
By:  Foxy Lady


Lance sat next to the window looking out watching as the scenery flew by.  His laptop sat in front of him open, but unused. He listened for sounds coming for the back of the bus, but heard none. He sighed. He knew Justin was back there somewhere. For some strange reason, Justin had asked Joey to switch with him, so now he and Lance shared the two man bus.


That in itself didn't bother Lance. He and Justin were still best friends. Hanging out together more than they did with the other three group members. It just worked out that way. He liked spending time with Justin. He made him laugh. He had always felt closer to Justin than the other guys.  Hell, just come out and admit it, he was in ove with his best friend. Had been since the first day they had met. Who couldn't love Justin? He was just like this perfect thing. Of course he had his faults. Everyone did, but Justin's faults just added to his perfectness.


Lance had been happy just being there for Justin as his best friend. He would allow Justin to cry on his shoulder and come to him with his problems. He listened to Justin unlike the others that patted him and told him to grow up. Even JC who had known him forever thought Justin was the baby. Lance never thought that about Justin, but ever since that one night back in Europe, he even thought Justin as less of a baby.


That was the night that Justin had kissed him. Not a big passionate kiss. Just a soft touching of lips before he went and let the other three in. Neither of them had mentioned that kiss since that night. It hadn't changed their relationship any. He had wanted to ask Justin why he had done it, but never got the nerve.


Now here they were alone on a bus for hours on end, and they would be for the rest of this leg of the tour. Lance heard a crash from the back of the bus, and Justin curse. He closed the laptop, and got up to investigate. He found Justin on the floor next to his bunk rubbing the back of his head.


"Fall out, Justin?" Lance leaned against the doorway that led to the bunks.


Justin nodded with a slight pout as he continued to rub the back of his head.


Lance wanted to kiss Justin hoping it would remove the pout from his lips, but he stayed where he was. "You going to be okay?"


"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for checking." Justin stood up, and closed the drape to his bunk. He turned towards the back of the bus leaving Lance.


Lance watched him leave wanting to follow, but once again he held back. He returned back to the lounge, and sat in front of his laptop. Leaving it closed, he glanced out the bus window. Sometimes he wondered if he and Justin could ever be together. Was that kiss all those months ago a sign from Justin that he felt the same? Did he love him too? Did Justin even know what love was? Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair.


"What's up, Lance?"


Lance turned to see Justin standing just a few feet behind him. He hadn't even heard him come into the lounge. "I'm fine, Justin. Just thinking about some stuff."


Justin moved to the other side of the table and sat down. "Want to tell me about it?"


Lance shook his head. "It's okay."


"Come on, Lance. You are always there for me. So tell me what you thinking about."


Lance looked up at Justin. He sat there silent for a few moments. "I was thinking about Europe."


"Really? What about it?" Justin leaned his elbows on the table.


Lance sighed as he watched Justin. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut. Make up some story about Europe. Not tell him what he was really thinking about, but if he never told him about this they would continue to live like this, and he would continue to wonder if they could be more.


"Lance just tell me. We're friends, right?"


"Just friends?" Lance watched for Justin's reaction, but saw nothing. "I was thinking about the night in Europe."


"Which one?" Justin whispered.


"You know the night."


Justin nodded. "I think so." He ran his fingers through his curls. "I was wondering when you ask about that night."


"Why'd you do it, Justin? Why did you kiss me?"


Justin shrugged his shoulders as he stood. "I don't know. Just seemed right." Justin walked over to the kitchen counter, and leaned against it. He avoided Lance's gaze by lowering his head.


"Justin, I'm not mad about it or anything. I just wanted to know why." Lance stood up and walked over to stand in front of Justin.


"You're not mad?" Justin lifted his head and looked at Lance.


Lance shook his head. "No. If I was mad at you, I would have told you something a lot sooner." Lance reached down and touched Justin's hand. "I am so far from being mad at you, Justin."




Lance nodded his head. "Do you know how long I had wanted you to do that?"


Justin looked at Lance confused. "You had wanted me to kiss you?"


"God, did I. I think I have loved you forever."


Justin dropped Lance's hand. He moved past Lance going towards the back of the bus. He turned back towards Lance. "You love me?"


Lance nodded. "Yes."


"And you just told me this now. I kissed you months ago. I've been sitting here thinking maybe you were pissed at me cause you never brought it up, and all this time you loved me." Justin turned and walked away.


Lance watched stunned before he moved to follow him. "Justin, wait." As he walked through the doorway that led to the back of the bus Lance felt something drag him and push him against the wall. He looked up to see Justin smiling at him.


"Lance, I am tired of waiting. I've been wanting kiss you forever. That night in Europe I took that chance. Then you never brought it up, and it made me wonder if I had made a mistake. Now I know I didn't." Justin pressed his body closer to Lance's, and lowered his head kissing Lance softly. Lance ran his hands up Justin's back until he was able to bury his hands in his curls pulling him closer.


The two of them remained that was for some time kissing against the wall. Justin was the first to lift his head letting out a deep gasping breath as he stepped away from Lance. He walked over to the couch and sat down leaning his head against the back of the it. "Whoa," he whispered.


Lance stood against the wall catching his own breath as he watched Justin sit there with his eyes closed. He had never thought that might actually happen, and yet here it was happening. Justin had kissed him again. He hadn't run away yelling and screaming cause he had told him he loved him.  He finally moved away from the wall and made his way over to the couch sitting next to Justin. He reached up and ran his fingers through Justin's curls smiling when Justin turned his head towards him smiling.


"So what do we do now, Lance?"


Lance let his hand move from Justin's hair down to caress his cheek. "Do you love me?"


Justin nodded. "Yes."


Lance smiled as he pulled Justin towards him. Justin lay his head on Lance's shoulder. "Then that is where we start. We go day by day and figure things out as they happen together." He kissed the top of Justin's head.


Justin raised his head and kissed Lance softly. "Together. I like the sound of that."


The End


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