One Shot

By:  Foxy Lady


Nick wiped the bar down as he looked out over the now emptying room. It was getting late, and soon his boss would be telling him to start to close up. Hearing the door to the bar open, he looked over to watch Justin walk in. By the look on his young friend's face, he began to work automatically, setting down a shot of tequila and a beer chaser when Justin sat down in the empty stool in front of him. Raising his eyebrow, he leaned on the bar, watching his friend down the shot without saying a word, motioning with the empty shot glass for another one. Nick shook his head as he poured another shot. "That bad, huh, J? What the fuck did the dumbass do this time?"

Justin shrugged as he tugged on the sleeve of the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing. "Nothing, Nick. Just.. look... I don't want to talk about it."

Nick sighed as he threw the towel down on the counter. It make a loud wet smacking noise as it landed on it. "Bullshit, Justin, and you fucking know it." Before his friend had a chance to react, he reached over and pushed the sleeve Justin had tugged down up, seeing a dark bruise circling his forearm. "Fucking A J. I thought you said he didn't do that shit anymore."

Justin looked down at the bar, sighing. "Nick ... he doesn't. He's only done it like ...twice."

Nick looked at his friend, raising his eyebrow slightly. "Well that is two fucking times too many if you ask me.” With a sigh, he shook his head, "You deserve better than that, Justin. A lot better."

Justin laughed bitterly, taking a long drink of his beer. "Oh, I do Nick? Like who? Who is better?"

"Justin ..." Nick ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. "Anyone is better than that asshole. I always knew he was an asshole, but this just fucking proves it. Why do you put up with his shit?"

Shrugging, Justin took another sip of his beer. "I put up with it cause I love him and he loves me."

Nick snorted, pouring himself a glass of water, taking a sip. "Love? Yeah, right. He fucking hits you and you call that love? That is one fucked up definition of love, J. You want me to tell you what real love is, babe?"

Biting his lip, Justin traced the rim of his beer glass with his finger. "Sure. Go ahead. Not like if I say no it's gonna stop you anyway."

Nick smiled a little, leaning against the bar, his face inches from Justin's as he whispered, "Love is wonderful. Love is roses and candles lit when you make love. Love is being there when your boyfriend needs you. When he's hurt or upset or sick. Love is knowing everything about a person, inside and out. Love is knowing the minute they open their mouth or barely walk into the room what mood they are in. That's love. What you have with your manipulative, abusive piece of shit boyfriend isn't." Nick bit his lip as he watched his friend sit there for a few minutes, silent. He finally broke the silence by clearing his throat. Justin looked up at him. "Love isn't with him, J."

Justin shook his head. "Well, then, who is it with Nick? Who else out there is gonna love me?"

Nick leaned over the bar again, a little closer, and pressed his lips against Justin's ear as he whispered softy, "Me."

Justin pulled back suddenly, biting his lip as he looked at his friend. "Nick, come on. We tried that once. You know the date from hell. We both agreed to never try again. Just be friends."

Nick shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nope. you said that. I never agreed to anything. You just went off and found the first available guy after that night so I let it go. Agreeing and letting it go are two totally different things, Justin." Looking around the room, he saw it was empty. Moving out from behind the bar, he walked over to the front entrance and locked the door before turning to look at Justin again as he slowly walked towards him. "You see… I think we would work. That date from hell was us trying to hard. Trying to make it work. I think if we just stopped and didn't think too much, just let it happen, you and I could be good together, J." The last words were spoken as Nick stopped to stand in front of Justin, leaning over slightly to rest his hands on either side of Justin on the bar.

Not giving Justin time to respond or react, he pressed his lips against the younger man's, causing a soft moan to escape his lips. When he felt Justin's arms wrap slowly around his neck, he tilted his head, deepening the kiss as he pressed his body more firmly against Justin's. As they continued to kiss, Nick sucked and nibbled on Justin's bottom lip until he heard a small whimper. Finally pulling back, Nick licked his lips as he panted softly. "Just try it, J. Give me a shot. Just one shot. With me, you'd never have to worry about making me mad so I won't hit you, never have to worry if I'm going to go out and cheat on you. With me you'll have nothing to worry about."

Justin sat silently watching his friend for a moment. Without even saying another word, he kissed Nick again, deepening the kiss quickly with a low moan. This time Justin was the first to break the kiss. Leaning his forehead against Nick's, he whispered, "One shot."


The End


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