Just One Night

By:  Foxy Lady


Lance hit his palm on the wheel of his car. Another night. Another fight with Josh. He kept explaining to his boyfriend how much work he had. If he wanted this management company thing to work, he had to work it, but Josh never understood. Tonight, for example. Lance had come home late to find Josh all pissed. Apparently, he had made some big plans for a romanctic dinner, and when Lance hadn't shown up right on time like he had said he would Josh had gotten all pissed.


Instead of staying and listen to his boyfriend, Lance had left their house and ran out to his car. Now he had been driving for three hours now. Just continued to drive. He had no idea where he even was by this point. All he knew was that it was cold and dark outside. The road he was driving down was empty. No houses. No lights. Just trees and road lay in front of him.


Reaching down, he flicked on the radio.  Some Top 40 station blared through the speakers.Damn, Josh. He must have driven the car He changed the station to country, and sat back in his seat with a sigh.  He and Josh were so different. He had no idea why they were even together, but yet here they were going on three years. They had met in college through mutual friends, and had hit it off immediately. Started dating, and six months later had moved in together.


Everyone that knew them called them the perfect happy couple. Totally in love with each other. If they only could see the happy couple now. The two of them barely talked anymore. Sex. HA. Non-existent. Lance was always at the office working late, and by the time he came home Josh would be asleep in their bed.


He still loved Josh. They still had their good times. Those little happy moments when all was good with them and they were that perfect couple everyone pictured them to be, but those moments were getting fewer as time went on. Sighing again, Lance ran his hands through his hair. Josh had been trying to create one of those moments tonight, and here he was driving away from him instead of home in bed.


He took a quick glance out his windshield in his rearview mirror to check for any other cars. Hell, it was after midnight. He made a u-turn, and began driving back in the other direction towards home. He would be luckily to pull into his home by dawn.


He continued to drive feeling his eyes growing tired. Trying to keep awake, so that he could make it home. He would make it up to Josh. He would slide into bed, and he would tell Josh to call in sick, and that is where they would spend the day. Together in bed. Maybe it wasn't too late to fix things between them.


He glanced down at the clock, and saw it was already past two. He still didn't have a clue of where he was. He looked out into the night through his windshield, and something caught his eye a little ways up on the side of the road. He didn't remember seeing anything out here when he had driven by earlier. Of course earlier he had been pissed, and probably hadn't been looking at anything just driving on auto-pilot.


As he got closer, he noticed a figure of a man on the side of the road hunched over to fight the cold of the night. The closer he got to the man, the clearer he became. He was wearing a jean jacket and jeans, and what looked like a bandana covered his hair. Before he realized what he was doing, he had pulled up next to the man and was rolling down his window.  "Where you headed?"


The man hunched down next to the car and looked into the window. "Into the city."


Lance eyed the hitchhiker. He was really no more than a boy. Probably not even twenty. The bandana on his head covered  blondish-brown curls that peeked out in back. As he waited for Lance, he blew into his hands. Lance knew he shouldn't pick up someone on the side of the road. You never know who you might be picking up, but there was something about this boy that made him reach over and push open his passenger side door.


The smile that crossed the boy's face brought a smile to Lance's own face. He watched as he sat down on the passenger seat and placed his backpack on the floor by his feet. "Thanks, man. I was freezing out there."


"Not a problem. It looked pretty cold, and not many people are going to be driving down this road this time of night." Lance reached out his hand. "I'm Lance, by the way."


"Justin," the boy said shaking his hand.


Chapter 2


Lance pulled back out onto the road, and began to drive. He could see Justin rubbing his hands together, so he nodded towards the dash. "You can put the heater on if you want."


Lance watched as Justin reached out and turned the heater on. He looked over briefly as Justin placed his hands in front of the heating vent to warm them. Justin turned to him with a smile. "Thanks, man. It is really freaking cold out there."


"I can tell." Lance turned his attention back to the road. Or at least tried to. Just in the few brief moments that he had been watching Justin, he knew he was just beautiful. He could tell that even in the darkness of the car. "So what you doing out on the side of the road on a cold night like this?" Lance heard Justin sigh, and glanced over to see Justin looking down at his hands. "Hey, you okay?"


Justin looked up. "I'm fine. Just the last guy that gave me a ride was too touchy feely." Justin laughed. "Man you should have seen him. He was disgusting. Probably pushing forty. Balding. Beer gut, and he was like all grabby, so I told him to get the fuck off of me, and drop me."


"Sorry," Lance whispered.


""Hey, man. No biggie. I can take care of myself pretty good you know. Been doing it for a few years now."


Justin grew silent, and Lance continued to drive. Lance could feel Justin's eyes on him. He wondered what color they were. He couldn't tell in the light in the car. Justin's stare remained on him for a few silent moments. Lance wanted to turn towards him, but he kept his eyes focused on the road ahead of him.


When Justin finally spoke, Lance jumped. "You know, you're kinda hot."


Lance laughed. "What?"


"You heard me, Lance. " Lance felt Justin place his hand on his thigh. "If it had been you trying to get all touchy feely with me I probably would have let you."


Lance glanced over at Justin briefly. "Come on, Justin. Be serious." When he turned back towards the road, he saw Justin move closer to him letting his hand travel higher on his thigh.


"I'm being serious," Justin breathed against Lance's neck.


Lance felt Justin's lips touch his neck, and he moved away. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He had just picked this kid up off the side of the road, and here he was moving his hand slowly toward Lance's crotch. "Justin, come on, stop."


"You don't really want me to stop now, do you, Lance? I saw you looking at me. I know you want me."


Lance felt Justin press his hand agianst his crotch. As he begun to rub the palm of his hand against him, he let out a low groan. "Shit, Justin, I'm driving."


Justin laughed. "Then pull over."


Lance looked over briefly and caught Justin's gaze. He saw something he hadn't seen in Josh's eyes in a long time. Lust and want. Before he knew what he was doing, he had pulled over to the side of the road. "I don't know what I'm doing," Lance said as he turned off the ignition. He felt Justin press his hand more firmly against him. He turned towards Justin. "Why me?"


"Why not?" Justin said a second before attacking Lance's mouth with his own.


Lance moaned opening his mouth slightly allowing Justin's tongue to enter. They continued to kiss. Justin pushing Lance back into his seat. When Lance felt Justin's fingers begin to fumble with the button to his khaki's, he broke the kiss. "Justin, I am not doing this in a car." Justin moved back to the passenger seat. "I have not one clue of why you are doing this. You want to do this?"


"Hell yeah," Justin said.


Lance turned the car back on and pulled back onto the road. "Fine."


Chapter 3


Lance drove. He knew it would be light soon. The only sound in the car was of he and Justin breathing. He kept his attention focused on driving. If he let himself think about what he was doing, his conscience would come to the surface. What was he doing? He had Josh waiting at home it would say to him. He shouldn't be here with this boy he had just met looking for a place to fuck. Cause that is just what he was doing.


"Stop thinking," Justin said from his seat. He reached out and put his hand on Lance's leg once again. "Thinking only gets you in trouble."


Lance shook his head. "No, you are getting me in trouble, baby boy. I shouldn't be doing this."


"Why not? Nothing wrong with it. Unless you got a man or something."


Lance made a brief glance in Justin's direction. "His name is Josh."


"Oh. Well." Justin moved his hand away from Lance. "I'm sorry, man. Forget it."


Lance's leg felt cold where Justin had removed his hand. In his mind, he was battling with himself. He had a man as Justin had put it. He didn't need this boy. No, he didn't need him, but god did he want him. He saw the blinking lights of a motel sign up ahead, and sighed. "Fuck this," he said, as he drove into the motel parking lot. He stopped the car, and pulled out the key.


Turnng towards Justin, he reached out to touch Justin's cheek but stopped himself. "Listen, Justin, don't ask me what I'm doing here. I'm flying blind, but I know that I don't want to forget it. Josh and I are weird right now. I don't know if I can fix it, but I'm going to try, so this is just tonight. No promises. No I love you's. Just one night. Nothing more."


Justin nodded his head slowly. Lance watched him for a second before he got out of the car. He walked into the lobby, and rented a room coming back out to the car a few minutes later. Justin still sat in the passenger seat waiting for him to return. Lance motioned for Justin to get out of the car.


Lance walked over to the room number listed on the key and opened it. He looked back and watched Justin walk towards him. He let Justin enter the room first. Following Justin inside, he closed the door, and threw the key on the dresser.


Justin had his back towards Lance. Walking up behind him, he placed his hands on Justin's waist. Justin turned around suddenly and pushed Lance against the room door.  "So you want me, huh?"


Lance didn't even answer. He just pressed his lips against Justin in a hard kiss. His hands made their way from Justin's waist up to his shoulders and pushed his jacket off. His hands then made their way further up and pulled the bandana off Justin's head freeing the curls underneath. He buried his fingers in them and pulled Justin closer.


Justin broke the kiss as he began to step back towards the bed pullling Lance with him. "I'll take that as a yes," he said as fell back onto the bed. Lance fell on top of him with a growl. Lance let his hands trail down Justin's sides fingering the hem of the grey wifebeater he wore before lifting it up and over Justin's head in one move. He threw it on the floor next to the bed before lowering his mouth to a spot just above Justin's collarbone.


Lance moved down further his chest letting his tongue lick gently at a nipple causing Justin to arch his back as he buried his hands in Lance's hair. As Lance continued to move lower, Justin pulled at him to move back up. Lance complied as he kissed him hungrily reaching down to the button of his jeans. As he pushed them down Justin's legs, Justin shuck them off.


Justin broke the kiss gasping for breath. He looked up at Lance with a pout. "No fair. Here I am laying here almost naked and you're still fully dressed."


Lance laughed as he reached and began to unbutton his shirt. When he reached the second one, Justin smacked his hands away. "Let me do that." He undid the rest of the buttons quickly, and pushed the shirt off Lance's shoulders. He lifted himself off the bed taking Lance's nipple into his mouth licking and sucking until he groaned above him letting his head fall back. Justin continued to work on the rest of Lance's clothing as his mouth never left his chest.


Soon both men lay naked hands touching and mouths kissing.Lance licked at an earlobe before whispering, "You want to feel good, baby boy?"


Justin nodded his head. "In my backpack. Front pocket. There's..."


Lance got off the bed returning a few moments later. "Got it." He lowered himself so that he was laying on top of Justin once again. One hand reached up and played absentmindedly with the curls.


"Don't start thinking, Lance," Justin whispered as he let his hands travel down Lance's back.


"I'm not, baby boy." He pressed his lips to Justin's before whispering, "do you know how beautiful you are?"


Justin pressed his lips to Lance's this time moaning when his tongue entered his mouth to explore. He felt Lance's hand make its way down his chest and across his stomach. When he felt Lance's finger touch the tip of his cock, he let out a tiny gasp.


"You like that? Well, I'm not done yet." Lance let his hand go lower swallowing Justin's gasp with a kiss as he pressed one finger into him.  When he added a second, Justin let out a soft moan as he broke the kiss.


"Lance, please."


Lance moved away for a second but returned quickly to lay between Justin's legs. He buried his fingers in Justin's curls as he entered him slowly. He lay motionless until he felt Justin make a small thrust against him. Only then did he begin to move. Making small thrusts until he felt Justin's hands tighten on his shoulders before moving down to squeeze his ass.


The next few moments past in a pleasurable blur for both men. The only sounds being made were moans and gasps as each of them found release. Lance lowered his head onto Justin's shoulder, "Damn, baby boy. That was good."


Justin nodded as he ran his hand down Lance's back. He felt Lance fall asleep, and he sighed. He moved out from under him as quietly trying not to wake him. He got dressed quickly watching Lance as he slept. He saw a pad of paper and pen lying on the dresser, and wrote a quick note before picking up his backpack. with one last look, he exited the motel room leaving Lance asleep.                                   


Chapter 4


Lance woke up to the sun shining down on his face through the slightly open curtain. He rolled over onto his back, and opened his eyes glancing to the other side of the bed hoping to find Justin still lying there next to them. He saw the bed beside him was empty, and sighed. He sat up and ran his fingers through his.


Maybe Justin wasn't even real. Maybe he was just figment of a tired mind driving during the dark night. Maybe he hadn't felt that body as it moved underneath him. Maybe he hadn't betrayed the man he had loved for two years. The man that probably at this very moment was going crazy with worry over his not showing up at all through the night.


However, Lance knew that Justin was indeed real. He could still smell the scent of sex in the air even though it had been hours. He got up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom. He had to go home. He had to talk to Josh. He had to repent for the sin he had commited with this beautiful boy he had just met on the side of a road.


Lance let the water from the shower flow over his body as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. Even now, it was almost as if he could still feel Justin. He turned the water off, and grabbed a towel drying off quickly. He went back out into the room and pulled on his clothes. Something was lying on the dresser, and he walked over to look at it.


As he got closer, he saw a piece of motel stationery folded in half with his name written on one side. He reached down with shaky fingers and opened it beginning to read.



I'm sorry I didn't stay to wake up with you. I thought it would be best for both of us if I was gone in the morning when you woke up. I know you've got someone, and this thing we did will only be awkward in the light of day. I hope it works out with you and your man Josh. I will always remember you.



Lance read the note over a few more times. His fingers tracing the writing. Maybe if he wasn't with Josh. Maybe if he and Justin had met some other way they could have had more than just the one night, but that isn't the way things are. He did have Josh. He did love him. Justin was just something that happened. Something he needed to forget happened.


He folded the note back up. He looked down at the trash can next to the dresser, but instead of throwing the note away, he placed it in his pants pocket. He gave himself one final look in the mirror before grabbing the room key and heading out of the room. Stopping for one last look before closing the door behind him.


The drive back to the home he shared with Josh did not take him very long. About an hour after he left the small motel, he was pulling into his driveway. He sat in the car for a few silent moments as he looked up at the house. He wondered if Josh would still be upset with him. If he would figure out what had Lance had done. He knew he couldn't tell his boyfriend about Justin. The way things were between them right now it would be the end of it all. He did love josh. He wanted to try to fix this. Keep telling yourself that, Bass. If you still wanted all those things you wouldn't have slept with Justin.


Lance sighed as he got out of the car. He walked up the path reaching into his pants pocket for his keys. His fingers grazed the note Justin had left, and he sighed again. Before he was able to put the key in the lock, the door swung open. He looked up to see Josh standing there in the same clothes he had been wearing the night before.


"Lance, where the hell have you been all night? I kept calling your cell. Didn't you get any of the messages?"


Lance pushed by Josh and into the house. "Listen, my phone died. Sorry, babe."


Josh stood there with his arms crossed. "That still doesn't explain where you were."


Lance shrugged his shoulders. "Just out driving. Thinking about things."


Josh moved closer wrapping his arms around Lance's waist. "About last night. I'm sorry, Lance. I know how busy you are with work and stuff."


Lance pressed his lips to his boyfriend's in a quick kiss. "Forget it, babe. I'm sorry I worried you. I'm tired. I think I am going to take the day off," Lance said as he moved away and up the stairs. How was he going to make things better when they had gotten so bad?

Chapter 5


Lance walked into the bedroom and stripped down to his boxers quickly. He picked up a t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He could hear Josh moving around somewhere downstairs and sighed. He looked over at the bedside table at a picture of him and Josh taken not to long ago. They looked so happy then. He walked over to his briefcase and reached in for his glasses and a file. He made his way back over to the bed and spread the file on his lap and began to read.


Lance looked up from the contract he was reading about thirty minutes later. He listened as Josh made his way up the stairs. He looked back down at the paperwork before him as Josh walked into the room. Lance watched him out of the corner of his eye as he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. He stripped down quickly and then took longer than was necessary to pull the on the sweatpants.


Lance gave up the pretense of reading and watched as Josh climbed onto the bed. He laid down next to him, and looked at the file on Lance's lap. "What you reading?"


"Just going over some contracts." Lance closed the file and reached up for his glasses. Taking them off, he rubbed his nose. He fought a yawn as he moved to lay down on the bed.


"Tired?" Josh asked as he placed his hand on Lance's chest.


Lance let his eyes drift closed and fell into a deep sleep.When he woke up sometime later, it was to find himself laying next to Josh with his head on his chest. He smiled briefly before he remembered what he had done just hours before. He knew if Josh ever found out about Justin it would be the end of their relationship.He raised his head and looked at the clock on the nightstand by Josh's side of the bed. It was just past three. He sighed as he moved to sit up, but Josh held onto to him tightly.


He decided to give up for the time being and lay there. Trying to go back to a time when he would rather lay there wrapped in Josh's arms than get up to do anything. Those times had happened not so long ago. Lance let his eyes close once again.


As he began to drift back to sleep, Josh whispered, "What happened to us, Lance?"


Lance sighed as he opened his eyes. He lifted his head resting his chin on Josh's chest. "I don't know. We're both so busy with work and doing our own things lately. We never find time for just us anymore."


Josh nodded. "You know I can't remember that last time we just slept like this. I'm already asleep by the time you drag yourself hom from the office." Josh ran his free hand through Lance's hair. "I don't want to lose us Lance. I love you too much."


Those words pierced Lance's heart. Josh loved him, and he loved Josh. Then why did he do what he had done. Why had slept with some boy he picked up on the side of the road? "I love you, too, Josh. We can still make this right. I know we can."


"You have to want to try, Lance," Josh whispered. "Sometimes I wonder if you even want to be an us anymore. You're never home. You don't do the things you used to. You even forgot wehat yesterday was."


Lance looked confused before he remembered. "Shit. Our anniversary."


"Right. Our anniversary. Instead of coming home ready for a romantic evening you blow a fuse and leave for the whole night."


Lance sat up and ran his fingers through feeling guilter and guilter with each passing moment. He looked away from the blue eyes that knew him so well. "I'm sorry. I will make this work. I will do whatever I have to in order to make you see that I want this to work." Lance lay back down. "I want this to work, Josh."


"Good. Then we will start as of now." Josh said with a slight smile. He raised his head off the bed and pressed his lips to Lance's in a quick.kiss.


Lance smiled and closed his eyes. soon both men were once again fast asleep.


Chapter 6


Six months passed, and things between them did get better little by little. It wasn't the way it was before. They were no longer called the perfect couple by all their friends. The perfect couple had problems just like every other couple out there. The cracks still showed, and would probably never fade, but the two of them were happy.


Smiling, laughing, making love. Doing all the things that couples did together. Lance made an effort to not work late every night coming home to eat dinner at least three nights a week. However, he didn't forget the eyes of another man that had watched him that cold night not to long agao. Justin haunted his dreams night after night. In the light of day, Justin would find his way into his thoughts making him wonder where the boy was. Had he stayed in the city or drifted on to the next? would he bump into him sometime in a bar or on the street?


Lance walked into the house quickly shaking his umbrella. "Damn, it's pouring out there?"


Josh walked in from the other room. "Give that umbrella. Jacket, too." He took the items from Lance after Lance shrugged the wet jacket off his shoulders. "I ordered in today. I have it warming in the oven."


Lance took a quick sniff and smiled. "Smells great. Let me go up and change out of this wet stuff, and I'll be back."


Josh waved him away, as he walked back into the kitchen. "I'll have it ready soon."


Lance returned to the dining room about ten miuntes later. The food was already out and Josh had poured each of them a glass of wine. Lance sat down and took a sip of his wine as he waited for Josh to join him. When he finally did sit down at his place at the table, Lance began to eat. "today was hellish. I think I might lose that one contract I was trying to get."


"Sorry, Lance, but I might be able to help you there," josh said as he sipped his wine.


"Yeah. How?"


"Well, I met this guy down at the studio. Real nice kid. He came in with a friend of his to watch him record. Well, this friend pulls him into the studio with him after we were done. Tells him to sing, and I swear this kid sounded like an angel. Awesome voice, and it turns out he needs a manager."


"Well, maybe that will work out. I would need to hear him first. Then I would have to see him. Not making any promises, gut I'll give him a listen."


Josh jumped up and ran over to the CD player. "I was hoping you would say that cause I got him on CD."


Lance laughed. "Does he know you did that?"


Josh nodded. "Yeah. I told him I had someone that might be interested. Like I said real nice kid. You would like him. Got into town about six months back. Well, listen for yourself." Josh pushed played and music filled the room. The two men listened together for a few silent moments.


When the music was done, Lance smiled. "you were right. I need to get this kid on with me. What is his name?"


Josh walked back to the table and sat down. "Justin. Justin Timberlake."


The smile froze on Lance's face at the name. He reached over and took a large sip of wine as he looked down at his plate. It couldn't be the same Justin. That was a common name. No way in hell that these men were the same. "So he sounds awesome. What does he look like?"


"He's very good looking. Muscular. Tall. Curly brownish blonde hair. Had to wear a bandana the curls were so big."


Shit.That was Justin. Right down to the bandana. Of course there paths would cross someday. With his luck, it was inevitable. How could he forget him and that one night if he signed him and had to see him all the time. How could he continue to keep that one night hidden from Josh?


Chapter 7


After that night, Lance tried to keep his mind off Justin, but that was nearly impossible. Josh and Justin had become close friends. Justin even had started working at the studio Josh did. Every night josh would tell him some story or another about Justin. Lance tried to keep avoiding the issue, but with Josh it was unavoidable. He kept suggesting places for Lance and Justin to meet. Set on getting Lance to sign Justin.


Lance would keep finding excuses to not meet Justin. Meetings would mysteriously come up at the last minute. He would have to stay at the office late to finish some paperwork or another. Lance could tell Josh was losing patience with all the excuses.


One night, Lance came home to dinner. He could smell the food as soon as he walked through the door. He threw his briefcase on the couch as he made his way to the kitchen. "Hey, dinner smells great. When do we eat?"


Josh turned towards him after checking the food in the oven. "Soon. How was your day?"


Lance sat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter and propped his head on his hands. "Long, tiring, but productive."


Josh reached into the oven and pulled out a pan. He placed it on the stove top and turned off the oven. "Well, dinner is about ready. Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable, and I'll get it on the table."


Lance nodded as he stood up. "Yeah. I think I will do that." He walked out to the living room and was about to walk up the stairs, when their was a knock on the door. He groaned as he looked towards the kitchen. "I'll get it. Probably a fucking salesman." Lance walked towards the door, and opened it slowly. He wasn't even really looking at who was standing on the other side.


"Oh my God," a voice whispered.


Lance looked up and his jaw dropped. Standing on his doorstep was the one person he wanted to avoid seeing ever again. "Shit. Justin." Lance ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He opened the door and stepped aside to let Justin in. "He doesn't know," Lance whispered as he watched Josh in the kitchen. "He will not know."


Justin nodded his head unable to speak. It was at that moment that Josh came in from the kitchen. "Hey, maan. right on time. Dinner is on the table. All we need is some wine."


"I'll go get it," Lance said walking towards the kitchen. He could hear the two men laughing and talking in the living room as he moved towards the basement. He opened the door, and flipped the light switch before making his way down the stairs.


At the foot of the stairs, he slumped against the wall and lowered his head into his hands. Ever since that one night with Justin he has tried to forget him. He knew something had clicked that night for them. They had found a motel in the middle of nowhere and fucked. He did not do that. It had been months before he had slept with Josh, but he meets Justin and minutes later there in bed.


The minute he had seen Justin on his doorstep it felt like he had been punched in his gut. Justin was still beautiful, and whatever had between them that night was still there now. Why did he have to come back into his life now? Things between him and Josh were almost back to normal, but now there was Justin. Lance didn't know how he would deal with the two men in his life. The man he loved and the man he wanted.


Chapter 8


Lance stayed down in the basement a few more moments collecting his thoughts. He wished he could stay down here forever. Upstairs however two men waited for him, and if he didn't make an appearance soon, one of them would come looking for him. He looked over at the wine rack, and decided to grab two bottles. Might as well drink. Maybe then he could forget the situation he was in.


Grabbing two bottles, he made his way back up the stairs. He could hear Josh and Justin in the kitchen, and he sighed before entering it. He placed the two bottles of wine on the kitchen counter and wrapped his arm around Josh's waist. Josh smiled down at him, and continued to talk. Lance looked up at Justin and tried to smile, but the look in Justin's eyes made him stop. Justin's eyes looked sad. He was smiling and the laughing, but it didn't reach his eyes. Lance looked down hating the thought that maybe he had put that sadness there.


Josh moved away from Lance and walked over to the oven. "Lance go take the wine and Justin to the dining room. I'll be there in a few minutes."


Lance nodded as he grabbed the wine. "Follow me." He walked through the kitchen and into the dining room letting the door shut behind him. He turned towards Justin, saw the smile replaced with a small frown. "This sucks, don't it?"


Justin nodded his head. "Lance, I.."


Lance held up his hand. "We can't talk now. Not here." He sighed. "But we need to talk. Later maybe."


Lance heard footsteps coming closer and motioned for Justin to sit down. He busied himself in open the first bottle of wine as Josh walked in carrying the food. Josh looked between the two men before leaving again to retrieve the rest of the meal.


"Justin, he cannot know about... I would have to tell him, but I want.."


Justin nodded as he sipped at the glass Lance placed in front of him. "He's my friend. I won't tell him."


"Okay." Lance took a sip of his own wine before looking at Justin. "Are you even old enough to drink?"


"No, but who cares, right?"


Josh returned, and sat down. The three men discussed various topics during the meal, but Lance continuously felt Justin's eyes on him throughout it. After they were done eating, the three took the second bottle of wine and moved into the living room. Josh talked more about music and Justin's voice. Lance watched as Justin blushed. His cheeks made redder with the alcohol he had drank.


By the time, the second bottle was finished all three men were pretty wasted. Justin sat on the couch leaning his head against the back with his eyes closed. Josh giggled slightly when he heard Justin groan. "I think we got the kid drunk, Lance."


"You think?" Lance looked over at Justin and sighed. "He shouldn't drive like this."


Justin opened his eyes. "I'm fine," he slurred.


Lance laughed. "No, you aren't, baby boy. You're going to stay here tonight." He looked over at Josh. "Guest room made up?"




Lance nodded his head. "Then that settles it." Lance yawned. "I'm going up. You make sure he gets to bed okay."


Josh nodded as he stood up. "Got it. I'll be up in a few."


Lance walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. He ripped off his shirt and threw it to the floor. How would he be able to sleep with Josh in here and have Justin downstairs?


Chapter 9


Lance listened silently as Josh made his way into the bedroom. He felt him slide into the bed, but still Lance did not move. He didn't feel like dealing with Josh. Not tonight. Not with Justin so close. Why had Justin been brought back into his life now? Why had been brought into his life that night?


Lance felt Josh press up against his back kissing the top of his shoulder. He could feel his breath on the back of his neck, but he still did not turn around. He knew he should. This was Josh. The man he loved. Yet his mind kept drifting down to the other man he knew was asleep downstairs.The man that was no more than a boy really, but yet he felt some unconscious pulled towards.


Lance felt more than heard Josh sigh before he turned over on his side. Not soon after, he heard Josh's breathing slow into sleep. He turned onto his back and glanced over the man beside him. He waited until he was sure that Josh was asleep before moving to slip out of the bed. He padded in his bare feet over to the bedroom opening it slowly stopping momentarily to look back to make sure Josh had not wakened.


When he saw him still sound asleep, he left the room and made his way down the stairs. He walked through the kitchen and down the hall to guest room at the end. He saw the door stood slightly a jar, and he looked inside towards the bed. When he found the bed empty, he pushed the door open further, but Justin was nowhere to be found. He walked back towards the kitchen and into the living room stopping in the doorway when he saw Justin standing in the corner.


Justin's back was towards him, but it looked like he was looking at one of the pictures that lined the mantle over the fireplace.Lance moved closer and reached up his hand, but just before it landed on Justin's shoulder, Justin turned to face him. "Don't, Lance."


Lance looked down at the floor at his feet. "Justin, we need to talk."


Justin shrugged his shoulders. "What about? We made no promises. You said it yourself that night. It was just one night, Lance. That was it. You said you were going to try and work things out with your man, and it looks like you did. I'm happy for you."


Justin began to push by Lance, but Lance reached out to stop him. "Yes, things are better with Josh and I, but I still remember you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Tonight when I saw you, I wanted to grab you and kiss you. I feel this connection with you that I just cannot explain."


Justin laughed. "Do you know how many nights I thought about you? Hoping maybe I would see you again, and hoping that maybe things wouldn't have worked with your man."


Lance reached out again and touched Justin's cheek, but he jerked back from the touch. "No. We won't do this. I know JC now. He is my friend, and I know he loves you. He talks about his boyfriend all the time. I just wished he would have said your name."


Lance dropped his head down letting out a soft sigh. He looked down at the floor again  "Then I guess that is it then." He looked up and caught Justin watching him with a sad look. "Justin..."


Justin caught his gaze and took a deep breath. Letting it out, he shook his head. "Screw this," he mumbled before reaching out and pulling Lance to him.Before Lance could even speak, Justin had claimed his mouth kissing him hungrily. Lance groaned softly wrapping his arms around Justin's back pressing his body against Justin's.


"Oh my God."


Lance broke the kiss, and looked towards the doorway. "Josh."


Chapter 10


Lance let his hands fall away from Justin as he watched Josh stand in the doorway. "Josh, I'm..."


Josh held up his hand as he walked into the room further. "Lance, don't even try to get yourself out of this one. I saw what you two were doing. I heard what you two were talking about."


Lance took a step forward and reached out his hand towards Josh. He had never meant for Josh to find out about Justin. Especially not like this. If Josh had to know, then he wanted to be the one to tell him. But instead, Josh knew and he had found out in the worst possible way.


When Lance's hand landed on Josh's arm, Josh jerked away and turned towards Justin. "So since my boyfriend didn't deem it important enough to tell me about you two why don't you tell me. When did you two fuck?"


Lance looked between the two men gasping at Josh's words.


"Don't be shocked, Lance. I sort of expected you had slept with someone else. In fact, I almost was certain you had, but I didn't know who and didn't know when exactly." Josh turned back to Justin. "So tell me buddy? When did you and Lance meet up?"


Justin sighed looking to Lance for a second before turning to Josh. "About six months ago."


"That night you were gone all night, right, Lance?'


Lance nodded. He moved toward Josh again. "Listen, I can explain."


Josh shrugged his shoulders. "No, you can't. You meet some guy. I don't know even know where, and you go and fuck him that night. Then come home to me. Spend the last six months trying to make things work between us. Then the guy that you had this one night stand with comes back, and you want to make it a second night. Do I got this pretty much right so far?"


Lance stood silent. He couldn't speak. He couldn't find the words that would this all okay. There weren't any maybe. He looked back and forth between Josh and Justin wishing he would have told Josh about that night before.


"Why did you even come back? Why did go through the last six months working on us? Rebuilding our relationship on a foundation of lies." Josh moved to sit on the couch and lowered his head onto his hands.


Lance sat down next to him. "Cause I love you, Josh. I didn't want to give up on us. Every couple goes through problems, and I knew we could fix ours."


Josh looked up. "Do you still love me?"


Lance looked up at Justin before turning back to Josh and answering. "Yes, I do."


Josh sighed. "Then choose, Lance. Do you want this relationship to continue or do you want to end it and go with Justin? You can't have us both." Josh paused as he reached up to touch Lance's cheek. "I don't want to give up on us either. I know I should because you lied to me, but you love me and I love you. We can work past this. If you want to that is."


Lance looked at the man sitting next to him. The man he had loved for almost three years. Josh meant everything to him. Justin was great, and maybe if they had met at another time things could have gone differently. He loved Josh. "I want us to work."


Josh smiled and breated a soft sigh of relief. "Good."


Lance looked up to find Justin to find him gone. He looked towards the doorway, but Justin was gone. He heard the front door close a moment and sighed. Justin was gone. Why did that bother him so much?


Chapter 11


Over the next few weeks, Lance and Josh tried to work things out, but it wasn't as easy as it was the first time. Josh was still mad at Lance for Lance's fling with Justin as he called it. He figured he should have told him about him sooner which Lance agreed.


Justin still remained in Lance's thoughts. He wondered what would have happened if maybe he hadn't chosen to stay with Josh that night. What would have Justin done if he had chosen to leave Josh? Did Justin want a relationsip with him? Did Justin feel the same connection between them that he did?


Lance turned onto his back and glanced over at the man laying next to him. Since that night Josh had found him and Justin kissing Josh hadn't laid a hand on him. There were no kisses. No small touches as he would pass by. They still slept in the same bed together, but Josh kept to his side not cuddling up to Lance like he used to. Lance wondered if maybe he had made a mistake.


The next night Lance came home early for a change. Another thing he hadn't done in awhile. He would rather work late at the office doing mindless paperwork than come home to Josh with his sad and angry looks. He threw his briefcase on the couch, and walked into the kitchen. Leaning on the counter, he smiled over at Josh for a second, but the smile faded as soon as he saw Josh's face.


Lance sighed. "What can I say to make this better Josh? I mean it has been a month since that night with Justin. I picked you. I stayed here in our home with you. Isn't that what you wanted?"


Josh threw the towel he was wiping his hands on into the kitchen sink. He turned toward Lance eyes blazing. "Is that what I wanted? Yes, it was. What I keep asking myself is if it was what you wanted?"


Lance lowered his head, but kept silent.


Josh took a step closer leaning against the other aide of the counter. "So is it? Did you really want to choose me that night? Is it really me you see spending the rest of your life with?"


Lance closed his eyes and sighed.


"This isn't going to work with us. You don't want me anymore. You haven't wanted me for a long time. You want him."


Lance finally looked up. "I'm sorry, Josh. I wanted us to work."


Josh sighed. "You chose me that night because in your mind you thought that was the right thing to do. But doing the right thing doesn't always make you happy." Josh turned back towards the stove. "He's leaving you know."


Lance made a small noise, but no words came out until Josh turned towards him once again. "What? When?"


Josh smiled. "He quit his job at the studio yesterday. He said he would be leaving town by the end of the weekend." Josh moved around the counter and kissed Lance softly. "You never kissed me like I saw you kiss him. Go talk to him before he leaves." Josh pulled out a slip of paper out of his pocket, and slipped it into Lance's hand.


Lance opened the paper to find an address written on it. He smiled and moved towards the doorway of the kitchen stopping to glance back at Josh one last time. "I didn't mean for this happen you know that. I did love you. I still do. It's just..."


"Something you can't explain right?"


Lance nodded. "Yeah. Something like that."


"Well, then go. You only find that once." Josh waved his hand towards Lance. He watched as Lance walked out the kitchen waiting for the front door to click shut before breathing a shaky sigh.



Lance stood in front of the building looking at the slip of paper in his hand. "Well this is the place." He folded the piece of paper, and placed in his pocket before walking up the stairs. He walked through the door, and up the stairs to the third floor. He began to look at apartment numbers finding the one he wanted at the end of the hall.


He stood in front of the door for a few moments before raising his hand to knock. When he touched the door, it opened slightly. He took a breath and pushed it open further. He saw Justin standing over by the window with his back to the door. Lance took a step inside, and closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"


Lance leaned against the door. "Josh told me you were leaving town."


Justin turned around and crossed his arms across his chest. "So? It shouldn't matter to you what I do. You chose him."


Lance sighed as he took a step forward. "I made a mistake that night, Justin." Lance stopped in front of Justin. "Have you ever done something cause you thought it was the right thing to do?"


Justin nodded.


Lance sighed. "Well, that is what I did that night. I had been with Josh for so long. I had been in love with him for so long that I thought choosing you after knowing you for less than a day really would be wrong. Josh and I had history. We had just one night."


"One great night," Justin whispered softly.


Lance chuckled. "Yeah, one great night. I couldn't forget you Justin. You were always in my thoughts. Josh knew that."


"I couldn't forget you either. I didn't want to forget you, Lance."


Lance reached up and stroked Justin's cheek softly. "You said you weren't going to, remember?"


Justin smiled as he let his arms fall at his sides. "Yeah, I do." Justin lowered his head and kissed Lance softly. "So can we have another night?"


Lance placed his hands on Justin's waist and took a step closer. He kissed Justin quickly. "We can have a whole lot of nights."


The End


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