Attitude Adjustment

By:  Lara

"Okay okay okay…hold your damn pants on!" AJ yawned as he wandered to the door. "It’s three in the fucking morning…do NOT expect me to hurry, whoever you are." He looked through the peephole of his hotel room door and gasped. "Nick?" He threw the door open. "Holy shit, man, it’s three in the morning! Are you okay?"

"We need to talk." Nick shoved AJ out of the way and burst into the room. "Shut the door and lock it. I don’t want the others to possibly hear this."

"Okay, Nick." AJ shut the door, locked it, then followed Nick into the bedroom. "Any reason we’re talking in here?"

"You have the corner room. This wall has nothing on the other side but fifteen stories of air. Fifteen stories which, I might add, you may be enjoying soon." Nick ran a hand through his hair. "I don’t want the others to hear me beating the living shit out of you."

"What?" AJ’s voice rose to a squeak that made him blush. Nick had often gotten angry at him for teasing him or something like that, but he had never looked like this. Never talked like this.

"Sit down," Nick told him, taking off his trench coat.

"Nick, I…" AJ began.

"SIT…DOWN…" Nick ordered in a strange tone. AJ sat. "I had a long talk with Lara tonight. Seems she’s been feeling down on herself as usual, and I was trying to get to what had caused it this time. Seems she feels guilty because she’s been experiencing some sort of sexual attraction to someone other than me…it made her feel bad."

"Everyone feels that way, Nick, and…"

"Not her. Not Lara. She’s loyal to a fault…but it seems this other person has been flirting with her. That should could handle. What she is having a problem with, however, is that this person is talking like they really want to act upon it. This is a person who she had a crush on at one time…before she and I hooked up. Know anyone like that?" Nick made his hands into fists and began cracking his knuckles as he paced in front of AJ.

AJ laughed. "Is that what this is all about? Nick, I flirt with everyone, you know that. Lisa…Lara…she always goes along with it."

"Not like this, you tattooed fucking freak." Nick grabbed AJ by the wifebeater and actually picked him up off the bed. "She’s going crazy inside because she doesn’t want to betray me, but she is lusting after you. You know how much it broke her heart when you dissed her all those years back…she still holds some kind of little crush on you…and when you act like this it brings up all those old feelings again. And then she feels guilty."

"Nick, she loves you…she would never…"

"Yes, she would. If I said I wanted it, she would. If I said it was okay to bring a third person into our bedroom, she would go along with it and enjoy it…because that’s how she is." Nick deposited AJ on the bed. "She loves me. I love her. We are meant to be together and no one could ever come between us." His blue eyes narrowed. "Except you. And I know you, Aje…you’re not above playing with her and then letting her fall to the ground."

AJ’s eyes were wide and dark. "Nick, I swear to God…I was only playing with her! I didn’t mean it! I don’t want her like that…are you crazy?"

"Any reason WHY you don’t want her like that?"

"Because she’s yours," was the first thing that popped out of AJ’s mouth. It seemed to soothe Nick for the time being. He resumed his pacing.

"I give her everything…I tell her day in and day out how much I love her…how much I want her…and she still has this fucking thing for you." He stopped pacing and raised an eyebrow. "She called out your name in her sleep once."

"Dude, I have NO control over that," AJ said, holding his hands up. "Not my fault."

Nick looked at him critically. "I don’t even see what the big deal is. You’re scrawny and tattooed like a damn circus freak, you go both ways, you look like you wanna knock over a liquor store ninety percent of the time…"

"Whoa!" AJ stared at him. This was his good friend? "What’s with the insults?"

"Not insults…it’s how I see you," Nick said calmly.

"And who says I go both ways?" AJ snapped. Nick raised an eyebrow again. "So what if I do?" AJ taunted him. "You’re just jealous that I haven’t hit on you yet…that I want your little woman more than you." AJ couldn’t resist the need to pick on Nick.

"You’re an asshole, AJ," Nick growled. "Let’s not go there, okay? This isn’t about me…it’s about what you do to Lara and I want it to stop."

"Ohhhh…sounds like somebody’s angry because I hit the nail on the head," AJ said with a cocky smile. "You’re just jealous because I want in your little girl’s pussy more than I want inside your ass."

Nick threw a punch that caught AJ offguard. He bent in half as Nick’s fist caught his stomach. "Do NOT talk about my fiancee like that, do you understand me, you fucking freak? I’m serious about this," Nick said in an icy tone. He whirled around towards the door. He didn’t see AJ’s foot heading for his backside. He fell to the floor, air leaving his body in a large whoosh.

"I’m little but I can kick your ass, you blond baby!" AJ sat across Nick’s waist, raining punches at his face.

"Dammit, AJ, don’t make me kill you," Nick said in a low voice, trying to protect his face while fighting back.

Somehow AJ grabbed Nick’s arms, pinning them down to the floor. He leaned down on him with all his weight as they both panted for breath. He looked down at Nick. Blood was forming at the corner of his nostril, and one eye was already black and blue. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, and his blue eyes were furious. AJ could feel his cock grow hard as he realized just what he was rubbing up against. "You never said it wasn’t true…about being jealous," AJ taunted. Nick squirmed against AJ, trying to throw him off. "Ooooh…keep doing that…I like it…" AJ hissed in a pleased whisper as Nick’s midsection rubbed against him through his thin pajama pants.

"AJ, I am not even going to honor that with an answer. Let me go so I can leave without killing you," Nick said, blowing upward to get bangs of hair out of his face. AJ let go of one arm and helped brush the hair aside. The gentle motion surprised Nick into temporary silence, and AJ took advantage of the situation.

He wrapped his hand in Nick’s long blond hair, holding his head still as he went down for a swift kiss. "You know you want me, Nick. I’ve seen you looking at me," AJ lied smoothly. "Too bad you’re not man enough to take me."

"Not man enough…oh fuck me!" Nick said, laughing with disbelief. "I’d ream your ass so bad you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week!" The words slipped out before he could stop them and they stared at each other in a moment of shock.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" AJ said calmly, his brown eyes daring Nick. In an instant he was flat on his back on the floor and Nick was above him, pinning HIM down.

"Which would you like?" Nick had AJ’s pajama pants around his ankles in an instant. "I bet you like fucked hard, don’t you, Aje? You like being the passive one…like having the shit fucked out of you, if you’ll excuse the pun. I bet you like aggressive men and submissive women." Nick held AJ down with a hand on his chest as he fumbled with the button to his jeans. AJ watched open mouthed as Nick’s long cock sprang out, long and hard. "Better shut your mouth or I’ll put it to good use," Nick said with an evil smile. He jumped up and went to the nightstand drawer. "A-ha. I KNEW you probably carried this shit with you everywhere."

AJ couldn’t move as he watched Nick lube up his cock. He had never noticed how thick Nick was, and he had seen him naked dozens of times. "Nick…I…are you…"

"You’re gonna leave her alone…I’m gonna make sure of it…" Nick whispered. He took AJ’s legs and placed them against his chest. AJ didn’t fight. Couldn’t fight. He wanted it. He had often looked at Nick and wandered what he was like in bed…had even asked Lara about it. He groaned as Nick’s finger invaded his ass, soon joined by a second then third finger. "Holy fuck, Aje," Nick breathed. "You’re so fucking tight…I can’t wait to be there."

"Oh, Nick…please…" AJ begged shamelessly.

"That’s right, you little troll…beg…" Nick said, stroking his cock hard and fast.

"Fuck me, Nick, fuck me!" AJ almost screamed.

Nick took his cock in his hand and slowly guided it into AJ’s waiting entrance. He groaned as he slid in. "Holy shit…this is incredible…I never imagined." Nick closed his eyes blissfully as he was enveloped by AJ.

"Damn…" AJ muttered, watching as his own cock and balls were pressed tight against Nick’s body. Nick began to move inside of him, first slowly, then faster. "Uhhh…yes…" Aj moaned, grabbing his cock and moving his hand along its hardness.

"That’s right…stroke that cock…get yourself off as I fuck you…mmmm yes…" Nick gasped, his eyes never leaving AJ’s hand.

"Nick…holy fuck…I never thought…" AJ panted, his eyes glued to Nick’s face as he moved in and out of him.

"You never thought I’d do this? Never thought I’d fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to sit still for a week?" Nick grabbed AJ’s hips and slammed him harder. "Who do you want, huh, Aje? Who do you want…who do you wanna fuck?"

"You…oh, Nick…YOU!" AJ screamed, releasing his cum onto his hand, his chest, and Nick. Nick moaned as he shoved himself inside of his friend as hard as possible, letting loose a string of obscenities as he came. He immediately pulled out and went to the bathroom to clean up.

When he returned to the bedroom, AJ was still in that same spot on the floor, naked and in shock. Nick smiled down at him. "I bet you feel like shit right now, don’t you? Feel used…scared…not sure what to do next?" Nick pulled on his jeans and knelt down by AJ. "That’s how Lara feels every time you fuck with her head. If you wanna flirt with her, fine…just don’t let it cross that line again, understand me?" AJ nodded quickly. "And don’t be running to any of the guys, or Lara, about this little scene that just happened. I don’t need them knowing." Nick stood and adjusted his clothes. "You might not mind that people know YOU’RE not just exit only…but I mind people knowing it about me, okay?" He kicked AJ’s boxers and they landed in the sticky cum on AJ’s stomach. "Later, J." Nick sauntered out, slamming the door of the suite behind him.

AJ remained on the floor, shock shivering through his system. As his mind slowly registered what had just happened, a smile slowly crossed his face. Nicky…didn’t know he had it in him.

The End

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