Anywhere But Here

By:  Lara


I picked up the phone and heard her voice, is she takin’ my time…She sounded so cute, so innocent, you always were a sucker for the playful kind…



Cate whistled cheerfully as she picked her bag up from the luggage carousel at the airport.  She stepped out of the airport to take a few breaths of fresh air before heading back in to the car rental desk.  The flight from Mexico City had been hell, and she was glad to be on the ground.  Sunny Florida was just what she needed.  Sunny Florida and Justin’s sunny smile.

She played catch with the keys, tossing them up in the air and catching them again.  Just a short drive until she was in Justin’s arms. And did she need a hug.  The last job in Mexico was a nightmare from start to finish. The models were bitchy, the weather was dismal, and she had caught a slight cold.  She couldn’t wait to see the look on Justin’s face when she showed up on his doorstep.

Cate thought for a moment as she stood outside the small car.  Maybe she should call first.  Justin might have a few of the guys over, and he’d want to shoo them out before she got there.  Cate made sure she was safely out of the airport parking lot before picking up her cellphone.  She hit the speed dial button for Justin’s number.  “Hello?”

“Oh…I’m sorry…wrong number,” Cate stumbled, hanging up at the sound of a woman’s voice.  Maybe she had hit the wrong button. This time she dialed the number herself.

“HelLO?” The same female answered, sounding slightly annoyed.  “Hello?”

“Is Justin there?”  Cate desperately tried to control the tremble in her voice.

“Sure…he’s out by the pool.  Hold on a second,” the woman said cheerfully, and Cate could see her walking through Justin’s beautiful house, heading for the pool.  “Justin?  Phone for you, baby.”

Chills ran down Cate’s spine as she heard Justin say, “I TOLD you not to answer the phone. The machine coulda got it.”  Cate’s blood ran cold. “Hello?”


“Cate!”  Justin said happily.  “Hey!”


“Where are you?”

Cate pulled the car over and willed the tears to go away.  “On the highway.”

“Here?  In Florida?”

“Who was that?”

“Who?  Oh…Lara…she’s a friend of Chris’.”

“What’s she doing there, Justin?”


“No. Don’t tell me.  I’ll call you later.”  Cate hung up her cellphone and tossed it into the backseat.  She turned the car back around and headed for the airport.


Stop before you tell me a lie, I don’t want to hear another alibi…this is where the story will end, if your love was real I wouldn’t need to pretend…



“Yes…Barry…I know.  I know I said I wanted a vacation…but I changed my mind.  What do you have for me?”  Cate juggled her purse and her cellphone as she stood at the ticket desk.  “Where?  Good…then what…yeah, I know it’s close together…I don’t give a shit, Barry.”  Cate smiled apologetically at the woman in front of her for the curse word.  “Then what…oh…China?  Cool…never been there.  Yeah, I’m sure. I want out of this country…I want to be anywhere but here.”


Book me on a plane for Paris, or on a cruise to a desert isle…anywhere but here where love disappeared, anywhere but here…I wanna party in New York City and climb over the China Wall…anywhere but where your love disappeared, anywhere but here…


Three days later


I saw you with her on the corner looking in each other’s eyes…was it a mistake my heart would break or did you ever think about who would cry…



Cate yawned as she boarded her plane.  It was a pleased tiredness though; the job in Paris had gone just as planned. It was busy, it was crazy, but it was productive.  It also had taken all of her waking moments, so she wasn’t able to think about Justin.

Cate frowned as she fastened her seatbelt.  Justin had called every day, left messages on her pager and with her answering service.  Cate ignored him. It was obvious what had happened, and it was just as obvious when she had opened a copy of People magazine that one of the staff had laying around the day before.  There in the first few paparazzi pages was Justin…with a woman.  Medium build, dark hair, blue eyes, cute smile.  It was the set of the new video, and the other guys were in the background, but Justin had an arm around the woman, and it was obvious they knew each other well.

Cate wiped away a tear as the plane taxied down the runway.  She was on her way to Puerto Rico for another job.  More work…and more things to occupy her mind.


Two weeks later Cate was in New York. This was almost vacation though; she had one shoot at the Museum of Modern Art, and then she had two days to relax and have fun.  She strode down the sidewalk towards her hotel, taking a deep breath and enjoying the smell of New York in the fall.

“Cate?”  Cate whirled around at the sound of her name. She squealed.

“Lance?”  She threw herself into his open arms.

“God, Cate, you look good enough to eat.”  Lance gave her a warm hug and pulled back.  “Gorgeous, as usual.”

Cate pushed back a lock of reddish brown hair and blushed.  “You look good, too.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I had a job yesterday and today…and now I’m just bumming around until I leave for China on Monday.”

Lance raised an eyebrow.  “China?  Impressive.”

“I have a shoot at the Great Wall. Can you believe it?  I was so excited I could hardly stand it.”

“I bet.  Congratulations.”  Lance started walking in the direction she had been heading, tucking her hand through his arm.

“What are YOU doing here?”

“We have these charity things tonight and tomorrow.  A fancy dinner tonight and like a big meet and greet tomorrow.”

“So, all the guys are here?”  Cate asked lightly. Lance stopped walking.

“Cate, I’m sorry. I had no clue.  Joey didn’t, and either did JC.  Chris…well…I know he likes you, and I really don’t think he would have set you up like this. I really think he thought they were friends, and had no idea they were even spending time together until that day at the video shoot.”

“It’s okay, Lance,” Cate said sadly, and it was…sort of.  It was getting easier every day, though she still missed Justin.  “It’s probably for the best. I mean, with my job, I’m never around.”

“Neither are we,” he pointed out.  “And if the love is true, it shouldn’t matter, should it?”

Cate smiled at his romantic ideas. “No, I guess not.”

“Hey, Cate, would you…” Lance began.  “Well, no…never mind.”

“What, Lance?”

“I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my date tonight, but then I realized it might be awkward for you.”

“Your date?  Lance Bass doesn’t have a date?”

“Well…no…” Lance said, fidgeting. “I don’t have a girlfriend right now, and I don’t like just being set up with someone just to have a date somewhere.  I only take dates that I like.”

“And you like me,” Cate teased.

“Of course,” Lance answered, as if there were any question about it.  Cate looked into his beautiful green eyes, and was pleased by the sincerity she saw there. She knew for a fact that Lance would never be the type of man to see a woman behind his girlfriend’s back. 

“Lance, I would love to go with you tonight.”

Lance’s eyes widened.  “You’re not just doing this to get back at Justin, are you? I mean, he acted like a dick, but he’s still my friend.”

“I’m doing this because I want to. You need a date, and I don’t have plans.  I’m at the Plaza. Pick me up at seven?”

“Okay,” Lance said, smiling broadly.  They started to walk again.



Stop before you say it again, you never kiss and tell with your girlfriend’s girlfriend…this is where my story begins I need a new lover that’s where I’m going…as much as I wanted you your love has left me alone…now it’s all of over…you disconnected my heart when she picked up the phone…I gotta get myself over you…



“Damn,” Lance said as he greeted Cate in the lobby.  “You look sensational.”

“Thank you,” she said, offering her cheek for him to kiss. “You look pretty tasty yourself.”

Lance blushed slightly, looking down at his black suit and grey silk shirt.  “Just something I grabbed up off the floor of the hotel room.”

Cate laughed.  “Let’s do this thing.”

Lance led the way out to the waiting limo. “I really appreciate this, Cate. I don’t mind these things, but it’s always nicer when you have someone to be with.  And I like being with you.”

“Thank you,” Cate said, touched. She and Lance had always gotten along very well, and she had always thought he was handsome. Not cute like Justin, or GQ handsome like JC, but very good looking. And those eyes, the light green orbs seemed to miss nothing.

“You sure you’re okay with this?” Lance said softly. She nodded. “I’m still sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Lance. He made his decision…he chose her.  And now I have my life to move on with.”


For all her brave words, Cate’s palm was sweaty as they entered the ballroom where the dinner was being held.  She refused to hold Lance’s hand because of her sweaty fingers, so he instead put a protective hand on her back. 

“Cate.”  Cate shivered as she heard that familiar voice.  She slowly turned around.  “Hi, Lance.”


“Hello, Justin,” Cate said, struggling to keep a civil tone.

“What are you doing here?”  Justin looked very sexy in his grey suit.

“I came with Lance.  I’m his date.”

“You’re his…oh…how interesting.”  Justin’s eyes darted over to Lance.

“Lance, will you excuse us?”  Cate said, her eyes never leaving Justin’s face.

“Sure.  Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, please.”  Lance kissed her cheek and went to the bar.  Cate strode out of the ballroom and into the corridor, Justin hot on her heels.  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong.”

“We’re broken up for less than a month, and you’re already after Lance?”

Cate’s hand flashed out and connected with Justin’s cheek.  “We’re not BROKEN up, Justin. You never gave me that courtesy. You just fucked some girl behind my back.”

“Cate, honey, it wasn’t like that.  She…”

“Justin?”  Cate’s gaze flew over to the woman walking up to Justin. She was apparently older, but it didn’t look like much older. She wore a silver and blue dress, and her long dark hair was piled up on her head.  “Hi, I’m Lara.” She held out a hand to Cate, who forced herself to take it.


“Cate…that sounds familiar…oh.” Recognition entered Lara’s blue eyes, soon followed by regret.  “I see…I…I’ll be inside, Justin.” Lara let her hand trail across Justin’s arm, then she went into the ballroom.

“So she knew about me?”

“KNOWS about you…now…she didn’t back then,” Justin admitted.

“You’re a prick, Justin,” Cate said calmly.  “A rat bastard prick.  I should hate you, but I don’t.”

“Cate, she was just a lay, okay?  Just someone to have sex with. And the sex wasn’t very good…”

“Don’t tell me this.” Cate held up a hand. “Don’t kiss and tell. I don’t believe she’s just some groupie to you. I’ve seen pictures of you two together. I’ve seen how you look at each other. There’s more there.”

“Cate…I care about you.”

“That’s nice, Justin.” Cate took a deep breath. “Nothing is going on between Lance and I.  We are friends.  Maybe someday it might turn into more. I don’t know. But you’d better not start anything with him, understand me? This is between you and I.”


“No more, Justin. I’m going back in to my escort.”  Cate returned to the ballroom.  Lance was standing by the bar.  He held out a glass of wine.

“You okay?”

“Yes, actually.”  Cate took a large swallow, trying to calm her nerves.  “I got to tell him off…that was cool.”

Lance couldn’t hide his smile. “Good.”  He took a gulp of his beer. “I was afraid he might talk you into going back with him.”

“No. No way.  His chapter in my life is done.”

Lance looked at her for a long moment.  “Cate…after you’re back from China…we’ll be in Florida writing and recording.  Would you like to come down and stay for a weekend or something?”

Cate blushed slightly.  “With you?”

“I have a lot of room…you’d have your own bedroom and everything,” Lance said nervously.

“Yes…Lance…I’d like that.”

“Good.”  Lance’s smile graced his whole face.

Book me on a plane for Paris…or on a cruise to a desert isle…anywhere but here where love disappeared…anywhere but here…I wanna party in New York City…climb over the China Wall…anywhere but where your love disappeared…anywhere but here…


The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!