She's Gonna Make It

By: Kasey

© 1998


Inspired by: "She's Gonna Make It" - Garth Brooks


“He followed her to work this morning, he'd never seen that dress before, she seemed to sail right through those dark clouds forming, that he knows he's headed for, after seven years of marriage he wanted out, and after seven months of freedom, its clear that there's no doubt..."


                He watched her walk into the building where she worked, her head thrown back as she laughed at something the man she was with had said.  He felt his gut clench in anger when he saw she was holding the man’s arm. Damn it he wanted to go over there and slam the guy in the face just for looking at her! She still looked as beautiful today as she had seven weeks ago when he had walked out on her and their seven-month relationship. He hit his hand against the steering wheel. Damn it he hadn't meant to hurt her! Al he wanted was a little space and time to think but she had mistaken that for needing time away for good. She had stood there, watching him with her eyes filling with tears, her arms crossed defensively, just watching him as he had fumbled his way through his explanation. She hadn't even stopped him when he walked out.


                She was wearing a new dress - one that he knew he'd never seen before.  He had to admit that she looked amazing. It was green, so he knew that it would enhance her beautiful green eyes. She was smiling up at the man now and his heart wrenched. She had a beautiful smile. It had caught him that first day and even now it was hard to forget it. She turned her head and he swore, just for a minute, that she was looking directly at him. And even though he knew that was stupid - he had, after all, borrowed a different car today so that she wouldn't know it was him - he still slumped down further in his seat. Then she looked away and smiled again as they both disappeared through the doors. He stared blankly out the windshield. She seemed to be handling this very well. She didn't even look heartbroken! He hung his head in shame. She was happy today. He doubted she had been very happy lately but today she looked radiant. Her smile still bewitched him. he smiled fondly as he remembered that day, almost nine months ago when they had first met.




                He noticed her straight away. he had no idea why - she certainly wasn't as gorgeous as the other women near her, nor was she as thin but she had a...radiance about her that attracted him. He couldn't figure out what it was. Then she smiled. he caught his breath as the smile hit him in the gut. It was breathtaking. It lit up her entire face. He felt a twinge of jealousy that the smile wasn't directed at him. He watched as she hugged a man she was standing near and then he was startled when her eyes connected with his. His heart leapt to his throat when she smiled at him. Did he know her? he asked himself as she headed towards him. He didn't recognize her. She was standing close to him now. Close enough to smell her perfume. 'Fire and Ice'. He recognized it because it was one of his favourites. She looked at him and he could see the

colour of her eyes. They were a very light blue, bordering on green.

                " Hi," she said, her smile almost shy now.

                " Hi," he answered back.

                " Let me just say that I've been a very big fan of your since I was 12 and to finally meet you is just so...wonderful," she said, blushing a little. She had a slight accent to her voice and he was curious as to what accent it was. It definately wasn't American, that’s for sure.

                " Thank you. Do you want me to sign something or take a picture with me?" he was aching to hold her, to know her name.

                " Can you just sign this?" she asked, handing him a photo. He didn't even look at the photo, instead focusing on her.

                " What’s your name?" he asked.

                " Kasey," he smiled. Unusual.

                " How do you spell that Kasey?" he loved saying her name.

                " K-A-S-E-Y," she spelt out slowly and he quickly wrote his message.  He handed it back to her and waited as she read it. Her head lifted up once she'd finished and he almost gasped in surprise. her eyes were now green.

                " Is this for real?" she asked, disbelief hardening her voice.

                " Yes. So, will you?"

                " Jordan, I'd love to have dinner with you," Kasey said and he smiled.

                " Where do you live?" he asked, curious to know more about her. She looked surprised and then let out short laugh. He was stunned. Her laugh was as beautiful as her smile.

                " Oh, I don’t live here. I'm here on vacation so I'm staying at a hotel," she said laughingly.

                " Tell me which hotel and I'll pick you up," he said. She told him and he nodded," Great. I'll see you at seven Kasey. Dress informally. We won’t be going anywhere fancy."

                " Okay Jordan. I'll see you at seven," Kasey said and he watched walk away, smiling a little. He was really looking forward to tonight.




                Jordan was shaken out of his daydream by a sharp rapping on the window. He looked up and saw it was that man she was with earlier. He rolled down the window.

                " Why are you here?" the man asked and Jordan shrugged.

                " I'm not hurting anyone," he said fiercely.

                " Look man. You're freaking her out, following her around. What more could you possibly want from her? Haven't you hurt her enough?" with that, the man stalked away. Jordan looked up at the window he knew led into her office and saw her standing there, watching him, arms crossed defensively.




" And you know its not like she's forgot about him, she's just dealing with the pain, and the fact that she's survived so well without him, you know its driving him insane, and the crazy thing about it is she'd take him back, but the fool in him that walked out is the fool that just wont ask..."


                Kasey looked out the window, down at Jordan who was sitting in the car. She stared at him until she could no longer. She turned away from the window and sat down at her desk. Her first reaction, when she had seen him this morning was anger. How dare he follow her! HE was the one who had walked out! HE was the one who needed the space! She had been completely happy in the relationship. But those first few days after he had left she had thought about it, thought about how Jordan had grown more and more withdrawn right towards the end. She hadn't taken much notice and for that she had cursed herself. Was there something she could have done? Was she too clingy, too possessive, too...she didn't know. What had she done to cause him to walk away from her? Then, as her tears receded and her anger grew, she told herself that it was him with the problem, not her. He was the one who couldn't handle the relationship. But that didn't stop her from loving him still. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

                " Come in," she called and Sam walked in. She had been grateful that Sam had been with here this morning. She knew that if she had been alone, she would have just ignored Jordan. But she had been so quiet on the way up to the office, that Sam had dragged what was wrong out of  her. The minute he had heard Jordan was out there, he had stormed out.  He really was a nice guy. Kasey knew he was probably attracted to her but she couldn't date anyone else. Jordan had all but ruined her for other men.

                " He's gone Kase," Sam said and she nodded.

                " Thanks Sam. Did he say anything?" she asked, trying to keep the eagerness out of her voice.

                " Sorry. Kasey, how long has it been since he walked out on you?" Sam asked. She threw him a glance that told him he was interfering but answered him anyway.

                " Seven weeks," she said quietly, looking out the window again.

                " Seven weeks. Don’t you think its time you started dating again?" Sam asked.

                " Sam, I don’t think..."

                " Look Kasey! He treated you bad! he dumped you! Don’t you think its time you got over him?"

                " Sam, this isn't the time or the place to start into this..."

                " Jordan is a son of a bitch and..."

                " Don’t. Don’t you dare say one bad word about him! He has done nothing to you! He doesn't deserve anything bad said about him!" Kasey said angrily. Sam backed down briefly when he saw the anger in her eyes.

                " You still love him, don’t you?" Sam asked quietly, after several minutes.

                " Yes, I do," Kasey said.

                " Would you take him back?"

                " I would."

                " Even after what he did to you? Even after he hurt you like that?" Sam asked incredulously.

                " I love him," Kasey said simply.

                " Then why aren't you back together yet?" Sam asked, needing to know.

                " Because he hasn't asked Sam. He just hasn't asked."




                Jordan sat at his kitchen table, a half full bottle of scotch in front of him. It had been full. He needed to drink the pain away. Damn it he hadn't meant to hurt her! He didn't want to be away from her. He wanted to crawl over to her and say he was sorry, beg for her forgiveness but he couldn't. So he was here, in his apartment, alone, drinking as much as he could stand. His apartment reminded him of her. Even though they had moved into a completely different apartment together, Kasey had stayed at this one for several days and even during those days, she had added a few personal touches of her own, to add an Australian feel about it. She hadn't taken them with her when they had moved so they were still in the apartment. The paintings by Ken Done, the ones she loved so much. She had said they reminded her of home. The poetry books by Henry Lawson, Dorothy MacKellar and A B Paterson, all sitting on his coffee table, with bookmarks in them, placed on the pages of her favourite poems. The bedroom was just as bad. She had bought a Jenny Kee doona set and had insisted it go on the bed and he had come to love it as much as he had come to love her. Kasey was a keen photgrapher and had taken so many pictures of him, the apartment and Boston. Several of the better ones sat on the bedside table. He picked one up now, looking at it, feeling his heart tear. It was of him, sitting at the piano, concentrating on a song. She had loved to watch him play the piano, often times just sitting next to him on the stool, resting her head on his shoulder and listen to him play. She had never asked him to play anything, instead preferring to listen. When she had mentioned that she was hoping to buy a computer for herself, he had went out and bought one for her and she had spent hours talking to friends over the internet. She would never let him read anything she wrote, saying that what she wrote wasn't for his eyes. She would often spend all night working on her computer, writing novels he had never seen – and probably would never see. He had been fascinated to watch her. She had known so much more about the computer and internet than he and when he had admitted that to her, she had teased him about not knowing the difference between a mouse and a modem. He had gotten his revenge for that remark but tickling her until she had begged for mercy. Then he had shown her mercy, right there on the lounge room floor. In the bathroom there were only a few things to remind him of her. A few strands of hair and a half full bottle of 'Fire and Ice'. He picked up the bottle and smiled as he remembered the day he had teased her about being fanatical about never leaving the apartment without it on. She had gotten her revenge by hiding his bottle of 'Havana', the after shave she had bought for him. He had searched high and low for that bottle and had finally found it in the pantry, behind a bag of flour. Kasey had loved to cook, often spending all weekend trying out new recipes or just baking cakes. Some of those recipes had been disasters but if he told her that, she would be so upset that he would be making up with her for days after that. So he accepted whatever she made without complaint.

                Jordan headed back out to the living room and sat down on the lounge.  He didn't want to think about her anymore. He had blown his chance to make a life with her. He had run out on her and not given her a decent explanation. He swallowed another shot of scotch quickly. The quicker he got drunk, the quicker who could forget it was over, Kasey was gone and he would never get her back again.




                Jordan cursed as he staggered to his feet. Noticing the empty scotch bottle lying on the floor, he wondered if he had drank too much. He walked over to the clock on the wall and squinted at it, trying to read the numbers. What time was it? He had decided what he was going to do. Calling Kasey would be of no use because it would be too easy for her to hang up on him. So he was going to walk over to her place and sit outside the front door until she let him in. He needed to see her, to touch her, to see if she still wore the same perfume. He wanted to know how she felt about him. He left his apartment, not bothering to grab a jacket or his car keys. He knew his way to the apartment they had shared and he would find his way there, blindfolded if necessary. He needed to talk to her. He didn't even care when it started to rain on his way there. He was too numb to feel the cold. His shirt was soaked and clinging to his chest, his jeans were tight and cold but his mind was elsewhere. He still had to decide what he was going to say to her - that’s if she even spoke to him at all. He wouldn't blame her if she slammed the door in his face. But he would beg her on his knees if he had to. He needed her. There was nothing else to say. He needed her like he needed air. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her right about now. He had nothing left in him. His pride was gone, his lust for life was gone. And he had finally realized that it had gone the day he had left her.




                Kasey was startled when the loud knock sounded on her door. She looked at the clock and frowned when she noticed that it was past eight. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone. She placed the book she was reading on the coffee table and placed her glasses next to it as she stood to answer the door. The sight of a wet, cold and very drunk looking Jordan shocked the hell out of her. He looked downright miserable. She couldn't help but feel a tiny sense of satisfaction at that. But the minute he lifted his head and their eyes met, she was gone. He had no light in his eyes, no laughter, no joy. The essence that had made him who he was, just wasn't there anymore.

                " Kasey, I..." he started to say, his voice husky. He stopped and cleared his throat and started again," Kasey can I talk to you?" He sounded lost.

                " I guess so. Come in before you catch a cold," she said and helped him inside. He only came in as far as the hall and looked around. She knew he was trying to find changes. But there was one thing she hadn't been able to do when he had left. And that was to change anything. There were too many memories in this apartment to just change them. She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him in further but he resisted. He just looked at her, his eyes focusing on her face with astounding accuracy - for someone so drunk.

                " You didn't change anything," he said. Kasey shook her head.

                " I couldn't. Let me take those clothes Jordan. You look cold in them," she said but he shook his head.

                " Let me just say this and then I'll leave," he said stubbornly. Kasey sighed. She knew this side of Jordan well. He was so bloody stubborn that he could make her scream in frustration at times.

                " Fine. You want to stand there in wet clothes, don’t let me be the one to stop you," she said sarcastically and he flinched. She turned away and started to walk away from him but stopped when he called her name softly. She turned to face him.

                " Kasey, please don’t walk away from me," he said hoarsely.

                " Why the hell not? You did the same thing to me seven weeks ago!" she said angrily and then covered her mouth with a hand. She hadn't meant to say that to him.

                " I'm sorry about that," he said quietly.

                " Sure you are."

                " I am. Please believe me. The last thing I wanted to do was make you angry at me. I cant stand it when you're angry at me," Jordan said. Kasey walked over to him and put her hand on his cheek.

                " Then why did you walk away from me?" she asked softly and Jordan stared at her, directly in the eyes and then did something that shocked her to her core. He fell to his knees and bowed his head.

                " I'm so god damn sorry Kasey. I wasn't thinking straight. I was scared. Running away from you was the only way I could handle my feelings towards you," he said. She lifted his head with her hand and stared at him when she noticed the tears in his eyes and on his cheeks.

                " Jordan..." she started to say but he interrupted her by wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head against her stomach. That was all it took. Her heart was gone - again.  She knew then that she could never turn this man away. She stroked his hair, encouraging him to continue.

                " I have nothing left in my life Kasey. I just can’t go on without you. I don’t want to go on without you. I made the biggest mistake of my life by walking out on you. I was so fucking scared about how quickly I had fallen for you that I just didn't think straight. I just reacted and left. I know how much I hurt you, how much you must hate me but I need you. I can’t do this anymore. I go to sleep with you on my mind, I wake up with you on my mind. I can get you out of my head. There is nothing in me if you aren't with me. Please don’t say that there isn't anything left for us but heartbreak. I'm begging you Kasey, on my knees, please forgive me. Please come back to me. I miss you, I love you, I want you in my life. You and I make sense. There's nothing else to say to you. I love you. Please forgive me. Oh god, please forgive me!" he said, crying so hard now that his shoulders were shaking. Kasey kneeled down so her eyes were directly in line with his. The tears falling broke her heart. She knew that one word from her and they would be back together but...she didn't think any further. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. She could taste the salt from his tears on his lips. He still tasted so damn good. She deepened the kiss and he moaned as her tongue entered his mouth. She was the aggressor this time. He ran his hands through her hair and rubbed the soft spot on her neck, knowing that it would make her whimper. But she stiffened at that caress and pulled away. He looked at her in stunned surprise and then slumped forward. Kasey realized then that he had passed out. She sighed and dragged him into her bedroom. She undressed him, loving every part of him. She stripped him nude and pulled the covers over him as he snored softly. She stood there, watching him sleep for several minutes. As much as she wanted to slip into bed with him, she knew that she had some writing to do. She would write him a letter and leave the choice up to him. She knew she wanted him back but the ultimate decision was his.



                Jordan woke up slowly the next morning, squinting at the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. He groaned as he realized he had a hangover. He closed his eyes tightly, willing it to go away and then realized that the room he was in was not the room he was normally in. He sat up quickly, clenching his teeth and cursing as his head pounded protesting. This was the one he had shared with Kasey before he had left. He was naked...but there was no Kasey in bed Next to him. He smiled slightly. At least he was in the right place. He wasn't in some strange woman's bedroom. He was in the room of the woman he loved. But where was Kasey? He got out of bed and slipped on his boxer shorts and walked out into the living room. He saw Kasey sleeping on the lounge and smiled. He knew how uncomfortable that damn thing was, having spent more than a few nights on it himself in the past. But she looked so peaceful, almost like an angel sleeping. He saw her writing pad and a pile of scrunched up paper next to it and knew she had been up most of the night writing again. He picked up the pad, curious to read what she had written and saw his name at the top of the page. He read the writing, never flinching once, even when he got to the part where Kasey told him about his words and actions last night. But he had to sit down when he got to the part where Kasey had written about herself and her feelings...

"Jordan, I never told you just how much I love you. It’s never been easy for me to say what I'm feeling. I've always been better at writing them down. So I'm about to tell you exactly how much I love you. For years I have loved you as a singer, a celebrity but now that I've gotten to know you so well, lived with you for seven months, been your lover, your friend, your confidant - well, my feelings have intensified. I can’t think without thinking of you. I can’t breathe without wanting you. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You are the greatest thing to happen in my life for a very long time. You walk into the room and my heart flips. I love you with everything I have in me and everything I do is for you, will be for you. My future is yours - if you want it to be. I'm willing to take you back - to forgive you as you asked me to do last night. But I cant be the only one in this relationship to make the decisions. I'm leaving this up to you now. It’s your choice. You either wake me up now and we start rebuilding our relationship or you leave me. Now. You can walk out of here and leave me to get on with my life. Your choice. I can’t do this for you. It’s up to you. All I can say is that I love you and always will. "

                Jordan traced his finger over her writing as he watched her sleep, her slow, even breaths calming him. She looked so peaceful as she lay there, dreaming about god knew what. He placed the letter on the coffee table and knelt down beside her. He brushed her hair away from her face and held his breath as she stirred but didn't wake. He chuckled softly. He knew how hard it was to wake her in the mornings. He usually woke her up by making love to her but he didn't think she would appreciate that this morning. He ran his finger along her cheek, reveling in its smoothness. Her lips were parted slightly and he ran a finger along her bottom lip, aching to kiss her but holding himself back. He blew gently in her ear and waited. Nothing. He ran his finger down her face. She stirred but didn't wake. He leant down and kissed her, stroking her breasts as he did so. She woke up then, slowly. She stretched and then opened her eyes.




                Kasey found herself looking into the eyes of the man she loved. Her heart leapt. He had stayed. He wanted to be with her. She noticed he was just in boxers and smiled a little.

                " I stayed," he said and she nodded.

                " I noticed."

                " What do we do now?" he asked, unbuttoning her nightshirt slowly.

                " Whatever it is, we can do it later. Right now I need to feel you inside me," she said and he kissed her gratefully. It was going to be alright. She was gonna make it - and now he was too.


The End


Tell Kasey what you thought of her story!