towards the room, she paused in the doorway looking at the man standing there. Smiling, she continued to walk past him, but he stopped her by putting his hand on her arm. She looked down at his hand briefly before looking up his face. She watched as he moved closer to whisper in her ear.


"Kyla right?"


She jerked her head and looked at him with shock clearly on written on her face. Not able to speak, she nodded.


Lance smiled leading her into the room towards Josh. Josh looked up at the two of them as they came closer, but didn't say anything.


"Josh, guess what? You found her."


Chapter 12


Josh stood still looking between his green eyed friend and the girl that had been such a large part of his life as he grew up. The woman standing before him was much different than the girl he remembered. Her hair was longer with a slight wave to it. He glanced at her looking at her from head to toe. The woman standing in front of him was gorgeous.


Kyla watched him silently. Her first thought was to run to him and have him hold her in his arms like he used to. however, she held herself back. The person she was now was not the same she was then. He was probably disgusted by what she had become. Finding her in a strip club, but he didn't know the reason why she did. Very few did.


As JC opened his mouth to speak, Kyla shook her head turning on her heel and leaving the room. JC turned to look at Lance in shock.


"Go after her, C."


Josh pushed past Lance and ran down the hall leaving the other two men of the group confused. Josh ran down the hall looking both ways when he reached the end of it. Another one of the club's dancers stopped him. "Are you looking for Beauty?" Josh looked confused for a second before he nodded his head. "That way," she said pointing towards a back door. Josh smiled before continuing to run towards the door.


When he ran through it, he looked both ways hoping to catch a glimpse of Kyla, but he saw no sign of her. Sighing, he went back inside the club. He walked back over to the girl that had pointed him towards the door to discover she was now talking to his group mate.


Lance frowned as he saw JC approach. "No luck?"


JC shook his head. Why had she run from him?


The girl turned to look at JC sizing him up before speaking. "How do you know her?"


"We grew up together. She was my best friend. The last time I saw her was seven years ago."


The female continued to look at him, and then looked towards Lance. "He's that Josh?" Lance nodded. "Kyla talked about you a lot. You should have seen her beg Leroy here for time off the night the CD came out."


"Where did she go?" Josh asked.


"Home probably. Leroy is going to be one pissed off mother, but I'll take care of him.  You go after her," she said writing something down on a napkin. Handing it to JC, she turned back towards Lance and planted a huge kiss on his lips. "Happy Birthday, Lance."


Lance blushed as the girl walked away. "I'll take care of Joey and Chris. You go find Kyla."


"Thanks, man." Josh said as he started to walk away.


Chapter 13


Kyla walked into her small apartment. Why did she run again? Slumping against the door, she looked towards the dark living room. The only light in it being from the television set. Walking towards the small couch, she smiled at the site before her. Reaching down and tapping the young girl's shoulder, she whispered, "Hey, Jen."


The young girl opened her eyes. "Hi, Kyla. You're home early. Everything ok?"


Kyla shrugged. "Not really, but I hope it will be soon." Kyla reached down and picked up the small child cuddled up against the young woman. "How was he tonight? Did he behave?"


Jen laughed softly. "Scottie is always a little angel you know that. He wanted to wait up for you though."


Kyla walked towards the bedroom, and placed the child in bed. "Thanks, Jen. you can go home now. I'm here for the night."


The young woman stood up and walked over to the door. "If you need to talk about whatever happened tonight let me know."


Kyla stood up and looked down at the young boy. 'Josh just wouldn't understand about you, baby.' Covering the small boy with the blanket, she walked into the bathroom to change clothes. Coming back out in a pair of boxer briefs and t-shirt, she left the bedroom and went to the living room to watch television. She needed something to distract her from seeing Josh.


Sitting on the couch, her gaze fell to the tv screen, and the first thing she saw was Josh's face smiling back at her. It was a repeat of one of their appearances on MTV. Sighing, she lay down on the couch and grabbed a pillow.



Josh entered the building for the address listed on the paper. Walking up the stairs, he thought about Kyla. Why did she keep running from him? He missed her so much over the past seven years. All he wanted to do was see her. Now he had, and he wanted more. He wanted what they had all those years ago back in his life. He had felt that part of his life was missing, and that part was her. Stopping in front of the apartment number listed on the napkin, he raised his hand to knock.



Kyla heard the knocking on the door, and stood up. 'Maybe Jen forgot something.' Walking over, she opened the door gasping at who she saw standing on the other side.


Chapter 13


Josh stood in the doorway waiting for Kyla to do something. He watched as various emotions crossed her face. From happiness to fear. When a tear came to the corner of her eye, he reached out and wiped away. "Kyla, don't cry, sweetie." Kyla looked up at him with such sadness in her eyes. He did the only thing he could do at the moment, and that was pull her into his arms.


The second Kyla felt those familiar arms surround her, the tears she had tried to hold back finally began to fall. Burying her face in his chest, she sobbed continuously. Finally, her crying subsided, and she took a step back to look up at the man holding her in his arms. He had changed so much since that last night she had seen him all those years ago, but underneath it all she could still see the boy she once knew just beneath the surface.


She wasn't that same girl though. Too much had happened in the last seven years. She had done too many things that if Josh knew about, he would run out the door, and never want to see her again.


Turning around she walked back to the couch grabbing the pillow clutching it in front of her as she sat down. She watched Josh as he walked over to sit in front of her. He reached out and took the pillow from her. "Kyla, talk to me."


Shaking her head, she looked down at her now empty hands.


"Why not?"


Kyla began to stand up, but Josh put his hands out to stop her. "Talk to ME, Kyla! Stop running from me."


"Josh, I...I can't." Kyla moved to stand again, but Josh stopped her once again.


"Kyla, just talk to me. No matter what is happened in the last seven years, you are still my girl, you know that?" Josh reached out and took her hand.


Kyla looked down at the hand that held hers so gently.  "Josh, you just don't know what I have done. The things I had to do to survive. The things I continue to do."


"I don't care, Kyla. No matter what I will be here. You will not get rid of me now."


Kyla finally stood up and walked towards the bedroom. "Follow me, Josh. Let me show you something." Opening the door, she walked over to the bed and sat down. Looking up she saw Josh standing in the doorway. "Josh, this is Scottie," she said run her hand over the blanket. "He's my son."


Chapter 14


Josh stood in the doorway looking at the small boy sleeping peacefully in the bed. Walking over to Kyla he lay his hand on her shoulder. "He's adorable," he whispered.


When Scottie began to stir, Kyla raised her finger to her lips and stood up from her spot on her bed. Walking out the room, she went back to sit on the couch. She watched Josh as he stood in the doorway watching her son sleep. 'He would be a great dad.' Sighing, she shook her head.


Josh joined her on the couch putting his arm around her shoulders. "How old is he?"


"Just turned five. Starts kindergarten in September."


Josh looked at her in shock. "You had him when you were just eighteen. Barely eighteen."


Kyla looked down at her hands in her lap. "Listen, Josh. If you wanted to stand up right now and walk out of this apartment. Never look back. I will understand."


Josh reached down and lifted her chin, so she could see him. "Kyla, I don't care. Do you know how many nights I lost sleep the last seven years wondering where you were. What you were doing? If you were alright or cold and hungry?" Kyla shook her head. "Too many to count, sweetie. Tomorrow I was planning to look for you. Lance said I should, so we were going to call every person until I found you."


"Really?" Kyla asked as she lay her head on his chest.


"Yes, really," Josh said kissing the top of her head. "I missed my girl."


Kyla sighed. "I missed my Cha-Cha."


Josh groaned. "Do you know Lance still doesn't let me live that one down?"


Kyla giggled. "Sorry. You know we only do it because we love you."


"Oh, yeah, I sure do feel the love."  Kyla stifled a yawn as she fought to keep her eyes open. "Tired, sweetie?"


"Yeah." Josh moved to stand up, but she put her hand on his arm. "Stay, Josh. I missed how you used to hold me. Whenever I was with you, I felt safe. I haven't felt that way since."


Josh wrapped both of his arms tightly around her as he pulled her close. "I won't leave. Go to sleep."


Chapter 15


Josh was awoken by a tap of the arm. Opening his eyes, he saw Scottie standing in front of him in his stockinged feet and rumpled pajamas. "Hey, kiddo."


"Who are you?" The little boy took a step forward looking back and forth between Josh and Kyla.


"I'm an old friend of your mom's. In fact, I knew her when she was your age," Josh said tightening his arm around her when he felt her beginning to stir. "I'm Josh."


"Okay," the little boy said shrugging walking towards the kitchen. "I want cereal."


Josh laughed. "Oh boy, a young Justin." He removed his arm from Kyla and went to kitchen glancing back once to make sure she had not awoken. "So kiddo, where is the cereal?" Scottie pointed to a shelf next to Josh's head. Opening the door, he saw a few boxes. "Apple Jacks or Cookie Crisp?"


"Cookie Crisp, please?"


Josh poured the cereal and added milk that he found in the fridge.


Kyla woke up alone on the couch. Had she dreamed it all? Had Josh been there? Or was it just a figment of her imagination? Sitting up, she looked around. Finding no sign of Josh, she sighed. It had to be a dream.  Hearing a loud giggle from the kitchen, Kyla stood up and went there. At the sight before her, she smiled. She hadn't been to dreaming.


Josh looked up to see Kyla standing in the doorway. "Morning, sweetie. Sleep well?"


Kyla took a step further into the kitchen. "Yes, the best I slept in years." Stopping in front of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm almost thought I was dreaming you here."


Josh touched his forehead to hers. "Nope, I'm here, sweetie."


Kyla sighed. "Good," she whispered. As their lips lightly touched, Kyla gasped and took a step out of his embrace. Turning, she left the kitchen.


Josh looked down at Scottie eating his breakfast before he followed his mother. He found her in the bedroom running a brush angrily through her long hair. Reaching out he took the brush from her hand, and lay it on the dresser. Seeing her face, his heart broke. Tears fell unchecked down her cheeks. He reached out a brushed a few aside before pulling her into his arms. "Kyla, what's wrong?"


Kyla shook her head. "You need to go, Josh."


"Why, sweetie?"


"I'm no good for you, Josh. You're so special. I'm nothing." Kyla tried to push herself out of his embrace, but he held her tight.


Lowering his head, so it was next to her ear he whispered, "That is where you're wrong, Kyla. You're everything."


Chapter 16


Kyla pushed him away. The anger he saw in her eyes surprised him. "You don't get it, Josh. I AM NOTHING! I ran away seven years ago, and you know what I did not five minutes after stepping off the train in New York. I fell for some guy's sweet talk and blue eyes. I went and joined his little harem cause hell it was better than living on the streets. Pretty soon Gabe talked me into doing things I told myself I would never to do. The sweet little Kyla you knew was gone, and in her place was me. Beauty. Yeah that is what he called me. "


Josh reached out and pulled on her hand gently, but she yanked it back as if his touch burned her. "Kyla, sweetie. You don't have to do this."


"Yes, I do. You need to see what I am no good for you. I was his special girl. Night after night I would walk the streets, and then come home to his bed. He told me he loved me. He told me I was everything to him. That he would always take care of me, and I believed every word." Kyla sat on the edge of the bed wiping at the tears that had begun to fall. "That was my worst mistake. The minute I got pregnant all that changed. He wanted me 'to get rid of it.' I was no good to him pregnant. Couldn't bring him in the money that I made him every night."


Josh sat down next to her on the bed putting his arm around her shoulder. She lay her head on his shoulder continuing to speak. "I ran from New York. I ran from him. I ran to the only thing I thought I could run to. You, Josh. I went to Orlando. Hoping to find you, but I couldn't."


"I wasn't there for awhile," he whispered.


"I was scared and alone. I didn't know what to do. All I wanted was you to hold me and tell me everything would be okay like you had done so many times before. With you everything is okay."


Josh pulled her closer tightening his arms around her. "I'm here now, sweetie. I won't leave you again. you are stuck with me."


Kyla lifted her head and looked into his eyes. "Even knowing the things I did. You still want to stay with me."


Josh gently kissed her forehead. "None of that matters. You had no choice. Now you do."


"What's that, Josh?"


"You can stay here, or you can come with me."


Chapter 17


Kyla stood and walked over to the window. It would be so easy to go with Josh. Allow him to take care of her and Scottie, but that wouldn't be any different than what she did with Gabe. Turning back, she sight before she reached up and touched Josh's cheek softly. "I can't come with you, Josh."


Josh jerked back and looked at her sadly. "You would rather stay here. Work in some club while men watch you dance and take off your clothes instead of leaving this life and being with someone that loves you."


Kyla shook her head. "I would rather go with you." Josh looked at her with a confused expression on his face. "I just can't. Don't you see by me going with you, letting you take care of me I would be doing what I did all those years ago with Gabe. Being dependent on someone. I need to get out of this on my own, and I am working towards that now."


Josh reached up and pulled her down so she was sitting on his lap. "All I wanna do is take you away from here, sweetie. Try to wipe away your life from the last seven years."


"You can't go back. Can't change the past. Things are meant to happen for a reason, Josh.  Maybe the last years had to be this way, so when we did find each other again, we would realize what we had lost, so we could cherish it once we found it again."


Josh lifted her chin with his finger. "If I kiss you right now, are you going to run away again?"


Kyla shook her head briefly. As his head moved closer, she closed her eyes waiting for the first touch of his lips on hers. She had dreamt of this moment forever it seemed, and now it was happening. Josh was here. She was in his arms, and there was no other place she wanted to be. His lips covered hers gently. Her fingers trailed across his shoulders until they reached his neck buring themselves in his hair. Parting her lips slightly, she let out a tiny moan as hse felt his tongue enter her mouth.


As their kisses grew more and passionate, josh let his hands travel down her back settling them on her hips drawing her closer to him. One hand reached under her t-shirt, the fingers tracing the bare skin at the small of her back. His fingers began to move upward, but he felt her tense, and he let his hand drop."You okay?," he asked when he broke the kiss.


Kyla nodded before hiding her face in the crook of his neck. After a few moments, she lifted her head. "I'm sorry, Josh."


"It's okay. I went to fast for you. We got all the time in the world cause remember you're stuck with me now." Josh brushed her hair behind her eyes as he pulled her in for a brief kiss. "I want you to really meet the guys. I know they will love you. Scottie too."


A worried expression crossed her face. "I don't know, Josh. I met them last night. I don't know how your friends will react to you being seen with a stripper."


"They'll be fine. Lance already knew about you." Josh pulled her into his arms. "Please, Kyla? Come meet the guys."


"All right, Josh. I'd anything for you, you know that."


Chapter 18


Kyla wished she didn't care for Josh so much. She would rather be anywhere than where she was at the moment. She nervously wrung her hands as the elevator vlimbed floor after floor on its way up to the floor of the hotel they were staying on. Josh finally grabbed one of her hands and held it tightly in his to stop her nervous moment.


"It'll be fine. They will love you, Kyla."  Josh pulled her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it softly.  Hearing a giggle, josh looked down and smiled. "Hey, kid. Get used to it."


Scottie giggled again as the elevator door opened and he ran off. Kyla took a deep breath and followed her son. Scottie stopped in front of a door and after checking the number, and looking back at josh and Kyla who nodded, raised his tiny fist to knock on the door. The door opened and the eldest member of the group stood looking down. "Hey, guys. I didn't know we had pre-schoolders that learned how to sneak up hotels."


The three other members walked towards the door and looked down at Scottie who said, "I'm not a pre-schooler. I'm going to kindergarten soon."


Chris laughed as did the others, "Oops, sorry, kid. I'm Chris."


"Yeah, I know. That is Lance, joey and Justin. I'm Scottie," he said reaching up his hand to shake Chris'.


"Wow, a five year old with good manners and knowledge of Nsync."


The four pulled Scottie into the room and were already setting a video game when josh and Kyla came into the room. "Guys, I know having someone visit on your intelligence scale doesn't happen often, but we have another visitor here."


Lance was the first to stand. "Sorry, Kyla. I see Josh found you last night."


"Yes. I'll have to remember to thank Angel."


Justin looked confused and finally spoke up. "So how did Josh find you? Where were you?"


Kyla looked down. She figured she would have to talk about her job, but was hoping that the question wouldn't come up. "Hmm, I worked at the club they took Lance to last night."


"Oh, Justin said looking thoughtful, but then his eyes widened, "Oh, wow, you mean that you are a..."


Josh cleared his throat. "Just drop it Justin."


Justin looked over at Scottie and nodded. "So what should we play first, kid?"


Scottie pulled out a game and handed it to Justin who put it in. The two of them began to play as the others in the room watched. Kyla's nervousness over meeting Josh's friends was starting to diminish. What she did for a living didn't seem to bother them as far as she could tell anyway. She laughed as she watched Scottie jump up after beating Justin at one of the video games. Justin pouted and handed his controller off to Chris who took his place.


The next few hours passed quickly. Room service was ordered and they all ate in the room laughing and talking about Josh. The guys were having fun telling her all about the stuff she had missed over the last few years of Josh's life.


By ten o'clock that night, Scottie was knocked out on the floor and the guys had left to go pack for their next day's departure leaving Josh and Kyla.


Josh sighed as he looked to his own suitcase lying open at the back of the room. "I don't want to leave tomorrow."


Kyla sighed leaning her head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to leave tomorrow, but you have to. This is your job."


"I'm not going to lose you again, am I?"


Kyla lifted her head and kissed him softly. "Not a chance, Cha-Cha."


josh groaned at the name as he kissed her again. Looking over at Scottie now alseep on the second bed. "Stay here tonight."


Kyla nodded as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm not leaving until you do."


Josh laid down and pulled her to lay next to him. Shutting off the light, he kissed her on the forehead whispering, "I love you, Kyla."


Chapter 19


The next morning Josh was back on his bus heading out of Los Angeless. Back onto their tour, and away from Kyla. Leaving her behind had been the hardest thing he had ever done. He had wanted to change her mind and come with him, but he knew she wouldn't. Once she made up her mind, that was it. She had promised that once she had straightened things out, she would come to him, but she needed to do things on her own, and he loved her enough to give her that time.


Now as he sat at the table leaning his forehead against the cool glass of the bus window, he wanted to go back and not take no for her answer. He needed her here with him. Now that he had found her again, he was afraid he would lose her. The feelings he had for her were so strong that he was kind of scary. He hadn't seen her in seven years, but in the first moment, he knew that he had found the missing part of his life. Closing his eyes, he let himself fall alseep to dream of a time when he and Kyla could be together.


Back in Los Angeles, Kyla was trying to get back to her normal life. Just two days with Josh had turned it all upside down. This whole made her more determined to change her life for the better. She needed to get out of the club, and get Scottie and her into a better life. It wouldn't happen overnight, but it would happen. She would make sure of it.


Over the next month, Kyla continued to work at the club at night, but during the day she tried to do things that would help her get away from the club.  She had finally figured out what she needed to do, and with Josh's help she knew she could do it, but she had to ask him to help her. This was a huge step for her because she hadn't wanted anyone's help, but she now knew she couldn't do this on her own.


Walking into the club, she was almost happy because she knew that soon she wouldn't have to come here anymore. As she walked through the employee entrance and towards the dressing rooms, she heard a familiar voice that made her freeze in her tracks and the smile to fall from her lips. 'It couldn't be.' Shaking her head, she made herself continue on towards the dressing area before hearing the voice again. She again stopped looking towards the office area. She wanted to inch closer and peek through the door, but didn't dare. Not if who she thought was in there was in with Leroy. But ever after all these years, she would know that voice anywhere.


Chapter 20


Kyla stood outside the office door just outside of sight listening to the conversation between her boss and the man she most feared reentering her life. The man that had stole her innocence that early summer night on a street corner in New York City.


"Gabe, I'm telling you, we have some fine looking ladies here. Some real beauties," Leroy said with a small whistle.


"Well, I'll be the judge of that. Who is your best girl?"


"Well, that would have to be Beauty. She has been..."


"Did you say Beauty?"


Kyla silently cursed pressing herself tighter against the wall. She could feel a tear forming


"Yes, I did. Real nice girl. Men all love her. I'll be said to see her go."


"Where is she going?"


"Getting out of this life. I'm actually kind of happy for her. Her and her little boy deserve so much more."


Kyla couldn't listen to anymore. This was her worst nightmare come true. Gabe was supposed to be 3,000 miles in New York. Not in Los Angeles. Not in the club that she worked in. She wanted to run. Wanted to hide, but she couldn't move. Her fear had her glued to the wall.


"Hey, girl, what's up?"


Kyla looked up at her friend in front of her. Opening her mouth to speak, she quickly closed it. Shaking her head, she motioned towards the office.


Her friend looked confused, but then shrugged her shoulders. "See ya on the floor."


Kyla took a shuddering breath as her friend walked away. Finally able to move away from the wall, she began to walk towards the exit. She had to get out of here and fast. Just as she reached the door, she felt a hand fall on her shoulder stopping her.


Chapter 21


Kyla froze in place with her hand on the door. Wanting to turn to see who was behind her, but not wanting to know at the same time. She didn't have to turn.


"Hey, Beauty," the voice whispered in her ear lowly.


That voice she would recognize. that hand on her shoulder was familiar. It belonged to the one person she had never wanted to see again. Shaking her arm from the hand's grasp, she pushed through the door, running out into the alley behind the club.


Hearing the footsteps run after her, she began to run faster until she tripped and fell. Turning to get up, she saw Gabe smiling down at her evily. He pulled her up roughly holding onto her shoulders with a tight grasp. "I missed my girl. That morning I woke up alone, and you were gone I went crazy."


"You missed the money I made you, Gabe."


Kyla felt the backhand to her face never seeing it coming. She raised one of her hands to her cheek letting out a choked sob. She remembered all the things he had left Gabe for in that one moment. Acting without thinking, she raised her knee, and felt it connect with his groin. The sudden move startled as well as hurt him causing him to break his hold on her. She took that opportunity to run.


As she left the alleyway, she continued to run, never looking back once until she was far away from the club and Gabe. Making her way home, she started to look behind her hoping that he hadn't followed her. When she felt safe, she finally entered her building sighing as the door closed and locked behind her.


The second she walked into her apartment, she looked for Scottie. She needed to see his smiling face. She found him in bed asleep already. Laying next to him, she wrapped her arms around him kissing his forehead. Hoping that  Gabe didn't find her or her son. That would be the worst thing that could happen.


Chapter 22


Kyla opened her eyes slowly. Looking towards the window, she could see it was still dark outside. Glancing behind her, she saw it was just past midnight. Not remembering the last time, she was home with Scottie at such an early hour of the night, she snuggled back into the blankets and began to fall back asleep.


As she began to fall, the phone ring rang startling her back out of her slumber. She wondered who would call her at such a late hour. Smiling, she reached over to pick up the phone, knowing that only one person would call her so late.


Sitting up, she put the phone to her ear still smiling. "Hi."


"Hi, Beauty."


Kyla almost dropped the phone from her grasp. How did he get this number? She would kill Leroy if she found it was him. Now he knew where she lived.


"Why so quiet, baby?"


Kyla shuddered at the endearment. She tried to find the words to say to him. The words that would make him leave her alone, but she knew that there was no words. Now that he had found her, he wouldn't stop. She was his. No matter how long it had been since she ran away from him, she was still his.


"Gabe, just don't..."


"Don't try and tell me what to do, woman. You never did listen to me, you know. You had that dumb brat I told you to get rid of it. A boy, huh? I need to start teaching my boy some lessons. Start him out early."


Kyla's blood ran cold. Gabe would not get one step near her son. In his hands, her little boy would change from the sweet innocent boy he is now to something horrid like his father. "You will not get near him. I'll make sure of that, Gabe."


"Oh, I'm scared, Kyla. What are you going to do?"


"You'll see, Gabe." Slamming down the phone, she looked over to see if Scottie had been awakenend by her call, but he still peacefully asleep.


Picking up the phone again, she dialed. not caring how late or early it was, she knew she had to talk to the one person that would make this better.


Chapter 23


The phone rang once, twice, three times. By the fourth ring, Kyla was ready to give up. It was on the fifth ring that the phone was finally answered. A sleep filled voice mumbled, "Hello?"


"Josh, thank God. I need you." Kyla stood up, and left the bedroom after seeing Scottie turnover.


"Kyla, what time is it?"


Kyla glanced at the wall clock. "One," she whispered. "Listen, it's okay, I'll let you get back to sleep."


"No, wait, sweetie. I just wanted to know. You can call me anytime you know that. Are you okay?"


Kyla breathed a shaky sigh. "No, I'm not."


Josh became immediately concerned when he heard Kyla's tone of voice. Sitting up in bed, he turned on the bedside table. "What's wrong?"


"He's here," Kyla said before the sobs began to overtake her.


"Who's there, Kyla? Talk to me."


"Gabe." A loud pounding on the door made Kyla gasp. "He's here, Josh."


Josh could feel Kyla's fear through the phone. Being three thousand miles away, he felt helpless. He wanted to run to her and protect her from whatever was happening. "Kyla, baby, what do you need me to do?"


"I need you here," she cried.


Josh gasped when he heard a loud noise and Kyla scream over the phone. Suddenly the line went dead, and he looked down at the phone in shock. He needed to get to her. If Gabe hurt one hair on her head or Scottie's, he would pay.


Chapter 24


Josh hung up the phone, and ran across the hall pounding on the door. A few minutes later, a sleepy looking Lance opened the door rubbing his eyes. "Josh, what the hell?"


Josh pushed in flipping the light switch. "Kyla is in trouble. I need you to go to LA with me."




"To prevent me from killing someone. Wouldn't exactly be good for our image." Josh motioned towards the half-packed suitcase. "So get ready. I'll make the reservations." Josh began to walk towards the room door.


Lance reached out to stop his friends departure. "What happened?"


"Scottie's dad found her." Josh pulled out of Lance's grasp, and went back to his room. He had to get to her and fast.



Kyla stood in shock as Gabe made his way into her living room. Letting the phone fall to the floor, she turned to run to the bedroom, but his hand reached out and stopped her. He pulled her against him, as he yanked her head back by her hair. "You shouldn't have run, Beauty? Now I am pissed off."


Kyla cried out. Worried about her young son in the next room. She had to keep Gabe away from him. "Scottie, run!"


"Stupid, bitch!" Gabe yelled as he turned her around. "You will pay for that." He shoved her to the couch, as he looked to the bedroom. "I'll be back."


Kyla waited until he had reached the bedroom door before she made her move. The front door was still open, so she ran towards it and out into the hallway. She only hoped that Scottie had listened to her, and escaped through the fire escape.


Chapter 25


All through the flight to Los Angeles, Josh couldn't sleep. Usually he would be out the minute he sat down, but now he couldn't. He wondered what was happening with Kyla. She had sounded so frightened on the telephone, and when he heard her scream all he wanted to do was protect her from whatever was happening.


Cursing under his breath, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Can this plane move any faster?"


"We'll be there soon, Josh. She'll be fine."


Josh sighed looking over at his friend in the seat next to him. "You didn't hear her scream, Lance. She was terrified."


"I'm sure she'll be okay, Josh," Lance said as he patted his friend on the shoulder.


"I wish she would have come with me when I asked her. Then this guy wouldn't have found her."


"Maybe she'll come back with us now."


Josh  hit his knee with the palm of his hand. "There is no maybe. I am making her coming with me this time. It isn't safe for her anymore, and you know what she does when she isn't safe."


"She runs."


"You got it. I just hope we aren't too late."  Josh leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. "Thanks for coming with me, Lance. I would have gone nuts alone on this plane."


Once the plane landed, the two men got into a cab, and road the distance from the airport to Kyla's apartment in nervous silence. When they reached the building, Josh jumped out of the cab leaving Lance to deal with the cab fare and overnight bags.


Josh ran up the three flights of stairs and walked towards her door. He gasped at what he saw as he stopped in front of her door. It was still standing wide open from where Gabe had kicked it the night before.  He walked inside, and noticed immediately that it was trashed. He began to search the small apartment, but it because quickly evident that Kyla nor Scottie were there.


Josh went back into the living room to where Lance was now standing. "She isn't here."


Lance sighed. "We'll find her, Josh."


Josh sighed as he sat down. "I hope so. I hope she didn't run again."


Chapter 26


As darkness fell, there was still no sign of Kyla. Josh sat on her couch waiting for the front door to open. He wouldn't leave to go anywhere. Lance had left hours before to check them into a hotel, but Josh wouldn't go. He had to wait for Kyla. Just past nine o'clock, he let his eyes droop close, and he fell asleep.



Kyla walked back into her apartment just after midnight. She had stayed away a full twenty-fours because she was afraid that Gabe would still be there waiting for her. As she walked in, she noticed a figure lying on her couch. Her first instinct was to run. That she hadn't waited long enough. He was still here waiting for her. She began to turn back towards the door, when a voice called out to her sleepily.


"Kyla, that you?"


Kyla froze in place. She could recognize that voice anywhere. "Josh?" Taking a step closer to the couch, she reached out her hand. When she felt Josh grab onto it, and pull her onto the couch next to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder.


"It's okay, sweetie. I'm here now. Are you okay?" josh lifted her chin, so he could look into her eyes. The sight of  tears streaking down her cheeks made his heart break. He wished he could have been there with her when Gabe broke in the night before. "Where's Scottie?"


"With a friend. I didn't want to bring him back here in case Gabe was waiting for me."


Josh pulled her closer moving her onto his lap. "I'm never leaving you alone again, Kyla. You are coming with me tomorrow, and I'm taking you away from this life."


Kyla opened her mouth to protest, but stopped herself. She knew that being with Josh would be different than being with Gabe. Josh loved her. Gabe loved what she could do for him. There was a difference. Her and Josh needed each other.  Nodding, she lowered her head to his chest.


A few minutes later, she raised her head and smiled. "I love you, Josh," she whispered softly.


Josh smiled back at her and kissed her. "I love you, too, Kyla."


Kyla snuggled closer to Josh and promptly fell asleep in the arms of the man she loved.


The End


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