Any Time, Any Place

By:  Lara

“Any Time, Any Place”



In the thunderin’ rain…you stare into my eyes…I can feel your hands moving up my thighs…skirt around my waist…wall against my face…I can feel your lips…



“We’re late,” JC called up the steps.  Lara almost tripped fastening the strap of her sandal.

“You’re one to talk,” she grumbled.  The ratio of JC being late to Lara being late was not an equal one.  “Coming!” She yelled instead.  She carefully trotted down the steps and smiled as she saw him standing by the door. He wore tight black pants and a wild red shirt over a black wifebeater.  “Meow,” she purred appreciatively. “You look scrumptuous.”

“You’re not wearing that.”

Lara stared at him. “Funny, I could swear you just tried to tell me what to do.”

“You’re not wearing that.  I refuse to let you out of the house in that,” JC said firmly.


Blue eyes swept over her sky blue halter and white leather pants.  “You…are not…leaving…dressed like that.  I’m not fighting guys off of you all night.”

Lara blushed prettily. While in public they were usually inseparable anyway, but this kind of jealousy never hurt. “Okay,” she sighed. “I bought it last week. Stacey and Julie said you’d like it.”

“I do like it. I love it. I want to tear it the hell off of you and do you right here on these steps. But Justin is waiting, Lance and Stace are waiting, Julie and Chris are waiting…and we need to leave.”

“Anything you’d prefer?” Lara asked over her shoulders on the way up the steps.

“No…just anything but that,” JC said, looking at his watch.  He missed the smirk on her face as she obediently went upstairs.


“You said anything but that,” Lara reminded him primly as she walked out to his car.

“You’re a smartass,” he snapped, but they didn’t have time for her to change again.  She climbed into the car carefully, making sure to sedately tug her skirt down.  “Don’t even bother.  That handkerchief isn’t gonna get any longer.”

“You need to lighten up or this night is gonna suck,” she told him.  She adjusted her blouse and checked her lipstick in the rearview mirror.  JC looked at her, frowning.  The midnight blue skirt would make Britney Spears blush, and the gauzy blue long-sleeved blouse only served as light protection over her blue tube top. 

“I’d lighten up if you’d wear clothes.”

She glared at him.  “Joshua Scott Chasez, you annoy the shit out of me sometimes!  For so long it was, “Why don’t you buy something new?  I love when you let me buy you new clothes!” And now that I buy something, you bitch.”

“Well…you look all fuckable in…that…” JC waved his hand in the air.  Lara blushed and giggled, anger forgotten.

“Thank you…I think.”


A slight mist had turned into a steady rain by the time they parked their car at the club.  The sky started to flicker, and they could hear a rumble that wasn’t the bass booming from the front door of the nightclub. JC looked at Lara. “Wanna make a run for it?”

“Sure…we can go in the side, that way we can walk beneath the overhang.”  JC came around to open her door and they made a run for it, giggling as they tried to skip over the puddles.  They stopped by the rarely used side door, panting for breath and laughing.  JC stopped first, his face growing serious as he looked at her. “What? I look like a drowned rat, don’t I?”

“No,” he whispered, taking her head in his hands and gently kissing her. Lara moaned, leaning back against the wall as JC’s tongue slowly invaded her mouth.  “You look…oh shit…you look so damn good.”  His knee gently pressed between her legs as he nibbled down to her ear.  She moaned again, running her hands inside the shirt and over his wifebeater.  JC gently bit at the tender skin behind her ear and sighed.  “We should go in…people are going by.”  They both froze as a drunk and giggling couple wove by them.

“I guess,” she said, making a big deal of straightening her clothes.  She turned around as if to go, making sure her backside brushed against his erection.  JC groaned and suddenly Lara found herself pressed against the wall face first. His grip wasn’t painful, but he held her firmly.

“God…what the hell are you trying to do to me tonight?” He breathed into her ear, and she felt his hands slide up beneath her short skirt. 


I don’t wanna stop just because people walking by are watching us…I don’t give a damn what they think…I want you now…I don’t wanna stop just because you feel so good inside of my love…I want you…all I wanna say is…any time, and any place, I don’t care who’s around…



“I’m not doing anything,” she panted as she felt his long fingers slip inside of her underwear.  “Oh…Josh…I want you so fucking bad right now…” she leaned her head back on his shoulder, trying to control the tremors that flew through her body.

“Get a room!”  Someone yelled.  She felt his lips on the top of her spine, licking at the bones.  He bit down hard on her neck and she whimpered.

“Come on. We’re going inside.”  JC pulled her skirt down, kissed her cheek and reached for her hand. Lara made her legs move so she could follow him.


Dancin’ on the floor…feeling the slow groove…my mind is startin’ to burn with forbidden thoughts…strangers all around…with the light down low…I was thinking maybe we…could…well…you know…



“Jayce…” Justin gave JC a hug, clapping him on the back.  He acted as if it had been days since he had seen his friend, instead of mere hours.  “Lara…you look yummy.”  He kissed her cheek and winked.

“Nah…Jayce looks yummy.”  Chris pretended to kiss JC’s cheek and JC shoved him away.

“Get off me, you freak.  Hi, Stace, hi, Jules.” He kissed each girl in turn.

“We men are about to go hunt and gather drinks for our women,” Chris informed him.

“Yeah, because Chris needs another beer and I convinced him it would be rude for him to not get something for Julie. Hey, girl.”  Lance kissed Lara’s cheek and she beamed at him. “Nice outfit you’re not wearing.”

“Thanks, Pornbaby.”  Lara smiled as Lance groaned at the hated nickname.

“What do you want?” JC asked Lara as the other guys got up to hit the bar. 

The look in her eyes told him exactly what she wanted, but she said, “Oh…vodka collins to start, I guess.”  He nodded and the men hit the bar.

“JC looks good tonight,” Julie observed.

“Yeah…I almost didn’t let him leave the house,” Lara told her.

“I’m surprised he let YOU leave the house,” Stacey remarked. Lara laughed and told the story of the outfit change.  The girls were still giggling when the men returned.

“Are you telling them stories about how bad Chris is in bed again?” Justin asked Julie.  Chris set down their drinks and smacked him in the back of the head.

“Baldy, you’re asking for it.”

Lance laughed and shoved Chris aside so he could slide in the booth next to Stacey.  “You dish it out but can’t take it.”

“You want in here?” Lara asked JC, ready to slide over closer to Julie.  He shook his head.

“Feel like dancing?”

“Of course.” She took a few sips of her drink and grabbed JC’s hand so he could pull her from the booth.  He led her to the dance floor as a dirty groove started.  Suddenly she was in his arms again, and he was grinding against her.

“People are gonna start watching again…” she said teasingly. She slid her hands down to grab his backside as he grinded against her.

“Out here it doesn’t count. I don’t mind if they watch,” he murmured, licking her earlobe.  She shivered.

“Like anyone can keep from watching when YOU dance,” Lara said, smiling into his blue eyes.  She rested her hands at his waist as his fingers trailed up and down her spine.  “I remember the first time I saw you on a dance floor…”

“Did you want me then?”  His voice was a caress.

“Of course,” she said, moving her hands up to run through his hair.  “And I was thinking the same damn thing I’m thinking now.”

JC’s lips met hers in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding down to grab HER backside.  “You are evil tonight,” he said softly, his voice barely able to be heard over the music.  “Putting those thoughts in my head.”

“What thoughts?” Lara asked innocently, making sure to grind especially close.

“Dammit,” JC murmured, closing eyes as he felt himself get even harder. “I’m lucky the lights are low.”

“People can still see,” she whispered, smiling as she caught the eye of the couple next to them.  The man was whispering in the woman’s ear, and she was frowning as she watched Lara and JC.  “She’s just jealous she’s not getting a piece of this tonight…” Lara reached down as if she was pulling at her skirt, but instead she grabbed JC and lightly squeezed.

“Fuck it.”  He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the dance floor.


I don’t wanna stop just because people standing ‘round are watching us…I don’t give a damn what they think I want you now…I don’t wanna stop just because you feel so good inside of my love…I’m not gonna stop no no no…I want you all… I wanna say is any time, and any place…I don’t care who’s around…



“I don’t think they believed you were sick,” Lara said as JC dragged her through the parking lot.

“I don’t care.” He tossed her into the car, went around to the driver’s side, and slammed the door behind him.  Lara’s eyes widened as JC started the car and squealed out of the parking lot.  JC was the safest driver she knew. He’d never had a traffic violation in his life.  “Josh…are…are you mad at me?”

“No,” he snapped, and she shrank back in her seat.  He wove through the wet city streets, pausing at stop signs and barely stopping at red lights.  In record time they arrived in their driveway, and she barely had time to open the door before JC was helping her out.

“Josh, wait…I didn’t mean…”

“You talk too much.”  Suddenly Lara was in the air and over his shoulder.  For someone as thin and wiry as JC, he was quite strong.

“Josh…Joshua Chasez!  Put me down!” Lara hissed.

“In a minute.” He keyed in the security code and the door unlocked. He slammed it behind them with his foot, and trotted up the steps.

“Jooossshhh…” Lara stammered as he bounced her up the stairs.  He went into their bedroom, turning on a small lamp on the nightstand.  He tossed her onto the bed, glaring down at her.  “What…” she began, but was silenced when he pushed her body down with his, covering her lips with hers.

“I want privacy…no one else needs to see what I want to do with you.” The outer blouse tore in two as he yanked it from her body.  The tube top soon followed, and Lara could barely squirm out of her skirt before JC was reaching for her underwear.  He knelt over her naked body, taking his time as he removed his outer shirt, then the wifebeater. He stood up to take off his pants, his eyes raking over her body.  “Or did you want that?” He said softly, crouching between her legs.  “Did you want me to just press you up against the wall…take you from behind…” His slender fingers easily slid inside of her as he licked the insides of her thighs.

“Josh…oh GOD…” Lara whimpered, aroused by his words as well as his fingers.  She clutched at his long hair.

“Or, hell, just slide your skirt up and fuck you on the dance floor.” His long body draped over hers as he moved up over her.  “I bet you’d like that…is that what you wanted…”

“I just wanted you, Josh…please…oh…” Lara’s voice rose as he thrust inside of her.

“You drive me crazy acting like that…for everyone to see…but you’re mine…all mine…” JC’s thrusts were deep and she was soon shaking beneath him as she came.  JC could finally stop holding back, and it didn’t take him long to spurt inside of her. 

He rested, placing his head on her chest. Her fingers lazily picked through his hair.  “Love you,” she whispered. She felt him smile.


Any time…any place…I don’t care who’s around…

The End

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