One Toronto Night

By:  Foxy Lady


Josh had no idea why he had agreed to come to Toronto to do a cameo in Lance's movie. Actually he did. It was several thing really. Chris was being a Pissy Chrissy trying to get Fallen onto the US release, and he swore to God if he head Justin say "crunk baby" one more time he would scream. Oh, and there was one more reason, he had made this trip. He had missed Lance. His bandmate had been up in Toronto for three weeks now filming his movie.


In fact, he probably missed Lance more than his straight bandmate would like. I mean the guys were okay with him being gay and all. Had been since he had told them, but if he came out with the fact that he had fallen in love with Lance. Well, he could just see the problems that would develop, and that is not what he wanted to do. Things were going well for them. If he told Lance how he felt the whole group dynamic might change.


JC walked down the ramp to the airport terminal looking for a familiar face. Lance probably sent one of the guards to pick him up. When he heard someone call out his name, he turned to find an unfamiliar person running up to him.  When the person took off the dark glasses he was wearing, Josh almost gasped. It was Lance. If it wasn't for the eyes staring back at him, he would never have recognized him. Lance had dyed his hair a dark brown color that was very nice on him.


"Hey, C. You made it." Lance reached over to take one of the bags JC was carrying on his shoulder.


"Yeah. I'm here, Mr. Hollywood. How I let you talk me into doing a cameo I will never know."


Lance laughed. "It's because you love me, C"


Josh almost stopped dead in his tracks, but didn't. Lance was of course just kidding. "Yep, that's it, man. You got me."


Lance walked across the terminal quickly. "Joey is out by the curb in the car. We are going to party tonight. Found some great clubs."


Josh jogged to keep up with his friends quick pace. For Lance time was money, so he was always on the go. When he stepped outside the terminal, Joey honked the horn and they both ran to the car. Throwing his bags in the back seat, he climbed inside and they took off.


Later that night as JC got ready for his Toronto adventure with Joey and Lance, he wondered what would happen if he just said heck with it and tell Lance. He had feeling Justin knew about his feelings since something had slipped one night while he was drunk.  Sighing he picked up his cell phone and pressed the speed dial. Waiting for an answer, he sat down on the bed.


" Thrustin Justin Timba Woo Woo."


"Justin, you dork. What a way to answer the phone."


"Caller ID, man. I knew it was you, C. So what's up?"


"I'm in Toronto."


"Dude, I know that. I dropped you off at the airport."


"Oh, yeah right."


"Well, what's wrong?"


JC sighed. "Nothing really. Well..."


"It's Lance, isn't it?"


JC opened his eyes and sat up on the bed. "Hmm. Why do you say that, J?"


"C, we all know. Well not all. But Joey and I figured it out. We know you are cuckoo for Lancey puffs."


JC chuckled. "What a way to put it, J."


"Hey, I have a way with words man. So, yeah just tell him or whatever."


"It isn't that easy, Justin. He might hate me or something. He's not gonna love me, and I don't want him to tell me that."


"He might surprise you."


JC sat quietly for a few moments. "Hmm, okay. We will see. Talk to you later." He hung up the phone. As he finished getting ready, he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to find Joey standing on the other side.


"Justin called me." JC sighed and let Joey in. "Justin figured that spazzmaster Jayce might pay a visit the way you hung up the phone, so I'm here. You know Justin is right. You should tell him."


"Aggh!!" JC ran his fingers through his now longer hair. "You don't think I want to tell him. You don't think I .."


"Well, then do it man."


"Oh, blow me, Joey." JC said walking into the bathroom and closing the door.


Joey laughed. "Nah, man , you might like that too much." Joey could here something hit the door and he laughed again. When their was a knock on the room door, he walked over and opened it letting Lance in. "So are we ready to party?"


Joey motioned to the bathroom door. "JC is ..."


Just then the bathroom door opened and JC walked out. "Right here. Was just fixing my hair." It was then that he stopped and looked at Lance. Holy hot pants Lance. Lance was wearing leather pants. Oh my Lord.


"JC, you okay?" Lance said stepping closer to his friend.


"Hmm, yeah sure, man. Let's go." JC walked over to the dresser and picked up his room key. "So Joey you going to pick up your usual ditchbitchgutterslut?"


"Hey, dude. I pick up nice girls."


Lance laughed. "Yeah right. Hey, Joey. go ahead downstairs. We'll catch up to you." Lance said walking to the door.


Joey turned to look at JC before walking out the door. The look he gave him told him to just do it. JC looked down at the floor.  When he looked up, he saw his friend standing right in front of him. "Lance,  I..


Before he knew what was happening, Lance was kissing him. Oh my God. Lance was kissing him. Really kissing him...When Lance pulled back, JC looked at him in shock. "You kissed me, Lance."


"Hmm, yeah. Been wanting to for awhile, but didn't. Well, you looked too sexy tonight not to kiss, so hmm I kissed you."


JC smiled. "Well, you are looking mighty sexy yourself tonight. Those pants man."


Lance looked down. "You like these?"


JC nodded. "Oh, yeah. Wear leather pants more often."


Lance chuckled. "Okay, for you anything." He reached for JC's hand and led him towards the door. "We better go before Joey comes back up."


JC laughed as Lance pulled him down the hallway sneaking another quick kiss before the elevators doors closed.


The End


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