Surprise Visit

By: Foxy Lady


Christine walked into the front door of her house throwing her briefcase on the couch and walking down the hall to her bedroom. Today had been hell. Her boss had been a total ass making her do things that definitely weren't in the job description. She had to waste her lunch hour driving around doing his errands.

Sighing, she looked towards the answering machine hoping their was a call from her boyfriend. Hearing his voice would certainly help her mood, but no blinking light was to be found. She would call him, but first a shower. Then she could crawl into bed with a bowl of ice cream and the telephone letting JC's voice soothe her weary head.


Walking into the bathroom, she began to shed her clothing as she turned on the water in the shower. Stepping inside, she let the water run down her body.



JC walked into the front door of his girlfriend's house. It had been a month since he had seen her last, and he had missed her.  When a couple of their concerts had been cancelled due to the tropical storm, he had decided to give himself an early birthday gift and surprise her. He walked through the house not finding her. When he heard the water in the shower turn on, he smiled.


Walking towards her bedroom, he took off his shirt to display his well defined abs. Stepping into the bathroom, he paused to watch her in the shower. Slipping off his pants, he pushed aside the shower curtain and stepped inside.


Christine gasped as she felt the cold air hit her body. Opening her eyes, her mouth dropped open in shock. "JC! OMG! What are you doing here?" Reaching up, Christine wrapped her arms around his neck.


"Bad day, sweetie?" JC wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.


Christine nodded her head. "Yeah. Boss was being a jerk. I was going to call you. You always seem to make me feel better, Jace."


"Well, I'm glad I'm here in person." JC lowered his mouth to hers kissing her softly. "I missed you, Chrissy."


"I missed you too."


JC began to place small nibbling kisses along her shoulder and neck. Christine sighed moving her neck slightly to allow JC better access. His lips returned to hers in a passionate kiss. Christine broke the kiss gasping. "Damn, I missed this, Josh."


JC smiled down at her. He loved when she called him Josh. Reaching around her, he turned off the water. "Why don't we move this to bedroom, baby?"


Christine nodded as she stepped out of the shower shivering slightly as once again the cold air hit her. JC wrapped a towel around her drying her off. "Better?"


Not trusting her ability to speak, Christine simply nodded again. Wrapping a second towel around his waist, JC led her into her bedroom and over to the bed. Laying her down, he took the towel from her body dropping it to the ground next to the bed. Laying down next to her, he reached up to cup her face before once again kissing her passionately.


His lips left her mouth burning a trail down her chest. Christine moaned out his name reaching down to run her fingers through his hair. His lips continued down her body until he reached the end of her right foot. He then began his journey again traveling up her left leg. By this time, Christine was moaning uncontrollably writhing on the bed. "JC, please."


JC stopped to look up at her. "What, baby?"


Christine maned as his lips returned to their task. "Stop your teasing, Josh."


JC chuckled. "I thought you liked it when I teased you, baby."


Not able to speak, Christine shook her head. Finally finding her voice, she said, "JC, please, just fuck me already."


JC looked up in shock. His girl rarely cussed even in bed. He climbed her body chuckling. "Yes, ma'am."


Christine blushed as JC appeared over her. Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her softly at first but the kiss grew more and more passionate as the seconds passed. Raising his head, he focused on her eyes as he entered her slowly.


Christine moaned his name as he began to move inside her. "Damn, Jace."


JC nibbled on the spot just below her ear as he began to quicken his thrusts which caused Christine to gasp. "Oh, JC. Harder."


JC began to thrust in her harder. He felt his climax coming closer and he wanted her to be there with him. As he nibbled on her shoulder, he reached down with his hand and touched her sensitive spot.  "I want you to come with me, baby."


Christine arched her back moaning his name signaling the beginning of her climax. AS JC felt her tighten around him, he groaned out her name as his own climax overtook him.


The two of them lay there for a few quiet moments before JC spoke, "Do you feel better, baby?"


Sighing, Christine moved closer to him as she nodded her head. Burying her face in his chest she soon fell asleep.


The End


The End


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