
By:  Foxy Lady


Justin sat looking out the window at the rain falling. 'Damn weather!' The storm had already cancelled one of their concerts this summer and it looked like it might cancel a second if it kept up. Now Joey was sick, and in the hospital with freaking pneumonia. Could things get any worse?


Justin looked behind him to the bed where his boyfriend sat cross legged on the bed with his laptop sitting on his lap. Lance was always working on something for one of his companies. If it wasn't Freelance stuff, it was Happy Place stuff. Justin walked over to the bed, and lay down next to Lance sighing.


Lance raised his head and glanced over at Justin. "What is it?"


"I'm bored. With Joey gone there is no one to play with."


Lance laughed. "Go bother Chris. I'm busy working."


Justin laid back closing his eyes. "Don't want to play with Chris. I want to play with you," he said running his finger up and down Lance's arm.


Lance looked down at Justin. The look on his boy's face was pure evil. He knew any hope of getting his work done now was fading fast. "Justin, baby. I need to finish this."


"But, Lance. I'm bored. I can't go outside and play basketball. Tired of video games. JC is sleeping. Chris is no fun cause he is worried about Joey."


"So?" Lance asked taking off his glasses, rubbing his nose.


Justin sat up and removed the computer from his boyfriend's lap. "That leaves you."


"Justin," Lance sighed, "I need to finish this tonight."


Justin pushed the older man down on the bed and crawled over him. "It's early, Lance. You can finish it later.," Justin whispered pressing his lips on a spot right by Lance's ear.


Lance chuckled. "I guess I could do that if my baby boy wants to play."


Before Justin knew it, he was on his back with Lance straddling him. Lance lowered his lips to Justin's as he reached underneath his shirt lifting it up slowly exposing Justin's abs. His fingers traced the muscles before continuing to lift the shirt upward. When it reached the middle of his chest, Justin reached down and yanked the shirt off of himself before throwing it to the floor.


Lance chuckled. "Patience, baby." Lance trailed a finger down Justin's chest making him whimper. "If we are going to play tonight it'll be by my rules."


Justin groaned remembering the last time they had played by Lance's rules. He loved his boyfriend dearly, but when it came to his rules, he could be pure evil. Justin watched as Lance stood up from the bed. He closed the blinds and turned off the lights in the room. Making one last stop to check if the door was locked, he returned to the bed laying next to his lover.


Lance lowered his head and placed his lips against the cross tattoo on Justin's arms. "Did I ever tell you how much I love this tattoo?"


"No," Justin whispered as Lance's lips moved across his collarbone. Lance made his way up Justin's neck until he finally reached his lips. Lance claimed his boys lips in a passionate kiss. He would never get over how well Justin could kiss. He could feel Justin's hands skim along his back until they buried themselves in the short hairs at the back of his neck.


Lance groaned as he felt Justin's tongue sweep into his mouth. Moving so that he lay fully on Justin, he raised his leg until it pressed against Justin's rock hard erection.


One of Justin's hand freed itself from Lance's hair and went to the front of Lance's shirt. "You know you are a tease right, Lance?" Justin's fingers fumbled with the top button the shirt before it finally came free. His fingers continued with the rest of the buttons until the shirt lay open.


"Yep, but you still love me," Lance whispered as he lowered his head to suck at the soft skin of Justin's neck. His hand traveled lower until he reached the waistband of the sweatpants Justin was wearing. His hand went inside and grasped Justin's throbbing cock.


Justin groaned, arching his back as he felt his lover's hand wrap around him. Justin reached down and slipped his hands inside the waist line of Lance's shorts pulling him closer so that their naked chests were pressed tightly together. Lance brought his lips to Justin's again hungrily letting their tongues battle passionately. Lance's hand continued to stroke Justin as little moans escaped his mouth.


Lance lowered his mouth to next to Justin's ear whispering, "Are you having fun now, baby?"


Justin moaned low as Lance's teeth nipped at his earlobe. Justin yanked Lance's shorts down and Lance kicked them off -- his hand never leaving Justin for a second. Justin moaned as he felt his orgasm coming closer. Justin felt Lance's hand move away from him and he whimpered at the loss.


"It's okay, baby. I'm not going anywhere. Just need to get these pants off of you. It isn't fair that I am lying here totally naked and you got clothes on, is it?" Lance lowered the pants in question past his knees and moved aside so Justin could kick them off. Once he did, Lance returned his hand to Justin's erection stroking it slowly.


"Lance stop being a tease."


Lance laughed softly. "I thought you liked it when I teased you, baby."


Justin groaned as he felt Lance's weight leave him. It was only gone for a few seconds and then his lover returned. Justin waited in the darkness for what Lance would do next. When lips grazed his naked chest, he moaned. "Damn, tease." Justin heard Lance laugh again as his lips traveled lower down Justin's abs.


Closing his eyes, Justin felt the first touch of slick fingers against his entrance. As the first one entered him slowly,  he let out a low moan. Opening his eyes, he looked down to find Lance watching him -- blue met green as Lance added another finger. As Lance's fingertips grazed against Justin's most sensitive spot, Justin arched off the bed.


Lance climbed up Justin's body and lay atop of him. Pressing his lips against Justin's, he let his tongue flicker inside as he slowly entered Justin. He allowed him a few seconds to adjust, but he could tell his boy was impatient. He began to thrust inside him slowly -- feeling Justin's moan as they continued to kiss. When Lance felt Justin wrap his legs around his waist, his thrusts quickened. He reached down and wrapped his hand around Justin's erection stroking it in time with his thrusts causing Justin to whimper his name.


Justin cried out suddenly as his orgasm ripped through him. Lance kissed him hungrily -- thrusting hard and fast as he reached his own climax. "I love you, baby," Justin whispered as he ran his hands through Lance's hair.


"I love you, too." Lance said as he went to lay beside Justin .


Justin laughed. "I guess playtime is over, huh?"


Lance yawned sleepily. "I'll finish that stuff tomorrow. You tired me out," he mumbled as his eyes drifted closed.


The End


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