To Bring Him Love

By: Foxy Lady


Josh had it all. He had the fame, the money, the cars. He had everything he could  ever imagine wanting. Well, everything except the one thing that would make it all complete. Someone to love, and who loved him in return. Of course being who he was and what he was didn't make his search for love any easier. Being in the biggest band in the world and being gay just didn't mesh well together. Every man he met, he was worried about him going to the tabloids and telling the world he was gay before he was ready.


At least he wasn't alone. He had four great friends that were always their for him, and Lance was going through the same thing, cause yes Lance was also gay. Josh remembered the nights that he and Lance would talk about things. The nights at the clubs where Lance would point out guys to him hoping one would catch his friend's eye, but none never did.


What Josh didn't know is that his best friend was in love with him. Lance wanted to be the one to love him, but Josh was too blind see what was right in front of him.


This was another one of those nights out clubbing. They were all out drinking and dancing, everyone but Josh. He couldn't make himself go out on the dance floor with some random girl like the others did. He watched them all now, and he wanted to be like them. He wanted to be like Lance. His eyes caught Lance's, and Lance smiled briefly before his smiled turned into a frown. He whispered into the ear of the girl he was dancing and walked towards Josh.


"Hey, C, why the long face?" Lance asked leaning against the bar next to him.


"Nothing," Josh sighed.


Lance shook his head. "No, don't pull that with me. Tell me."


"It's just that I see all of you out there dancing. Having a good time, and laughing, and I want the do the same, but I know I can't have it. I just can't pick up some random girl like you all do, and be happy. I want someone for me you know."


Lance nodded. "I know, man. That person is out there. You will find him."


"Yeah, I know." Josh ordered another drink as Lance stepped away from the bar.


'If only Josh knew he could have that with me.'


Chapter 2


As Lance walked away, he sighed. He wanted to turn and walk back towards Josh and tell him how he felt, but he knew he never would. Josh could never love Lance like that. Josh was too beautiful, too good for him. He had the voice of an angel, and a body of an Adonis.


Lance had fallen for Josh the moment he had first seen him at the audition. There was just something about the dorky singer that caught his eye. Time only made the feelings he had for his friend and bandmate stronger. Lance watched him as he matured into sexy man the world saw today.


Sighing, Lance sat down at the table they had reserved in the VIP section. He drained his drink, and motioned for the waitress to come over. After ordering his drink, Joey appeared and sat down next him. "First Josh looks like someone killed his puppy, now you. What's up?"


Lance shrugged. "Nothing, Joey. Just let me drink my drink in peace."


"Whoa, man. Don't snap at me for caring about my best friend. Geez." Joey took a sip of his own drink and looked at Lance again waiting for him to talk.


Lance shrugged. "You wouldn't understand, Joe."


Joey laughed. "I might surprise you, my friend." He paused to look around the bar. "It's about Josh, isn't it?" Lance looked down at his drink. Not wanting to respond to his friends question. After a few minutes, Joey continued, "How long?"


Lance looked up confused. "How long what?"


Joey sighed. "I know, Lance. I know you are in love with him."


Lance took a quick sip of his drink. "What do you mean?"


"Come on, Lance. You're my best friend. I think I know you pretty well. I've known it for awhile. I think even Justin suspects, but Josh is blind to it."


"Yeah, he is." Lance sighed. "Since the first day I met him, Joe."


"No way. That was what 6 years ago. You've loved him that long and didn't say one word. That's just stupid." Joey stood up. "You need to tell him, Lance. I think you too would be good together. You just need to tell him. Make him see that you are what he needs." Joey walked away and pulled a girl onto the dance floor.


Lance searched the bar for his three other friends. He first spotted Chris over at the bar, and Justin over out on the dance floor, but Josh was nowhere to be found. Lance stood up from the table. He wondered where Josh was. Walking away from the table, he finally spotted Josh. He was in a dark back corner of the club with a man he didn't recognize. His heart broke when he saw Josh kiss the man. Sighing he turned to the waitress and ordered another drink. Downing it in one gulp, he walked out of the club and took a taxi back to the hotel. Stopping only once to buy a bottle of alcohol. Maybe he could drown his sorrows for the night.


When he entered his room, he shrugged his jacket off, and threw his key on the dresser by his bed. Sighing he turned on the television set and put it on mute. Just as he was about to open the bottle and pour himself a glass, their was a pounding on his door.


'Not now,' he thought. He walked over to the door, and looked through the peekhole. He gasped when he saw Josh standing on the other side. He opened the door, and looked at his friend. Something wasn't right.


"Josh, you okay?" Lance stepped aside and let his friend enter.


Josh walked over to Lance's bed and lay down. "Another loser, Lance. All he wanted was quickie in the bathroom. I was like hell no, and left. I tried finding you, but Joey said you had already gone back to the hotel."


Lance sat down. "Yeah, I got tired, so came back. Sorry about the guy."


Josh shrugged. "It's okay. Nothing new. I should be used to it by now."


"You shouldn't get used to it. You deserve so much more, Josh." Lance reached out and put a hand on Josh's shoulder. 'I just wish you would see that.'


Chapter 3


JC sighed and looked up at Lance from his spot on the bed. "Do you think he is out there for me, Lance?"


Lance lay down on the bed next to his friend and leaned his head on his open palm. "He's out there, Jayce. You just need to open your eyes and see him."


JC closed his eyes. "It isn't that easy, Lance." Yawning,  Josh stretched his arms above his head. "I'm so darn tired, man. Tired of the tour. Tired of the fans. Tired of coming back to my room to sleep alone."


"But you have so much, Jayce."


Opening his eyes, Josh frowned. "Everything I have. The cars. The money. The fame. It doesn't mean anything to me if I'm alone. If I don't have someone to share it all with what is the worth of having it." Yawning again, JC let his eyes flutter shut again. "I'm going to crash here, ok? Too tired to deal with going back to my room."


Lance inwardly groaned. Him and JC sleeping in the same room together. It is something they had done before, but it had been awhile. "Sure, Jayce." Lance stood up and turned off the light. The only light in the room coming from the glow of the television set still on mute. Lance watched as JC situated himself in the large bed pulling up the covers to his chin after taking off his t-shirt and jeans.


Lance watched as JC quickly fell asleep. The way JC could just close his eyes and be instantly asleep almost anywhere always amazed him. Lance stripped down to his own boxers, and lay on the bed next to his friend.  He turned on his side, and watched JC's chest slowly rise and fall with each breath he took. He reached out carefully and let a finger trace JC's bicep gently trying to wake the sleeping man. "Beautiful," he whispered. Lance continued to watch JC until his eyes finally drooped close from exhaustion.


The next morning woke up and felt an infamiliar presence in his bed. It was then that he remembered the night before. Opening his eyes, he looked over smiling when he saw JC still asleep next to him. A guy could get use to waking up like this. It was at this thought Lance's smile turned into a frown. 'Don't get used to it, Bass!'


Lance climbed out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, he walked back out fifteen minutes later to find Josh sitting up in bed. "Morning, Lance," he said yawning.


"Morning," Lance walked over to his suitcase and pulled out fresh clothes. He turned to see Josh getting out of bed before stumbling towards the room door. When he opened it, he found Joey standing on the other side poised to knock.


Joey looked at JC and quickly over to Lance before speaking. "Hey, guys. I was just coming to get you next but I guess you saved me the trip. Breakfast in Justin's in ten."


JC nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there. Need a shower first. Thanks, Lance." JC walked by Joey as he walked into the room closing the door.


"So did you tell him?"


Lance groaned as he pulled a shirt over his head. "No, Joey, I did not tell him anything."


Joey sat on the edge of the bed reaching out to his friend on the arm. "Dummy. You need to tell him how you feel. You never know, man, he just might love you to you know."


Lance sighed. "Doubtful."


"You'll never know unless you tell him."


Lance sat down on the bed and lowered his head onto his hands. "I want to tell him. I really do, but if I do it could change everything.


On the other side of the wall, Josh let himself slide down to the floor. 'Lance loves me?'


Chapter 4


Josh lowered his head into his hands. Lance, his best friend, loved him. James Lance Bass was in love with him.  He couldn't believe it. The suite door opened quickly, and Josh looked to see who was coming out, but it was only Joey.


Joey looked down at him and sighed softly. Motioning for Josh to be quiet, he shut the door and started to walk down the hall to him room waiting only a moment to see if Josh was following. When the two men reached Joey's room, he let them in and quickly shut the door behind them.


"How much did you hear, JC?" Joey asked sitting on his bed.


"Lance loves me?" Josh asked sitting on the bed next to his friend.


"Yes, he does."


"Oh, man," Josh cried.


Joey put a comforting hand on his friend's back. "I am going to say this once and only once, JC. You are both my best friends. I don't want to see you hurt Lance if you don't feel the same, so if you don't just forget what you heard today."


Josh stood up. "Forget it? My best friend is in love with me, and you want me to forget it." Running his fingers through his hair, JC flopped back on the bed. "Oh my God. What have I been doing to him? Every time I have some kind of problem, who do I run too? Lance, and all the time he was there for me telling me I would find someone."


"Yeah. He has been a good friend to you, JC. That is just how he is. He just wants you to be happy. Even if it isn't him that ends up being the one making you that way."


"Why didn't I see it, Joe?"


Joey sighed. "Don't know, man. Been asking myself that. I saw it. Justin saw it. Everyone but you."


Josh stood up. "I need to think about this. I'm not going to go to breakfast this morning. Cover for me." He walked over to the door looking through the peekhole before stepping out into the hallway. He made his way back to his room and closed the door behind him. Leaning against it, he sighed. 'How I could I not see it?'


Pulling his shirt back off, he walked into the bathroom, and took a shower. Once clean and dressed, he sat on the edge of his bed. Joey had said not to tell Lance he knew if he didn't return the feelings. He didn't want to hurt Lance. Lance was his best friend, but how did he exactly feel for his friend. Could their be more there?


Lance was always there for him. Helping him through things when he was down. Always trying to find him the perfect guy for him. Damn. How much had that killed Lance? Night after night. Club after club. Scoping it out for men for the man he loved.


Could he love Lance? Lance with the eyes the color of jade and crooked smile. The man who was never far from his side. A smile crossed Josh's face. Yes, he could love him.   It could so easy to love Lance. They knew each other so well. Lance knew all of Josh's little faults, and yet he still loved him. Amazing. He would have talk to Lance.


Just as he was getting ready to get up and leave his room there was a knock. He opened the door to discover Lance standing there. "We gotta go, C. Busy day ahead."


Josh nodded. Now was not the time to talk. Closing the door behind him, he stepped out into hall next to the younger man smiling. "Let's go."


Chapter 5


Throughout their busy day, JC hoped to get Lance alone so they could talk, but no opportunity presented itself. By the end of the day, all five men were tired. They had done photo shoots, interviews, and a concert.


"So what are we all doing tonight guys?" Joey asked leaning on the wall by his room.


"Sleeping," JC and Lance said at the same time.


Justin stiffled a giggle as he walked towards his room. "I'm going to bed, too. Night, guys."


Chris looked towards Joey. "Clubbing?"


Joey nodded. "Yep. Meet you in thirty." Looking towards his two other friends he smiled. "You two have fun tonight."


Lance laughed before he turned to go into his own room. "Whatever, Joey."


JC was left standing alone in the hallway. 'Now's your chance, Chasez. Don't screw it up.' JC walked over to Lance's door and knocked softly. His friend opened it a second later already changed into a tank top and shorts. "Lance, can we talk?"


"Sure, Jayce," Lance said stepping aside so his friend could enter.


Once he heard the door close, he turned towards Lance and lost all capability of speech. The black tank top Lance was wearing showed off his muscular arms. JC wondered why he had never noticed those before.


Lance stood watching Josh silently waiting for his friend to speak. When he didn't, he waved his hand in front of his face. "Earth to JC," he laughed.


JC shook his head and smiled. "Sorry, man. Just sort of spaced for a second I guess."


Lance laughed again walking over to sit on the bed. "So what did you want to talk about, Josh."


Josh sighed. He loved the way Lance said his name. He only called him Josh when they were alone though. Sitting next to his friend, he reached down and pulled a piece of lint off his pants.


"Josh, just tell me whatever it is."


Sighing, JC looked up. "I overheard you this morning."


Lance froze. 'Oh, no, he didn't.' Trying to remain calm, he said, "What did you overhear Josh?"


"I over heard you when you were talking to Joey after I left. I heard you when you told him you loved me," JC let the last words trail off looking down. After a few moments of silence, JC looked up and let his eyes lock with Lance's. "For how long have I been blind Lance?"


It was Lance's turn to sigh. "I loved you the moment I saw you, Josh."


JC gasped as his hand reached up to touch Lance softly on the cheek. "Why didn't you tell me?"


"I didn't think you would want me Josh. I was saving myself the hurt if you rejected me."


JC let those words sink in remembering Joey's talk with him that morning. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the man sitting next him. "I can't believe you thought that Lance. What is there not to want about you? I never noticed how perfect you were until now. Why didn't I see that the perfect man for me was here all along?" JC pulled Lance closer so that their foreheads touched.  "I would never have rejected you," he whispered just before he let his lips gently touch Lance's.


Chapter 6


Lance pulled away from JC. The moment he had been waiting for over the last six years had finally arrived, but instead of being ecstatically happy the JC had finally opened his eyes he wasn't. After all these years, JC finally had expressed an interest in him, but was it only because he had overheard him talking to Joey. Would he have come to this sudden realization on his own?


JC watched Lance pace in front of him. He knew his mind was working. JC reached up and pulled on Lance's hand when he was within reach. "Lance..."


Lance looked at down and the hand that held his and then back up to JC's face meeting his eyes. "Why now, Josh?"


Josh looked down at Lance's hand. He didn't know how to answer Lance. 'Why now?' After a few moments of silence, Lance let JC's hand fall. "When you can answer that question Josh come talk to me."


Lance turned around and walked over to the window of his room. Josh opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. Instead he stood up, and walked over to the door leaving the room silently.


Lance looked back after he heard the door click shut. He walked over to the phone, and dialed a number from memory. When the person answered, he didn't even say hello. "Joey, he knows," he whispered.


After leaving Lance's room, JC went to his room and laid down falling asleep the minute his head hit the pillow. A while later he was woken up by someone pounding on his door. Groaning, he got off the bed. Before he even had the door to his room fully opened, Joey was pushing his way through it.


"He asks you one thing and what do you do? SAY NOTHING! How stupid are you?"


JC watched as Joey paced back and forth in front of him. "Joey, what do you say to that question?"


Joey stopped. "I told you to keep your mouth shut about Lance. Do you know what you did to him by not saying anything?"


JC ran his fingers through his hair putting his head down. "I'm sorry, Joey. You know I don't want to hurt Lance. Last thing I want to do. He has been my best friend for so long."


Joey sat down on the bed. "Well, maybe that he is what he should stay. Maybe you two aren't supposed to be together. Just maybe you shouldn't have overheard him earlier."


JC lifted his head. "No, Joey. I've been thinking about this all day. I don't know why I didn't notice this before. He is such a great guy. Whenever we are together, I am just happy you know."


Joey nodded his head. "Yeah, I know, but why didn't you see that before."


"I don't know, man. I guess I'm just stupid. I really could see myself with him though."


Joey stood up walking over to the door. "Then you need to tell him that. No silence, cause if you stay silent then you will keep looking for someone when you don't need to. He has been here all along." Joey left the room leaving JC to his thoughts.


The next morning Lance was the last one to come to breakfast in Joey's room. JC could tell he had not slept much. Well, neither had he. After Joey had left, he had spent the rest of the night sitting in bed thinking about Lance.


The rest of the group noticed the tension between the two friends, but kept silent on it. Knowing that whatever it was would resolve itself. When Lance left the room leaving his food untouched, JC followed him out in the hall. "Lance, we need to talk."


Lance turned to face him, but didn't say anything. Instead he went into his room closing the door in JC's face. JC stood on the other side reaching his hand up to knock, but changing his mind. Sighing, he went to his own room, and flopped into the bed. Reaching over, he grabbed his phone and dialed Joey's room.


"I am going to need your help. He won't even talk to me."


Chapter 7


Over the next few days, Lance avoided JC. If he didn't have to talk to him, he didn't.  Joey was of no help whatsoever.By the end of the third day, JC was getting frustrated. No matter how he approached Lance, he didn't respond. That night they had the night off and JC was determined to get Lance to talk to him.


Maybe if Lance wouldn't talk to him. He could get through to him some other way. Pulling out his notebook, he began to write. About an twenty minutes later he was done. When he saw Lance walk into the room, he stood up leaving his book open on the table to the page he had just written on.


JC watched Lance as he sat down at the table glancing over at the notebook. Lance looked to find JC before reaching over to pick up the book. He know he shouldn't read JC's notebook, but as it shut something caught his eye, and he reopened it to the last page.


Lance, since you won't talk to me I figured I would communicate the best way I know how. Through the written word. When you asked me why I had come to you now I didn't know what to say. Finding out you loved me was a shock at first, but as I spent that day at photo shoot after photo shoot I began to realize that all those nights at the clubs I was looking for something I already had. I had someone that loved me for me. Not the fame. Not the money. Just me, Josh. Someone that would always be there for me, and I for them. No matter what happens.I had that all along in you. You are always there for me whenever I need a shoulder to cry on. When I think of the time we wasted apart I want to cry Lance. I don't want to waste anymore time. I love everything about you. Your smile. Your eyes. Your laugh. That sexy body of yours. I just love you, Lance. If you still love me, too, I will be waiting for you in my room. Josh


Lance slowly closed the notebook looking up towards the doorway. He had to go talk to Josh now. Standing up he picked up the notebook and walked down the hall knocking on JC's door. When there response, he tried the knob and it turned in his hand.


He walked into the room which was lit by a soft light. Seeing no sign of JC, he walked over to the bed and lay the notebook on it. When he felt two arms wrap around his waist, he jumped.


JC lowered his head to Lance's shoulder. "Lance, I'm sorry."


Turning around in JC's arms, Lance reached up and touched JC's cheek softly. "I'm sorry, too. The whole silent thing was stupid."


JC sighed. "I should have noticed sooner, Lance. I had everything a man could want, but the one thing I wanted most of all was missing."


Lance pressed his lips to JC's gently. "Well, now I bring you the one thing you always wanted. I bring you love."


JC pulled Lance closer lowering his mouth to kiss him softly. When Lance parted his lips, JC took the invitation and slid his tongue inside feeling Lance moan as he did so.The kisses grew more and more passionate and before they knew it they were laying on the bed.


Lance was the first to break the kiss breathing heavily.  He let his fingers trail over JC's arm as he looked up at JC. "Josh, don't you think this is a little fast here? I mean you know I love you."


Josh silenced the younger man lying beneath him with a gentle kiss. "We have the rest of our lives together, Lance. I finally found him, and I am not going to ever let him go."


Lance raised his head and kissed JC back. "I'm not going to let you go either, Josh. " Lance smiled as JC laid his head on his shoulder drifting off to sleep. He wrapped his arms around him tighter. He finally had it all.


The End


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