Late Night Reading

By:  Foxy Lady


JC had no idea where their bus was heading. Another night. Another concert. Now they were off. He exited his bunk, and stood in the small hallway. He could hear his four bandmates in the back of the bus, and he made his way back there to join them. He stood in the doorway watching his four friends unwind. None of them could really sleep after a real good show, and tonight's show had been one of the really good ones. He could see Lance sitting one the floor leaning against the wall with his laptop sitting on his knees. Justin was laying on the couch in a tank top and boxers with a bag on the floor next to him. Chris and Joey were sitting on the floor on either side of the bag fighting each other to get at its contents.


Justin looked up as JC walked into the room. He smacked at his friend's hands and picked up the bag off the floor. He held it out to JC, "Marshmallow?"


JC shook his head, as he looked back over to Lance. He hadn't moved since JC had walked into the lounge. JC could see his eyes go back and forth as he read whatever he was seeing on the screen. Shrugging his shoulders, he sat on the floor next to Joey. Chris got up and threw a marshmallow at Lance. "Hey, Scoop." When Lance didn't even look up from the computer, Chris got up and made his way over to him. "What the hell are you watching?"


Lance looked up from the computer screen with a confused look on his face. "Huh?"


Chris laughed. He reached down and grabbed for the laptop, but Lance held onto it tightly. "I said, what the hell are you watching?"


Lance sighed. "Nothing, Chris. Just doing some reading is all." Lance's eyes returned to the screen, and Chris turned like he was going to go back to the couch, but after a few seconds he turned and successfully grabbed Lance's laptop from him.


"Chris," Lance whined as Chris ran laughing back to the couch. Justin sat up, and Joey stood behind them, as they flipped the screen back up.


Their was silence for a few seconds. Lance made his way over to the couch. JC smiled up at him from his spot on the floor. He hadn't joined the rest the group on the couch.


"Whoa," Justin whispered.


Joey looked up from the screen and over to Lance. "Man, who's sexing JC?"


Lance covered his face with his hands.


"What?" JC asked as he finally stood up and joined the rest of his friends on the couch. The room was silent again for a minute and then a small giggle could be heard. "It's Lance. dude, you are sexing JC."


Lance groaned as he reached for his laptop. He grabbed it from Chris flipping closed the top. Without a word, he left the lounge. Chris continued to giggle, and Justin and Joey joined in. JC sat on the couch silent looking at the doorway Lance had just left through. Shaking his head, he got up from the couch  and made his way out of the lounge. He walked by the bunks stopping next to Lance's. The curtain was closed. JC sighed before moving to his own bunk laying down and closing the curtain.


The next day when JC got up, he made his way to the front of the bus. He pulled the bottle of orange juice from the fridge pouring himself a glass before turning towards the small table in the corner. Lance was sitting there taping away at the keys on his laptop. JC sat across from him and waited until Lance looked up at him before speaking. "Hey, Lance, you sleep good?"


"Yep." Lance returned to whatever he was doing on his keyboard.


"Listen about last night. Don't worry about it. The guys were just being silly you know."


Lance nodded. "It's okay, JC. I was just reading something. I do read that fan fiction online sometimes, and I found this list and was reading one of the stories on it."


"I'm on a few of those lists myself, Lance, so just forget about it." JC stood up as he drank the rest of his juice. He rinsed the glass out quickly and walked back to his bunk. He reached in for his own laptop before walking towards the back of the bus. He sat up against the wall like Lance had the night before and logged on to the internet.


JC had never imagined that Lance would read some of the fiction some of the writer's wrote about them He knew Lance had read some of the teenie stuff, but this other fiction was far from the teenie stories he had shown them awhile back.  JC knew about this other fiction for a few months. He had stumbled onto it on one of the lists he had joined. On this list was all kinds of fan fiction, discussion, and an abundant amount of pictures. The writers for the list wrote everything from the teenie stories to the this other stuff. Stuff where he and the guys got freaky with each other.


At first, he didn't really know if he liked those stories, but he kept an open mind and read a few of them. They weren't all that bad. Some were more out there than others, but some were pretty good. He had no idea Lance was also reading them. He wasn't too sure if he wanted the guys to know that he read them too. They might poke fun at him. He could hear them in the front of the bus now bugging Lance.


He couldn't believe they were actually fans of theirs out there that thought they were gay and doing each other. It wasn't happening, at least not currently. He sighed as he flipped through Internet bookmarks. He read the stories after awhile cause it was the only place he could have the person he wanted. Lance was only his in fiction.


An instant message box popped up on his screen and he smiled seeing who it was.


jbstealth: what you doing?


jspaz: just surfing online.


jbstealth: anything interesting on your end.


jspaz: maybe. yours?


jbstealth: maybe. The guys were in here.


jspaz: I heard. Don't let them get to you.


jbstealth: You sure you aren't bugged by last night.


jspaz: I'm sure. You reading something now?


jbstealth: How did you know?


jspaz: Just a guess.


JC took a deep breath as he typed the link to the site he was on into the message window. He pressed send, and waited a few moments for Lance to message back.


jbstealth: I read that one already.


jspaz: oh.


jbstealth: Here. Go read this one. Good writer.


JC waited for the link to come through. He went to the site, and giggled. He covered his mouth.


jspaz: I read that one last week. That one is good.


jbstealth: How long you been reading this stuff?


jspaz: A few months. You?


jbstealth: Longer.


jspaz: Oh.


jbstealth: Why do you read it?


JC looked at the words on the screen silently for a few minutes.


jbstealth: Jayce?


jspaz: Sorry. Was just thinking. Why do you read it?


jbstealth: I asked first.


jspaz: Yeah, you did.


JC looked up as Chris and Joey walked into the lounge. They sat in front of the televison and began to play a video game. He closed the lid on his laptop watching as Justin came into the room and sat on the couch to watch the game. He stood up, and made his way back to the front of the bus. He stopped in the doorway to the kitchen.


Lance looked up at him smiling. "I was starting to wonder where you went."


"I didn't want to answer you over a computer, so I came up here." JC walked into the kitchen and sat on the corner of the table. He watched as Lance closed his laptop and slipped off his glasses. JC sighed. "You wanted to know why I read it."


Lance nodded, as he stood up in front of JC. "Yeah. You tell me, and I'll tell you."


JC looked down at the floor at his feet. Did he really want to tell Lance he was in love with him. It had been his secret for so long. How would Lance react? He sighed as he looked up at the man standing in front of him. He shrugged, and then shook his head. He grabbed Lance's sleeve, and pulled him closer so that Lance was in-between his legs.He licked his lips before moving his head towards Lance kissing him softly.


After a minute, JC broke the kiss, and looked up at Lance. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."


Lance laughed, and pulled JC closer to him kissing him again. This time he broke the kiss with a smile on his face. "We read it for the same reason."


JC smiled as he lowered his head to Lance's shoulder. Lance could be his in reality too.


The End


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