To Love Again

By: Kasey

Copyright: 1998

" Jordan do you ever plan on dating again?" Jordan looked at his friend and manager, Miguel and shrugged nonchalantly.

" It has only been a few months since Terrie died Miguel. I'm just not ready yet," he said firmly, trying to discourage the conversation. But Miguel wasn't about to give up.

" It's been almost six months. And you haven't even thought about seeing another woman. I'm beginning to think that when Terrie died, she took your heart and will to live with her."

" Must we talk about this now?" Jordan asked irritably.

" Yes. As your friend I'm worried about you. I know you loved Terrie. No one doubts that. But you have to let her go, you have to move on. Terrie may be dead but you are very much alive," Miguel said. Jordan glared at him.

" Do you think I don't know that? Terrie is the last person I think of each night before I go to bed, and the first person I think of when I wake each morning. I think of how she's not here to spend Christmas with me. She loved Christmas. And I loved how she had Christmas. We may have only had one Christmas together, yet it seemed like more than one. I don't even want Christmas to come this year," he said tautly.

" You can't shut yourself away over Christmas. Your family expects you to celebrate with them."

" Damn it, I know that! I'm not completely stupid you know. But that doesn't mean that I have to be happy. Or pretend to be happy. My family will understand. You should as well," Jordan said angrily, stalking out of the studio. Miguel followed him relentlessly.

" Jordan, I understand why you think you should feel that way, but believe me, its the wrong attitude," he said and stepped back warily when Jordan swung around, black murder in his eyes.

" Damn it Miguel! I just can't forget Terrie! She wouldn't want me to!"

" Oh I know that. But she wouldn't want you to become bitter and lonely, to shut yourself off from any chance to love again," Miguel said quietly. Jordan stared at him, surprise and revelation dawning on him. No, Terrie wouldn't want him to shut himself off from love. She would want him to love again. If he had've been the one to die, he would have wanted her to love again. He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed.

" All right, all right. I see your point. I'll start dating again, but nothing serious okay? Just casual dating," he said, watching as Miguel smiled.

" Great! You can start tonight," he said. Jordan laughed softly.

" I knew you were leading up to something. Who's the girl?"

" A friend of Kasey's."

" And Kasey is...who again?" he knew this, he really did.

" My girlfriend. Remember? The Australian? The one I've been dating since August?" Miguel said. Jordan nodded slowly. He could just see a vague image of the green eyed auburn haired woman Miguel was so enraptured with.

" I remember. You're still with her? If I remember correctly, she's a little too independent and opinionated for my liking," he said and grinned when Miguel glared at him.

" I'm not dating her for you Jordan. And if she wasn't so independent and opinionated, I wouldn't like her as much as I do. We have some pretty fantastic arguments at times," Miguel said and Jordan laughed.

" Not to mention pretty fantastic make up sessions," he said cheekily but, to his surprise, instead of going along with the conversation, Miguel just smiled mysteriously and changed the subject.

" So will you come out with us tonight? Danielle is only in town for Christmas. She'll be spending Christmas day with me and Kasey. She's thinking of moving to Boston, which Kasey is hoping will happen, so we have to show her what Boston has to offer," Miguel said.

" I suppose I can come out. Does Kasey know you plan on asking me?" Jordan asked.

" She suggested it. Why?"

" The few times we've met, I got the feeling she didn't like me that much," for some reason that mattered to him. Miguel had found a woman he was happy with. Miguel was also Jordan's friend. So it was only natural that he wanted anyone connected to Miguel to like him.

" Kasey? Not like you? Now that's funny! She was thinking the same about you. For some reason, she's worried that if you don't like her, my opinion of her will change. She desperately wants to impress you," Miguel said, laughing a little.

" Oh I liked her. She's just not my type," Jordan said and Miguel smiled, more to himself that Jordan.

" Good," he said, sounding relieved and satisfied all at once.


" So have you made up your mind yet Danielle?" Danielle looked up from the price tag she was looking at smiled at her friend.

" Kasey, I've been here a total of two days and already you wanna know if I plan in moving here? Give me time to recover girl!" she said and laughed when Kasey pulled an apologetic face.

" You like Boston. Its not like you've never been here before. And you can stay with me and Miguel until you find somewhere to live. I'm sure you'll settle in fast," Kasey said, flicking through the clothes on the rack.

" Like I'm sure Miguel would appreciate me living with you two so soon after moving in together. You two need space to adjust to living with each other. You don't need a third wheel hanging around," Danielle said.

" We wouldn't have asked you to stay with us if we didn't want you around," Kasey said quietly and Danielle nodded.

" I know that. But I still feel weird being around you two. It's like living with newlyweds," Danielle said and laughed when Kasey blushed.

" We do want you to stay. So, please stay," Kasey said and Danielle sighed.

" I'm here until after Christmas. I'll make my decision by then. You never know Kase, y'all just may get sick of me by Christmas," she said teasingly and Kasey laughed.

" Oh I so doubt that!" Kasey said as they moved on to the perfume and make up counter. Danielle was just spraying on the new Calvin Klein fragrance when Kasey dropped her bombshell," By the way, we're going out to dinner tonight." Danielle's aim was off as she stared incredulously at Kasey, so most of the perfume ended up being sprayed into thin air.

" We are?"

" Yep. Miguel wants to take is both out so we're going out," Kasey was so nonchalant about it that Danielle immediately began to suspect something was up.

" That sounds almost like a set up," she said watching Kasey warily. She became even more suspicious when she saw a small smile playing on Kasey's lips. But when Kasey faced her, there was no expression on her face except for an innocent gleam in her eyes. But Danielle knew her friend well enough to know that Kasey did the most damage when she looked innocent," Spill it girl."

" What? There is nothing to spill. Miguel wants to take us out to dinner. How can that be a set up?"

" Like I'm really going to believe you," Danielle said.

" You've got a suspicious mind."

" Around you I need a suspicious mind. There is no way I'd survive if I didn't. Who have you and Miguel lined up for me tonight?" Danielle asked.

" Let's go home and maybe I'll tell you," Kasey said and started walking away, leaving Danielle no choice but to follow her.


" I cannot go into that restaurant Kasey," Danielle said, stubbornly holding onto the car door. She saw Miguel and Kasey share a look but she refused to give in.

" Danielle, you have to come inside. Jordan will think we're standing him up," Kasey said. In Danielle's surprise, she let go of the car door and Miguel took advantage of that, grasping her arm and steering her towards the restaurant.

" You mean he know I'm coming?" she asked and Miguel nodded.

" Yes. And he's probably sitting at the bar, drink in front of him, watching the time impatiently," Miguel said and true to his word, that was exactly what Jordan was doing. The only exception to what Miguel had said was, Jordan had obviously had more than one drink. Danielle almost gasped out loud at the sheer perfection of the man before her eyes. Sure, on previous visits to Boston she had seen him but never before had she had the chance to talk to him, to have dinner with him. As nervous as she was, she was also not going to mess tonight up.

" Jordan, this is Danielle. Danielle, Jordan," Miguel said as he carefully watched his friend. Something wasn't right. It wasn't as though Jordan never drank when they went out, because he did. But it was unusual that he should have more than one, two at the most.

" Danielle! So you're the lovely lady Miguel wanted me to meet! I can see why!" as Jordan got up off the bar stool, he stumbled forward and Danielle had to end up stopping him from falling. Miguel groaned inwardly at the less than impressed glance Danielle shot Kasey, who in return, glared at him angrily.

" Jordan, nice to meet you," Danielle said, none of her doubts showing. Jordan straightened himself and slung both arms around the two women. Kasey gently removed herself from his grasp and moved to Miguel's side. As Jordan and Danielle made their way to the table, Kasey pulled Miguel aside.

" Do something!" she hissed angrily.

" What can I do? The mans drunk Kasey? We'll just have to make sure he doesn't drink anything but coffee for the rest of the night," he said and cringed when Kasey glared at him, a fierce anger in her eyes," Damn it, what do you expect me to do?"

" Take him to the men's room, stick his head under the cold water tap and talk some sense into him!" Kasey said and walked away from him. Miguel watched her go, a rueful smile on his face. He should have known better than to mess with Kasey and her Irish temper. He was thankful that she was so opinionated - the last thing he wanted was someone who sat by quietly and never said a word, but he never expected her to be like this! Miguel sighed and walked into the dining room, trying to figure out what he was going to say to Jordan to get him to come with him. But, as he found out, there wasn't any need. Jordan wasn't at the table. When Miguel's eyes met Kasey's, she indicated towards the bathrooms. He walked over to them and entered, to find Jordan not in the best condition.


" Does he usually get drunk before dinner has even started?" Danielle asked Kasey quietly.

" Not that I know of. But I've only had dinner with the man once before," she said, watching the door to the men's room with worry on her face.

" He looked...different."

" How?" Kasey still had her eyes on the door.

" He looked lost. Defeated," that got her attention. Kasey's eyes focused sharply on Danielle. There was worry and sympathy in them and she was gnawing her bottom lip nervously.

" He did? Its happening again," Kasey breathed, her voice soft. Danielle glanced at her curiously. What was happening again?

" Kase? What is it?" Danielle asked, moving over a seat so she was next to her friend.

" There's a lot you don't know about Jordan and this last year. He's gone through hell of a lot, a lot more than anyone man should go through in any lifetime," Kasey said, fiddling with the gold wishbone ring she always wore.

" What is it? Nothing was said. You never even mentioned that there was anything wrong with him in any of your emails."

" When Miguel told me and asked me not to say anything to anyone, what could I do? I'm not the type to spread gossip and'd never break my promise. But Miguel will forgive me if I tell you," Kasey said seriously. Danielle waited, watching as Kasey fingered her ring nervously," Jordan was involved with a woman. Up until January this year, they were a couple for six months. Her name was Terri and apparently Jordan was really happy. She was good for him and extremely well liked. Miguel showed me a photo of her once. She wasn't glamour material but she was beautiful. She had an inside radiance as well as an outside one. Everyone expected them to get married. And they probably would have too, except..." Kasey stopped. Danielle slowly let out a breath she hadn't even realized she had been holding.

" Except what? They split up?"

" One night, in the middle of January, while Jordan and Terri were driving home from a party, a drunk driver crossed the line. It was pretty icy so the drunk driver lost control. Even though Jordan tried to avoid the other car, the drunk driver slammed into the passenger side. The side Terri was in."

" God, no."

" She wasn't killed instantly but she was injured. As it turned out, her liver had been lacerated so even if she had've gone straight to hospital she would have died anyway. Jordan was holding her in his arms when she died. He blamed himself for what happened for six months. No one else had been killed, not even the other driver. Jordan went to the funeral but it took six months for him to go back to her grave. During those six months, he started drinking heavily, having one night stands, working constantly. Miguel told me he was afraid Jordan had been trying to kill himself. Then one day, he and Donnie went out to the cemetery. Whatever happened out there change Jordan because apparently he became a different man. He stopped having one night stands, the non-stop work and the excessive drinking. As far as I know, Jordan has only gone on a drinking binge twice in the last six months - one on Terri's birthday and again on the anniversary of the day they met. He called Miguel both times and Miguel went over to sober him up and talk him through it."

" So what set him off tonight?" Danielle asked, her heart crying out for him.

" I don't know. And I wish to God I did because I feel helpless here," Kasey said, her eyes wandering over to the men's door again.


" J? Man, what the hell happened?" Miguel asked him when Jordan finally emerged from a cubicle. Jordan headed over to the taps and splashed cold water on his face. Miguel watched as his hands curled around the hand basin and he stared at himself in the mirror," J..."

" Have you ever really hated yourself so much that all you wanted to do was die?" he asked huskily. Miguel stared at him in surprise. What had happened to the laughing, teasing man from earlier that day?

" Jordan? You wanna maybe tell me what's wrong?" Miguel asked him, not letting his fear for his friend show in his voice. Jordan bowed his head and Miguel could see that he was trying to compose himself.

" I thought I was going to be able to handle this tonight. I was honestly looking forward to coming out to dinner and just forgetting my problems, for one night at least," Jordan said.

" So what happened to change that attitude?"

" A friend of Terri's showed up."

" So?"

" It was that friend no one could get in touch with for the funeral because she was travelling through Europe. Well, it seemed someone forgot to mention it to her because she showed up at the house, all ready to talk to Terri. They hadn't seen each other since she had left for Europe. So I had to tell her Terri was dead. Then she wanted to know how it happened. She heard the whole story and blamed me for it, saying if I had've been more careful, she never would have died."

" You know there was nothing else you could have done..."

" Are you sure of that? I could have taken the hit. We never should have been out that night anyway. But I talked her into coming with me. Said it was important! Hell, if I had of known that we would have been in that accident, I never would have gone. I would have listened to Terri and stayed home."

" Damn it, you were over this! This accident wasn't your fault! Are you going to listen to some strange woman who doesn't know you?" Miguel asked.

" Her attack came just when I was starting to feel good about life. I don't feel up to having dinner tonight Miguel. I think I'll just go home," Jordan said.

" I'll be damned if you chicken out of tonight Jordan. You made a commitment and you're going to go out there and have dinner. Kasey and Danielle aren't really impressed with you right now. Don't make me tell them you don't want to have dinner with them," Miguel said firmly.

" Miguel, how are you going to explain this to them?"

" Kasey knows."

" She does? Why did you tell her?"

" She is my girlfriend Jordan. I don't keep secrets from her. When you called me on what would have been Terri's birthday, I had to tell her why I couldn't spend the night with her. She won't tell anyone who doesn't already know Jordan."

" What about Danielle? How will..."

" Kasey probably already told her."

" Damn it! I don't want them to feel sympathy for me. Why did you have to tell your girlfriend?" Jordan sounded mad. But Miguel could handle Jordan's anger. It was Kasey's he couldn't.

" Jordan, I don't keep anything from Kasey. Its part of our relationship. You never kept anything from Terri. Why do you expect different from me?"

" Ah man, I'm sorry. I'm just extra touchy tonight."

" You can't run from this forever Jordan. If you go out there with me right now, you'll be taking a step in the right direction."

" Fine. But if they even mention it..."

" They wont. Women tend to be a little more tactful at times like this," Miguel said and they headed out to the dining room.


" Everything sorted out now Miguel?" Kasey asked him in a very pointed voice. He glanced at her and inwardly groaned. Why was it that every time Jordan screwed up, he was the one to pay?

" Everything is fine now sweetie," he soothed her, leaning over to kiss her.

" Are you all right now Jordan?" Kasey asked him and he nodded, hiding the grin he felt coming on. Damn she sounded like a schoolteacher. He pitied Miguel. But as soon as he look at Danielle, his good mood evaporated. She was looking at him, a mingle of disappointment and something else on her face. He felt his heart sink. Damn.

" Are you sure you want to be here Jordan?" Danielle asked.

" If I wasn't I wouldn't be here Danielle," he said.

" Then why did you feel the need to get drunk even before we arrived?" she asked. She looked determined to get the answer out of her but he wasn't so sure she would like his reason.

" You weren't the reason..."

" No? Well you know what? It sure seems like it. I don't happen to like men getting drunk before they meet me. Doesn't do a lot for my ego, you know?" she asked and he just stared at her. Where was this coming from?

" Danielle, there's a reason why I drank before you arrived. And it wasn't because I was meeting you," he protested.

" Jordan, how come I don't believe you?"

" I don't know. You tell me."

" You were drunk when I got here. You nearly fell to the floor. You disappear into the bathroom as soon as you dump me at the table. You come back and try to tell me that I am not at least part of the reason why you got drunk tonight and you expect me to believe that?" Danielle asked, not backing down on this. Damned if she was going to sit here and take his behaviour without saying anything.

" Don't you ever get drunk for a reason?" he asked sarcastically.

" I don't get drunk. Never have and never will. I don't need alcohol to make my problems go away," she shot back at him and stood up," Kasey, I'm going to the ladies room."

" I'll join you," Kasey said. She and Danielle headed off the to the bathroom, leaving a stunned Miguel and a bemused Jordan behind them.

" What's wrong with her?"

" Danielle? She's mad Jordan. Surely you can see that," Miguel said dryly.

" Damn it I thought you told me Kasey would have told her what happened," Jordan said,

" Yes but do you think Danielle believes its that reason only? I know how nervous you were about tonight. How unwilling you were to actually start dating again. I think that sub-consciously you wanted to get drunk so that tonight would be easier for you," Miguel said as he glanced at his watch," Damn it where are they?"

" I did not get drunk because of Danielle," Jordan said stubbornly.

" Yes you did. Maybe that wasn't the full reason but it was part of it. You didn't have the guts to face Danielle after what that woman said to you so you decided to drink a few, to make it easier. Did you feel better with some liquid courage in you Jordan?" Miguel asked. He glanced at he ladies room and frowned when Kasey and Danielle headed towards the foyer of the restaurant, and not the table. He got up from the table and joined them just as Danielle was replacing the telephone received.

" Decided to leave us Danielle?" Miguel asked casually.

" I think it's for the best Miguel. Jordan is obviously not willing to make a go of this so I don't want to sit around all night wishing I was somewhere else," Danielle said.

" And are you going with her Kasey?" Miguel asked. He understood why Danielle would want to leave, but Kasey as well?

" You deal with Jordan. I'm going home with Danielle," Kasey said. Miguel sighed.

" Do you have to leave so soon Danielle? Jordan will be on better behaviour now..."

" He's lucky I stayed this long. I could have left right at the beginning Miguel but I stayed, despite my better judgement. He's not willing to give this night a chance. I know when I'm not particularly wanted," Danielle said and left the restaurant to stand outside to wait for the cab.

" Kasey, did you tell her about Terri?" Miguel asked.

" Yes."

" And she's still leaving?"

" I told her that Jordan was handling it. And what does he do? Make me a liar. He needs to sort out his priorities, whether he wants to be with the living or with the dead," Kasey said. Miguel frowned," Look. I'm not criticizing him Miguel. Really I'm not. But tonight was important in his recovery. And he failed. And I'm afraid that I cant sit by and let a friend of mine end up being hurt because in there hasn't got the manners to act proper and treat Danielle like she deserves to be treated."

" That's harsh Kasey."

" Maybe it is. But I call it how I see it," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

" Then you see it wrong," he said and started walking away from her.

" Am I Miguel? Or am I so close that you cant handle the truth?" Kasey asked him. He stopped and looked back at him, his face grim.

" I won't be coming home tonight Kasey," he said stiffly. Her face registered surprise but it was gone so quickly he didn't even have time to regret his words.

" If that's the way you feel Miguel," she said and he nodded.

" That's the way I feel," he said and watched her as she left the restaurant. He stood there and watched as she and Danielle got into the cab and drove away. Damn it. Why the hell had he just done that?


" He acted like an obnoxious jerk," Danielle said a little later that night.

" I'm not debating that."

" He could have apologized for being a falling down drunk!"

" Again, no debate there."

" So why do I feel like I've just made the biggest mistake of my life?" Danielle asked as she dropped to the floor beside Kasey, who was eating some ice cream.

" Because you didn't mean to hurt him. You didn't think before saying what you thought and now you wish you could go back and start the night over again," Kasey said morosely as she put another spoonful of the chocolate ice cream in her mouth. Danielle dropped her head back onto the lounge chair and sighed.

" Exactly. I know he must be hurting over Terri. And from what you said, something bad must have happened for him to regress like that. But what I said was just a little bit out of line," Danielle admitted.

" But it was true Danielle. You have to keep telling yourself that it is true. Because if you don't, and you keep replaying that conversation in your mind over and over again, you'll drive yourself crazy and hate what you said even more," Kasey said.

" Are we talking about you or me here?" Danielle asked as she glanced at Kasey. Kasey shrugged and fit the lid back onto the ice cream.

" You, of course. Listen Danielle. You said what you believed was right. I don't blame you for being mad at Jordan. He should have either cancelled tonight or shouldn't have drank as much as he did. But he didn't and now he knows exactly what you think of him."

" You're right. Of course you're right. But that doesn't mean I still don't feel bad for what I said," Danielle said and Kasey sighed.

" Can't go back and change it now," she muttered as she got to her feet and headed into the kitchen. Danielle followed her and sat down at the table as she watched Kasey put the ice cream back into the freezer and run the spoon under hot water.

" No I cant. Maybe I can call him I will not apologize for being honest with him. If he wants to call me and apologize for his behaviour, then ha can do it. Because I will not back down on this," she said.

" Good for you chica." Kasey said and covered her mouth as she yawned," Well, I'm off to bed."

" Not waiting up for Miguel tonight?" Danielle asked. Usually if Miguel stayed out late, Kasey stayed up to wait for him.

" Miguel chose not to come home tonight," Kasey said stiffly and Danielle looked at her and sighed.

" You two had a fight? Me being here isn't working is it?" Danielle asked and instantly Kasey smiled.

" Hell no! Damn, I like having you here! Miguel and I just fought about Jordan, that's all. Not you. We both like having you here. Don’t you worry about us. We'll get through this. We always do," Kasey said," Night."

" Night," Danielle said.


" Where are they?" Jordan asked Miguel as he came back to the table. Miguel threw Jordan what could only be classed as a glare and picked up his car keys.

" Gone."

" They left?" Jordan asked incredulously.

" Yes damn it. Danielle doesn't think that you were willing to give her a chance to make tonight work. Said she knew she wasn't wanted so why stay? Kasey isn't happy either. Happy Jordan?" Miguel asked sarcastically as he left the dining room. Jordan stared after him and realized he was going. And he also realized that Miguel was his only way home, considering he has drank too much to be able to drive home safely. So he hurried to his feet and almost ran after him.

" Miguel can I get a ride home with you?" he asked and Miguel laughed shortly.

" Considering I'm staying at your place tonight, I don't think that's going to be a problem," he said and left the restaurant to go to his car. Jordan shook his head, bemused at this.

" Why are you staying at my place?"

" Kasey and I had a fight damn it," Miguel said as they reached the car and got in. Miguel twisted the keys in the ignition savagely and drove out onto the street. Jordan watched his friend, worry lines creasing his face. He knew that Kasey and Miguel fought but this sounded a hell of a lot more serious than a simple fight.

" About me?"

" Who the hell else? She doesn't like to see her friends treated the way you treated Danielle. So she left. I told her I wasn't coming home and she didn't even fight it. Just nodded and left," Miguel said and Jordan could see him gripping the steering wheel in a death grip.

" You told her you weren't coming home? What happened to sitting down and talking out your problems?" Jordan asked but shut up when Miguel glared at him again. The rest of the drive back to Jordan's house was silent and strained. They pulled up in the driveway of the house and as they got out of the car, Miguel turned to him.

" You got anything to drink in there?" he asked and Jordan looked at him in surprise.

" You don't like to drink that much..."

" Well tonight I just want to forget about this mess I seem to have gotten myself into," he said and Jordan shrugged as they walked up the path to the front door. Jordan let them in and Miguel headed straight to the bar in Jordan's den and brought out a bottle of whiskey. He placed a glass on the top of the bar and poured himself a generous amount of the amber liquid without offering Jordan any.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to make you stop moping about?" Jordan asked Miguel. He shot him a glare and drank the whiskey in his glass in one gulp. He winced as it burned all the way down but he poured another one and drank that the same way.

" Nope," Miguel said sharply.

" Damn it, do you want to be drunk and stupid tonight?" Jordan asked him.

" Might be able to forget that way," Miguel said and poured another drink.

" Miguel..."

" Damn it Jordan! If you can get drunk to forget your problems, why the hell cant I?" Miguel lashed out at him and they stared at each for a long while before Jordan sighed and shrugged.

" Go ahead and get drunk Miguel. But weren't you the one who just old me drinking doesn't solve problems?" Jordan said quietly but Miguel ignored him and continued drinking anyway.


Danielle quietly shut the front door so as not to alert Kasey to the fact she was going out and headed out to the car. She had searched for Jordan's address in Miguel's address book, knowing the she had to do something about Kasey and Miguel. She couldn't just sit back and let this fight get out of hand. She started the car and headed towards Jordan's house. She was very relieved when she saw Miguel's car in the driveway. She had been half fearing that Miguel wouldn't be here. But he obviously was. She was nervous, knowing that as soon as she rang that doorbell, she would have to face Jordan again, after leaving him in the restaurant. But she was worried about Miguel and Kasey so seeing him was just a thing she had to do to help her friend. She rang the bell and waited impatiently, shifting from one foot to the other as she waited for Jordan to open the door. And when he finally did, the look on his face satisfied her immensely.

" What are you doing here?" Jordan asked, his voice choked and surprised. Danielle threw him a sarcastic smile as her mind raced wildly. She needed to get in there to get Miguel. How was she going to do that?


She decided to be straightforward. Surely Miguel had told Jordan what had happened. And if he was any kind of friend to Miguel, he would want them back together.

" I've come to take Miguel back to his place,' she said.

" He's in there. Drunk," Jordan said shortly and Danielle nodded as he let her inside. She entered the den and almost laughed at the comical way Miguel was sprawled on one of the chairs. He looked up as she entered the room and tried to sit up straight.

" Danielle! is Kasey here with you?" he asked, looking around. His face fell when she shook her head.

" Kasey is at home you dense idiot. What the hell are you doing here? You should be at home with her! Not here, drinking yourself into oblivion. Now get your ass out of that chair and come home with me," Danielle said but Miguel shook his head. Damn, he was going to be stubborn.

" No. Kasey and I need time apart...damn it Danielle that hurts!" Miguel said as she grabbed a hold of his ear and started lifting him up. He tried to move her hand from his ear but she was holding on tightly and he knew that he had to move with her or she would seriously hurt him.

" You're damn lucky I'm not grabbing you somewhere else Miguel. But I don't think Kasey would appreciate that if I did. Are you going to come with me or what?" Danielle asked. Miguel was now on his feet, starring at her with a mutinous look on his face. Danielle sighed," Fine." She started dragging Miguel out of the room by his ear, ignoring his cries and Jordan's laughing.

" Ow, ow, ow, ow! Damn it Danielle! Will you stop that?" Miguel asked, stumbling down the stairs.

" Not until you come with me quietly and willingly," she said and continued to pull him along to the car. She let go of his ear and opened the passenger door for him and glared at him.

" Danielle, did Kasey put you up to this?" he asked as he got into the car, a resigned look on his face.

" I am here without Kasey knowing about it, Trust me Miguel. If Kasey knew I was here she would literally kill me. But I am not staying in that house with her so damn down because you're too pigheaded to see what you did was wrong. Its Christmastime damn it. We're all supposed to be happy!" she said angrily and Miguel bit back a grin.

" So that means you're going to forgive Jordan, does it?" Miguel asked and Danielle shot him a glare that told him to stay out of it. He laughed softly.

" Different matter. You and Kasey shouldn't fight over Jordan. He's not worth it."

" She didn't fight me when I told her I wasn't coming home," he said.

" Why should she?"

" Because she loves me!"

" Exactly. She knows you, she loves you. Why would she do something so out of character for her? You know she's stubborn and wont give in to anything. Why would she beg for you to come home?" Danielle asked and that silenced Miguel until they got back to the house they shared," Will I have to drag you inside?"

" I don't think so. Buts he's going to be asleep..."

" No, I'm not. Danielle, what did you do?" Kasey's voice came from the darkened porch where she was sitting in the porch swing.

" I am trying to get you and Miguel talking again."

" We would have sorted this put by ourselves," she said, coming down the stairs part way to meet up with them at the bottom stair.

" Yeah, but it would have taken a week," Miguel said. Kasey shot him a glare.

" You calling me stubborn?"

" And outspoken, and opinionated. What else is there?" he asked. Danielle grinned. Good. They were fighting. Now all she had to do was get them into their bedroom...

" You two maybe wanna take this one inside?" she asked. Kasey and Miguel looked at her and then entered the house.

" I'm not the one who sticks up for a drunk friend who treats people like trash!"

" And I don't go around saying outrageous things about above drunk friends! You over reacted to the situation tonight Kasey!" Miguel said.

" Wait. You two. Shut up and sit down," Danielle ordered them. They did so, sitting at opposite sides of the room.

" What?"

" You two are going to work this one out, understand? Or I tie you both to the bed, together, naked, until you either make up, or die," Danielle said.

" You don't mean that."

" I don't? Try me," she said and Kasey and Miguel glanced at each other and then at Danielle.

" Well he was being..."

" Stop! Take this into your room. I don't want to be here when you two make up," Danielle said and Kasey and Miguel muttered under their breaths but they went into their room. Danielle followed them and waited until they shut the door before locking them inside. She silently thanked her luck for finding the key on Miguel's desk. The door knob was wriggled and then she heard Kasey.

" Unlock the door Danielle."

" You two make up. I'm going out," she said and left them behind, laughing silently as she thought of the night they were about to have.


" She's your friend," Miguel said angrily as he sat on the bed.

" So we're insulting friends now huh?" Kasey asked, facing him, her back to the door, arms folded over her chest.

" I'm just saying..."

" Let's talk about your friend hmm? He got drunk tonight Miguel. Made Danielle feel like shit. I don't like people who do that," she said.

" He didn't mean to."

" Nice excuse but I don't buy it. He's an adult Miguel. He knew what he was doing. He could have chosen any other night to get drunk but no, he has to choose tonight, of all nights," Kasey said sarcastically.

" Do we really have to bring this up now?" Miguel asked.

" You were the one..."

" Damn, I never realized how stubborn you were."

" I am not stubborn!" Kasey said. She watched Miguel warily as he got to his feet and started coming towards her.

" Yes you are. Opinionated too. And straightforward. And that’s what I love about you," Miguel said huskily, unfolding Kasey's arms and wrapping them around his waist.

" We're supposed to be fighting Miguel," she said as he ran his hands down her sides and brought their bodies closer.

" Mmm, but isn't this much better?" he asked as he lowered his lips to her neck, licking her skin and making her moan a little.

" We still need to talk..."

" Talking can wait. This cant," he said and slowly moved his lips over her collarbone and nibbled at her skin. He moved his hands up underneath her pajama top and cupped her breasts, running his thumbs over her nipples, making her arch her back. He smiled against her neck. He loved the way he made her feel and react to his touch. There was nothing more intoxicating than to hear her soft cries, see the way she moved while they made love. He moved his hands from her breasts and grabbed the hem of her top and lifted it over her head, baring her to him. He lowered his head again, this time concentrating his lips and tongue onto her breasts and nipples. He ran his tongue over and around one nipple and then blew softly on it, watching as it became hard and erect. Kasey held his head to her breast, urging him on. But Miguel wanted to continue this on the bed so he bent down and picked Kasey up, one arm underneath her knees, another around her waist and as he carried her to the bed, he kissed her, slowly and softly, gently biting her bottom lip, while letting his fingers brush the curve of her breasts. He placed her on the bed and joined her, moving over the top of her, resting his pelvis against hers, letting her feel his rising hardness. He leaned down and kissed her again, on her lips, then moved to her jaw, placing soft little kisses along her jaw, over to her ear. He took her lobe into his mouth and sucked on it gently, his hands stroking her throat and shoulders softly. He knew this drove her wild, the different sensations of his mouth and fingers on her body at the same time. He traced patterns just above her breasts with his fingers, ever so lightly brushing against her nipples every now and then. Her hand were moving down to his waist, as she tried to remove his shirt. He moved away from her and slipped it off himself, then moved back to her, brushing his chest over her breasts lightly, making her moan as the sensations washed over her. He kissed his way down her throat, dragging his tongue down her windpipe, and down to her collarbone, tasting the sweat that had already started to appear on her body. He loved to make her squirm, make her lose complete control. His lips and tongue made their way down to her breasts and he took one hardened nipple into her mouth, sucking on it gently, twirling it around in his mouth, raking his teeth over it, wringing a low moan out of her. Kasey's hands were busy at his waist, undoing his jeans, purposely brushing against the heat between his legs. He had started wearing button fly jeans only since starting to date Kasey, knowing how much she loved to undo them and tease him as she did so. He had to admit that the feeling of her hands slowly and torturously undoing the buttons was unlike any other he had experienced. She had the buttons undone by the time he moved his lips to her other breast and she slid her hand inside, touching him through the silk of his boxers. He sank his teeth into her nipple as she slid her hand into his boxers and she cried out, but not in pain, in pleasure as the exquisite sensation washed over her and moved down to pool between her thighs. Miguel lifted his hips, allowing Kasey to slide his jeans and boxers off. He kicked them off, all the while her nipple still in his mouth. He pressed his hips against her silk covered heat, feeling her wetness through the cloth. He slipped his hands between their bodies and rubbed her through the silk, causing her to cry out and arch her hips up, pushing her heat against him, making him grit his teeth as his manhood pulsed achingly, demanding release. He had to make her want him more, make her so crazy with need and longing that by the time he sank into her, she'd be sobbing and begging for release.

" Miguel..." she said huskily and he captured her mouth in another searing kiss that left her breathless.

" Not now baby. We still have a lot to do before I'm finished with you.," he whispered. He slipped her pajama bottoms off so that they were lying naked against each other. Wringing another moan out of her. He moved off her and cupped her breasts in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples in circular motions. Then he replaced his thumbs with his tongue, licking and sucking at the hard nubs, transferring his attention between both constantly until they were standing at painful attention, sensitive enough that Kasey shivered if he ran a fingernail over them. He left her breasts and started kissing and licking her stomach, watching as her stomach muscles contracted underneath his ministrations. He dipped his tongue into her belly button and then remembered the scarves he had in the dresser drawer. He kissed each of Kasey's nipples before moving away from her.

" Miguel...?" Kasey protested when she realized he was no longer near her. She watched him as he leaned over and opened the drawers and pulled out several long silk scarves. Her stomach contracted again at the thought of being tied up and unable to move under Miguel's caresses.

" Are you game?" he asked, trailing the tip of one of the scarves over her breasts. She smiled softly and nodded, reaching out to him and rubbing a fingernail over his nipple.

" As long as you let me return the favour," she said and he chuckled throatily, He gently, but firmly tied her hands together and then to the bedpost, kissing his way down her breasts and stomach, then her thighs and legs before tying one ankle to the end of the bed, then the other, leaving her open and vulnerable to his hands and tongue. Then he did something that surprised her. He moved back up her body, and covered her eyes with one of the scarves. Now she was unable to move or see and it aroused her beyond belief.

Miguel smiled when he saw Kasey's look of arousal. They had never tried this before so he had been both nervous and excited at how she would react. From her reaction and response, he knew that this was going to be very pleasurable - for both of them. Miguel moved down her body again and started kissing and licking her legs, stroking her skin, biting her gently. He moved to her knee and stroked the skin behind it, watching her trying to squirm and knowing that he had all the power over her. He kissed her thighs, running his fingernails along the tender flesh inside her thighs. He could smell her muskiness and longed to taste her but wanted to tease her a little longer before he did so. So he ignored her silent pleas and moved back down to her other leg. She moaned when he did so, and he smiled against her skin. She was so passionate and he loved that in her. He kissed and nibbled his way up to her thigh again, making sure that she could feel his hot breath on her. She lifted her hips a little and cried out his name. That nearly drove him out of control, the sound of his name on her lips but he managed to control his impulse to thrust into her. Instead he touched her, very lightly, very gently, but just enough to make her hips lift as she searched for more.

" Damn it Miguel..." she threatened shakily but stopped as he placed a kiss at the core of her femininity, using his tongue to taste her saltiness. She moaned and her breath started coming faster and shallower. He ran his tongue around her entrance and then dipped it inside, pushing it as far in as he could, hearing her moan raggedly and feeling her muscles clench. God, he wanted to be inside her. But as always, her pleasure came first. He withdrew his tongue and ran it up to her clit, sucking and nibbling on it, moving it around in his mouth. He pushed one finger inside her while his tongue licked and teased her clit, feeling her muscles squeeze down on his finger. One finger was joined by another and another until he had three fingers inside her, as far as he could push them inside. He withdrew them, then lunged them inside again, still sucking her clit and the added stimulation of his fingers made Kasey lift her hips up and fall over the edge, crying out his name as she did. He withdrew his fingers and kissed her with satisfaction, letting her taste herself.

" Do you want me?" he whispered in her ear huskily. She shivered and nodded.

" More than anything," she said and he kissed her again, his hand moving between their bodies as he guided himself into her waiting entrance. He entered her smoothly with one thrust and she moaned as the sensation of him filling her. He held himself completely still while her muscles worked wildly, squeezing and clenching against him. He waited until she was calm and started moving, long, slow thrusts, withdrawing himself so that only the tip of his manhood was inside her and then plunging in again, hard and fast. He thrust into her, again and again, feeling the pressure building inside him, knowing that it was the same way for her when she started to move recklessly. He took off her blindfold, needing to see her eyes when they both reached their climax. They looked deep into each others eyes and Miguel could feel Kasey's intimate muscles starting to clench and spasm, making him thrust harder and faster, until they both called out and he poured himself into her, before collapsing onto her breasts, breathing heavily. He was still deep inside Kasey and felt the last of her spasms end as he kissed her softly.


" You like?" Miguel whispered after their breathing returned to normal and he had untied her. They were lying in a spoon fashion, Miguel's arms were wrapped around her waist and he was speaking softly in her ear.

" When I get my breath back, I'll show you just how much I did like that," she said and he laughed, as he stroked her hair and kissed her ear softly.

" I'll look forward to it then," he said and she turned around to face him. His hair was messy and he smelled like sweat and sex, an intoxicating mix. She kissed him softly and ran her hands down to his chest and rubbed his nipples gently. He caught his breath as she raked her fingernails over the tiny nubs, making them stand on end. She laughed throatily as she saw and felt his response to her teasing. She rolled Miguel onto his back and leaned over him, letting her hair tease his chest as she licked and sucked at his nipples. He groaned and ran his hands through her hair, bringing her head closer to his body, urging her to go on. She circled her tongue around his nipples and drew one into her mouth, sucking and teasing it, while running her fingers down his stomach until she reached the part of him that had been inside her only moments before. He was already half hard, and getting harder by the second. He was all steel and satin, heat and fire. She kissed and licked her way down his stomach, circling the indentation that was his belly button, then moving down further, kissing and nibbling the inside if his thighs, staring right at his manhood which by now, was hard and pulsing with need. She kissed the tip of it, running her tongue lightly around the head of it, making his hips arch just a tiny bit. There was so much she wanted to do to him so she stopped touching him, stopped kissing him and moved completely away from him. He looked at her through glazed eyes and started to protest but stopped when he saw what she was doing. She tied his hands together and then to the bedpost and did the same with his ankles. Then she wrapped the blindfold around his eyes and moved completely away from the bed. He couldn't move an awful lot and couldn't feel her near him so he started to move his head, searching for her.

" Kasey?" he asked, his voice strained.

" I'll be right back sweetie," she said to him and went over to her lingerie drawer to remove the key to the bedroom door she had in there. She unlocked the door and headed to the kitchen, leaving Miguel wondering where she was going and what she was doing.


Kasey came back within minutes, a cup in one hand, a small bottle in the other. She shut and locked the door again and Miguel's head lifted up at the sound.

" What on earth are you doing, leaving me like this?" he asked teasingly and she giggled as she sat on the bed next to him, placing the cup and bottle on the bedside table. She leaned over and captured his mouth in a kiss.

" Prolonging the torture," she said and Miguel groaned.

" What have you got in store for me, you little witch?" he asked as Kasey let her hair tickle him again. The feel of her soft, silky hair running over the tip of his straining manhood made Miguel groan and Kasey laugh huskily.

" Oh, just a few little things," she said softly and reached into the cup and pull out one of the small, square cubes out. She placed it on Miguel's nipple and he jumped, crying out as she ran the ice around his nipple, watching as it puckered and as goosebumps broke out on Miguel's skin. She blew on the icy cold nipple and enjoyed the look of arousal on Miguel's face. She could only imagine what the feelings were like and she enjoyed giving them to him. She ran the ice around his other nipple, its reaction being the same as its twin. The ice had melted by this time, from Miguel's intense body heat, so Kasey had to get another piece to use on his stomach. She ran the ice around his belly button and dipped it inside, leaving a wet icy trail behind it. Then she ran the ice along the inside of his thighs, just letting some tiny drops of the water fall onto his manhood, causing Miguel to arch and cry out.

" You couldn't have warned me about that?" Miguel asked breathlessly and Kasey laughed as she popped the piece of ice into her mouth and bit down on it.

" Now what fun is there in that?" she asked teasingly.

" That's true," he agreed. Kasey smiled and popped another piece of ice into her mouth and leaned over his throbbing length and placed her cold lips around the tip of it. She pushed the piece of ice forward with her tongue and ran it along the tip of him, causing Miguel to groan and push himself into her mouth. Kasey accepted him readily, keeping a firm hold on his hips so he couldn't move too fast, still letting the ice twirl around in her mouth, running along his length, covering him in icy water. She moved her head up and down, taking him all the way into her mouth before withdrawing all the way out again. She raked her teeth very gently over the notch at the top of his length and he groaned, trying to push himself further into her mouth but she managed to hold him down.

" Patience Miguel," Kasey said and he groaned.

" I need to be inside you now," he said huskily and she ran her fingers over him. His length jerked and seemed to grow even harder, despite the fact that there was still icy water on him. It was now time for the other thing she had in mind for him. She picked up the small bottle and opened the cap, pouring some o the slightly heated liquid into her palm. She wrapped her hand around him and started stroking him, slowly, methodically, letting the warmth of the liquid create even more sensations on his cold flesh. The feel of Kasey's hand on him and the exquisite sensations of cold merging hot, was almost enough for Miguel to lose control but he manage to wait.

" I need to be inside you," he muttered again and Kasey smiled. He was so impatient! But this time, she heeded his call and positioned herself over the tip of his hot straining length, teasing him with the entrance to the place he wanted to bury himself in so deeply. Kasey held herself very still over him, just letting the tip of him sit inside her. He tried to push up into her but couldn't move very far with the scarves still on him. Kasey slowly slid down onto him, until he was buried deep inside her. He groaned when she started to move slowly, riding him, while leaning over his chest, letting her hardened nipples rub against his chest. She removed the blindfold at that point. They stared into each other's eyes and Kasey's movements grew faster and their cries were coming in tandem. Kasey arched, taking him in just a little bit deeper as he exploded and his seed emptied into her. She joined him soon after, her muscles squeezing and clenching as she collapsed onto his chest, breathing heavily, hearing his heart beat hard and fast.


" So how did you end up back here anyway? I thought you weren't planning on coming back home tonight," Kasey asked as she and Miguel laid in bed together. Her head was resting on his chest, her ear pressed to his heart and his arm was around her shoulders, his fingers just lightly brushing against her breasts.

" Danielle came over to Jordan's house and grabbed me by my bloody ear! She dragged me out to the car, if you can believe that," Miguel said and he sounded so disgusted that Kasey had to laugh.

" That's the Danielle I'm friends with," she said," We'll have to thank her later on."

" For what? Bringing me home so we could have the most memorable night of our lives or for interfering?" Miguel asked and Kasey punched him in his stomach, as best she could.

" She helped us out, didn't she? If she hadn't of gone over there, you'd be drunk off your ass right now and would have missed out on some of the best sex we've ever had!"

" Making love sweetie, we just made love," Miguel reminded her as he kissed her again.

" Yeah well just remember to thank her for this wonderful opportunity," Kasey mumbled as she moved down his body.

" Where is she anyway? Do you think she stayed in or took off?"

" Knowing Danielle she would have gone out. Probably driving around looking for some coffee place that could be open at this time of night," Kasey said and there was no more talk after that.


Danielle drove into a parking space of the small but obviously busy cafe and got out of the car. Damn Kasey and Miguel for taking over the house like that. She couldn't stay in there knowing what they were doing. So she had gotten out, driven around for awhile until she had spotted this cafe. She needed some caffeine. So she was here, walking towards the cafe, just about ready to kill both Kasey and Miguel for causing her to leave a nice warm house during winter. She stepped inside the cafe and immediately felt the heat. She sighed in relief. This was good. She could sit in here, drink a cup of coffee and get warm before she headed back to the house where she figured by that time, they would be asleep. Danielle smiled. She was happy that her friends were back together. She hated seeing them fight.

" Can I help you there?" the waitress asked Danielle as she sat down at a table.

" Just a cup of coffee thanks," she said and the waitress nodded, scribbling the order down as she walked away. Danielle looked around the cafe, realizing that she was alone here with only one other person. He smiled at her as she looked at him and she smiled back. He seemed harmless enough.

" What on earth are you doing here at 1am in the morning?" he asked, leaning over the seat that separated their booths.

" My friend and her boyfriend needed some time alone so I started driving around and decided to stop for some coffee before I head back to their place," she said and he laughed.

" Ah so you're not from here I take it?"

" No. I live in Canada. But if my friend has anything to do with it I'll be living here before too long," Danielle said.

" Very persuasive friend?"

" She can be. I'm Danielle by the way."

" Anthony. Would you like to sit with me? Save us drinking our coffee alone," he said and she nodded, moving to his booth.

" I could ask you the same thing Anthony. Why are you here at 1am in the morning?" she asked him and he laughed.

" If I told you, I'd have to kill you!" he joked and then shrugged," I tried to go to my friends place but he must have been in bed because he didn't answer my knocks. So I decided to stop in here and grab a drink before heading back him. Nothing terribly exciting," he said and she nodded. The waitress brought her coffee over just then and she accepted it gratefully," So how long are you in Boston for?"

" Well, after Christmas as a visit. But as I said, probably here for good if my friend gets her way."

" Would it be so bad to live here?" Anthony asked.

" No. I don't think so. It's a wonderful city and I have friends here. I wouldn't mind living here," she said and Anthony nodded, looking thoughtfully at her.

" Hey, listen. Are you involved with anyone at the moment?" Anthony's question surprised her and the sip of coffee she had just taken into her mouth ended up going down her windpipe and she started coughing as she stared at him in surprise.

" Where did that come from?" she asked once she was able to.

" You just seem like someone I would like to see my friend with," he said simply and she stared at him as though he had lost his mind.

" You barely know me! I could be some psycho and you're sentencing your friend to a grisly death," she said and Anthony laughed.

" I have a gut feeling about you. I don't think you are a psycho. So are you interested?" he asked.

" No. No way. After the man I had an experience with earlier tonight there is no way I want to experience another Boston man any time soon," she said defiantly.

" Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded," Okay then. Would you be interested in meeting me for breakfast in the morning?"

" What is this, some kind of set up?" she asked, watching him suspiciously.

" Me? A set up? I would never think of it," he said. She eyed him warily but ended up giving in. It was far too late to think properly. She just wanted to sleep.

" Fine. Where and what time?" she asked and he smiled.

" How about right here at eight? And I swear that this is not a set up okay?" he said. Danielle still didn't believe him but what could she do? He was pretty nice and having breakfast with a nice man was going to be a change from having dinner with a not so nice one.


" Damn it I cant believe I let you talk me into this Tony," Jordan said a little agitatedly the next morning.

" Its only breakfast with her J. Its not like you're gonna marry her! She's real nice, well worth the time and effort of this breakfast," Tony said and smiled at his friend's sour glance. Okay, maybe he should feel guilty about what he was about to do but damn it, it was time Jordan started dating again!

" Fine. But you aren't planning on taking off are you?" Jordan eyed him suspiciously and Tony pushed aside the twinge of guilt. He saw Danielle pull up in the parking lot and hid a smile as he answered Jordan.

" Nope. I am going to be here the whole time," he said just as Danielle walked into the cafe. She saw him and headed over, not even realizing that it was Jordan sitting across from Anthony.

" Hi Anthony," at the sound of Danielle's familiar voice, Jordan turned around and stared at her in surprise. This was the woman Tony had been raving about all morning?" You!"

" You two know each other?" Tony asked, looking from one stunned face to the other.

" This was the man I was telling you about earlier Anthony," Danielle said through clenched teeth.

" This is that woman I was telling you about Tony. She walked out on me in a restaurant," Jordan said.

" Well then I won't need to bother with introductions then, will I?" Tony asked and received two glares for his remark.

" You said this wasn't a set up," Danielle said.

" Yeah well I lied. I just thought you two would be perfect for one another. Why can't you two just give this a second chance?" Tony asked.

" Because she is unreasonable and opinionated," Jordan muttered.

" Because he is a fall down drunk!" Danielle shot back and Tony held up both hands, chuckling at the obvious tension between the two of them.

" Hey. Slow down. Keep me out of this. This is just a friendly breakfast okay? Let's just make believe that you two have never met before," Tony said as Danielle sat down.

" That's a bit hard considering last night is burned into my memory," she said and Jordan glared at her.

" You were the one who left Danielle. You never even..."

" Stop it right now!" Tony's voice became raised and frustrated.

" She..."

" He..."

" Fine. That's it. You two deal with this. I'm leaving right now," Tony said and left the booth. He was gone so quickly that neither Jordan nor Danielle had time to argue. They stared at each other for awhile and then Jordan smiled, reluctantly.

" Do you think that he planned it like this? Or did he just take the opportunity?" he asked and Danielle had to smile. She had been thinking the same thing.

" I think he planned on leaving us, but maybe not exactly like this," she admitted and he laughed.

" Mmm thought so," he said and looked at her," I should apologize for last night."

" Yes, you should," she said and he looked taken aback at her directness.

" No wonder you and Kasey are friends. Both of you have that directness quality. So, I am sorry about what happened last night. I did not get drunk because of you. I got drunk partly because of the dinner with you and partly because of another reason. And I should have either cancelled the dinner or not drink as much but I wasn't thinking about how my behaviour would affect you. I should have thought ahead but I didn't and I am sorry about that," he said.

" It didn't only affect me Jordan. Miguel and Kasey fought over you! They should never have had to do that. Its wrong to make such a wonderful couple fight over you," Danielle said and Jordan nodded.

" I know that and I am going to apologize for that. What happened after you dragged Miguel back home?"

" What do you think happened?" Danielle asked and Jordan laughed. My god! This man was a totally different person when he smiled and laughed!

" I don't even want to think about that."

" That's why I left as soon as I locked them in the bedroom. They were asleep when I got home, well at least I think they were and they were still in bed when I left to come here this morning."

" Danielle, how can I make last night up to you?" Jordan surprised her.

" I don't know Jordan. How can you make it up to me?" she was curious as to what his answer would be.

" Let me take you out. I'll take you out tonight and I can show you some of my favourite places in Boston. Miguel said that Kasey wanted you to stay here so we have to show you what Boston has to offer," Jordan said. Danielle stared at him for along time, wondering what his motive was.

" I don't know Jordan..."

" Please Danielle. Let me make it up to you. And if I don't do this, Kasey will hate me for the rest of her life and you will as well. Let me do this one thing," Jordan was begging her? Damn, how could she resist?

" Okay. But nothing fancy okay? I just want something simple and quiet. I'm not into these expensive restaurants," Danielle said and Jordan nodded.

" Deal. I'll pick you up at Miguel and Kasey's at six. Wear warm clothes," he said and stood up.

" Not eating with me huh?" she asked teasingly.

" I would but I thought you wouldn't want em to," he said, almost hesitantly. She threw him a withering glance and he immediately sat down again. The rest of the morning was spent with light talk and easy comments about the weather, about Christmas, about Miguel and Kasey - everything except Terrie.


" So is this what you expected?" Jordan asked Danielle later that night. He had taken her to Frog Pond, the most popular place for ice skating.

" No. But it's perfect. I haven't been ice skating here yet," she said as they sat down to lace up their skates. Once that was done they headed out onto the ice. They skated around the pond several times before giving each other races. By the time Danielle called a halt to their racing, she was breathless with laughter. Jordan had fallen over as many times as she had and now she was discovering muscles she never even knew existed.

" Ready to go home yet?" he asked as he caught her around the waist.

" One more time around? Slowly this time?" she asked. This time with Jordan, seeing him lose that grief stricken persona was making her change his mind about him. And now, she wanted to be held in his arms as the skated around the pond one last time before going home.

" Sure. I need to catch my breath too," he said and they started skating slowly around. There weren't many people left by this time, only a few couples taking advantage of no kids and teenagers. Danielle leaned towards Jordan's body, enjoying the sensation is his hands on her and his body so close to hers," Better?"

" Much," she murmured as her heart beat slowed down.

" You feel so good in my arms Danielle," she heard him say softly in her ear. She looked up at him in surprise and found him looking down at her, his eyes full of warmth and need. They were so engrossed in each other that neither of them saw the thin patch of ice until it was too late.


" Don't you have anything else to wear?" Danielle asked him. He was holding out a pajama top and that was it.

" No I don't. I told you already. All my clothes are at mums waiting to be washed. This is it. Just this pair of pajamas that have never been worn," he said, still holding out the top to her.

" I just don't believe you. Prove it to me," she said and he sighed.

" Fine. Go and have a look in my wardrobe, in the bathroom, in my drawers. You have a choice. You either wear this top or go naked. Now, I don't mind the naked one but..." Jordan's brown eyes glinted merrily as Danielle snatched the top out of his hands. She smoothed her hand along the material and realized it was silk.

" If you're lying to me..."

" Go and have a look if you don't believe me. Go and get changed Danielle before you freeze to death," he said and started unbuckling his jeans. Danielle stared at him and then fled, locking herself into the bathroom where she quickly stripped and showered, warming herself. She dried herself and slipped on the top. It came to mid-thigh but she still felt weird wearing it. Flicking back her head determinedly, she left the sanctuary of the bathroom and headed into the living room where Jordan was building a fire. He looked up at her when she entered and she stopped still at the sight of his naked chest and silk encased bottoms. Damn it, he looked even better like this! His back was smooth and tanned and his was the only word she could think of to describe it. She eyed his flat lean stomach and noticed the trail of hair that ran don from his belly button to beneath the dangerously low pajama bottoms. She sucked in a breath when she saw his reaction to her intense gaze and her eyes flew up to meet his.

" Does my reaction to you surprise you?" he asked softly, dangerously.

" Not really," she said.

" I'm happy to hear you say that," he said and stalked towards her, like a leopard stalks his prey. His eyes were glinting and the firelight played with his features.

" Why?" she asked, standing her ground.

" Because I am about to make up last night to you," he said and reached out a hand to undo the top button of the pajama top.

" Do you think this is a wise idea?" Danielle asked.

" I think this is a very wise idea," he said huskily as his fingers undone a second button.

" Hmm, so do I," she said. Why the hell not? It wasn't as if she didn't feel something for this man. Just the feel of the light pressure of his fingers undoing her buttons was enough to send her pulse skittering wildly. His fingers undone a third and fourth button and he started to spread the material wide, baring her skin to his eyes. His hand reached for the fifth button, the one that would bare the tops of her breasts to him when the phone rang.


Jordan swore as the phone rang again. He let go of Danielle's shirt and snatched up the received of the phone, barking a sharp hello.

" Damn it Miguel! What the hell are you calling me for now?" he asked and Danielle had to stifle a giggle. Jordan sounded very very frustrated - and just as aroused.

" Knowing Kasey she knew just when to call, just to bug the hell out of us," she whispered to him as she ran a hand across his chest. Jordan swallowed hard when her hand rested on the smooth skin above the waist of the pajama pants.

" Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm kind of...busy right now," he said and swallowed hard again when Danielle dropped her hand to rub the front of the pants softly. The response she got to that made her smile.

" Tell him to go away Jordan," Danielle whispered as she dropped to her knees and started kissing his warm lean stomach, running her tongue around his belly button and delving it into the tiny hole.

" Miguel, call me tomorrow. Late tomorrow. Why? I'm busy damn it!" Jordan said frustratedly biting back a groan when he felt Danielle slowly undo the drawstring on his pants and let them drop to his ankles. He felt a little out of sorts, talking on the phone and having Danielle do these things to him at the same time. He hung up the phone quickly, just as Danielle touched the tip of her tongue to the top of his hardness, the touch so light and feathery that it almost brought him to his knees. He hastily picked up the receiver and placed it on its side, not willing to risk Miguel calling again - not willing to risk anyone calling and interrupting them.

" Good man. You got rid of him. Now its time for your...reward," Danielle whispered, her breath hot against him. She ran a fingernail gently down his length and watched in pleasure as it jerked and twitched, growing even harder. He groaned a breathless groan that aroused her more than she thought possible. She wrapped a hand around the base of him and brought it to her mouth, licking and kissing his length, feeling his heat under her lips. She wrapped her lips around him and started letting him thrust in and out of her mouth gently, lightly, loving the feel of him. His hands were in her hair, gripping tightly, urging her to continue but wanting her to stop so her could slide into her, making her feel the way he was feeling. She sucked on him, running her tongue along his length, and started to move her hand to counter effect the movements of his hips and her mouth, wringing a low moan from him. He didn't know how much longer he would be able to stand, but knew that there was no way on earth he would stop her now. He jerked when he felt her teeth scraping his hardness, gently. God this was good. He started thrusting his hips harder, wanting to go deeper but being stopped by her hand. The pressure of her mouth intensified and she caught her teeth on the ridge just below the head of him and tugged on it gently, and with that last tug he lost control. He thrust deeply into her mouth, deep into her throat, moaning as he exploded into her mouth and she licked him clean. He dropped to his knees when she finally removed her mouth and hand, breathing heavily as he watched her with satisfied eyes.

" Damn," he said breathlessly and she smiled at him.

" You like?" she asked cheekily and he laughed.

" Very much. But you should have waited," he said, kicking his pants away from him and reaching out to her to undo the remaining two buttons. He stripped the shirt from her body and groaned when he saw she was wearing nothing underneath. Damn if he had've known that, there would have been no way on earth they would have lasted this long. He stood again and helped her to her feet, leading her over closer to the fire. In front of the fire he had made a make shift bed of a couple of pillows and a doona so he dropped down onto it, tugging gently on her hand. Danielle dropped beside him.

" Waited for what?" she finally asked as he lowered her to the pillows.

" This," he murmured and kissed her, softly at first but it intensified as his hands started working their way down her body. First he started stroking her breasts, thumbing the nipples, rubbing them until they were hard little points standing at erect attention. He ran a finger down through the valley between her breasts and underneath them, then over her nipples. Her stomach contracted when he placed a big warm hand on it, just above her aching heat. He lifted his head and stared into her eyes as he moved parted her thighs and ran a finger around her clit, making her shiver in awareness. All he had done to her so far was kiss her and now this. And yet her body was reacting as though it knew the joy and pleasures this man could give it. He started kissing her jaw, moving over to her ear, sucking on the lobe, tugging and biting it gently. Then he moved his attention to her neck, running his tongue along it, biting her skin softly, kissing and licking her neck and shoulders, his hand still lazily tracing her femininity. Her hips were moving slightly, her back arching as his lips moved to her breast. He took one nipple in his mouth, drawing it deep, tonguing it, then blowing softly on it, the contrast of the two feelings bringing goosebumps to her body. He laughed softly when she gripped his hair and pulled his mouth to her other nipple, where he paid it the same attention as its twin. Once her nipples were hard and aching, he left them and started placing soft gentle kisses along her ribs and stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly button, biting the skin gently. Then he looked at her and grinned, before lifting her legs up and placing one over each shoulder. His fingers gently parted her and she gasped when he placed an open mouthed kiss at her entrance, moving his tongue inside her. She used muscles she had never know that existed to squeeze his tongue as he thrust it in and out of her. Her hips started moving again but he held her still as he licked and nibbled her, taking her clit into his mouth and sucking in it softly, tugging it and sending feelings of arousal coursing through her. He added his fingers, thrusting two in and out of her as his tongue worked on her clit and soon she came in a blinding climax that left her shaking and crying out his name wildly, arching her hips up and into his face.

He gently removed her legs and kissed his way up her body, placing soft kisses on each nipple, before finally capturing her mouth in another kiss so deep that she could taste her passion on his lips.

" You like?" he gently mocked her earlier question and she managed a breathless laugh.

" I like," she whispered and he smiled.

" Good. Its not over yet though," he said and she smiled.

" I certainly hope not!" she teased him and watched him lean over her, kissing her softly as he placed the tip of his manhood at her entrance. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her hips up, trying to get him to enter her but he chuckled and pulled away so that he was no longer touching her. She moaned and he laughed again. He rested the tip of his manhood just inside her this time and once again pulled away. She was starting to have a hard time breathing. Damn it why was he teasing her like this? He came back to her, this time entering a little further into her and once again pulling away. She moaned and thrust her hips up, desperately wanting to feel him inside her. He came back to her and thrust more of his length into her but it still wasn't all of him. He kept doing this, entering a little of him in her at a time and then moving away from her. Finally she let out a frustrated " Damn it either be all the way inside me or not at all! Just stop teasing me!" and with that he thrust heavily into her, wringing a low moan from her as she felt him fill her fully. He remained completely still and waited until her hips started moving again, ever so slightly. When they did, he started thrusting into her, hard and fast, sometimes slow and long. It didn't matter if he was slow or fast, he was still doing it better than she had ever imagined.

Then suddenly, she could feel her climax starting. It started deep inside her, where the tip of him was thrusting into her and moved outwards, coursing through her body until it exploded and she cried out his name. She felt him jerk and twitch inside her and then heard him call out her name as he poured his seed into her. He collapsed onto her breasts, breathing heavily, still feeling her inner muscles spasming deep inside her.


He was snoring softly when she moved him gently to the side and got up from where they had fallen asleep. She looked down at him, sprawled in his stomach, his arms underneath his head and smiled. She knew he would be good but never in her wildest dreams had she imagined he would be that good. And she didn't regret doing this so soon after meeting him. Now all they had to do was talk about Terrie. She knew what she wanted from this - it was all up to him now.


The next morning Danielle was awoken by a Jordan shaking her shoulder. She rolled over and stretched, smiling a little when she saw he was fully dressed.

" Good morning," she said huskily. When he didn't do anything, not even smile, she frowned and grabbed the blankets, holding them up against her body," Jordan?"

" Danielle, I have to go. I have...a meeting to go to," he said stiffly and she frowned again. What the hell was he doing?

" A meeting? I don't believe you," she said and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. It was then that she noticed he looked troubled.

" Don't believe me. But I have to go. Can you please get dressed so I can take you back to Kasey and Miguel's?" he said and left the room. She stared after him, confused at why he was acting this way. Hadn't they shared something special last night? He was treating her as though she was nothing more than a one night...oh god. She wasn't going to be just another one night stand, was she? As she dressed, she pondered this dilemma. Obviously something was bothering Jordan. And he obviously wasn't going to tell her what it was. She only hoped that he wasn't going to drop her off and say' Nice knowing you' and never see her again.

Once she was dressed, she entered the kitchen to find Jordan sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked up at her when she entered but averted his eyes.

" I'm ready," she said and he nodded, standing up and walking over to the sink. She watched as he poured the coffee down the sink and rinse out the cup. All actions to ignore her, she knew it.

" Let's go then," he finally said and turned away from her, walking out the back door and into the garage. He got into the car, pressing the automatic door opener as he did so and Danielle got into the passenger side as the door slowly slid up.

" Jordan..." she started to say but was stopped when he turned on the radio and turned it up loud. She stared at him in surprise. What did he think he was doing? Who did he think he was dealing with? She wasn't some cheap tart he could fuck and then fling to the side! But he wasn't willing to talk. So she was going to give him that satisfaction. Make him think that she was okay with it. But damn it...he was being completely unreasonable here.


" He did what?" Kasey stared at her friend in disbelief.

" He said 'I'll see you around sometime'. Can you believe that? What does he think I am? Some one night stand he's never going to see again? If he hadn't driven away so fast he would have known exactly what I thought of him! Damn it! He treated me like trash!" Danielle said angrily. Kasey stared at her, anger building inside her.

" Damn it I'm gonna kick his ass for that. He can't treat you like that and get away with it! I'm going to call Miguel right now and..."

" No. You and Miguel just made up. You two fought in the first place over Jordan. I don't want you two to do that again. Jordan Knight is not worth it. This is my problem. I'll deal with it the best way I know how."

" And how are you going to do that?"

" Give me some time. I'm sure I can think of something," Danielle said and Kasey sighed.

" I still think I should call Miguel. Maybe he could talk to Jordan and see what was wrong," Kasey said.

" Kasey..." Danielle warned.

" What?" she asked defensively but she had a smile on her face," So I'm protective!"

" Ha! I'll believe that's the reason when you go back to Australia! I think you just like fighting with Miguel for the make up sessions!" Danielle said and laughed when Kasey blushed," I thought so."

" So I like what Miguel does. And that's not the only reason! Miguel and Jordan talk about everything. If I just told Miguel..."

" No."

" He'd be able to..."

" No!"

" Please?!"

" How many times do I have to say no? This is something I have to deal with myself. And if I find out that you and Miguel got involved, I swear that I will never move to Boston!" Danielle threatened and Kasey held up her hands in surrender.

" Fine. Whatever you say! But I swear, he still acts like you were nothing more than a one night stand I will kick his ass!" Kasey said defiantly.


" My god man are you crazy! What the hell were you thinking?" Miguel asked in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Jordan would do that sort of thing.

" I treated her like a one night stand Miguel. Didn't you hear me the first time?"

" I heard you. I just didn't know whether or not I should believe you! How could you do that?"

" I panicked okay? I woke up with Danielle in my arms and all I could think of was Terrie! How could I act like everything was okay after that?" Jordan asked.

" Damn it. You could have acted a bit more responsible! Instead of acting as though you couldn't wait to get Danielle out of your house! Did you even try to talk to her about it?" Miguel asked.

" Hell no! How do you think she would feel if I told her that when I woke up that morning I had another woman on my mind?"

" Probably a hell of a lot better than she does now, thinking you want nothing more to do with her! Damn it, she's probably with Kasey right now plotting your downfall! You're beginning to worry me again Jordan!"

" Hell, I'm beginning to worry myself Miguel! I'm beginning to feel things for Danielle that I haven't felt in a long time. Things I never even felt when I was with Terrie. And that's scaring me," Jordan admitted lowly and Miguel stared at his friend, unsure of what to say or do. He had never been through anything like Jordan. He had found the woman he was going to spend his life with, whereas Jordan still hadn't.

" Maybe that's because what you feel for Danielle isn't just a passing attraction," that's right Miguel, go with the obvious!

" You don't think I know that? Damn, that's what's scaring me! Terrie has only been gone six months. How can I already be feeling this way about another woman? I told Terrie that I would love her forever. And here I am, on the verge of falling in love with another woman. I feel as though I'm cheating on her! Can you imagine how lousy I feel right now?" Jordan asked and Miguel sighed. Shit. What was he going to do now?


" I'm going to the studio," Danielle announced.

" Why?"

" To talk to Jordan, that's why! I need to do it before I drive myself crazy! Maybe he had a reason for what he did this morning. Maybe he doesn't. Hell, I don't care! I just want to know why he did it!" Danielle said.

" Danielle, you think that's a wise idea? You're still upset. He's probably not in the best mood..."

" Now is the perfect time Kasey. While his defenses are down, I'll get in there and get the truth...before I tell him where to go!" she said and grabbed the keys. Kasey followed her out to the car, wrapping her arms around her body, trying to keep herself warm.

" Just don't say anything you'll regret later on," she said and Danielle nodded.

" I'll think very carefully about what I'll say to him. But he's gonna be damn lucky if I don't hit him!" Danielle said and drove off, towards the studio. Kasey sighed and went back inside. She knew that Danielle would kill her if she ever found out what she was going to do, but she had to warn Miguel. So she dialed the number of the studio where Miguel and Jordan were and waited for someone to answer. When they did she asked to be put through to Miguel. Several moments later, his voice came over the line.

" Hello?"

" Miguel, Danielle is on her way over there right now. And she's not happy," Kasey said and he sighed. She could just see him running a hand through his hair and smiled. She loved that about him.

" Damn. And Jordan just left," he said.

" He did? Where did he go?"

" The cemetery."


Danielle pulled up outside the studio and saw Miguel standing just outside the door. He was obviously waiting for someone and when he started walking towards her, she knew that Kasey had called him.

" He's not here Danielle," Miguel said as she rolled down her window.

" Well where is he?" she asked and he looked as though he wasn't going to tell her" Tell me Miguel. Please."

" Are you going to kill him?"

" Now why would I do that? I may just harm him a little but not actual death. He's not worth going to jail for," she said through clenched teeth and Miguel smiled a little.

" He went to the cemetery."

" To see Terries grave?" Danielle asked and Miguel nodded. She sighed," I can't go out there. He needs to be alone out there..."

" Go out there Danielle. Maybe then you'll find out why he acted the way he did this morning," Miguel said and started walking back towards the studio.

" Go home to Kasey Miguel. She's waiting for you," she called out teasingly and he turned back towards her and grinned.

" Where do you think I'm headed?"


Jordan stood near the grave, looking at the headstone. He hadn't been out here for a couple of weeks. But it was being looked after by the groundsmen and the flowers that he had ordered to be delivered here every day where here. He bent down and picked one of the roses from the bunch and breathed in its sweet perfume, closing his eyes and seeing Terrie in front of him as he did so.

" Well Terrie, you said that if I ever needed to talk to you, all I had to do was come out here. I'm here. And I need to talk. Need to tell you what's been happening. Though I have a feeling you know. But I'd feel better if I told you out loud. But the problem is, I don’t know where to start," he said softly, kneeling down next to her grave. He laughed dryly," Well it seems I'm going back six months here! Isn’t this where I was last time?" But the laugh didn't last long and he was sober again soon. He bowed his head and sighed," Terrie, honey. You know how much I love you. You know how much you mean to me. When you died I wanted to die as well. And until what happened, I thought I was headed that way. But then you appeared and its like, I knew then you didn't want me to give up on life. It was hard for me to accept that you were gone but I've done it. Well, in some ways I have. But sometimes I am reminded of you and it's at the most inopportune times! Like the other night, Miguel and his girlfriend'd like Kasey Terrie. You really would. She's outspoken, stubborn...everything you were! I think you and her would get along real well there. Anyway, Miguel and Kasey invited me out to dinner with Kasey's friend Danielle. And I was really looking forward to it...until your friend Gina showed up. When she heard about you, it wasn't nice what she said. I guess after that I didn't feel much like going out. So I started drinking. Again. Yeah, I think I know what you'd be saying right now. Drinking doesn't help! Danielle said that self same thing. Anyway, I was pretty drunk when Danielle arrived and I guess I didn't make that great of an impression on her because she and Kasey left Miguel and I at the restaurant. Boy were they pissed!" he said and laughed as he remembered the look on Miguel's face when Kasey had walked out on him.

" But Danielle and I went out last night. We had a great time. We went ice skating and for the first time since you died, I felt human again. I'm sure you know what happened next, we made love. It was pretty amazing. Up until Danielle, every woman was just for sex. With her, it was making love. I went to sleep with her in my arms, woke up with her in my arms. And that's where everything started to go wrong. I was reminded of you. Damn, I know that I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it! I panicked and I treated Danielle badly. I know that I shouldn't have but I didn't know any other way to react. I dropped her home and then left her. She probably hates me again. I wouldn't blame her but Terrie, hon, don't get upset, but I think I just may be falling in love with her. She's so wonderful. Really full of life and just an amazing person. I can really see myself with her in forty years! But the problem is, I don't know how you would feel about this. It's not even been a year since you died and here I am thinking about forever with another woman. So Terrie, if you're listening right now, I really would appreciate some help here. Some kind of sign that you wouldn't mind if I wanted to be with Danielle," Jordan waited, for something. Maybe she would appear to him again. But there was nothing, only the lightly falling snow. He sighed and stood up, wiping at the cold wet patched on his knees," Terrie, I just wanted you to know this okay? I just need help on this one. I don't want to screw it up anymore than I already have. Although it may just be a little too late." And with that Jordan walked away from the grave, never seeing the figure that stood behind the tree, her hand over her mouth as tears welled in her eyes.


" Damn it," Miguel mumbled. He and Kasey sat up and straightened their clothes as a knock sounded on the front door. Kasey grinned as she buttoned her shirt up.

" We really need to get away for a little while," she said as she stood and zipped her jeans up. Miguel laughed as he kissed her and went to answer the door.

" After Christmas baby," he called out and opened the door," Jordan. I should have known it was you."

" Did I interrupt something?" he asked cheekily as he stepped inside and Miguel glared at him as Kasey came around the corner of the room.

" Its you," she said shortly.

" Oh oh. Am I still in your bad books?" Jordan asked teasingly, trying to get her to smile but she wouldn't and he frowned at her.

" Bad books? Mister, if you weren't Miguel's friend I would...damn I would seriously injure you!" she said and left the two men standing in the hall, surprise on their faces.

" Danielle told her?" Jordan asked and Miguel shrugged.

" I guess she did. Cuz she certainly wouldn't be mad at you for the other night still. Did you run into Danielle out at the cemetery?" Miguel asked, changing subjects. He'd go and talk to Kasey in a minute.

" Danielle? No. Why?" Jordan asked, surprised.

" Oh, she came to the studio looking for you and I sent her out there. She obviously didn't make it," Miguel said, a frown marring his face as he looked at the door way Kasey had disappeared through.

" Go after her," Jordan said and Miguel glanced at him.

" She'll be fine," he said uneasily.

" Remember the other night? Go after her. Don't be a stubborn fool. Don't make the mistakes I did," he said and Miguel sighed.

" She's stubborn. She won't want to talk right now anyway..."

" Miguel..." Jordan warned and he laughed.

" Okay okay. Will you be fine for like a couple of minutes?" he asked as he started walking of. Jordan waved him away and smiled sadly as he watched Miguel disappear. Well at least he was happy. Jordan wandered into the living room and glanced around at the decorating. He shook his head. He honestly thought he'd never see the day when Miguel would allow female touches to be part of the interior decorations but love did strange things to people. Not that there was a lot of female touches around. Kasey wasn't fond of the stereotypical female touches. There were vases and vases full of flowers, all sorts, and their scent permeated throughout the whole house. There was those dream catcher things Miguel had mentioned Kasey liked so much as well as wind chimes and also some aroma therapy stuff but other than that, the living room was pleasant and livable. It was also less than clean, with cushions on the floor and today's paper lying in pieces. Jordan grinned as he realized exactly what he had interrupted. He sat down on the lounge chair and picked up a piece of the newspaper just as someone burst into the room.


" Kasey! Where are you? Kasey..." Danielle called out as she came into the living room. She pulled up short when she saw Jordan sitting on the lounge chair. He looked surprised to see her, as she did him. What was he doing here?

" Danielle..."

" Where's Kasey?" she asked, ignoring his pleading look.

" She and Miguel are talking."

" Talking talking or..."

" Talking talking. At least that's what I think they're doing," Jordan said, grinning a little Danielle tried not to smile but couldn't help it.

" Knowing those two, nothing would surprise me. What happened this time?"

" Kasey is mad at me."

" She has every right to be."

" Damn, why'd you tell her? What did you tell her?"

" I told her everything. Well, maybe not everything," she said, remembering the night," But I did tell her what an ass you were."

" I was not an ass! I panicked..."

" You panicked? Why?" she asked, as if she hadn't heard his confession by Terries grave. After all, he had no way of knowing she had been there.

" is not the time or place to talk about this. Kasey and Miguel could come out at any minute and we really need a long talk about this. How about you come over to my place tonight and I make you dinner and we..."

" I don't think so."

" Damn it, you aren't going to give me a chance to explain myself?"

" Why should I? Twice you've done this to me. Treated me bad. I gave you one chance, what makes you think that you deserve another one?" she asked, hoping that he would say the reason she had heard.

" Why? Because I think we could have something special here. And if you don't give me that second chance, maybe we'll be throwing away that."

" Its not enough Jordan. I don't want to risk ending up being shoved aside every god damn time you panic! Or you feel depressed. Or you start drinking. Damn, it's always something keeping you from talking to me. Or getting close to someone."

" Danielle, I lost someone I loved. I can't be expected to get over that so quickly!" Jordan was getting angry now.

" I don't expect you to forget Terrie. I don't expect you to be 100% over her death. But why cant you just let it go? You are the one who is still alive and sometimes, I swear you act as though you're dead!"

" What right do you have to tell me this? You don't know me! You met me two days ago! Just who the hell do you think you are talking to me like this?" Jordan asked angrily, getting to his feet and facing her, his hands on his hips as he glared at her.

" I thought I was someone that you could have something special with. Obviously you were lying again," she said sadly and walked away from him, leaving him standing there, stunned and in disbelief. Miguel appeared from the kitchen, a curious look on his face.

" Was that Danielle?" he asked.

" Yeah."

" And?"

" I screwed up."

" Damn it Jordan! Again? Can you do anything but screw up? I just go Kasey back talking to you and you go and do this!" Miguel said to him.

" I'm pathetic. I'm blind. I'm hopeless at commitment. I..."

" Okay, okay. I think I get the picture. What are you going to do about it though?" Miguel asked.

" What can I do? Danielle won't give me a chance again. I had my chance, I blew it. That's it as far as she's concerned."

" So you're willing to give up a chance at love because you're stubborn? I thought you were the one who just told me different. What happened to that attitude?"

" I'm not you!"

" No, you're not. Because if it was me, I would be in Danielle's room right now begging her forgiveness and for a second chance!" Miguel said and left the room angrily.


" Danielle, you can't leave!" Kasey said desperately as she sat on the bed and watched as she packed her clothes.

" I can and I have to. I'm sorry Kasey. I know how much you wanted me to stay here. I wanted to be here for Christmas and long after that but with what happened with Jordan, I just can't stay here."

" Danielle, I have never know you to give up this easily! You like the man! Why wont you give him another chance?"

" What happened to your attitude of he can go to hell?"

" Miguel talked me out of that."

" Miguel managed to talk you out of an opinion? Oh man, you must really be in love!" Danielle teased and Kasey threw a pillow at her.

" I'm just saying that Jordan wants to talk to you. Sit down and talk this out before you go back to Canada. Please?" Kasey begged, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

" It doesn't work Kase. You need brown eyes to make it work properly," Danielle said and Kasey pouted.

" Fine. Go home. Leave me all alone here in Boston at Christmas. Where I don't know anyone but Miguel. Make me sad at Christmas. That’s okay. I'll survive," Kasey said and Danielle instantly felt guilty. Okay so this was Kasey's first Christmas away from her family. Maybe she should stay...

" Okay. Fine. But only until after Christmas. Then I go home," she said and Kasey instantly smiled and somehow Danielle thought she had just been scammed.

" Oh thanks! You won't regret this, I promise!"

" Wanna make a bet?" Danielle mumbled as she started unpacking.


" Its Christmas day and you want me to do what?" Miguel asked in disbelief and Kasey giggled.

" I want you to go over to Jordan's and ask him over for drinks later on tonight," she said as she traced patterns on his chest.

" Why can't I call him?"

" Because."

" Because what?"

" Just because."

" You know, you're going to make a good mother one day. When our kids come up to you and ask why they can't stay over at their friends place, you'll go 'Because' and that will be the end of it!" Miguel laughed as he laid his head back onto the pillow. Kasey rested her head on his chest and smiled.

" Our kids?" she asked casually.

" Our kids," Miguel confirmed and she lifted her head and looked at him.

" You know, we never talked about kids before."

" No, we haven't."

" I think maybe we should," she said seriously and he looked at her.

" Are you trying to tell me something?"

" Me?" she asked innocently.

" You," he confirmed, sitting up in the bed.

" Now why would you be thinking that I'm trying to tell you something?" she asked.

" I know you too well. You usually don't hedge around the subject as much as you are," he said, capturing her wandering hand and bringing it to his lips.

" Me? Hedging? Not true!" she laughed as she pulled her hand out of his and moved it back down his body.

" Kasey," Miguel warned.

" Miguel," she said lightly, leaning over and kissing his chest softly.

" You wanted to talk about children?" he asked, trying to keep his mind on the subject and not on what she was doing to him.

" Now?" she asked him in surprise. It took all of his will power but he nodded. Kasey sighed in disappointment and sat straight up in bed," Fine. You wanted to talk. Let's talk."

" Why did you suddenly bring up the subject of children?"

" Me? Hey mister! It wasn't me telling a little story about how good a mother I would make!" she said defensively.

" Yes well I was only telling you what I thought. You, on the other hand, will not tell me why you want to talk about this subject."

" Its Christmas morning honey. Can we..."

" Kasey..."

" Oh fine. I think I may be pregnant okay?" she said, biting her lip nervously. Miguel stared at her in surprise. He was silent for so long that her heart begin to sink. She started to get out of bed but was stopped when Miguel grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to him.

" Where do you think you're going?" he asked huskily. She didn't look at him so he placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face so their eyes were meeting, " You think that I mind about this?" he asked.

" I thought you would. I mean, we've only been dating for a little while. And we never really talked about it before."

" Yes the news that you could be pregnant is a surprise but that’s only because I thought we were protected."

" Yeah well so did I. But it says on the box there that its only 97% effective. I guess we could be within that unlucky..."

" No. Don't ever say that we were unlucky. If you are pregnant, then it's meant to be," he said. He leaned over to the bedside table and opened the top drawer, pulling out a small velvet box. Kasey's heart leapt to her throat as he turned back to her and snapped the box open."

" Miguel..."

" Let me talk, please Kase?" he asked and she nodded," I bought this on my last tripe to New York."

" That..." Kasey began but was silenced by a look from Miguel.

" This," he said, indicating the bed," Isn't the place I imagined for this but I don't want you thinking that I'm asking you to marry me because you may or may not be pregnant. Because that is not the case. I love you Kasey. Have loved you ever since we first met. And each day I fall deeper in love with you than the day before. So I'm asking you, will you marry me?" Miguel asked as he removed the solitaire diamond from its velvet case.

" Oh god Miguel. Of course I will!" Kasey said. He slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her deeply.


" Hey are you two ever gonna get out of bed?" Danielle knocked on the door, wondering why they were still in bed past the time they had demanded she get out," I knew I was going to regret staying."

" Hey. Its Christmas! Be nice!" Kasey had heard that last remark just as she opened the bedroom door. Well, at least they were dressed.

" You told me I had to be out of bed by nine so we could have breakfast. And you didn't do that yourself. Why I wonder?" Danielle asked teasingly as she and Kasey headed into the kitchen.

" You really have to ask?" Kasey asked and laughed when Danielle groaned teasingly.

" Do you two never get enough?" she asked and Kasey blushed. It wasn't until then that Danielle noticed the ring on Kasey's finger that hadn't been there the night before," Ah. Maybe now I understand why you were so late." Kasey stared at her in bewilderment until she pointed out the ring.

" Oh. Yeah that's why were so late."

" Well congratulations then. Very fitting, on Christmas morning Miguel," Danielle said as Miguel entered. He stared at her and then smiled when he realized what she was talking about.

" Had to get something special," he said, kissing Kasey lightly on the nose as he took the eggs off her.

" An engagement ring can't get much more special. Any date yet?" she asked, going over to help Kasey.

" Sit down. You're a guest," Kasey ordered. Danielle shot Miguel a glance and he shrugged, smiling a little.

" Better listen to her Danielle. Wouldn't want to get her mad," he said. She waved her hands and went back to the table and sat down.

" Any date? Uh..." Kasey glanced at Miguel who answered.

" Not yet. We have something to sort out before we can decide on a date," he said and Danielle stared at the suspiciously.

" What's going on?" she asked.

" What do you mean?" Kasey asked, trying her best to look innocent.

" Oh come on! You expect me to swallow that routine?" she asked and Kasey tried to look hurt.

" What act?"

" She's got ya hon. Danielle knows you to well for you to pretend innocence. May as well tell her," Miguel said.

" Tell me what?"

" Damn curious! Anyone ever tell you that the cat died like that?" Kasey asked and Danielle glared at her," Okay! Damn! Why is it you two know me so well? This isn't going to be fun anymore!"

" Kasey..." Miguel and Danielle said warningly at the same time.

" Oh god. You two..."

" She could be pregnant," Miguel said, covering Kasey's mouth with his hand," Ouch!" He pulled his hand away and glared at Kasey as he stared at the bite marks," You bit me!"

" You told her! I was going to tell her!" Kasey said. Danielle stared at the two of them.

" Pregnant? Already? Obviously you couldn't get enough!" she said and Kasey giggled when Miguel reddened.

" And before you ask, no I didn't ask her to marry me because of that. I bought the ring last time I was in New York."

" That was a month ago!" Danielle stared in surprise. He had been planning to marry her a month ago?

" He wouldn't let me say that in there," Kasey said as she took Miguel's hand and kissed the bite marks softly.

" You mean he managed to shut you up without getting hurt?" for that remark Danielle received a broken egg shell aimed at her head," See. You even try to hurt me for saying it!"

" An egg shell won't hurt you," Kasey said as she went over to retrieve it.

" So when will you know for sure?" she asked as she watched the pair of them get Christmas breakfast ready.

" Uh. Soon?" Kasey mumbled around a glass of orange juice.

" The sooner the better I take it?" another glare," Well make sure you let me know with plenty of time so I can get back here for the wedding."

" You still aren't planning on leaving are you?" Kasey asked.

" I told you I was."

" But..."

" Now Kasey. If Danielle wants to leave, she can. Nothing we can do to stop her," Miguel said mildly, earning a glare for his trouble.

" I thought you were going to try and help me convince her to stay!" Danielle shook her head. They sounded like a couple of school kids arguing over who gets possession of the ball first.

" Kasey, Miguel. I'll stay for a couple more days. But I cant promise anything else," she said.

" But..."

" Kasey," Miguel warned her and Danielle had to bite her lip at the way Kasey instantly quieted.

" Okay," she finally said unhappily but Danielle knew that wasn't the end of the conversation.


" She wants you over there tonight Jordan," he couldn't believe he was here, trying to convince a stubborn man to come where he wasn't wanted.

" Sure she does. I'm going to be the main course. Roasted Jordan. Thanks, but no thanks Miguel," Jordan said as he picked up the last of the wrapping paper that was on the floor. He had had his nephews and nieces over this morning and they had all eagerly torn into the presents he had bought for them.

" Look, she's trying to make peace with you. Give her that one small thing," Miguel pleaded.

" Small? Miguel, this is the woman who has threatened to seriously hurt me. I don't think she wants to make peace with me. She wants to harm me. First she's going to knock you out and then let Danielle kill me. They'll hide my body and claim they know nothing," Jordan said seriously.

" You're over reacting."

" Am I?"

" Yes! I talked to Kasey. She's trying to get Danielle to give you another chance. She doesn't want you dead."

" Sure."

" You're being stubborn."

" I'm being cautious. Your girlfriend..."

" Fiancé," Miguel corrected.

" Fiancé? Damn, you move fast," Jordan said and Miguel glared at him," Anyway, your fiancé has a mean streak."

" Of course she does. You hurt her friend," Miguel said. As he turned to leave, he looked back at Jordan," I have a mean streak as well. You aren't at our place by six tonight, I'll call the record company and tell them you decided against them."

" You wouldn't!"

" Just watch me!" Miguel said and shut the door behind him.

" Kasey's been teaching you too much," Jordan muttered as he finished cleaning. He was doomed. He knew it right now. Danielle was going to hate him for the rest of her life and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.


" You what?" Danielle looked at her friend in disbelief.

" I asked Miguel to get Jordan over here tonight. You two need to sit down and talk," Kasey said nonchalantly as she read the recipe in the cookbook," Why do you lot have to eat turkey. Can't you eat something easier, like ham?"

" Ham? For Christmas dinner? You've been uneducated over there in Australia," Danielle teased her and grinned when Kasey glared at her.

" Ham is much easier to prepare. Slice and eat. Simple. None of this stuffing crap. I'm going to all this trouble to prepare something I don't even eat!" she muttered.

" So don't do it."

" And ruin Christmas for people who eat turkey? I don't think so. Miguel went out and bought me ham. I'll be fine. I have to do this. I'll be doing it for the rest of my life so I have to do it now," she said.

" Fine. Do you want me to help?"

" Nah. I'll get Miguel to help me. He'll do it," Kasey said lightly.

" He'll do what?" Miguel asked as he entered the kitchen.

" You'll help me with this turkey, wont you?" Kasey asked him and he groaned.

" I knew I should have stayed at Jordan's," he said good naturally but went over to the sink and washed his hands anyway," What do you want me to do?"

" Is he coming?" Kasey asked, after she had directed him to the job she wanted him to do.

" Yeah. I had to threaten him but he'll be here," Miguel said as he concentrated on stuffing the turkey.

" Good. You said six, right?"

" Yes I said six."

" I still don't know why you had to ask him over today. This couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Danielle asked and Kasey shook her head.

" No, it couldn't. Miracles happen at Christmas," she said firmly.

" Sure they do. Jordan is instantly going to change his mind and become a better person and I'm going to forgive him and say that I don't mind being hurt constantly. I don't think so Kasey."

" Trust me. Things will work out."

" Trust you?"

" Trust me."


" I didn't think you'd come."

" You threatened me. What else was I to do huh?" Jordan asked as he stepped inside the house.

" I've threatened you before. This is the first time you believed me," Miguel said, smiling. He knew why Jordan was here - and it wasn't completely because of his earlier threat.

" Yeah well..."

" Admit it Jordan, you're not here because I threatened you."

" Maybe."

" You're here because you want to see Danielle," Miguel said and Jordan glared at him as he shrugged out of his jacket.

" So you know everything. Do you know if she's even going to talk to me?"

" How the hell would I know? I'm not a freaking psychic!" he said, leading the way into the study where Kasey was sprawled out on a chair, reading a book. She looked up at their entrance and smiled at Jordan.

" You mean you aren't mad at me anymore?" he asked her as she got to her feet.

" No I'm not mad at you. I'm happy to see you," she said.

" Does that mean I'm not going to be killed?" he was still wary of why she was so happy to see him. He became even more suspicious when she smiled widely.

" No, you'll live."

" I don't get it."

" What is there to get?" she asked, hooking her hand through Miguel's arm and moving in close to him.

" You."

" Oh don't try and work Kasey out. You'll be there forever!" Miguel teased and laughed when Kasey poked him in the ribs," You know I love you baby."

" Nice way to show that love," she muttered.

" Oh don't worry. I'll show you just how much I love you, in private later on," he whispered and she smiled.

" Good."

" Are you two making eyes at each other again?" the three of them looked up and found Danielle standing in the doorway.

" When are we not making eyes at each other?" Kasey asked as she left Miguel's side and went over to Danielle.

" Good question. I'd like to know the answer to that," she said.

" Now that everyone's here we can start."

" Start what?" Jordan asked suspiciously, noticing the way Danielle ignored him.

" Talking," Kasey said as she locked the door leading into the kitchen and pocketing the key.

" Talking? About what?" Danielle asked as she watched Kasey and Miguel head towards the only other door of the room.

" You two need to sit down and talk this out. And we don't plan on letting you out of here until then," Kasey said as she and Miguel left the room. Danielle heard the key turn in the door and realized what Kasey had just done.

" She's locked us in," Jordan said in surprise.

" Damn. I should have known she'd pay me back for what I did to her and Miguel the other night," Danielle muttered as she tried the doorknobs," I cant believe she did this."

" You cant? I thought you were friends with her!"

" I am! But that doesn't mean I know how her mind works! Not even Miguel knows that! I should have know this was going to happen though. She's been trying to talk me into staying in Boston and I wouldn't listen. And she's been trying to get me to talk to you. This is her way of making sure that happens," Danielle said as she sat down on a chair and watched him warily.

" I am going to kill Miguel for letting this happen," Jordan muttered.

" Oh please. No one can control Kasey. When she gets an idea in her head., it stays there. She's stubborn and bull headed."

" Now I can see why you two are friends," he muttered.

" Be nice."

" What?"

" Be nice. Kasey wont let us out if we don't at least attempt to talk."

" How the hell is she going to know that?"

" I'm betting she won't let us out until morning now. She and Miguel are probably upstairs celebrating their engagement."

" What's that all about?"

" What?"

" Their engagement. They've only been dating a few months."

" Maybe they know what they want in life and don't keep running from living," she said sharply and Jordan flinched.

" Okay so I've been stupid. But does that mean you have to keep reminding me?"

" Yes."

" Oh. Okay. But does that mean you can't forgive me and give me a chance?"

" Why? I asked you before why you deserved another chance and you never told me why."

" What do you want to hear Danielle? That Terrie will never be someone I loved? That I will never remember her again?"

" Now you're being childish. I know what Terrie meant to you and I don't expect you to forget her. All I'm asking is that you move away from this tragedy and move on with your life. Start to live again, feel things, believe that despite what you've been through, your life will become better again," she said and he stared at her.

" I am moving on."

" No you're not. Treating me as though I was a one night stand is not moving on. You still have that mentality that by sleeping with another woman, you're cheating on Terrie."

" I..."

" And don't say that's not the case. Because why else would you have acted like you did this morning?"

" Because when I woke up, you were in my arms and I began to think of Terrie and I felt guilty...oh," Jordan silenced when he realized what he had been saying," That guilt was stemming from being with another woman, feeling this way about another woman."

" And how do you feel about me?"

" I know that I like you."

" Like?"

" Like. What more do you expect?"

" You said that you could see something special developing between us. Was that another lie?"

" No!"

" Sounds like it to me," she said and turned away from him and stared into the fire.

" Shit Danielle you think I like feeling this way? Hell I don't. But I don't know what else to feel. I thought that Terrie and I were going to be together forever. Marriage, kids, the whole nine yards. And when she died, I felt as though the better part of my soul had died with her. And then I met you. With all your stubbornness and fiery attitude, I found myself attracted to you. And damning myself because of it," Jordan said softly, walking closer to her.

" Is it that wrong to feel for me?"

" No! It never could be wrong. My heart is telling me to go ahead with this relationship but..."

" But what?"

" I just feel that being with you I'd be cheating on Terrie."

" Then we can't have anything. No friendship, no relationship...nothing. You feel as though you're cheating on a dead woman Jordan! I don't want that kind of barrier between us!"

" You're being unreasonable..."

" And don't say that I expect you to forget her because I don't. I know how much you loved Terrie. And I understand that you would feel a sense of guilt at still being alive. It's called survivors guilt. But I cannot be in a relationship with someone who feels that way. I'm very much alive. You are too. Don't let yourself be weighed down with a guilt that will only end up harming you," she said quietly.


" How do you think they're doing?" Miguel asked Kasey as they lay in bed together, his hands resting on her stomach.

" I hope they're talking," she said sleepily. Miguel smiled as he sensed her fall asleep. This was another sign that she could be pregnant. She had never fallen asleep this easily before, normally never going to bed before two or three in the morning. And here it was, only ten pm and she was sound asleep in his arms. He waited for several more minutes before getting out of bed, making sure not to disturb her as he did so. He stood by the side of the bed for a little longer, just watching her, before leaning down and kissing her softly on her lips. She sighed and moved restlessly as he left their bedroom and headed downstairs. He stood outside the study room and not hearing anything, unlocked it. Opening the door he found Jordan sitting on a chair, watching Danielle read. Damn. They weren't talking at all. Jordan looked up when he heard the door open and Danielle got to her feet and walked past Miguel, without saying a word.

" I take it it didn't work," Miguel said. Jordan sighed and shook his head.

" No. And it never will," he said.

" Kasey won't be happy you realize."

" Look, I don't care."

" I think you do deep down."

" I don't. Kasey can think whatever she wants. Danielle is right when she says that there would be too much of a barrier between us if we ever got involved. There would be. A dead woman," Jordan said.

" You can get over Terrie."

" It's been long enough Miguel. I should be fully over her now. I don’t want to be living like this. I want to get involved with another woman. But something is holding me back."

" What could be holding you back?"

" Guilt."

" Over what for gods sake? You know that the accident wasn't your fault."

" I know that but its not guilt over Terries death. It's the guilt as though I've been cheating on her."

" Jordan..."

" I know, I know. Danielle said the same thing. But I can't help what I feel."

" Yes you can. You're a grown man. Danielle is alive and willing to give you a chance. Don't blow that," Miguel said, unlocking the door to the kitchen and entering it.

"Why can't I just have an easy life like you and Kasey?" Jordan asked and Miguel laughed.

" Easy? We don't have it easy. I just love her. That's why it seems easy. But no relationship is ever easy. Whether you're just starting out in one, getting over one or planning to get married. Just be willing to give it a chance," he said.

" Why are you getting married?"

" Why not?"

" Come on Miguel. I know you. The confirmed bachelor. When you started to date Kasey I gave it a month. And now you're getting married?"

" Look, this is not about me. This is about you. Why aren't you in there with Danielle, talking to her, instead of out here bugging the hell out of me?"

" Because Danielle doesn't want to talk. And she doesn't want to see me. I know where I'm not wanted. I'll give her a couple days to cool down, then I'll try again."

" She's leaving in two days."

" No she's not."

" Yes, she is. I had to do some fast talking to get the plane ticket changed. She is leaving Boston in two days unless you can figure out some way to keep her here."

" Hell what am I supposed to do? Propose marriage to her?" Jordan asked sarcastically.

" That's not why I asked Kasey to marry me," Miguel said, his voice a quiet anger and Jordan knew he had gone too far.

" I'm sorry. I never should have said that. I know you two are in love. I overstepped the mark. I just don't want Danielle to leave and I don't know how to get her to stay."

" Tell her how you feel."

" And how do I feel?"

" I don't know, how about you love her? Or you're falling in love with her. Maybe she loves you Jordan. How will you ever know if you don’t give it a chance?" Miguel asked and Jordan was silent as he pondered that thought.


The next morning, Miguel was woken by Kasey as she kissed her way along his chest and down to his stomach.

" What are you doing?" he asked sleepily. She looked up at him and smiled cheekily.

" Giving you a wake up call you wont forget?" she said and he laughed, gently pulling her face up to his for a kiss.

" Waking up to you every morning is enough, thank you," he said, kissing her softly and she pouted.

" You don't like my wake up calls?" she asked, looking very much like a hurt little girl. But he knew her well enough to know she was teasing him.

" I like them a little too much baby. But I have to be at the studio in like, an hour. If we get started, I won't be able to stop. And you know Jordan. He gets mad over the tiniest thing now."

" Jordan won't mind. He's locked in with Danielle," she said. When he didn't respond, she looked at him and sighed at the guilt she saw on his face," He's not down there anymore, is he?"

" Ah, no, he isn't."

" What time did you let him out?"

" Just after you fell asleep last night," he mumbled.

" Miguel, you know that I'm trying to get them together. How am I going to manage that if you go ahead and screw everything up?" she asked him teasingly and he smiled.

" I know but maybe they don't want to be together. You ever think of that?" he asked. She sat up in bed and crossed her arms across her chest as she faced him defiantly.

" They want to be together. I know they want to be together. But that cant be achieved because they are stubborn and my fiancé here keeps refusing to believe," she said and he smiled," What?"

" I like that."

" Like what?"

" The way you said 'my fiancé'."

" I'm glad you do. Because I plan on saying it quite a lot. And not just in private either, fiancé. In public as well," Kasey said and he laughed.

" Good. Because I wont ever let anything come between us and this marriage you realize. Nothing. Not even Jordan and Danielle and you're matchmaking attempt will stop that," he said and Kasey sighed.

" That's very good to hear. Now don't you have to get ready for work or something?" she asked as he started kissing her neck. He looked her in the eyes and smiled.

" Jordan won't mind if I'm a little late," he said. But by the time they were finished, he was a lot more than just a 'little late'.


" Get out of bed Danielle. We need to talk," Kasey pounded on the bedroom door. Danielle groaned and covered her head with a pillow. She had spent most of the night tossing and turning, unable to sleep because of what had happened the night before.

" Can I get some more sleep before you kill me? I'd like to go to my grave a rested woman," she said.

" No. Get out of bed. I'll see you in the kitchen in ten minutes. Or I'll come in there and drag your ass out myself," Kasey said and left. Danielle sighed and threw back the covers. She wouldn't put it past Kasey to do just that. So she quickly showered and dressed and was in the kitchen within those ten minutes.

" I'm here," she said.

" I see that. How did last night go?" Kasey asked as she fixed herself a bowl of cereal.

" It went fine," Danielle said warily. Hadn't Miguel told her that he had let them out?

" Really? So what did you talk about last night anyway?"

" You know he let us out, right?"

" I know."

" So why aren't you letting him have it?"

" Oh, he got it all right chica," Kasey said and grinned evilly. Danielle groaned good naturally.

" That's how you get pregnant girl," she said.

" I know," Kasey said simply and smiled.

" Yeah, I think you do. So what do you want to talk about?"

" I asked you. What did you and Jordan talk about last night?"

" We talked about...things," Danielle said, hedging.

" Things? What sort of things?"

" Like how he feels guilty over cheating on Terrie," she said and Kasey, who had been in the process of drinking a glass of milk, choked and fought for breath as she swallowed the wrong way.

" He cheated on Terrie? When?" she asked when she finally had her breath back.

" With me. He said that he cheated on Terrie with me."

" The other night? How is that...he thinks he's cheating on a dead woman?" Kasey couldn't believe it.

" Yeah."

" How can he think that? Terrie has been gone for a long time now. He needs to realize that and move on. Is that why he acted like he did that morning?"

" Yeah. He said that he woke up and felt like he had cheated on Terrie and that was why he acted the way he did. That I understand, okay so he never felt that sort of emotion with another woman since Terrie died, but damn it, why couldn't he tell me that in the morning? Instead of making me feel like a one night stand, why not tell me it was him?" she asked and Kasey sighed.

" He's a man."

" What the hell is that supposed to mean, he's a man? That's not an excuse for the way he acted."

" I know. But it should explain why he didn't tell you. Miguel is the same way. I basically have to twist his arm to get him to spill anything personal. Trying to get a man to tell you what they're feeling is like trying to...well, hell I don't know! But its hard," Kasey said.

" He could have told me. He didn't have to hide from me and make me feel like I was the one who was doing something wrong. I don't like feeling like that," Danielle said and Kasey sighed.

" No one does but it happens. That's what happened between me and Miguel the first time we slept together as well. When he dropped me off, I thought he was never gonna see me again, that I was just another number to add. I was low for days," Kasey said, frowning slightly as she thought about that.

" But you didn't sleep with him within days of meeting him!"

" Yes I did. Our second date, that second night," Kasey said and Danielle stared at her.

" Damn girl. I never knew that."

" Well we did. Now I wouldn't change it but when it happened I was like, why did I do that so soon? He's gonna think I'm a slut after Jordan."

" Well I guess I'm lucky Jordan can't say that about me!"

" Guess so. So what are you going to do about it?"

" About what?"

" About Jordan. You can't just not talk to him again."

" Yes I can."

" Don't be so bloody stubborn woman! Get over to his house and talk to him! Oh wait. He's not at the house. He's at the studio with Miguel."

" Why?"

" How am I supposed to know that? I didn't ask Miguel. We were too busy doing other things this morning," she said and grinned when Danielle groaned.

" You are never gonna get enough of that man, are you?"

" Nope. And I never plan to start either."


" Sometimes all I want to do to those two is just hit their heads together," Kasey said to Miguel in frustration, later that day. She had been trying all day, unsuccessfully to get Jordan and Danielle in the same room. But either Jordan had to be in the recording room, or Danielle wanted a drink.

" I don't think this idea of coming to the studio with me was such a great idea hun," he said softly as they watched Danielle ignore Jordan. Jordan was doing just as good a job at ignoring her.

" It was supposed to work."

" Maybe its time you gave up trying to get them together. They obviously don't want to work it out. Or they would be talking to each other," Miguel said gently. He didn't want to upset Kasey but he thought she needed to concentrate on something other than Jordan and Danielle for a change.

" Hmm maybe you're right," she sighed and turned to face him, a slight smile on her face," Do you think they'd miss us if we disappeared for, oh, say an hour?"

" Yeah, I think they would, unfortunately," he chuckled and kissed her on her nose as she pouted.

" Damn," she said and ran her hand down his chest and rested it on the outside of his jeans. As he kissed her, he removed her hand, knowing that if he let her touch him like that, he would lose control, which wouldn't be such a great idea right here.

" Baby, you know something. I think you should occupy your mind doing other things," he said teasingly and she laughed.

" What sort of things?"

" Maybe like our wedding? Or heading off to the doctor? Or..."

" Okay, okay I get the hint. You want me to stop spending so much time on Danielle and Jordan and start concentrating on us," Kasey said and Miguel smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist, bringing her body close to his.

" Exactly. As much as I want those two to get together, I don't think it's going to happen in this lifetime. And you have much more important things to do than worry yourself about them," he said and she sighed, resting her head on his chest.

" Okay. I'll make an appointment with the doctor and start organizing something for the wedding. Okay?" she asked him, looking up at him with a flirtatious smile.

" Good girl. You will be rewarded very well later on," he whispered huskily and bent his head to kiss her. They jerked apart at the sound of someone groaning.

" You'd think, that just once, they'd be able to keep their hands off each other. Especially in public! But no, they still can't get enough!" Danielle said teasingly and laughed when Kasey shot her a glare.

" We were just sealing a bargain we made," Kasey said defensively and Danielle glanced at Miguel who was trying, unsuccessfully she might add, to hide his very obvious arousal and laughed.

" Oh I can bet what kind of bargain you two made," she said and ducked as Kasey threw a note pad at her head," Hey. You could hurt someone like that!"

" Really? Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know that! I'm only an Australian remember?" Kasey said teasingly and Miguel laughed.

" Only an Australian? Damn baby that's not the only thing you are. You're also..."

" Wait," Danielle stopped him, holding up her hand," I don't want to hear this. Kasey, before I get thoroughly ill, can we go and get something to eat? I'm starving and if I don't eat soon, I may just turn nasty."

" Yeah, I'm hungry too. Why don't you and Danielle go and grab us all something for lunch. While you're at it, make that phone call. I want to be there with you so make it for when I'm free okay?" Miguel said to Kasey and she nodded.

" Will do Mr. Melendez," she said and kissed him quickly before leaving the room. Danielle followed her, leaving Miguel and Jordan alone, Jordan facing Miguel, a wary look in his eyes. It was as though he knew what was coming. And he spoke before Miguel could.

" I know what you're about to say Miguel and I..."

" Jordan, just shut up."

" What?"

" Shut up. Its simple English, surely you can understand that," Miguel said and almost laughed at Jordan's expression.

" Fine," he said and crossed his arms across his chest, looking very much like a little boy who had just been told something he didn't want to hear.

" Jordan, you are being a stubborn ass."

" I think I've heard this already."

" So how many more times do I have to tell you?"

" Obviously one more," he said and turned back to the desk he was working at.

" Danielle goes home in two days. Can you not at least attempt to make peace with her, if only for Kasey's sake?"

" And why for her sake?"

" Because, damn it, I don't want her to worry about anything! It's not good for her right now."

" Why not?"

" I'd rather not..."

" What? Is she pregnant or something?" Jordan asked teasingly but when Miguel didn't join in, he stared at his friend in surprise," Oh hell. That's it, isn't it? She's pregnant?"

" She may be."

" Does that mean I also need to find another manager?" Jordan asked, running a hand over his face. Miguel was going to be a father? Damn, what was happening?

" We haven't thought that far ahead yet."

" Well I'll need to!"

" Damn it Jordan! We don't even know for sure whether she is pregnant yet! Don't jump to conclusions! If she is, there's no reason why I can't continue managing you, as long as nothing is scheduled for around the delivery date," Miguel said and Jordan sighed.

" Are you sure? Kasey wouldn't..."

" You know what J? Let us get the pregnancy confirmed first and then we'll talk about everything else, okay?"

" Okay. And I'm happy for ya man. I really am. Just...shocked I guess," Jordan said and Miguel laughed wryly.

" Shocked doesn't even begin to describe what I was feeling when she told me. We've only been dating four months. Imagine when she tells me that we may be about to become parents."

" Is this something you want?" Jordan asked carefully, unsure of how to really react.

" Hell yes."

" Then it shouldn't matter how long you've been dating. As long as you love her, and I know you love her, then it doesn't matter."

" Wise words from someone who cant see past their stubbornness to make one woman's life a little easier," Miguel said and left the room, leaving Jordan to think about that, long and hard.


" Danielle, please, at least make an effort. You leave in two days. Is it going to be so hard to make one tiny effort to be nice to him?" Kasey asked as they stood at the counter of the small cafe, several sandwiches and drinks in front of the, waiting for service. Danielle threw Kasey a look that clearly said 'Stay out of it' but answered her anyway.

" I so don't want to get into this right now," she said.

" Two days of being nice to him. Is that so hard to do?" Danielle sighed. She should have known that there was no way Kasey was about to give up on it. What would it hurt to be nice to Jordan for two days? Forty-eight hours. That's it. It wasn't exactly a lifetime.

" Okay. So I be nice to the man for two days. That's it. Then I leave Boston and never speak to him again. Deal?" she asked and Kasey smiled, nodding as she did so.

" Thanks. I promise that everything will be much nicer now you two are talking."

" Hey, you think he's gonna want to talk to me?"

" He will, if he knows what is good for him," Kasey said mildly as she paid the cafe attendant.

" You plan on threatening him?"

" I'm sure Miguel has already done that," she said as she picked up the sandwiches. Danielle picked up the drinks and they walked across the street to the studio again. When they entered the room that they had left Miguel and Jordan in only a short time before, they found only Jordan sitting at the desk, writing quickly on a notepad. He looked up at their entrance and smiled. Danielle couldn't believe it when the smile was directed at her. He stood up and came over to the, taking two of the drinks off her and placing them on the desk behind him, then taking some of the sandwiches off Kasey and doing the same to them.

" Are you feeling okay?" she couldn't resist. He was smiling at her, not ignoring her. She had honestly thought that no amount of threatening from either Miguel or Kasey would get him to change his mind.

" I'm feeling better than I have in a very long time," he said and went over to Kasey and captured her in a big hug," Miguel told me and I am very happy for both of you." He stepped away from her and Kasey eyed him warily.

" You're happy? Why?" she asked bluntly and he laughed.

" You and Miguel, parents. Who would have guessed. But as long as Miguel doesn't abandon me..."

" I don't expect him to give up a job he obviously loves for me or our children, whether I'm pregnant now or later. He loves what he does. If I took that away from him, he'd end up hating me. You expected me to give him an ultimatum?" Kasey asked and Jordan shrugged.

" I didn't know what you would do."

" Well I won't do that. Speaking of Miguel, where is he?"

" Could be anywhere in the studio. Take him his lunch before he comes looking for it and me," Jordan said, handing Kasey one of the drinks and a couple of sandwiches. She eyed him warily, then looked at Danielle and a smile broke out on her face.

" Okay. I'll take my lunch too. We can eat together. That will give you two a chance to talk," Kasey said and grabbed her share of the meal. She left the room and shut the door behind her. Danielle and Jordan looked at each other and he sighed.

" I want to apologize for my behaviour lately."

" Apology accepted."

" I'm sorry I treated you like a one night stand."

" We don't have to go into that again, do we?"

" Okay. So what do you want to talk about, while we're here, alone?" he asked and she shrugged her shoulders as she unwrapped the sandwich.

" Anything but what's happened in the last couple of days," she said.

" How about new years? How do you plan on spending new years?" he asked, choosing a relatively safe topic. This started a conversation on the pros and cons of celebrating the New Year. They became so involved in talking to each other that they didn't hear the click at the door. It was only when Kasey and Miguel appeared at the other door that either of them looked up.

" Oh good. At least you two are talking. We'll see you later," Kasey said as she stepped out of the room. The door shut behind her and they heard the click this time. Danielle got to her feet and tried to open it.

" They locked us in," she said when she realized what happened.

" Again? Damn it, they just don't give up, do they?" Jordan asked. Danielle turned and faced him, a suspicious look on her face.

" You don't look too surprised or too upset at this," she accused and he shrugged a small smile on his handsome face.

" What can I say? If this is the only way I can get you to listen to me, then I'm glad that Kasey is being so insistent on this," he said, getting to his feet and walking slowly towards her. Danielle glanced around warily. She was never this nervous around men but there was something about this one man that made her extremely wary and extremely nervous. She darted behind the piano as he stood with his hands on his hips, smiling broadly as he watched her.

" Jordan, this is ridiculous. Kasey cannot expect..."

" Why is what Kasey expects important? I think its time we focused on what we expect."

" We don't expect anything."

" I do. I expect that by the time Kasey lets us out of here, I will have convinced you to not only stay in Boston, but to also live with me."

" Live with you? Are you crazy?" she asked.

" Crazy? I doubt that. In love? Yes."

" In love? Jordan, you cannot be in love with me. Just yesterday you were telling me that you were still in love with Terrie. How can that..."

" You ask too many questions," he said as he walked over to the desk and picked up the notepad he had been writing on before she and Kasey had come in. He went over to the piano and sat down, running his fingers very lightly over the keys. Danielle watched him, suspicion still on her face.

" Then tell me the answer."

" Terrie. Well, yes I love her. But I'm not in love with her. I thought I was. It was so easy for me to say that, to believe that, as a way to protect myself from getting hurt again. Losing Terrie almost killed me. I didn't want to go through that again. Falling in love was far too painful for me. So I closed down, shut my heart off and told myself that I was happier being without a woman. Until you walked into my life."

" That's sounding like a song I recall you singing..."

" Danielle, must you be so darn suspicious?" Jordan asked and she laughed nervously.

" You make me nervous."

" How do I do that?"

" By being you. Treating me the way you do. One minute I'm the woman you wanted nothing more to do with, the next I'm the woman you want to live with. What am I supposed to believe?"

" Believe whatever your heart is telling you," he said as he started to lightly touch the piano keys, making them sing with some nameless tune.

" It's telling me that I would be a fool to trust you again," she said and Jordan laughed, his fingers working over the keys.

" That's your head, not your heart. What is your heart telling you?" he asked, the tune becoming louder. Danielle watched him and sighed. What was the use? It wasn't as though she could keep running forever.

" That I would be a fool if I didn't trust you again," she admitted and he smiled.

" Finally. I love you Danielle. You may not fully believe that right now, but we have a whole lifetime for me to prove it. Now that you've admitted that you do want a chance with me, I'm going to do everything within my power to keep you here in Boston, even if that means following you around twenty-four hours a day," he said, still playing that tune over and over again.

" Now that I've admitted that, I wouldn't want to leave. Even if Kasey would let me. What are you playing Jordan?" curiosity finally got the better of her and she sat down on the stool next to him.

" A song."

" I can hear that. What song?"

" Something I wrote for you," he said and she stared at him in surprise.

" Me? Why me?"

" Because I love you. And this is one way I can show you this love," he said and started the tune again, this time, adding lyrics to it...

' No other woman gets to me the way you do, Baby I would change my ways, If I could be with you, Make me your lover, I'll make your dreams come true, Baby I would change my ways, If I could be with you '

The music faded and they sat side by side on the piano stool, not speaking, not touching until Jordan reached out and took Danielle's hand in his. She looked up at him, looking him in his eyes and seeing his sincerity there, his desire for her.

" Now does that show you at least some of the love I have for you?" he asked softly, reaching up and running a finger down her cheek.

" Okay so maybe I was being..."

" Yes or no will do Danielle," he said teasingly and she smiled.

" Yes. Okay? A very resounding yes," she said and he smiled, lowering his head to capture her mouth in a soft kiss.

" So you'll stay in Boston?" he asked, placing soft butterfly kisses along her cheek.

" I'll stay in Boston," she agreed, letting herself give in to the pleasure.

" And you'll move in with me?"

" I don't..." she began to disagree but he stopped her by placing a finger over her lips.

" Kasey and Miguel may be about to become parents. Will you want to be around them then?"

" Okay so I give in to you and move in with you. Then what?"

" Let's just work that out when we get there. First, I'd like to kiss you again, if I may," he asked and she laughed as he lowered his head again and kissed her. This time it wasn't soft. It was a full blown, tongues mating, passion exploding kiss...that was interrupted only when Kasey and Miguel entered the room.

" That is so not the kiss of two people who hate each other," she said and she couldn't stop the happiness that crept into her voice. Danielle and Jordan broke apart and Jordan grinned cheekily at her.

" No, it's not the kiss of two people who hate each other. I guess you were right this time Kasey," he said and Miguel groaned teasingly.

" Oh I cannot believe you told her that!"

" What?" Jordan asked, looking confused.

" You told her she was right. She will never let you live that down," he said and moved out of the way of Kasey's elbow as she glared at him.

" Yes she will," Jordan said and Miguel and Danielle laughed.

" You have a lot to learn about Kasey, Jordan," Danielle said.

" Well I have a lot of time in which to learn, don't I?" he asked and Danielle nodded, kissing him again.

" Yes you do Mr. Knight. You certainly do."


The End

Please tell Kasey what you thought of this story!