Kid At Heart

By:  Foxy Lady


Lance pushed open the door, walking into the dark hotel room as quietly as he could, so as not to wake up his sleeping roommate. Closing the door behind him, he blinked his eyes a few times in the darkness, letting his eyes adjust before moving further into the room. Glancing over at the other bed in his room, he tilted his head, eyebrows furrowing slightly when he realized the bed where Justin should be sleeping lay empty. Chewing on his bottom lip, he looked around the dark room, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness of the room. He was about to open his mouth to call out to his roommate, but before he could get any words out, he heard a small sniffle come from the back corner of the room. Sighing he made his way, frowning when he saw Justin sitting there. "Justin, you okay?"


Justin looked up, jumping a little at the sound of Lance's voice, wiping at his eyes quickly. "Yeah. I'm fine."


Shaking his head, Lance sighed as he moved to sit next Justin on the floor. "No, you aren't. What's wrong, J?" Wrapping his arm around Justin's shoulder, he smiled a little when Justin laid his head on his shoulder.


Justin let out a shaky sigh, shrugging his shoulder. "Just miss home. Momma is gone. Easter's coming up soon, and we're going to be stuck here in Europe away from all our families and everything."


Lance bit his lip and nodded. "I know, but we'll all be together and my momma is here, and I'm sure we'll do something for Easter, so it won't be too bad J."


Justin nodded. "I guess it won't be too bad. It's not like I'm a little kid that believes in the Easter bunny and getting Easter baskets. That stuff is for little kids. Not someone like me."


Lance glanced over at his friend. Sighing softly, he rubbed Justin's shoulder. "You don't have to be a little kid to get an Easter basket J. Just a kid at heart."


The two of them sat that way for sometime in the darkness of the room. Eventually falling asleep that way. The next morning Justin just smiled and thanked Lance for being their like he always was when he needed him causing Lance to blush slightly. After that neither of them talked about it. Easter eve arrived and all of them hung out as much as they could. Even with the show they had that night. Justin was the first to return to his room that night. He opened the door and turned on the light, his widening a little when he saw an basket and a stuffed bunny lying on his bed. As he got closer, he noticed a small note laying next to the bunny. Picking it up, he read the words to himself silently.


I know its not the Easter bunny and I know its not your traditional Easter basket, but you are still a kid at a heart and I wanted to see you smile. So Happy Easter J.




Justin looked up and saw Lance standing in the doorway to their room. "Do you like it J?"


Nodding, Justin smiled wide, "I love it, Lance. Thank you. Happy Easter."


Lance walked in further, closing the door, "Happy Easter, J."


The End


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