
By: Foxy Lady


JC lay in his bunk listening to the sounds that the tires made as they traveled over the asphalt of the road. Usually he fell asleep the minute his head the pillow, but not tonight. Not after what he had witnessed last night. He hadn't meant for it to happen, but it had.




He had been asleep in his bunk when some unknown noise had awoken him. He had laid in his bunk listening for the sound again, but the bus was silent except for the wheels on the pavement and the snore's of his bandmates in the bunks around him. He had just about closed his eyes when he heard the noise again. It wasn't a loud noise, but it was loud enough to be heard in the bunk area. He had pushed back the curtain, and looked down the aisle. Nothing was out and about. He listened again, and the noises continued.


Lowering his feet to the bus floor, he scratched his stomach as he walked down the aisle to the back of the bus. He tried to keep silent stifling a yawn as he stopped in the doorway in between the bunks and the lounge. The sight before him widened his eyes in shock, and he took a step back. Forcing himself to stay still, he stared transfixed at what he saw before him.


Standing there, he realized what had made the noises, and he had never dreamed that was the cause. He watched as two of his bandmates lay on the couch naked. Clothes thrown all around the back lounge. Justin pressing Lance into the leather cushions, as they kissed.


JC moved back into the shadows, but continued to watch the two. He was still in shock that he was seeing the scene before him. He had never imagined in his wildest dreams that Justin and Lance would be having hot sweaty sex in the back of the bus, or anywhere else for that matter. He leaned against the wall, and covered his mouth as he saw the positions the two of them reverse. Lance now on top of Justin making his way down Justin's body with tiny licks and nibbles. As he watched Lance take Justin's cock into his mouth, he let out a  groan. If not for the hand covering his mouth, he knew they would have heard it, but they continued on unknowing that they were being watched.


As he watched Lance's mouth move over Justin, he wanted to be the one on the couch lying beneath him. He wanted Lance's mouth working over his own cock making him cry out as Justin was now doing. He continued to watch as Lance moved back up Justin's body pressing soft kisses to his temple. As he watched them fall into slumber, he stepped back from the sight, and returned to his bunk closing the curtain softly so they wouldn't hear the noise.




JC sighed as his memories from the previous night finally finished playing in his head. He didn't want to remember what he had done after he had laid down on his back. Didn't want to remember that he had closed his eyes and worked his hand over himself picturing that it was Lance's hand touching him. How he hadn't slept until he had heard the two men return to their bunks to sleep some time later. How he could hear those same noises coming from the back of the bus even now.


Now that he knew the source of the sounds, he could lay in his bunk picturing the scene now playing out just feet from where he lay. Lowering his hand beneath his the waistband of his sweatpants, he let his fingers travel up and down his length, as he heard a low moan come from the back. A moan that could only belong to one person. Lance. As his hand continued to work over his cock, he shuddered as he listened to the sounds still coming. As he heard Justin cry out in completion, he found his own release almost silently murmuring Lance's name.




Chapter 2


The next day JC woke up slowly. He could hear his bandmates were already up and about. They were still traveling to the next city, so JC could stay in his bunk for a little bit longer, but he could hear Lance and Justin talking in the front of the bus, and he wanted to watch them. He made his way out of his bunk stopping in the middle of the aisle trying to figure out which way to go. When he heard Lance's deep voice murmuring from the kitchen, he made his way in that direction.


He stopped in the doorway silently watching his two bandmates as Justin ate his cereal, and Lance sat next to him working on his laptop. When he looked up with a smile, JC moved away from the doorway and over to the refrigerator. He grabbed a bottle of water, and moved to sit across from his two friends. "Morning, guys."


Justin waved his hand, as he continued to eat his cereal. Lance looked up at JC with a smile. "Morning, Jayce. Sleep well?"


"Yeah. How about you two?"


"I slept fine." Lance looked down at his laptop with a confused look on his face.


JC drained the rest of his water, and stood up stretching his arms over his head. He grinned when he noticed Lance eying the patch of skin that was revealed when his shirt lifted. "I'm going to see what Joey and Chris are up to. See ya two later."


JC found his two other bandmates in the back lounge playing Playstation. He saw them sitting on the couch where he knew just hours before Lance and Justin had laid together naked. He wondered if either Joey or Chris had any idea about the other two. Was he the only one that had been clueless to the affair occurring between the two youngest members of the group?


He sat down next to Chris, and watched the game being played for a few silent moments before Chris paused the game and looked at him. "What's on your mind, C?"


"Nothing, Chris," JC said with a sigh.


"Bull, Jayce." Chris threw the game controller to the floor. "Spill it."


JC looked back to the front of the bus making sure Lance and Justin were still out of earshot. When he saw they were, he moved closer to Chris. "It's about Lance and Justin. How long have they ...," he whispered.


"Man, the babies have been together since Europe in one shape or another, but they didn't get serious until the court stuff. You didn't know?"


JC shook his head, as he raised his hand to his mouth biting at a nail softly. "Not until recently."


Chris looked over at Joey with a smirk on his face. "I wonder how dense here finally figured it out."


Joey chuckled. "Probably the same way I did."


JC looked over at Joey. "How was that, Joe?"


Joey laughed again. "I caught them fucking."


JC looked down at the floor. He could feel the blush creep up his cheeks, and knew his two friends were holding in there laughter.


"So when did you catch them, Jayce?"


JC sighed. He so didn't want to talk about this with his two friends. He stood up, and walked towards the bunks. "I'm not talking about it." JC returned to his bunk laying on it face down. He punched the pillow under his head, and sighed. He had never known the two babies as Chris had put it were together. He never thought they were gay. Justin had Britney, but Justin also had Lance. He wanted Lance. Always had, too, but he let those feelings bury themselves deep. He never thought he had a shot with the Mississippi bass singer. Now that he knew he had, he was going to go for it. He would make Lance his.


Chapter 3


Over the next week, JC watched his two bandmates. Trying to see if he could catch all the little signs he had missed in the past. The more he watched, the more he realized how dense he had truly been. It was painfully clear that his two youngest bandmates were in love. The little looks and smiles. The little touches out of nowhere. Justin and Lance were happily together, and to the unknowing eye, they were able to hide that fact from the rest of the world.


The more he saw the signs, the more it bothered him. How could he have not seen it before? How could he have not seen that his two best friends were not only gay but gay and together? Maybe if he had acted on his feelings for Lance before he had started seeing Justin, then maybe things would be different now. Maybe he would be the one in the back lounge with Lance, and Justin would be the one lying in his bunk listening in.


He sighed getting out of his bunk. Another night spent on the road. The bus was quiet, so he figured it would be okay to go to the lounge. He wouldn't be walking into another compromising situation between his two bandmates. He stopped in the doorway to the lounge letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. When his eyes had gotten used to the lack of light, he eyes widened in shock as he realized he wasn't alone. Someone sat on the couch.


He walked towards it, and recognized Justin. He sat down, and looked over at his friend. "What's up, J?"


"Nothing. Just couldn't sleep," Justin said as he leaned back on the couch.


JC leaned back as well with a sigh. "Me either. Been thinking about stuff."


"Yeah. What kind of stuff?"


JC shrugged even though Justin couldn't see the movement in the darkness of the lounge. "I found out something, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Wondering why I hadn't been told something before? I had to find out for myself." Justin remained silent, and JC stood up. He moved in front of his friend and began to pace. "Justin, you know you could have told me."


"Told you what, Jayce?"


JC stopped pacing looking at Justin with an incredulous look on his face. "Oh, come on, Justin. Don't play dumb with me. Remember I've known you for a long time. Longer than most people on the bus."


"I know, Jayce, but I still don't know what you are talking about."


"Bull shit," JC said as he started to pace again. "I know about you and loverboy, Justin. You guys are sure fucking loud when you fuck." JC stopped pacing and looked at Justin trying to gauge his reaction.


The younger man looked up at him with a look of pure shock on his face. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he stood up. "Jesus, Jayce. What the fuck is your problem?" He pushed passed the older man and started to walk back to the bunk area. He stopped and turned his head, "We'll talk about this later. When you can talk about without being crude."


JC reached out, and grabbed Justin's arm. "Why didn't you tell me, Justin? Do you think I would have cared? Do you think I would have felt different?"


Justin shook his head. "We just didn't know how anyone would react. If we had told you, then we would had to tell everyone else."


JC threw his hands up in the air. "We all know anyway. Maybe you should have just told us."


Justin sighed. "Yeah, well. Maybe we should have, but can't go back now."


JC let go of Justin's arm. "Yeah, I know. You are a lucky guy. You got Lance." JC pushed passed his friend, and returned to his bunk before Justin could respond. As he lay on his bunk, he closed his eyes whispering, "Not for long though."


Chapter 4


Over the next few days, JC and Justin didn't talk much to each other. If they were alone together in a room, Justin would leave it. JC wondered if Justin had told Lance that he knew about their affair. He probably had, but then again he might not have. Nothing changed in Lance's behavior toward him.


As the days passed, JC became more and more obsessed with Lance. What could Justin give Lance that he himself couldn't? Justin was just a kid. Couldn't even drink yet. Lance and Justin were like night and day. What could serious business minded Lance see in Justin to make him stay with him since Europe?


JC watched the two from the shadows of the room they were rehearing in. They had just quit for the day. Joey and Chris had already left, and the two babies were talking in soft words as Justin packed up his duffle. He wanted to move closer to hear what they were saying, but if he did they would see him, so he stayed back.


From the look on Lance's face, he wasn't too happy with his golden boy, so JC leaned back against the wall with a satisfied smirk on his face. Maybe he wouldn't be as hard as he thought it would be to take Lance away from Justin.  He watched as Lance sighed wiping a towel across his brow as Justin picked up his bag, and left the room.


JC continued to watch as Lance practiced in the center of the room counting the beats off silently. JC spotted his bag at the other side of the room, and smiled knowing he now had his reason to make his presence known.  He walked into the room whistling under his breath, and went over to his bag.


Lance stopped dancing, and turned towards the older man.  "Hey, Jayce. I thought you left with everybody else."


JC bent over his bag moving things around in it, so that he looked busy. "No, I was just outside talking to Wade. " JC finally stood up. "You having trouble with a move or something?"


Lance looked towards the mirror, and did one of the counts in the dance their were trying to learn. "I can't seem to get that part. I thought Justin was going to stay and help, but he had this thing with Britney to do, so he couldn't."


"Those two are really meant to be together you know," JC said, as he made way towards Lance. "They've been basically attached the hip since MMC. I wouldn't be surprised if they got married someday soon." JC stopped behind the younger man looking up into the mirror to gauge Lance's reaction to his words. "Let me help you with that move. That way you can go home."


Lance nodded. "Yeah, that would be great. I'd appreciate it."


JC put his hands on Lance's waist, and moved closer. "Now just follow me, and you'll have it in no time at all."


After about ten minutes, Lance finally got the sequence down, and Lance once again wiped his brow with his towel. He walked over to his bag, and reached in for a bottled water. Taking a long drink, he sat down on the floor by his bag.


JC moved to sit next him drinking for his own bottle. "Do you ever wonder if you'll find what Justin and Britney have? They are just so happy and in love together aren't they?" When Lance kept silent, JC continued. "I want something like that someday. To be loved totally. I don't really care who it is, as long we both love each other, and make each other happy."


"Yeah, me either. Just in love and happy."


"I'm surprised you don't have someone, Lance. I mean you're just so great. Got looks, money, talent. What person wouldn't be lucky to have you?" Lance sat silent drinking his bottle of water. JC could see the wheels in his head turning. "We'll both find that someday, Lance." JC finished his water, and stood up. He lowered his hand, and Lance took it standing up. "I'm going to get going. See ya at practice tomorrow." JC picked up his bag, and quickly left the room still hearing the wheels turning in Lance's head.


Chapter 5


JC went back to the hotel, and climbed into bed. The rehearsal had run long, and it had been a long day. All he bothered to do was strip off his pants, and shoes before sliding between the cool sheets. He lay in bed thinking about the little seeds of doubt he had planted in Lance's head. Justin going off with Britney had worked to his advantage, as had Justin not telling Lance that he knew about them.


Lance would continue to think about Justin and Britney until it began to really bother him. That is just the way he was. Once he reached a certain point, he would confront Justin, they would fight, and they would break up. At least that is what he wanted to happen.


JC fell asleep only to be awoken sometime later by the sounds of someone pounding on his room door. He got out of bed rubbing his eyes of sleep as he walked over to it. Opening it just a crack, he peered into the hallway seeing Justin standing there for a moment before he pushed open the door stomping into JC's room. "Well, hello to you too, Justin."


Justin turned towards him eyes blazing. He walked towards JC pushing him against the now closed room door. "What fucking game are you playing, JC?"


"Whatever do you mean, Justin."


Justin growled as he punched the wall next to JC's head. "You know damn well what I mean. What was that little talk you had with Lance about?"


JC pushed Justin back walking back towards his bed. "We were just talking."


Justin laughed. "Bullshit. You telling him how perfect Britney and I are together. You know Brithey and I aren't really together. It's me and Lance that are the happy couple, and yet you talk to him just as if you didn't even know that. So tell me JC what kind of game are you fucking playing here?"


JC shrugged his shoulders. "What makes you think I am playing games? I was just having a discussion with my friend. I am sorry if you thought I was out of bounds."


Justin moved in front of JC grabbing at the t-shirt JC was wearing. "Let me tell you something, JC. We've been friends a long time, but if you screw up what Lance and I have in any way, I will hurt you, and fuck our friendship. You understand me?"


JC nodded his head. "I would never do anything that would mess up what you two have. You really love each other. Anybody can clearly see that just by looking at you two."


"I do love him, and I know he loves me." Justin let go of JC's shirt. "Just don't play any games with him, or you will have to answer to me." Justin walked towards the door of the room. He turned towards JC again, but kept silent leaving the dark room.


JC sat down on his bed with a soft chuckle. Maybe things aren't so perfect between them if Lance couldn't even wait one night before telling Justin what he had said. Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as he thought to get Lance away from the golden boy.


Chapter 6


The five men of *Nsync entered the awards after party on cloud nine. Their performance had gone well and they had won two awards. JC had popped a champagne bottle in the limo, and by the time they walked through the doors at the party, all five of them were pretty toasted.


JC stood near the back of the room watching as his four friends worked the room. Chris and Joey had each found women to entertain them, and Justin was over on Britney's arm playing the ever doting boyfriend. His eyes scanned the room for his last bandmate, but he saw no sign of Lance.


Moving away from the wall, he made his way onto to the make shift dance floor. The first one he spotted was Joey. He tapped him on the shoulder, and he pulled him away from the girl he was dancing with. "Hey, man. Where's Lance?"


Joey took a quick glance around the room, and shrugged his shoulders. "No idea, C. I thought I saw him with Em when we got here, but they both have disappeared."


JC patted Joey on the shoulder before walking away. He walked throughout the room looking for any sign of Lance or his leading lady, but neither one of them were to be found.  He left the room, and walked down a hallway. He could hear voices somewhere close, so he continued on down the hallway.  As he got closer, he could make out the voice of Em talking in a soft whisper. He moved as close as he dared, not wanting either Lance or Em to see or hear him.


"Lance, you know he loves you. Brit is just for appearances. I saw you guys up in Toronto when he came up to shoot his cameo. He loves you, and only you. "


"Sometimes I have to wonder though. He makes him and Britney look so real. He is even talking about going to Hawaii with her once her tour ends. That could be time he and I could get away for a little bit. Have some alone time just to ourselves away from the other guys, but he says it would be good for appearances. In a way he is right, but..."


"Lance, have you asked if maybe you could go along. Maybe stay in the background, but just be there."


Lance sighed. JC could picture his friend running his hand through his spiky hair. He almost laughed, but he kept quiet. "I mentioned it, but it would be hard to do. They will have press all over them the whole trip. The paparazzi are bound to see me if I go."


"Lance, you know as well as I do that there are ways to hide yourself. If you don't want to be seen or noticed you won't be."


"True, but this will be difficult. I know I shouldn't be jealous of Britney. She is his best friend. I know there is nothing romantic really going on between them, but she is Britney. One of the sexiest women in music today, and I also know she wants him."


"She may want him, but you have him."


"I do. I'm glad we talked to you about us. It is nice having someone to talk to that is a friend."


"I'm glad you felt you could trust me with your relationship, but I am pretty sure if you told the guys they would be okay with it too."


"That is something to talk about another time, Emmy."


"Yeah, you're right. I am going back into the party. You coming?"


"In a minute."


"Okay see you out there."


JC hid inside a room until he heard Em pass by. Now was his chance to make his move on Lance, and that is exactly what he would do. Lance would be his by the end of the night.


Chapter 7


JC looked at himself in the mirror quickly before walking back into the hallway. He glanced around making sure no one else was around before rounding the corner of the hallway. He spotted Lance at the end leaning against the wall. He stopped and watched Lance as he ran his hands through his hair. Lance didn't even realize how perfect he truly was.


He cleared his throat making his presence known to the other man. He watched as Lance looked up eying him carefully. JC waited a few seconds before making his way down the hallway. He stopped right next to Lance and stood in front of him leaning his hand on the wall. "I was looking for you."


Lance looked up. "Yeah. Why?"


JC shrugged his shoulders. "You just disappeared. Just wondered where you were."


"Just needed a breather you know."  Lance pushed away but he was blocked from moving away by JC.


"Where you off to so fast?" Jc fingered the hem of Lance's shirt. "I wanted to talk to you a little bit."


Lance leaned back against the wall with a sigh. "What about Jayce?"


"You," JC whispered.


"What about me?"


"Do you know how incredibly fucking hot you are, Lance?"


"Right. I'm hot," Lance said with chuckle.


JC sighed. "You are. I've always thought so." JC reached up and let his fingers trail down the front of Lance's shirt. "I need to tell you something. Something I have wanted to tell you for along time now, but I didn't know how you would react to."


"We're friends, Jayce. You know you can tell me anything. I'll still be your friend."


JC sighed as he took a small step back. "I want you, Lance. I've always wanted you. I just didn't ever think you might feel the same, so I kept it secret, but I am tired of hiding my feelings." JC moved closer to Lance pressing his lips against Lance's. He moved his hands under Lance's shirt as he kissed him more firmly letting his tongue lick lightly at Lance's lips.


It was then that he felt Lance's hands against his chest pushing him away. JC moved back reluctantly. "I've wanted to do that for awhile."


Lance sighed. "JC, we can't. Maybe before, but not now. I'm seeing someone."


JC laughed. "Justin. I know." At Lance's shocked expression, he moved closer. "What can the golden boy do that I couldn't? I could make you happy, Lance. I wouldn't flaunt some woman all over the press as mine if I had you."


Lance pushed JC aside. "It is not like that. We are happy. Britney is just for show." Lance started to move down the hallway.


JC followed Lance grabbing at his arm. "I love you, Lance. Let me show how good we can be." Lance tried to pull his arm away, but JC held on tight. "Forget about Justin."


"You fucking prick. Let go of him."


Chapter 8


JC looked up to see Justin standing at the end of the hallway. Lance yanked his arm from JC's grasp moving towards Justin. Justin pushed Lance behind him as he walked towards JC. He stopped just inches from him. "so your game finally comes out. I never thought you would try to go after him. you being my friend and all. I guess I was wrong."


JC laughed. "We haven't been best friends for along time Justin. Yeah, we're in the same group. Are together all the time, but I don't consider you my best friend. you let your fame go to your head. You think you have it all cause you are the lead of the group. The one everyone loves. You think you can string along both Britney and Lance. Well, you aren't all that Justin. Maybe it is time you realized that."


Justin raised his fist, but felt a hand on his back. He looked back at Lance who was shaking his head. Dropping his fist, Justin took a step back. "You ain't even worth it, JC. Even after all these years it is clear that you don't even know what I am about."


JC  looked at Lance standing behind Justin. "You want this?" JC ran his hands through his hair looking between the two men.  JC walked up to Lance letting his hand trail down Lance's chest to the waist band of his pants. He tugged on them slightly so that there bodies were touching. "You could have me, Lance. Anytime." JC moved back with a smile thrown over his shoulder towards Justin. He didn't even see the punch coming. He landed on the floor on his back clutching his jaw. "What the fuck Justin?"


Justin stood over him. "You so much as look at him funny or touch him in anyway, and that punch will be nothing compared to what I do to you. Got it?"


Jc nodded as he looked up at the two men. Justin stepped over him reaching for Lance's hand pulling him away.


JC sat in the hallway for some time. He could hear the party going on in the next room, and he knew he should be out there mingling, but something held him back. He finally got up, and made his way to the bathroom to check on the damage done to his face. He closed the door and stood in front of the sink. He reached his hand up to touch his jaw cursing at the bruise that was already forming there. "That little shit." JC continued to rub his jaw. "They deserve each other. Lance will realize the mistake he made. He could have had me."


After a few minutes, JC made his way back to the party hiding at the back of the room, so that people wouldn't ask what happened to his face. He watched Justin and Lance over with Britney and Emmanuelle laughing and talking. He noticed Britney turned for a sec and watched him carefully before motioning to Justin who also turned his gaze JC's way. The look he got from his bandmate made a shiver run down JC's spine. When Justin turned back to Lance, JC scowled. He moved away from the wall waving towards one of their bodyguards as he made his way to the door. He glanced over his shoulder one last time before cursing under his breath.


That night as JC lay in bed he thought about his two friends. Maybe they were happy  Maybe he should leave them be. Go back to how it had been before that night he had caught them in the lounge. He heard laughing coming down the hall outside his door, and immediately recognized the laughter of his two friends. He continued to listen, but he stopped as soon as their door closed. Flopping onto his stomach with a sigh, he finally closed his eyes.                                      


Chapter 9


Over the next few days, JC stayed away from Justin and Lance as much as he possibly could. Whenever he was alone in the same room with the two men, Justin would send him death looks. If looks could kill, JC would besix feet under already. Lance didn't look as upset as Justin. He even spoke to JC once when Justin wasn't with them, but JC didn't want to talk. He just sat back and watched the two of them when they were all together. Lance and Justin were really happy together. He could see it now when before his judgement had been clouded with his own lust for Lance.


The day after the incident at the after party, Lance and Justin had sat down with the rest of the group and told them about them being together. Chris had giggled waving his hand. "We already know that, guys. Tell us something we don't know."


After that, JC knew whatever chance he wanted would Lance would never happen. Lance loved Justin. He would never look at him the same way he looked at Justin.


He sighed as he got out of his bunk. Scratching his stomach, he made his way to the back of the bus. Stopping in the doorway, he recognized Lance and Justin sitting on the couch with the television on low. Lance was laying against Justin's chest with his head on Justin's shoulder. JC let out another soft sigh, as he began to turn back towards the bunks.


"JC, you can stay. We're just watching TV," Lance said.


JC looked back and forth between his two friends. "No, it's okay. I don't think Justin would want me to stay."


"It's okay, Jayce. I'm not mad at you anymore. You can watch this movie with us. You would like it."


JC scratched his head as he walked back over to the couch. He watched as Lance lifted his feet from the couch, so JC could sit. Once JC was seated, Lance placed his feet on JC's leg. JC glanced down with a smile before turning his attention to the movie. They watched the movie in silence until they credits rolled. JC stretched with a yawn. He looked over at the two men on the other side of the couch and opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. He knew what he wanted to say, but he didn't think it was what his friends wanted to hear. He ran his hand through his hair before turning towards them. Lance was falling asleep as Justin ran his hand up and down his hair. "I'm sorry about what happened. I know I shouldn't hve tried to do what I did."


"It's okay, Jayce. Like I said I am no longer mad at you. You've been my best friend forever, and we cannot let something like this get in the way of our friendship."


"You two are so in love. I just want something like that to."


"You'll find it," Lance mumbled.


JC laughed softly. "Get him to bed, Justin. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." JC moved Lance's legs from his lap, and made his way back to his bunk listening to Justin rouse Lance. He smiled as he lay in his bunk. When they both returned to their bunks minutes later, both Lance and Justin whispered good-night. JC knew he would always want Lance, but as long as he and Justin would happy, he would stay in the background content in knowing that he could still be his friend.


The End


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