Birthday Dreams

By:  Lara


“Hey there, birthday boy!”  She said with a grin, opening the door wide to let Aaron in.  “God, you look taller!”  She gave him a big hug.

“C’mon…seventeen yesterday to eighteen today did NOT make me taller,” Aaron replied, a blush creeping across his cheeks.

“I beg to differ.” She led him to the dining room, where all his favorite dishes were spread out on the table.

“Wow…this is incredible!”  Aaron exclaimed, then realized that the table was only set for two.  “Um…who’s not eating?”

“Nick.  My sweet husband is stuck at the studio yet again.”  She rolled her blue eyes.  “He sends his love, though, and told me that I am to make sure you have a wonderful evening.”  The blue eyes were huge and innocent.  “I promised I would.”

Aaron blushed again and sat at the chair she motioned to.  “This looks wonderful.”

“Thank you.  I tried to think of everything that would please you.”  She wandered off to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.  “I figured we’d have something special, for your special day.” She struggled with the cork and finally popped it out.  She poured a glass and handed it to him, then poured one for herself.  She sat in the chair opposite him.  “To Aaron…may he get everything he wishes for and more.”  She clinked her glass against his, her blue eyes amused as they looked at him over the rim of her glass.

They chatted as they ate.  He noticed she didn’t eat much, but instead watched him.  His plate was never empty, and after his third helping he declared himself full.  “I feel like I gained a hundred pounds.  This was truly incredible.  Thank you.”

“I hope you saved room for dessert.”  The word seemed to roll off her tongue sensuously as she returned to the kitchen.  He watched her short black skirt move across her backside as she went into the other room. 

Aaron stared down at the tablecloth.  This was his brother’s wife.  She was his big sister, practically.  He could NOT have these feelings for her.  The problem was, he had them about her ALL the time.

“I couldn’t let your birthday go by without a cake.”  She carefully set the small cake in front of him.  Eighteen candles flickered in front of him.  He looked from the cake up to her face, making sure his eyes didn’t stop at the middle of her blue silk blouse that had three buttons unbuttoned.  “Make a wish, Aaron,” she whispered.

Aaron caught a whiff of her perfume and felt himself harden immediately.  He closed his eyes and wished a wish that no brother should wish about his sister-in-law.  “There,” he said weakly.

“So, do you have plans at all this weekend?  Hanging out with friends?” She asked as she sliced him a piece of the chocolate cake.

“I’m not sure yet.  Some of the guys said something about getting together tomorrow, but I haven’t heard anything definite.”  Aaron felt as if words were a mystery to him. It took everything he had to get a reasonable sentence out.

“Well, I hope…oh, shit!” She exclaimed as her piece of cake tumbled off the serving utensil and down her blouse.  A stain of chocolate made a path down to her skirt.  “What a klutz.”

“Will it come out?”  Aaron asked worriedly.

“I’m sure it will.  I should probably take it off, though.”  She stood and took two steps towards the hallway.  Her hands reached up and began to unbutton the rest of the buttons.  She made no move to walk any further, and before Aaron knew it, her blouse was on the floor by her feet.  “Would you like to unwrap the rest of your present?”  She asked huskily.

Aaron tried to speak but couldn’t.  He swallowed deeply.  “I…” Aaron stood.  “I…don’t know if…”

“If you want to, that is.  If this present doesn’t interest you I can go upstairs and wrap it back up again.”  The blue eyes were innocent no more.

Aaron covered the few feet between them in record time.  As his lips met hers his large hands came up to cup the breasts that were covered by a wispy black lace bra.  She moaned against his mouth, her fingers reaching up to race through his hair.  She nibbled at his bottom lip and he whimpered.  Her fingers nimbly undid the buttons of his own shirt, and it soon joined hers on the floor.  She reached around and unhooked her bra, and her breasts pressed against his chest. They both hissed at the contact.  He grabbed her backside, grinding his body against hers as the kisses grew more heated.  They tumbled to the floor, Aaron cushioning her fall with his body.

“You know…I never got my cake,” she pouted.  She reached over for a chunk of what had fallen on the floor, making sure to get mostly icing.  She swirled the chocolate icing around his nipples and began to lick slow trails through it with her red tongue.

“Oh my FUCKING god,” Aaron gasped, his back arching towards her warm mouth.  She chuckled against him, but did not stop until his chest was completely clean.  She stood and kicked off her shoes.  She unzipped and removed her skirt, then very slowly and precisely removed her stockings.  Aaron sat up and slid the black underwear down her hips and legs.  He could already see how much she wanted him.

She knelt between his knees and unzipped his pants, her eyes never leaving his face.  She wriggled the pants and underwear down his body, and sighed with contentment as his hard cock was freed.  “MMmmm…now this is my kind of dessert.”  Her mouth was hot and wet as it engulfed his hardness, and he wrapped her long hair around his fingers as she sucked him. 

“Oh…oh…shit…I can’t…” Aaron’s head turned from side to side as he panted for breath.  She knew just how to work him, and the feeling was unbelievable.

“Oh no…not yet…” She smiled evilly as she moved up to straddle his waist. “I want some of this first.”  She slowly slid her wetness down over him, and Aaron could not resist the urge to reach up and pull her down onto him hard.  “Yess…Aaron…oh yes…” she moaned, throwing her head back as he slammed himself up into her as hard as he could.

“Oh…fuck…oh…oh shit…oh Lara…LARA!”  Aaron screamed, spurting up inside of her.


“Aaron?”  His eyes flew open as someone knocked on the door.  “Are you okay in there?”

“Fine!”  He squeaked, looking down at the sheets in dismay.  Sure enough there was an area of stickiness right above his midsection.

“I thought I heard you calling me,” his brother’s wife continued.

“Nope.  Not me,” he yelled back.

“Well, get your booty up and downstairs.  I have a special breakfast cooked for you.  It’s not every day you turn thirteen!”  Lara said.

“Be right there!”  Aaron yelled weakly.  He heard her walk away and groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!