Baby It’s Cold Outside

By:  Lara



I really can’t stay (but baby it’s cold outside)/I’ve got to go ‘way (but baby it’s cold outside)/This evening has been (been hoping that you’d drop in)/ so very nice (I’ll hold your hands they’re just like ice)…



“Stop stop stop…” AJ said, holding up a hand as Lara and Lisa continued to giggle.  “You girls are too much.  I really don’t need to know this about Nick and Kevin, guys.  TMI completely.”

“But, AJ, I thought you wanted to know what made me stay with a guy like Kevin,” Lisa said, wide-eyed and innocent.

“And I thought you wanted to know if Nicky really knew so much at such a young age,” Lara added, just as innocent. 

“Okay…you win…but I don’t want to know anymore, okay?”  AJ shook his head and got up.  “Guys, thanks so much for spending this birthday with me. I was feeling kinda lonely.”

“Not a problem,” Lisa said, standing also.  “I’m just glad you could come over.  I’m sorry the other guys couldn’t be here though.  I’m not sure WHAT is keeping them.”  She glanced at Lara.

“Nick is gonna kick himself when he realizes that he missed such a great night.”  Lara looked outside.  “Man…look at that snow.  It’s really coming down.”

“Winter in New York will do that.”  AJ put on his coat, ready to leave the apartment that Lisa and Kevin had leased and return to his hotel room. 

“Stay, Aje…just a bit longer.  Lara and Nick are crashing here…and there’s always room for one more,” Lisa begged.

“I really should go,” AJ began.  Lara put a hand on his arm.

“AJ, it’s freezing outside.  And look at that snow.  You’re liable to fall on your non-existent ass, and then everyone will blame us.”

Lisa took him by the hands.  “See?  Your hands are freezing already.  It’s your birthday, for God’s sake.  Stay here a while longer, where it’s warm and fun.  What’s waiting for you back at the hotel, anyway?”

AJ looked at them and sighed.  “I could never say no to one beautiful woman, not to mention two.  Okay.  I’ll stay.”  He took off his coat, not noticing the triumphant smile that passed between Lara and Lisa.


My mother will start to worry (beautiful words you’re humming)/And father will be pacing the floor (listen to the fireplace roar)/So really, I’d better scurry (beautiful, please don’t hurry)/Well, maybe just a half a drink more (put some records on while I pour)…



“So, where’s your mom at?  I was sure she’d be up here for your birthday,” Lisa said as she unlocked the bar.  AJ raised an eyebrow.

“You lock the bar?”

“Nick is still underage.  Can’t give him the opportunity.” Lisa pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and some glasses.  Lara glared at her.

“First of all, no Jack for me.  You know I hate that shit.  Get out the Jim Beam.  Secondly, Nick is in no way interested in your damn bar.  If he wants a drink that bad, I’LL buy him the booze, for God’s sake.” 

Lisa laughed.  Lara was always so defensive when it came to Nick.  “Well, in almost three weeks you won’t have to worry about it.”  Lisa pulled out the Jim Beam.

“To answer your question, Lees, she WAS gonna come up, but we saw the weather forecast and I told her to stay home.  For as much as she worries about me, I gotta worry about her, ya know?”

“What a good son,” Lisa said, smiling at him as she shut the bar.  She made a big deal of putting the key to the bar down her bra.  Lara rolled her eyes.

“You are such a ho.  At least that’s one place Nick won’t look for it.”

“How do you know he hasn’t looked there already?” Lisa taunted and Lara’s eyes narrowed.

“Ladies…ladies…saucer of milk?”  AJ said, laughing at the two women.  “Don’t worry, Lara, I know for a fact that Nickolas only has eyes for you…and that Kevin would gouge those eyes out if he ever looked at Lisa.”

“Really?”  They said together.

“Sure.  Why would they want anyone else when they have you?  You girls are two in a million.”  He handed a glass to each of them and punctuated his sentence with a big kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks,” Lara said shyly.

“Thanks, Aje,” Lisa said, boldly returning his kiss on the cheek.  Lara curled up on the floor in front of the dormant fireplace.

“Lisa, how does this thing work.  It’s cold in here.”  Lara shivered.

“It’s like eighty degrees in here!”  AJ said, amazed.

“Oh, come on, AJ, it will be nice.  Snow falling…blazing fire in the fireplace…” Lisa said, going over and pushing a few buttons.  Soon a roaring fire lit up the fireplace.

“Gone are the days of actually striking a match,” AJ said, laughing.  He glanced towards the window.  “Man, it’s getting worse.  I should really be moving on back.”

“AJ, what’s your hurry?”  AJ sat down on the floor and Lara moved closer to him as he spoke.  “It’s obvious the guys aren’t coming back tonight. They’re probably snowed in somewhere and…” she was interrupted by the phone. 

“Hello?” Lisa answered.  “Hi, sweetheart.  Yeah, she’s here…AJ too.  We were celebrating the birthday that YOU assholes obviously forgot.”  Lisa stared into the fire.  “Yes…yeah…okay…gimme it…” she grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down a number.  “Okay.  Yeah…I’ll tell him.  Love you too.”  She looked at AJ.  “Kevin and Nick say happy birthday.  They were across town shopping for you when the storm blew in.  Said they didn’t feel like coming back in this weather so they’re shacked up over there.”

“Kevin and Nick shacked up…what a pleasant thought.”  Lara stared into space, a dreamy look on her face.  AJ stared at her.


“The thought of Kevin and Nicky…sharing a bed…wearing only boxers…accidentally brushing up against each other in their sleep…” Lara sighed and AJ about choked on his drink.

“You like…you think…that’s a turnon?”  AJ’s voice ended in a squeak.

“Sure,” Lara said matter of factly.  “Hey, Lees, put some CDs in or something.” 

Lisa grumbled something about bossy people but found a few CDs in her bag and put them into the CD player.  She plopped down on AJ’s other side.  “Happy?”

“Very,” Lara said cheerfully.  AJ turned to Lisa.

“You feel this way?  About Nick and Kevin, I mean.”  He took a long gulp of his drink.

“Pretty much.  I mean, I don’t like the thought of him with ANYONE but me, but if he decided to look somewhere else for satisfaction, I wouldn’t mind if it was Nick.”  Lisa watched AJ carefully.  “Besides, what’s the difference between that and a guy liking the idea of two women getting it on?”

“That’s totally different,” AJ protested, looking at the bottom of his empty glass.  Lara grabbed it and refilled it.  “Thank you.  That’s just…gross.”

“Yeah, whatever.  Talk about a double standard,” Lisa said, smiling.

“What about threesomes?  Would you be okay with one woman and another guy?”  Lara asked him innocently.

“Probably…as long as I didn’t have to do anything.”  AJ shuddered.  Lara and Lisa exchanged a look.

“What about you and two women?”  Lisa went in for the kill.

“Oh, God, that kicks ass.  I love that.  Love being taking care of by two lovely ladies.”  AJ took another gulp of his drink, unaware of the trap that he had just fallen into.


The neighbors might think (but baby it’s bad out there)/Say, what’s in this drink? (no cabs to be had out there)/I wish I knew how (your eyes are like starlight now) to break the spell (I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell)/I ought to say no no no sir (mind if I move closer?)/At lest I’m gonna say that I tried (what’s the sense of hurting my pride?)/I really can’t stay (oh baby don’t hold out)/Ah but it’s cold outside (baby it’s cold outside)…



“I thought you didn’t drink,” AJ said to Lara as she twirled the empty Jim Beam bottle in the air.

“I don’t.  There wasn’t much left,” she said, smiling at him and arching an eyebrow.  “I mean, I don’t drink like you and Lisa, ya lushes.”

“Hey…SOMEONE had to finish the bottle,” Lisa pointed out.  “Not worth keeping.”

“God, what was IN that?”  AJ leaned his head back on the sofa and yawned.  “Hit me hard, and I can shoot them down with the best of them.”

“Maybe I added poison to it,” Lisa suggested before getting up.  She picked up the empty Jack Daniels bottle and held her hand out to Lara for the other bottle.

“No…I’m playing with this.”  Lisa muttered something about kids but took her own empty bottle out to the trash.

AJ carefully stood up and wandered to the window.  Lara joined him.  The snow continued to fall on the now silent city.  “It’s beautiful,” he whispered.  “Nothing breaking the beauty, ya know?”

Lara nodded.  “Good thing you didn’t really want to leave.  No cabs, and you shouldn’t be walking out there at this hour, anyway.”

“Who says I didn’t want to leave?”  AJ asked.  Lara smiled a sweet smile.

“No one…I just know you didn’t.  We are WAY too much fun.”  She winked a Howie wink.  She reached over and slowly removed the ever-present sunglasses.  “Much better. You have such gorgeous eyes, Alex.  I mean, I love blue eyes best, obviously, but yours…they sparkle.  I love them.”

“Thanks,” he whispered.  Lara folded the sunglasses and slid one of the legs over her shirt so they dangled down her chest.

“Can you look normal for five minutes?”  Lisa snatched the snow hat from AJ’s head before either of them saw her.  Lara glared at her, angry that her friend had interrupted the moment.  “Much better.  Now you don’t look like you’re about to knock over a liquor store.”

“My hair!” AJ moaned, running his hands through the very short blond mop on his head.  “Now I have hat head!”

“You ALWAYS have hat head,” Lara pointed out.

“I think it’s adorable,” Lisa said loyally.  “Though I wish you’d pick a color and stay with it.”

“I think I’m gonna go back to brown,” AJ admitted as he returned to his seat on the floor.  Lara plopped down next to him with Lisa on the other side.  Lara began to twirl the bottle on the floor.  AJ smiled.  “Spin the Bottle?”

“Lisa, Alex wants to play Spin the Bottle,” Lara commented.

“Spin the Bottle? I haven’t played that for ages.  I’m in,” Lisa agreed.

“Wait.  I wasn’t saying that.  I was saying…” AJ began.

“What if I spin and it lands on you?”  Lara asked Lisa, ignoring AJ totally.

“Well…” Lisa thought for a moment.  “As much as Aje might enjoy it, I’m not gonna kiss you.  Not my bag.”

“Damn,” Lara said, snapping her fingers and giggling.  AJ looked from one to the other as if watching a tennis match.”

“How about this.  If I spin you, I take something off.  If you spin me, YOU take off something,” Lisa suggested.

“That sounds good.”  Lara nodded slowly.  “Only fair.”

“Whoa. Wait.  Hold the phone.”  AJ put a hand on the bottle and stopped Lara from spinning it.  “We’re playing Strip Spin the Bottle?”

“Good name.  Strip Spin the Bottle,” Lisa said.  “But you don’t have to strip, AJ.  You can just kiss.”

“Unless you WANT to strip.  I mean, you DID name it,” Lara pointed out. AJ shook his head.

“Wait a minute.  Stop it.  Stop talking.”  AJ wondered how all of this had just happened. “I can’t play Spin the Bottle with you two.”

“Why?”  Lara looked hurt.  “What’s wrong with us?”

“Nothing is wrong with you.  Nothing at all.  I just can’t…especially if you’re gonna start taking things off.” AJ bravely tried to stay loyal to two of his best friends.

“Would it make you feel better to take things off, too?”  Lisa asked sympathetically.  “The last thing we want is for you to be uncomfortable.”

“Too late now,” AJ murmured under his breath.  “I’m not saying I want to take things off, I…”

“So you’d feel better just kissing?”  Lisa asked.

“No, not really…I…”

“So you DON’T want to kiss me!  I knew it,” Lara said.  “That’s kinda insulting, Alex.”

“No, I didn’t say that.  I didn’t say I didn’t want to kiss you,” AJ said, exasperated.

“So, let me get this straight.  You don’t want to take things off, but you DO want to kiss us…and you don’t have a problem if WE take things off,” Lisa said slowly.

“Exactly,” AJ said before he thought.  “Oh, fuck,” he moaned as he realized what he had said.  Lara and Lisa laughed.  “I can’t do this.  You’re with Kevin and Nick.”

“And they’re not here, and what they won’t know won’t hurt them. You’ve seen women naked before, AJ,” Lisa reminded him.  “We’re not DOING anything…just playing.”

“I bet there’s more Jack in there, right?”  Lara motioned to the small bar.

“Absolutely.”  Lisa leaned over towards the bar. “Oh, shit. No key.”  She glanced down at her chest and smiled. “Before you can have another drink, AJ, you’ll just have to hope Lara spins me a lot…because I can’t get the key until I can get to my bra.”

Good one, Lara mouthed to Lisa before saying, “Okay, AJ…you spin first.”

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” AJ protested weakly, but he took the bottle that Lara placed in front of him.


I simply must go (but baby it’s cold outside)/The answer is no (but baby it’s cold outside)/ The welcome has been (how lucky that you dropped in)/So nice and warm (look out the window at that storm)/My sister will be suspicious (gosh your lips look delicious)/My brother will be there at the door (like waves upon a tropical shore)/My maiden aunt’s mind is vicious (gosh your lips ARE delicious)/Well maybe just a cigarette more (never such a blizzard before)…



“Okay, Aje…your turn…” Lisa said, lounging back on her elbows.  She was down to her bra and jeans.  Her shirt and socks were on a pile beside her.  Lara’s pants and socks were gone, and she was wearing a tshirt and her bra/underwear.  AJ looked at them and sighed.

“Look…I don’t think this should go any further.  I mean, I can see the key to the liquor cabinet.  Can’t I just have it?”

“Are you whining?” Lara asked, amused.

“No,” AJ snapped.  “I just think this is enough.  I mean, thanks for the nice birthday party and all…but the direction this is going is NOT a good one.”

“Why not?” Lisa tilted her head to the side and looked at him innocently.  AJ stared at her.

“Look, AJ…” Lara began, leaning towards him.

“Oh, look, I think the snow is stopping!” AJ jumped up and hurried to the window.  Lara and Lisa looked at each other and smiled.  Lisa walked up behind him.

“Aje, this is turning into one of the worst storms this city has had in a while…if you REALLY want to go, you can, but you’ll have to walk.  You do realize that, right?”

“We’re sorry if you’re not having a good time,” Lara said softly on his other side.  He looked from one to the other.

“I didn’t say I’m not having a good time.  I just…” he sighed.  “I don’t WANT to leave.  I mean, look at it out there.  It’s horrible.  And in here it’s so nice and warm…” He swallowed deeply, look from a pair of blue eyes to a pair of brown ones.  “I think I need a cigarette,” he finished weakly.

“There are some in the kitchen.”  Lisa looked at Lara pointedly as she said the words.

“I’ll get them.”  Lara kissed AJ’s cheek and left the room.  Lisa put her hands on AJ’s shoulders. 

“AJ, relax.  Nothing’s gonna happen here that you don’t really WANT to happen,” she whispered.  She took a step closer and AJ hugged her close.  “We just want your birthday to be a happy one. We hated the thought of you being all alone…we wanted you to have a nice time.”

“I’m having a wonderful time, I just…” AJ’s sentence trailed off as Lisa pulled back to look at him.  One red fingernail traced his lips.

“Your lips look so…tasty. Mind if I try them?”  Before AJ could protest, Lisa slowly pulled his head toward hers and ended the motion in a tender kiss.  He couldn’t help but kiss her back.  She finally pulled away.  “Delicious…” she murmured.

“I can’t.  I can’t do this,” AJ stated, taking a step back.

“Why?”  Lara said behind him, handing him a cigarette and lighter.  AJ hurriedly lit the cigarette and drew in deeply.  He exhaled with a grateful sigh.

“What do you mean why?  You and Nick…and Lisa is with Kevin…it would be like cheating on my best friends.  And what about you guys?”

“AJ…we are simply offering you something.  A birthday gift.  If you don’t want it say so, and we will put our clothes on and all go to bed,” Lara said firmly.  “Lisa will go in the bedroom, I’ll sleep in the guest room, and you can sleep here on the sofa.”  Her blue eyes were dark.  “But we’re only gonna offer this once.”

“Never again,” Lisa added.

“And if you miss your chance…wouldn’t you regret it?”  Lara whispered in his ear.  She moved behind him, pressing her cheek on his back.  Her hands reached around to run across the front of his shirt.  “You’re saying you don’t want us?”

“I’m not saying anything that…oh fuck…” AJ moaned as Lara’s tongue flickered out to tease his earlobe.  Lisa took AJ by the hand and began to lead him towards the master bedroom.  AJ unconsciously reached back and took Lara’s hand with his free hand.

“No one needs to know,” Lisa said over her shoulder as she led the way down the hall.


Lara closed the bedroom door.  She walked up to AJ and cradled his face in her hands.  As she lightly began to kiss him, Lisa ran her hands up under his tshirt, gently caressing his slender chest. When her fingers crossed over his nipples, AJ shivered.  Lisa smiled against his back and began to lightly pinch and play with his nipples, bringing them to hard points.  AJ moaned against Lara’s mouth, sucking on her tongue.  She pulled back so Lisa could pull the tshirt over AJ’s head.

Lisa leaned tight against him so the thin lace of her bra rubbed against AJ’s smooth back.  AJ leaned his head back to kiss Lisa.  Their tongues dueled as Lara fought with the buckle of AJ’s belt.  She finally got it undone and his baggy jeans fell to the floor.  Lara’s eyes fell to the package tucked within AJ’s boxer briefs and she swallowed deeply.  For someone that wasn’t very tall, AJ was…well-endowed.  Her eyes met Lisa’s as Lisa kissed AJ.

“Would you excuse us for a moment, AJ?”  Lisa asked sweetly.  She kissed him one more time and gave him a shove towards the bed.  She then led Lara out of the room and down the hall.  “Remember what we agreed,” she whispered.  “Nobody gets any of that.  You love Nick, remember?”

“I know, but DAYMN!”  Lara whispered back.  “Can you just imagine…”

“I’m not letting myself imagine.  If I let myself imagine I would be in there riding the fuck out of him right now,” Lisa snapped back.  “Okay.” She went to her purse and dug out a coin.  “Heads you do the work, tails I do.”  Lisa flipped the quarter into the air and caught it.  She held it out for Lara to read.

“Shit.  No fair,” Lara mumbled as she led the way back into the room.  AJ was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the doorway anxiously.

“Look, guys, I don’t think…” AJ began.  He was interrupted by two pair of hands pushing him back onto the bed.  Lara began to nibble on AJ’s neck as Lisa passionately sucked on his tongue.  He groaned and decided to just give in.  There was no fighting this.  He wanted it too bad.  As Lara’s mouth moved down his chest, her hands slid down to caress his erection through the briefs.  “Oh…shit…” AJ gasped against Lisa’s mouth, his body arching off the bed. 

“Relax,” Lisa cooed, turning his head back to hers.  One of AJ’s hands came up to play in her long hair.

Lara slid down AJ’s body, carefully working the briefs down his thin hips and off his body.  She couldn’t help but stop and admire him.  He wasn’t very thick but he was long, and he was already dripping with precum.  As she moved her way back up his body, she trailed her tongue from his balls up to his head.  AJ made a noise somewhere between a scream and a cackle.  His other hand moved down to Lara’s head, gently urging her on as she sucked him into her mouth.  “Shit…Lara…don’t…oh GOD don’t stop…that feels…so good…” AJ panted.

“Would you like something to do while she’s taking care of you?”  Lisa asked, running her fingernail down AJ’s cheek.  AJ caught the finger in his mouth and sucked on it while he nodded.  Lisa pulled away and stood by the bed.  She carefully removed her bra and slid the jeans from her hips.  She made sure to take her time as she slid her underwear off.  Her dark eyes never left AJ’s as she straddled his shoulders with her knees.  AJ’s hands moved to grasp her backside and move her closer to his eager mouth.  As his tongue hit its target, Lisa grasped and took a hold of the headboard.  “Mmm…yes…Aje…”

Lara added her hand to the motion she was making on AJ’s cock.  He was unconsciously grinding hips up towards her, and she was using that movement to her advantage.  Her hand slid down to cup his balls, and she could feel them tightening.  She could hear him whimpering against Lisa, and the sound was driving her crazy.

AJ grabbed Lisa by the hips, holding her wetness hard against his tongue.  He drew his tongue around her clit in torturous circles and she almost pulled the headboard off the bed.  “AJ…oh fuck yes…AJ…” Lisa almost screamed.  AJ held back to the point of insanity, not wanting to cum until she did.  Lisa dug her fingernails into the wood of the headboard and let loose a string of curse words as she came.  AJ lapped at her wetness, finally allowing himself to release as well.  Lara felt his cock tighten and was barely prepared before he released himself into her mouth.

Lisa slid off of AJ and he pulled her down into his arms.  With his free hand he reached down for Lara, pulling her up as well.  He kissed first one then the other.  “What a birthday gift,” he whispered.

“I’m gonna go shower,” Lara whispered.  She kissed AJ’s cheek and hurried from the room.

“She feels guilty,” Lisa told him.  “Either that or she is horny as hell.”

AJ smiled but didn’t reply.  He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on without worrying about underwear.  He leaned down and kissed Lisa’s forehead.  “It’s late.  Sleep.”


Lara stood under the hot water for a long time.  She and Lisa had decided on this particular plan a few weeks earlier, while discussing AJ and his sexual charisma.  They had promised not to actually have sex with him, but she still felt guilty.  They had vowed never to tell Kevin OR Nick, but she still was feeling down.  That and the fact that she hadn’t really gotten any, which pissed her off.  She smiled at that thought.  She and Lisa had agreed to let a coin settle the situation, but she still felt as if Lisa had rigged the coin.

“Hi there,” a voice said behind her.  Lara let out a short scream and whirled around.

“AJ!  OhmyGod!  You scared me!”

“Sorry.”  AJ took the washcloth and began to slowly stroke her back.  “You okay?”

“Yeah…fine…” Lara said, moaning with satisfaction as he worked the cloth across her back.

“Feeling a little frustrated?”  Lara could hear the smile in his voice.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she told him.

“Need a little…relief?”  AJ continued, his hands wandering around to her breasts.  Lara moaned, letting her body relax against him as his hands played with her breasts, toying with her nipples.  “I know you wanna cum, Lara,” AJ whispered, enjoying the way the tables had turned.  “Right here…just me and you…you want me to make you cum?”

“AJ…oh shit…” Lara moaned as AJ’s fingers slid south.

“Mmm…you’re wet…and it’s NOT from the shower,” AJ chuckled.  He brought his finger up and licked the taste of her from his skin.  “Yum.”

“AJ…I…I…” Lara stammered as his fingers dipped inside once more.

“Just hold onto me,” AJ instructed.  He leaned back against the wall and Lara relaxed against him, her hands grabbing at his legs.  His fingers slid in and out as the fingers of his other hand played with her clit.  “I want you to cum for me, baby…cum hard…I want my name to echo in this damn bathroom…come on…”

“AJ…I’m…oh…” Lara’s breath came in pants.  She was embarrassed at how quickly he was making her cum, but she couldn’t care.  She could only concentrate on the pleasure that was washing over her body.  “Alex…oh FUCK…ALEX!”  She collapsed against him and he had to struggle to keep them both from falling.  He stood them back up and whirled her around to kiss him.  He kissed her repeatedly as her body quivered and calmed down.  He gave her a big hug.  “Thank you for my birthday gift,” he whispered.  “Are you gonna be okay?  Lisa I think is fine…but you…”

“I’ll be fine,” Lara promised.  AJ kissed her again.  “I’m gonna hit the living room sofa.  I’ll talk to you later.”

AJ slipped out of the shower and left the bathroom.  Lara quickly finished her shower and pulled on a pair of flannel pajamas.  She crawled into the bed in the spare room, but it was a while before she could sleep.


I got to get home (but baby you’d freeze out there)/Say, lend me your comb (it’s up to your knees out there)/You’ve really been grand (I’m thrilled when you touch my hand)/Why don’t you see? (how can you do this thing to me?)/There’s bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my lifelong sorrow)/At least there will be plenty implied (if you caught pneumonia and died)/I really can’t stay (get over that old out/Ah but it’s cold outside…baby it’s cold outside…



“God…I feel like I just spent three hours in the gym!” Kevin complained as he and Nick came into the apartment.

“I don’t see why we…Aje?”  Nick stopped short as he caught sight of AJ sleeping on the sofa.  “AJ?”

“Hey,” AJ said sleepily.  He slowly sat up.  “What time is it?”

“Noon,” Kevin replied.  “What are you doing here?”

“The storm got so bad that the girls made me stay here,” AJ said innocently.  “I thought you guys were staying across town.”

“We did, in the worst fucking fleabag hotel I’ve ever seen!”  Nick snapped.  “We couldn’t find anything else.”

“So as soon as we could, we got up and started walking.  Took us two hours to get here.  My thighs are KILLING me,” Kevin said, collapsing onto a chair.

“But it stopped snowing, right?” AJ asked.  Nick nodded.

“Why aren’t the girls up?  Lara NEVER sleeps this late.”

“We were up late last night, you know.”  AJ began to pull on his jeans and shirt.  “I guess I’ll start walking, then.  My hotel isn’t too far away.”  He reached up to his head.  “Oh, God.  I can just imagine the bedhead.  Nick, you got a comb?” Nick pulled one from his pocket and tossed it to AJ.  “Thanks.”

“Do I hear voices out here?”  Lara stumbled into the living room.  “Nicky!”  She said sleepily.  She walked over and grabbed his sleeve.  “Come to bed with me.”  She began to drag him towards the bedroom.

“Lara, what…” Nick began.

“I NEED you,” Lara snapped.  Nick threw a confuzzled but happy smile over his shoulder at his friends and followed his girl down the hall.

“LISA!”  Lara shouted.  “Kevin’s here!” Lisa darted out of her room, grabbed Kevin, and pulled him back into the master bedroom without a word. 

AJ smiled, slapped his hat on his head, and made his way out into the snowy city.

The End


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!