Best Friends

By:  Lara


“Give Howie this for me.”  I kissed my husband long and hard, making sure to stroke his tongue with my teeth.  Nick loved that.

“Don’t think so,” he told me.  A car horn honked.  “There’s the taxi.  You sure you don’t mind if we…”

“Nickolas Gene Carter.  Get your ass out that door or I may kick it there,” I said with playful sternness.  “It’s Howie’s birthday, and you guys have not gone out in forever.  Have a great time.  I’ll be here watching a video or reading a book.  Just plop a cover over me if I’m not upstairs when you get in, okay?”

“Yes, Mom.” He kissed my forehead.  “I love you, you know that, right?”

I nodded.  “Love you more.”  I swatted at his ghetto booty.  “Out!”

Nick scampered out the door and I turned back to the empty living room.  I sat down on the sofa, but I didn’t pick up my book or turn on the TV.  I was too distracted.

Brian had emailed me again.  Emailed about the possibilities of he and Nick and I having…shall we say…an intimate encounter.  It had shocked the shit out of me in more ways than one.  I thought Brian only saw me as a big sister.  I didn’t know he thought anything more.  I also thought he and Nick would have done the threesome thing a long time ago, before me, but I was wrong.  Brian made sure I knew that.  I had approached Nick carefully with the idea without revealing Brian’s identity.  Nick said no, he wasn’t sure he could share me like that.  His multiple partner days were done.  He immediately assumed the third person was AJ and I didn’t tell him otherwise.  Let Mr. Smartass Sex Fiend get himself out of that one for once.

I sighed and went upstairs to change into my pajamas.  It was only nine o’clock and I was suddenly weary.  I glared at my computer as I changed clothes in our bedroom.  I could still picture the email from Brian.  “I understand.  The last thing I want is to come between you and Frack.  But what if he’s drunk?” 

I knew it was a joke.  I knew he considered my reply of  “No, Nick’s not interested” as the end of the story.  But it still made me think long and hard about it.  I was extremely flattered by Brian’s interest, and often I wondered if Nick was only pleased by me because he loved me so much.  What if I was really crappy in bed or something.  I sighed and went back downstairs.  After making some popcorn, I grabbed “Gone with the Wind” and threw it into the VCR.


My eyes fluttered open and I glanced at the clock on the VCR.  Three-thirty.  “SHHH!”  I heard a voice say.  “You’ll wake her up!”

“Whisper, dumbass!”

I quickly closed my eyes and felt two bodies standing in front of me.  “Awww…she’s so cute.  I’m so glad I married her.”

“You’re just lucky SHE married YOU,” another voice contradicted.  “C’mon.  I’m tired.  Let her go.”  I heard them stumble up the steps.  As soon as I heard them upstairs I sat up.

Shit.  Brian and Nick.  Slightly intoxicated but not riproaring drunk. I  had seen riproaring drunk before and that wasn’t it.  I sighed.  Brian and Nick…getting into my bed…naked or at least in underwear. Shit.  I stood and headed for the liquor cabinet.  A few Jim Beam and Cokes couldn’t hurt.  It would help me sleep.

Three Jim Beam and Cokes later I was tiptoing up the steps, fully intending on sleeping in the guestroom.  I screamed as someone grabbed me from behind.  “Holy SHIT!”  I whirled around.  “Dammit, Nicky!”  I yelled in a whisper.

“Sorry, baby.”  He smiled his sweet smile.  “Where ya goin’?”

“Bed.  I know how tired you get when you drink so I thought I’d leave you some peace and quiet. Brian all tucked in?”

“Yes…he’s in there.” Nick picked up a lock of my hair and wrapped it around his finger, pulling me closer.  “He’s in there waiting…and we want no part of peace and quiet.”

“But…” I began.  He lightly tugged and I could only follow him into the bedroom.  Brian was in bed all right…naked.  Completely naked.  I tried not to stare but could not help it.  He was not as long as Nicky, but good and thick.  Holy shit, what am I thinking?  Brian is like my little brother!  “Nick, what’s going on?  You told me you wanted no part of something like this…that it would hurt you.”

“That was before I knew it was Rok you were interested in,” Nick said lazily.  “I don’t mind it if it’s Rok.”  He leaned in close.  “I like the thought of you and Brian.  I like the thought of you, me and Brian.”

I swallowed deeply and looked at Brian.  “His idea,” he said quickly.  “We were discussing it when we got to the club tonight…and the conversation just progressed to this.  We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, Lara.  It’s not a big deal.”

Nick looked from Brian to me and then back to Brian again.  “It’s no big deal, baby.  We’ve done it all together.  Slept together, ate together, showered together, dated together, even peed together.”  Once more I was tight in his arms and he was whispering so Brian couldn’t hear.  “I wanna be kissing you when Bri fucks you so hard you scream as you cum.”


I swallowed deeply.  “Oh dear God,” I whispered.  Brian came to stand beside Nick.

“You can say no,” Brian said in one last attempt to give me an out.  I looked from one to the other.  Brian.  Nick.  Frick.  Frack.  Best friends…almost brothers.  I looked deep into Brian’s eyes and saw that even though he cared about me and wanted me to be happy, he also wanted this to happen.  Wanted it badly.

“Tell me, Brian,” Nick began, glancing at Brian out of the corner of his eye.  “What exactly made you decide to do this.”

Brian turned pink.  “Well…um…”

“Don’t worry. I won’t get pissed or anything.”  Nick came to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “What exactly made you want my baby here?”

“I…I dunno, exactly.  It’s not like I set out to lust after her or anything.”  The remainder of the buzz made Brian vocal.  “She’s just so…I dunno…beautiful but it’s understated.  I watch her hang on you, sitting on your lap, kissing you, pressing herself against you…and I wanted it to be me.”  He looked into my eyes as I blushed darker than he had.  “And I knew how much in love the two of you are, and I would never ever want her to cheat on you, so I asked her what she thought about the three of us.”

“Go on,” Nick said softly. I could feel his hard cock against my back and I gasped slightly as he started to unbutton my pajama top.  The satin shirt and shorts set were a gift from him…and I never thought anyone but Nick would be seeing them.  Before I knew it, my breasts were revealed, though Nick didn’t slip the top from my shoulders.  Brian swallowed deeply, almost trying not to look.

“So I approached her and she talked to you and we decided you weren’t into it.”

“But that’s when I thought it was AJ.”  The top slid to the ground and I felt his hands sliding up and down my hips.  “I thought I would have competition in pleasing her, and that made me uncomfortable.”  Nick turned me around to face him.  His eyes were dark with desire, and his bare cock was so hard I thought it must have been painful.  “Now I know that I will have someone beside me who wants to help me please her…not compete to see who pleases her most.” His tongue suddenly thrust into my mouth and I whimpered.  His hands grabbed my backside and pulled me tight against him.  I felt a large hand slide up my back to tangle in my hair.  After Nick pulled out of the kiss he turned me around to press against him once more. 

I knew how I looked to Brian.  Hair a tangled mess, lips full and red from the intense kiss I had just experienced.  Nick crooked a finger at Brian and motioned for him to come to us.  Brian needed no second invitation.  He pressed his smooth chest against my breasts and lowered his head to mine.  His kiss was sweet, and I whimpered as I had with Nick.  I felt Nick’s hands wander up and down my sides before resting on my breasts.  He knew I wasn’t that into a whole a lot of breast foreplay, but that occasionally I liked having them teased.  This was one of those moments.  He slightly shoved Brian away and pulled me to the bed.  The satin shorts were quickly on a pile on the floor, and I involuntarily tried to cover myself.

“Baby…don’t.  Brian wants to see…don’t you, Bri?”

Brian said nothing, only covered my body with his eyes.  Nick took my hands and gently pinned them to my sides. “Nicky, I…” I began fearfully.  If we took one more step there was no turning back.  Nick looked me in the eye, and as I watched him I saw my loving husband gazing down at me instead of the lust-filled stranger I had looked at only minutes before.

“It’s okay, I promise.”  He was totally sober now and I knew it.  “I don’t mind.  I want this.  But if you don’t…” he trailed off.

“I do,” I whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek.  “With you.”

He smiled an evil smirk.  “Good.”  He bent his head to kiss right above my breast and soon Brian was mirroring his actions on the others sighed.  I drew in a breath with a hiss.  Brian would look over occasionally to make sure he was doing exactly what Nick was.  The feeling was incredible.  They kissed slow circles around my breasts, avoiding the nipples until the last possible moment.  I was soon grabbing at both their heads, pressing their warm mouths closer to my body. 

Soon they began to move down, torturing my stomach with licking motions that made me giggle.  I wasn’t giggling, however, when they moved even lower.  “Nick…Brian…” I could hardly make the sounds as I felt fingers stroking through my warmth.  I knew my husband’s hands like I knew my own…but for the life of me I couldn’t tell who was circling my clit or who was teasing my entrance.  I wanted to touch them.  I wanted to feel something, do something, please them as I was being pleased, but they were too far away. Nick glanced up at me and saw my pleading eyes.

“You look like you want to be useful,” he teased gently.  “But I need to help Brian.  I want him to know exactly what pleases you, baby.”  I moaned in reply.  He got to his knees by my side, and I licked my lips as I looked at his hard cock.  “Wonder how I can do both…” Nick moved to straddle my head as if to get into the 69 position.  His hardness was inches from my mouth, and my tongue wouldn’t even reach.  He finally slid himself down into the warmth of my mouth, and I sighed as I tasted his salty precum.  Fingers once more slid around and finally inside of me, but I couldn’t see who they belonged to.  I felt someone pick up my hand and my fingers briefly searched the skin.  I felt a wedding band.  Nick.  My fingers slid into his hot mouth just as a tongue flickered over my clit.  Sweet Jesus.


I heard Nick moan as I eagerly sucked him down into my mouth again and again.  He sucked just as hard on my fingers, occasionally flickering his tongue at the V where my thumb and forefinger met my hand.  He knew that drove me crazy, and I would moan against his cock.  He reached down and spread me wide for Brian to see, and that made me squirm on the bed.  I felt my fingers fall from Nick’s mouth and I used that hand to grab onto the sheets of the bed.

“Here, Rok.”  I felt one of Nick’s long fingers trace an extra sensitive part of me.  “She likes it here.”  I felt Brian’s tongue replace Nick’s finger and I screamed against Nick once more.  “Mmmm…I like when you yell like that, baby.  Keep doing that, Brian.”

I flicked my tongue against Nick’s head, thrusting my hips up to Brian as he teased me.  Suddenly Nick was off of me, with Brian soon following.  Nick stood by the bed and yanked me to my feet.  He spun me around so I could kiss Brian once more.  Brian’s kisses were no longer sweet. They were long and passionate.  I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair.  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him.  Nick was just as close behind my back.

“I want you to suck me, baby.  Can you do that?”  I heard Nick whisper in my ear.  I whimpered as I looked at Brian.  He had heard as well.  “I want you to suck me…and Brian can do whatever he wants to please you while you’re doing it, okay?”  Nick and Brian’s eyes met and exchanged some sort of silent message.  Nick laid back where I had been, and I crept up his body, planting tiny kisses on his thighs.  When I took him in my mouth once more, he sighed with pleasure.  I felt Brian’s hands on my backside, gently rubbing, then they moved up to my waist.  When he slowly buried himself inside of me, I sighed with enjoyment as Nick had.  Brian was so thick that I seemed to sheathe him with no room to spare.  He slowly moved in and out of me, taking his time as I pleasured my husband.  I glanced up to see Nick watching what Brian was doing to me…and I felt him tighten in my mouth.  “Oh…baby…Lara…oh shit…I’m gonna cum…oh SHIT!” He screamed, and I felt Brian’s hands tighten on my hips.  I prepared for Brian’s orgasm, but nothing happened.  Brian pulled out, and I looked at him questioningly.

“Lie down,” he ordered gently with a mysterious smile.  I lay next to Nick, cradling myself against his chest.  I listened to his heartbeat and watched as Brian left the room.  He came back in wearing a condom.  I guessed that he had run down the hall to the medicine cabinet in the spare bathroom.  I smiled up at him as he approached the bed.  He leaned over me and gently kissed my lips.  “This is already better then anything I could have imagined,” Brian whispered.  He took my legs and wrapped them around his waist, and then once more he was inside of me.  I moaned.  He was moving more forcefully then before, and my hands grasped the sheets again.

“No,” Nick whispered.  He slid so I could wrap an arm around him and hold on tight.  “Hold on to me.”  He glanced at Brian once then returned his blue gaze to me.  “You were right, you know,” he continued.  “This is incredible.  Watching him please you, but knowing your focus is on me.  It’s on me, right?”  His finger traced over my lips.

“Oh yes…God…Nicky…Brian…” I moaned, my hips moving up to meet Brian’s every thrust.

“It was so fucking hot watching him taste you as you sucked on me…damn…I thought I was gonna bust into pieces,” Nick murmured.  “Did you like his tongue on you?”

“Mmmm…yes…” my voice began to rise.

“Oh…shit…it’s so good…I’m so close…” Brian was gasping.  He had a tight hold of my thighs and was slamming himself into me.

“Cum for him…baby…cum for Brian…cum for me…” Nick whispered, sucking hard on my earlobe.

“Oh…FUCK…Nicky…BRIAN!” I screamed, feeling an orgasm slide down my body.  Brian threw back his head and allowed himself to finally let go.  He quickly pulled out, disposed of the condom, and flopped onto the bed on my other side.

“Holy shit,” Brian panted, resting his head on my shoulder. 

“Whoa.  Baby. Wait…what is it?”  I felt Nick’s thumb wipe the tears from my face.  I hadn’t even noticed I was crying.

“Oh my God.  Did I hurt you?  Are you okay?”  Brian’s blue eyes were full of concern.

“No.  I’m fine,” I sniffled.  “It was just…I’m just…damn…” I babbled, then giggled.

“Shit, Rok.  At least I never made her cry,” Nick said with his nose in the air.

“Yeah, but I think it’s a compliment,” Brian replied with a smile.  He lay back down on my shoulder and we snuggled for a minute.

“I’m sorry.  I don’t want this to mess things up,” I said softly, looking at Nick.

“Baby, I told you.  It won’t mess things up.  You and I are fine,” Nick said softly.

“It wasn’t you and I that I was talking about.”  I unwrapped myself from the Frick-n-Frack sandwich I had been in and pulled on a robe.  “I need a shower.”  I hurried into the bathroom.

When I came out twenty minutes later, Nick was alone.  “He decided he should go home,” he said before I could ask.  “I told him to take my car.  He promises to call you tomorrow to assure you that he’s fine.”

“Okay,” I said worriedly.  I climbed back into bed and Nick pulled me against his naked body.

“Baby, he is fine.  We are fine, okay?  We talked about it.  It’s not likely that this will happen again but we are not sorry it did.  Understand?”  I nodded. “I love you.  Only you.  Sharing you like this would only happen with someone very special to me, like Brian is.  I don’t know that I could do it again.”

“I don’t want to do it again,” I told him.  “I prefer belonging only to you.”

A smile spread across his handsome face.  “Good.  Now go to sleep.”  He pulled me against him once more.  I slowly relaxed, remembering the two pair of hands that had drifted across my body.  “And no dreaming of Frick,” he ordered, and I sleepily laughed.

The End

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