Being Neighborly

By:  Lara


                "Okay, can this day get ANY worse?"  Amanda shouted to herself in frustration.  She had dropped a hammer and missed her toe by two inches.  She had tripped over a shovel and skinned her palms when she caught herself on the hard garage floor.  It was Florida, for heaven's sakes...why the hell did someone need a shovel?  She finally found the lawn chair she was looking for...underneath a pile of rakes.  She dragged the chair out and cleaned it off as best she could.  She carried it into the house and set it by the back door, panting.  It was only ten in the morning, and the temperature was already pushing ninety.  This was not something she was used to, being from the northern west coast of the country.

Amanda sighed as she went up to dig out her bathing suit.  She had hoped that renting this house in Florida would help her to relax and get a grip on her crazy life.  She had been in the house for two days, and she was already at the breaking point.  She pulled on her bikini and grabbed her portable radio and some CDs.  She stopped in the kitchen and poured a tall glass of iced tea, then headed out to catch some rays.

"Why?  Someone tell me why why WHY?"  Chris mumbled to himself as he changed into his oldest pair of shorts.  He had wanted to buy a tiny house where he could write music and relax.  Fine...he had found the perfect house on a quiet street in a quiet suburb.  However, the house needed some work, which was fine with him...originally.  Then he realized how much work it was.

Most of it was easy work that could be done inside, where the air conditioning was continually going full blast. He hadn't counted on the fact that the sweet little white picket fence that had originally appealed to him so much would need an entire new coat of paint.  Chris hated painting.

He grumbled all the way down the stairs, and continued to grumble as he went to the garage to get his supplies together.  He grumbled into the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and he grumbled out the back door, past the Jacuzzi and in-ground swimming pool, and out to the yard.  He grumbled even more when he heard a radio in the yard next door playing the Backstreet Boys.  "Could this GET any worse?"  Chris asked himself.

The tiny timer went off, and Amanda knew it was time to turn over.  She didn't want to turn over.  The warm sun on her back was the most relaxing thing she had felt in a long time, and she knew if she turned over that feeling would disappear.  She would also have to remove her sunglasses so she wouldn't look like a raccoon, and she hated the feeling of the sun on her eyelids.  Heaving an immense sigh, she turned over, adjusting her suit so she didn't leave anything uncovered.  There was no one around; she was the last house on the street and on the left side of her house sat an unoccupied house.

Chris tried not to notice the young woman sunbathing next door, but he couldn't help it. Sure, she might have crappy tastes in music, but she was cute.  She looked good in her aquamarine bikini.  He looked away from his work for a moment, and felt white paint slop onto his bare feet.  "DAMMIT!" He yelled.  "Freaking piece of shit fence!"  Chris kicked it, and did nothing but hurt his foot.  He was tempted to hop around, holding his toe and yelling obscenities, but decided that would do no good.  Finding new things to grumble, he continued with his work.

Amanda opened one eye when she heard the curse come over the fence.  She saw a man with short dark hair and a goatee, cursing at a picket fence.  She rolled her eyes, then closed them again. 

After about twenty minutes, Chris looked back at his process and winced.  There seemed to be more white paint on his green grass then there was on his fence.  He was hot, sweat was running down his back, and he wanted to scream.  He threw the brush at the fence in frustration.  The bristles hit the top of one of the pickets, and went flying into the yard on the other side...landing right on the stomach of a startled sunbather.

Amanda screamed as something smacked onto her stomach.  Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped as she saw white paint oozing down her sides.  She jumped up and wiped at the paint before she thought...smearing it all over her stomach and also coating her hands.  She glared into the next yard.  "Do you think that was funny?  Did you enjoy that?"  She shouted.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry!  I just got mad...and it flew out of my hand...and it...oh...damn..." Chris stuttered, his face red.  "You better be sorry, I..." Amanda began, looking down at herself in dismay.

Suddenly, the craziness of the situation hit her, and she began to laugh. The man looked at her in shock for a moment, then a smile crossed his face as well.  "This is exactly the month I have been having," she said with a sigh.  She walked to the fence and stuck out her white hand. "Amanda."

"Chris," he replied, taking her hand before he thought.  She smiled with satisfaction as paint gushed between their fingers.  "Touché," he said, smiling at her.

"Chris..." she looked at him closely, then blushed.  "Chris honor to meet you," she said, smiling broadly.

"You recognized me and didn't freak...what a nice change," he said, laughing. 

"Well, just wait until I tell all my friends that Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC threw paint on me," she teased.

"I didn't throw it on purpose!"  Chris insisted, making her laugh even harder.  "'re already in your suit...why don't you come jump in my pool and wash it off."

Amanda looked at him for a moment.  "Okay...I'll just run in and get a towel."'s only Chris Kirkpatrick...calm down...Amanda told herself.  She froze as she grabbed a towel from her closet.  Calm down?  That's CHRIS KIRKPATRICK! Amanda inwardly shrieked.

She's just a girl, Chris told himself as he poured two glasses of  lemonade and set them by the pool.  Just a girl...with great excellent body...and a sexy bikini.  He dove into the pool to cool himself off.

Amanda went through the gate in the fence and walked towards the pool.  Chris was furiously doing laps.  She put her towel on a chair and sat at the edge of the pool, waiting for him to surface.  He smiled when he saw her.  "The water is great," he said, gently tugging on her ankle with a strong hand.  "Come on in."  Amanda slipped off the edge, squealing as the water hit her skin.  She bent back to get her hair wet, giving Chris a few of  her abdomen and breasts.  He swallowed deeply.  " should probably wipe that paint off before it dries," he said slowly.

"'re right..." she began to scrub with her hands.  The paint quickly wiped off, except for the exact spot where the brush hit her. 

"Let me help you,” he said softly, approaching her slowly.  He used his fingers to rub at her skin, and Amanda involuntarily shivered.  "Do you want me to stop?"  His dark eyes studied her face.

"No," she whispered, wondering why she was whispering.  Chris rubbed until the paint was gone, then slowly slid his hands around to her back.  Before she knew it, Amanda was in his arms.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his mouth against her hair. 

"It's okay," she replied.  "It could have happened to anyone."

"No...not that," he said.  He kissed her forehead...her nose...her cheeks.  "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.  I don't even know you..." his mouth pressed against hers as his hands pulled her body against his.  She moaned and wrapped her arms around him tightly, her tongue eagerly seeking his.

She could feel his erection through his shorts, and it sent shocks through her whole body.  He finally pulled away.  "I couldn't were so beautiful...I just wanted to kiss you," he said as his lips pressed against her shoulder.  His hands danced up and down her back, often hesitating at the strings of her bathing suit, then pulling away.  Amanda moved back from him, and she could see the disappointment in his eyes.  She reached behind her, untying her suit.  She tossed it on the sidewalk by the pool, and Chris' mouth fell open.

"Do you want to kiss me again?" Amanda asked.  Chris groaned and pulled her to him, crushing her chest against his.  He moved them to the side of the pool, and before she knew it, Amanda was sitting on the edge.  His mouth devoured her breasts, his tongue lapping at one nipple, then dancing over to the other.  Her fingers ran through his hair, pushing his mouth against her skin.  "Oh...God...Chris..." she moaned, her head thrown back.  He lifted her up and pulled her back into the water, kissing her passionately. 

Amanda pushed at the waistband of his shorts, and soon they were floating on top of the water.  Her bikini bottoms followed shortly.  She gasped as she felt his hardness against her, and she reached down to gently stroke it under the water.  Chris growled, moving them to the steps at the shallow end.  He sat down, bringing Amanda down onto his lap.  They both moaned as he filled her.  The water helped her to move up and down, and his mouth once again latched onto her breast as her fingers clawed at his back.  She wrapped her legs around him, and brought his mouth up to hers as she felt herself grow close.

"Chris...oh...fucking GOD..." she moaned into his mouth as she came.  Chris felt her walls clench around him and he bit down on her shoulder as he thrust into her one last time.

Amanda remained on his lap as they both panted for breath.  "Dinner?" He mumbled.


"Dinner...would you like to stay for dinner?" Chris asked her.  She pulled back to look at him.

"I'd love to."

"And would you like to come over tomorrow?"

"You're not going to be painting, are you?"  Amanda teased.

"Why?  I thought you liked it when I helped clean up," he murmured, bringing his mouth to hers once more.


The End


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